Law_Rebel Guardians MC
Character List
Rebel Guardians MC
Braxton *Axe* - President
Twisted - VP
*Bandit * Davidson - IT
*Law* -Elijah Club Attorney
*Chief *Turk SAA
Jayden *Hatch* - Enforcer
Capone - Road Captain
*Smokey* Harley - Secretary
Duke - Patch
Chef - Patch
Donna Jo *DJ*
MC Businesses
Rebel Guardians Transportation
Rebel Townhomes
Rebel Guardians Truck Stop
Smokey and Bandit
Rebel Guardians MC Novel
Copyright © Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman 2018
Published by Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman
Cover by: Dark Water Covers
Edited by: Joanne Dearman, Kat Beecham, Melanie Gray,
Jenni Belanger, Shannon McFadden, Beth DiLoreto
Proofreading by: Nicole Lloyd and Erin Osborne
Formatting by: Liberty Parker
This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact
All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real or true person, it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being living or not.
Table of Content
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
About the Authors
Other Words by Liberty & Darlene
To our readers, who have embraced the Rebel Guardians MC! We may have the stories in our heads that have to come out to keep us sane, but without y’all, there’d be no one to publish them for, so thank you!
~Liberty & Darlene
Hells bells, we’re on book five of this series and already, we’ve mentally got TWO spin-offs. So, we have to acknowledge that thanks to our proofing girls, we’re going to be busy women for a very long time.
And, we want to acknowledge our families. They’re the ones who do without our time and attention when we’re deep in the writing cave. Without them, we’d likely die of dehydration or starve. Perhaps both, who knows?
To our PA Nicole Lloyd, we love you and couldn’t do this without your devotion and support to RGMC. Thank you for all you do.
~Liberty & Darlene
Elijah “Law” Jackson is a local attorney. He’s also a biker with The Rebel Guardians MC. After his long-time girlfriend, Ava, and he part ways, he goes on a bit of a sabbatical to clear his head. He knows that she wasn’t the one, but he wants what his brothers have found in their women.
Cassarah Clarke was the product of a system that failed her. Growing up in a group home with her sister, she kept her head down and her nose in the books in order to make a life. Even though she has her cosmetology license, she works in a local diner to make ends meet and to keep under the radar, because her brother-in-law is a very bad man. She doesn’t feel love is in the cards for her, especially not living in Podunk, USA. Until him. Seeing the clear blue eyes staring at her as he waited for her to pour his coffee, she feels an attraction that she’s never experienced before.
Can Law break through Cassarah’s shyness and show her she deserves every good thing?
Leaving my brothers behind in pursuit of ‘finding myself’ wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Lately I’ve been suffering from a case of ‘I don’t wanna’s’ due to a case gone wrong. My brothers at the RGMC may believe that I’m leaving because of Ava, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, I at one point loved her deeply, but then she showed her true colors and that love turned into pure unadulterated hatred. She was constantly nagging me to leave the club, spend time with her, stay home just tonight. Never would she come with me, believing my club was beneath her. Finally having enough, I kicked her to the curb and decided being alone wasn’t as bad as being miserable. There’s something missing in my life, and until I’m satisfied that I can go back and give my cases my all, I need to stay away.
I’m currently winding down some back deserted road on my way to the lovely mountains in Montana, where I have a cabin nestled there. I have another ten hours or so until I make it there, and I’m remembering why I love the bike between my legs and the road under my feet. It’s been a long time since I’ve been one with mother nature and my ride. I turn my headset on and fire up my tunes. I think some classic rock is in order here for my journey.
Other than the stops for gas and food, I’ve stayed on the road and make it to my place far too quickly for my need for the open road. The weather was good, not too cool and not too hot and the rain that had been forecasted held off, so I stayed dry. At least I know I’ll have more time with just her and I. Yes, my bike is a girl, one I love more than any one woman who’s entered my life, other than my ma of course. I’m glad I have a vehicle at the cabin because I’ll need to go into town for groceries and shit. I had reached out to an old friend, Henry, and he made sure it was tuned up and ready to go, making sure to go to the cabin and start it every other week or so, I should be good. The saddlebags only hold so much and even with the luggage rack on the back, I won’t be able to haul what I’ll need. I brought the bare minimum with me, preferring to travel a bit light, but I have my laptop, so I can keep in touch with the office and watch Emma’s case. Chief and Trinity are keeping an eye out as well, unofficially of course, and hopefully, that’ll be sufficient to protect that sweet girl.
