Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC Page 10
I didn’t come back to earth until after he’d finished and turned my body where he could place me where he wanted me to take care of his huge problem that I was more than happy to let him use my body to take his pleasure out on. He bent me over where my hands landed on the bench that sits at the end of the shower. He lifted me on my toes to where my pussy would line up with his cock and he plunged himself inside of me with one deep plunge.
The pleasure of his entry cause me to mumble out a mixture of a moan and unexpected light of fire that had me spewing out unintelligible words that I couldn’t make out so I doubt he could either, but it didn’t seem to slow him down.
It seems this is to be a quick, hard get there and send me off like a rocket-ship into outer-space fucking in the shower. The memory of him fucking me is making me wet again, and I’m dressed and in the car with Tumbler and Ryder of all people so this needs to vanish immediately. I still don’t know why my man took off with his sister and mine telling me he’ll see me tonight for supper with the parents.
Suddenly this has gone from a family dinner with just my parents to dinner with both sets of parents. Which is good, I love his parents and sisters, I just don’t understand why I’m separated from not only him, but the girls for the day. And I know for a fact Tumbler and Ryder are uncomfortable with this as much as I am, because they keep giving each other side glances and then looking in mirrors back at me. Something feels off, I hope us girls aren’t fixing to get paid back for Travler’s bike, they really took no time at all coming at us.
“Alright guys, seriously, tell me what the fuck is going on. This is so unusual it isn’t even funny. There is no way you would leave your women with my man and there’s no way mine would hand me off to other’s while he’s off from club business and work. He’s up my ass on days off, so I’m not some dumb-ass blonde you can pull shit off on. I want to know what’s going on, and I want to know now!”
They look at each other and look at me and they both bust out laughing. What the hell did I say that constitutes being funny? I’m fixing to pay Ryder back by myself by beating his ass! He’s never seen this side of me, the pissed off side that can cuss like a sailor and the new strong me I’ve discovered, is one that’s going to blow them away. I get ready to give them a piece of my mind when Ryder speaks up.
“I forget how fuckin awesome you are Riley; we don’t get to hang as much as we use to. I am loving the sassy side you’re finally showing that I always knew was inside you somewhere. I know you wanna pay me back for the garage incident. I get it, I didn’t intend to harm your feelings, or take anything away from ya, I was actually proud of ya. I wasn’t thinkin of ya being, ummm…unclothed, I was just happy to see you and my brother happy. I was clappin cause y’all have finally gotten it.”
Grrr…How could he do this to me? He just took the pissed off part of me that wants to kick him in the nuts and made me wanna hug him and love on him. Stupid asshole, pulling the ‘I’m happy for you bullshit’. Making me wanna forget the whole thing now. Then all of a sudden out of the blue Tumbler starts laughing his ass off tryin to catch his breath as he’s saying to Ryder…’unclothed, dude, since when do you say unclothed instead of ‘naked’? I mean shit, he’s wheezing he’s laughing so hard.
Then we all lose it and I start laughing so hard my stomach starts cramping and I’m having a hard time catching my breath. God I love my brothers; I wish I’d had these guys growing up. What a difference my life would have been. No self-doubt, low self-esteem and I sure as hell would know how to take care of myself and not need anyone to do it for me. I may get mad and angry at them, but in the end, I wouldn’t trade any of them for anything in the world.
“I forgive you Ryder, Is Travler gonna get over this? Or do you think retribution is coming for me”?
“Naw baby sister, nothin’s comin for ya, he and I talked and Sky and Kaci put us in our place. They had us put ourselves in Kids place during that time. I have to tell ya sister, I was livid when I did. Then we both were upset with ourselves for hurtin ya that way. He’s taking it like a man. No damage was done to his bike; he took it in stride. I don’t think your gettin your horn back though. He’s keepin it he said for when he has a kid. Did you know the damn thing lights up when you honk it? Now he plays with it like it’s the best thing he’s been given in a long time. Even though we all know that ain’t true. Couldn’t no one live with anyone as gorgeous as Kaci and not be getting some human toy action.”
Okay, as horrible as he just made that sound, I have to agree with him. Kaci won’t spill the beans. Come on though, Travler’s fuckin hot and she’s gorgeous. No way in hell, those two are in the same house and not getting some action out of it. That is just plain out stupidity, if that’s the case. Tumbler and I both shake our head in agreement with Ryder on his statement.