Pulling into the driveway, I can’t fight the grin that takes over my face. This was my grandparents’ home and they gave it to me when they passed away. I have so many memories of fishing in the creek with Pops, and sitting out on the porch shelling peas and husking corn with Granny. Pops would share stories with me of growing up and Granny was always walking around with a smile on her face. They are the couple I long to find a piece of for myself. I keep reminding myself that just because my future hasn’t shown her face to me yet, doesn’t mean she’s not out there w
aiting for me somewhere.
I go into the cabin and realize that Henry must’ve come by to air the place out for me, because the windows are open and I’m getting a nice breeze from the mountains and the air is refreshing. I drop my saddlebags off in the bedroom and walk out to the back porch, I breathe in deeply and realize that as excited as I am to be here, I won’t be able to enjoy it for long, because my body is crashing from exhaustion. With regret, I walk back inside, and go straight for the shower to wash the road off. Once that’s complete, I crash on the bed, as naked as the day I was born. I fall into a deep sleep and can’t wait to wake the next morning so I can go explore the town and see what kind of changes have occurred since my last trip.
I wake the next morning to the birds chirping and stretch my sore and tired limbs. I quickly dress and go out to my truck ready to get this day started. First on the agenda is breakfast and I hope that Mom’s Place is still open because they used to serve the best country breakfast I’ve eaten next to what my Granny cooked. Pulling into the parking lot, I’m glad to see it’s busy. The coffee’s always hot here and plentiful, and I nod my head at the old-timers I remember from years ago. They take a back table and spend hours sitting there and bullshitting, drinking coffee and eating. Deciding against a table, I find an empty stool at the counter and turn my cup over to let the waitress know I need it filled. I watch as one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever encountered makes her way over to me. I nearly have to pick my jaw up off the ground at the level of how her beauty is affecting me.
“Can I get you any creamer?” she asks, pouring coffee in my cup. Her voice...I find myself getting hard and don’t understand how that can be possible.
“Black’s fine, thank you,” I tell her. I see her eyes widen when I glance at her and hope the blush that’s now staining her cheeks is because I’m affecting her just as much as she is me.
“Will you be ordering breakfast?” she asks me.
“I’ll take two eggs over easy, homemade fries and bacon extra crispy.”
“Would you like Texas toast with that or homemade biscuits?”
“I’ll take the biscuits, and can you keep the coffee coming, please?”
“Absolutely, let me give your order to the cook and I’ll have it out to you as soon as it’s ready,” she says, and the blush staining her cheeks has me smiling at her retreat. That’s one fine looking ass she has, I can’t take my eyes off of it as it sways with every step she takes. I drink my coffee and pull up my emails on my phone, I know I’m supposed to be away, and not checking in on things, but I can’t seem to break the cycle. Nothing important catches my eye so I shut it off and open up one of my game apps. I get lost in losing, ready to throw the damn phone, when the gorgeous waitress appears with my food. “Anything else I can get for you?”
“Just more coffee…” I say, indicating I need her name.
“Oh sorry, I’m Cassarah and I’ll be taking care of your needs today.” Hmmm…
“Really?” I can’t help where my mind went, and she turns scarlet red with my question.
“You know what I mean, you’re a flirt huh?” I grin at her, unrepentant at my tone or the question.
“Is it that obvious, Cassarah?” I say, trying her name out on my tongue, liking the way it rolls off. “Beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” I say, getting my flirt on.
“Yep, a flirt. Well, Mr. Blue Eyes, if you find anything else on the menu you’d like, you be sure to let me know. I’ll keep the coffee flowing.”
“The menu, huh? Does your number happen to be on it?” Her eyes widen and I nearly keel over in laughter.
“, it’s not.”
“Well, damn, and it was starting out to be such a good day too.”
“Eat your food, Mr…”
“Elijah Jackson, but you can call me Law, that’s what all my friends call me.”
“So we’re friends now, Law?”
“God, I hope so,” I say. She hastily retreats and all I can think about is that my food is no longer appealing, I want to feast on her instead. Deciding I won’t get my way, yet, I dig into my food, my eyes never leaving her. I watch as she takes care of the other patrons and every time she bends over, I have to bite my tongue. Damn, I want this woman, I want her under me, on top of me and leaning over my bike as I take her from behind. New fantasy in place, I wonder if I can stay here all day...something to ponder, I guess. I mean, a man’s gotta eat, right?
I can feel his eyes on me wherever I go. I have no clue who this man is or why the hell he’s affecting me so much. I don't have time for a man in my life. Hell, after seeing what my sister’s endured with her douchebag of a spouse, I’m not really sure I want it, to be honest. Plus, I’m too busy to add someone like him to my life. Hiding out from a state senator is hard enough work, it takes it out of me on a daily basis, always having to look over my shoulder in case one of his goons has actually found me. Besides my gig here, I do hair at home and have since before I got my actual cosmetologist’s license. That way, I can practice my craft even if I can’t go into a salon and work. Yet. Someday, maybe things will change but for now, this is my life and Law aka Mr. Blue Eyes has no place in it. I long for the day I can be me again, as it is, I’ve had to start using my whole name and not Cassie as everyone I grew up with called me. I miss my sister and niece dearly, but I know if I return, not only is my safety in jeopardy, theirs is as well. He made sure I knew exactly what would happen to them and me if I ever showed my face again or told of his many secrets that he holds near and dear. You see, if people found out how shady and abusive he truly is, his career would sink, and he’d go down in flames.
He’ll never let that happen. So, I stay away and keep my head down, I do this menial job, so I have a roof over my head, and food in my belly. It isn’t much, but it gets the job done. While taking care of my customers, I mentally think about the clients that will be coming over this afternoon. I’ve got two hair colors, three haircuts, and my new neighbor wants me to do a press and curl on her. I tried telling her I hadn’t done it since school, but she told me she has faith that I’ll do just fine. Natural hair is more challenging to work with because it’s more fragile, so I have to drive over to the next town and hit the beauty supply store and make sure I have the correct products.
“Miss?” I hear and get out of my head and get back to refilling coffees, which I do every morning...Monday thru Sunday. Yes, I have to work every single morning to meet my financial needs. The hair clients I have are a bonus, but folks can’t get their hair colored every day. Since you have to travel an hour to reach a salon, I’ve become popular amongst the locals I’ve met while working here. I’m hoping word of mouth continues to grow because I’ve started stashing the ‘extra’ cash I get from my tips, both here and at home, and have a small nest egg started. It’s so small, if anything major happened I’d be well and truly fucked, but it’s a start and that’s what is important. I’ve always tried to be an optimist, a trait that helped a lot when Cecilia and I were in the group home. It was...better than the places you read about in books, but only just. We stuck together and when we aged out, we got an apartment and started school. She, of course, met and then married Mr. Douchebag, while I continued on with my education. Life had been good back then, until he showed his true colors and I spoke out. I went from being the beloved sister of his intended, to the bad seed that he’d do anything to make disappear from their lives.
I’m up at the counter refilling the salt and pepper shakers from the tables that emptied out when I feel someone lean over me and whisper in my ear, “Cassarah?” I jump, and salt goes everywhere. At least if anything supernatural comes around, I’m good, right? Sigh, I love that show. I feel him laughing at my back and I square my shoulders turning on him.
“Why did you do that?”
“I had called your name several times and you never responded, I didn’t realize you’d react this way,” he says, still laughing.
He’s g
ot a great laugh, deep and somewhat booming, and I can’t help but join in. “Sorry, I was obviously zoning out.”
“It would appear that way, yes. I need my ticket, sweetheart, so I can give up my spot to the next hungry visitor.” He says the word sweetheart, and I shiver and it isn’t a good shiver either. Douchebag calls my sister that, so I loathe that word now.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just don’t like that word,” I try to say as peacefully as I can. But I think my voice betrayed me.
“What word is that? Sweetheart or your name?” he asks in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Sweetheart, nothing but bad memories go with that word.”
“I’ll make a mental note to not call you that while I’m here on vacation.”
“How long will you be here?” I ask, as I clean up my mess.
“A couple of months at most,” he says.
I walk around the counter and total up his bill and give him his amount. “That will be six-fifty please.”
He hands me a twenty-dollar bill and tells me to keep the change as he walks away and out the front door. I watch as he gets up into a truck that I swear I’d need a stepladder to get up in. I tend the next customer in line and go to clean up the empty tables.
Chapter One
After getting my errands run, I decided to not purchase breakfast food. My intention is to eat at the diner every morning until I get her comfortable with me, then I’m taking her on a date. I know I’m not going to be here long term, but she’s the kind of girl I wouldn’t mind spending time with while I am here. I get my groceries put away and decide to take a walk on the trails behind my house. It’s a man-made trail from all of the years of my family walking through the trees and mountains that rest behind my house. It’s good exercise and it is a good way to clear the mind.