If those two aren’t together officially by this time next year. I will be putting myself into gear and help them see the errors of their way. My girls will be right there with me. Wonder if Kori would be in on our scheming acts from this point on. She’s cool as hell and I for one can’t wait to start building our friendship. I’m gonna wait though and let Tic and her get their footing back first.
“Tumbler, I need your guarantee, I don’t need details, just your promise”
“What’s that sis?”
“Promise Muslces isn’t going to ever hurt anyone I love again.”
“Guaranteed sis.”
I grabbed both Rylie and my sister and hauled out of the house as quick as I could. I want to give my girl the world so keeping things from her hurts me and I hate it. It makes me feel like I’ve crossed some kind of line that’s inexcusable. The only saving grace I have is that her family and my brothers are in on this with me. I need her sister today, I can’t pull off a secret engagement and wedding in one day by myself.
Her folks are setting up the engagement preparations at their place for me and the club ladies and most of the brothers are working on the club to make it a wedding she’ll never forget surrounded by those she loves the most and who love her with no strings or attachments. Something she’s never felt like she’s had.
Sadie is needed for two very important task, she’s stolen Riley’s driver’s license and is playing Riley to sign off on our wedding certificate agreeing on the wedding. Unfortunately, you have to have two signatures on the documents or I would’ve done this all on my own. Luckily enough for me, Sadie girl looks almost identical to Riley so there shouldn’t be too many questions at the court house where we sign the papers and get our registered certificate givin us permission to get hitched.
Then Sadie girl’s gotta help me find the perfect dress for my beauty to come to me and say “I do” ‘cause she damn will, she gets no choice. I’m not lettin her go and she isn’t runnin nowhere. I’ll duck-tape her mouth and let her momma or sister speak for her. They both will happily do it if she acts her ass up. Then when the ‘I do’s’ are over, I’ll paint her ass red for actin up.
I’m not worried about it; my baby doll loves me as much as I love her. I want to give her a surprise weddin that will make a memory to last her a lifetime. It will be her best memory until I plant our babies inside of her giving her the family her heart truly desires. First, I need to get my fill of her. I need to make sure she knows there is never any doubt in us before we add an innocent life into ours. We need to be strong enough to withhold anything to where we can teach our little one’s the strength’s they’ll need to survive in this heartless world.
Sky’s been dropped off at my parent’s house so she and Ma can go and get the cake for the bride. Between the two of em they’ll find my girl the cake of her dreams and those two could talk anyone into makin it a top priority so it’s ready and there for the reception the club’s Ol’ ladies are decoratin for me.
I have to wonder if they’re doin it for me or for Riley, they’ve known me my entire life. Riley however, isn’t someone you can be around less than five minutes and help but to love and within th
ose few minutes your friends. She’s that girl everyone wants to know. And she’s mine, I thank whoever sent her to me that she actually blessed me by being mine. And makin me hers.
Miracles do happen, everyone needs to believe their miracle is out there somewhere. If I deserved mine and found it, then there’s one out there for everyone. I tell my brothers all the time to never give up and when she comes, never push her away and never be stupid and use useless pussy. One, it doesn’t fuckin work, Two, your dumb ass will most likely get caught and you’ll hurt her. Not all women will give you a chance after that, I was just a lucky son-of-a-bitch.
Once we finish at the courthouse my heart starts beating again and the feelin comes back in my hands that I hadn’t realized I’d been squeezin tightly unsure if we were gonna get called in our bluff. Thank god the bitch was too busy starin at my junk than to the driver licenses we handed over. Not that I was impressed or turned on at any point in time by the stupid hussy, I mean shit, Sadie coulda truly been Riles. If she’d hurt my girl, woman or not she’d have never looked at another man again. I’d have given her a verbal assault that’d have her thinkin twice of lookin at a taken man again.
Nobody, and I mean No. One. Will ever hurt my girl again as long as I’m around. Especially emotionally, she’s been hurt one too many times as far as I’m concerned and our families feel the same fuckin way. All of them, biological and club.
Next stop dress shoppin, I beg Sadie girl to just come with me to get a ring and I’ll give her my card and let her get her a dress also. Hell, no that demon bitch wanted to make me suffer at David’s Bridal by lookin at every fuckin weddin dress they had. Three motherfuckin-miserable-ass-hours. Then she smiles and winks, I mean the bitch winks at me. Knowin I won’t hit her ass, sayin to the sales lady.
“Ma’am, this is an outside wedding at a clubhouse full of alpha males that are in a motorcycle club. Do you have anything in her size that is sexy and could be used at a reception as well, she needs to be able to mix and mingle with the brothers. Each one is going to want a turn to dance with their sister.”
I can’t hurt her because it would hurt my girl and my brother Tumbler since she’s his girl. I can however hog tie her ass and stuff her in the trunk. I wouldn’t leave her oxygen deprived, I’d lower the back seat a little to allow some type of air flow. This little bitch is as bad as my sister, she’s been hangin out with the daughter of Satan too long. I remember when she used to be sweet, now I wanna ring her damn neck.
I guess I’ll wait till I’m home from my honeymoon that way my girl won’t be upset on her weddin day. I may however let Tumbler know what she’s done, he may enjoy spankin her ass red and makin her pay a little for today’s festivities and disrespectin his brother. These women are gonna be draggin us around by our dick’s if we don’t stand-up at some point and stop em from runnin every damn thing in our lives other than the club.
Other than Riley, she’s perfect, she needs to teach the cum-guzzlin duo to be like her. Then the men of the world would be happy and we wouldn’t make our women’s eyes cross half the time. I know it happens. I’ve seen my mom do it with my dad, if my girl does it she doesn’t do it where I can see it. So at least I’m left in the dark. Givin me the illusion of her perfection and I’d like to keep her there.
Next is ring shoppin, I decide that Sadie girl can sit in the truck for this one. She’s not too happy with me about it, but I could care less. I get to the door and open it and the fuckin little harpy runs in front of me and through the fuckin door into the store. I mean her blonde hair was the first clue I had of who’d rudely run in front of me while I had the door open for myself.
I’ve had enough, I send Tumbler a text of his lady’s activities of the day and can’t help but smile a huge megawatt smile of his rely
Tumbler: Oh brother, u made my day. I have a new paddle and flogger that need tryin out. She’s been skittish about em. Seems like tonight’s the perfect time for some punishment. Can’t wait till that ass is red!
I walk behind her in the jewelry store with a huge smile on my face. We end up findin the perfect ring accordin to Sadie girl, I knew it too the second I looked at it. It shines like her eyes and smile. I can’t wait to open the box in front of her and see the look on her face after dinner tonight. Her mom has a special spot picked out for us and has it decorated for a romantic proposal.
Thank god she’s done it, I woulda just put her in my lap and put the ring on and said.
“I’m ready let’s do this shit”.
Accordin to her mom that ain’t the right way to do it. So, I’m droppin Sadie girl off with her mom and while I’m there, I’m gettin instructions on how to propose to Ashlynn’s baby girl.
I hope all of these damn women I’m takin on in my life do not drive me insane or to drinkin before my time. Accordin to them I wasn’t gonna do anythin right by her before the weddin so I have no say so other than the ring. I guess I’m lucky they gave me that. I just handed over my cards and stood back.
Basically, I was the chauffeur and the bank.
Fuck, it’s time for my lesson with my future mother-in-law. Good thing Wasp isn’t here, I’d never fuckin live this down. Hell, he’d probably bring and audience with him and the brothers are brutal, they’d never let me live this shit down.
My girl’s worth it all, so I’ll take it all in stride for her. As long as at the end of this charade I get her, I would go through this all over again.
Time to get this show goin, I’m ready for tonight and finally makin Riley officially mine, by placing this ring on her finger, and sayin our vows of forever.
We are finally pulling into my parent’s driveway after a long day of running errands for my parents, going out to lunch, we even went to the mall the guys wanted me to help then pick out a gift for a wedding present. It was for a friend of theirs from school, who was getting married. That was the highlight of my day, they were both anxious to get out of the mall. I guess crowds make them nervous, they had me squeezed in between them the whole time, if I was claustrophobic I would have had a panic attack with how closed in I was.
I made fun of them the entire time we had been waiting in our booth at my favorite Mexican food restraint waiting for our meal to arrive. I was taken back that Tumbler had agreed to The Ole Mexican Inn. He wasn’t one to come here on his own terms. One of his cousins ran the restraint and he stayed far away from his biological family as possible. He had a very bad childhood stemming from his parent’s alcoholism and his extended family’s ability to turn their heads to the issues and pretend nothing ever was wrong.
When we had pulled in I had told Ryder we should leave and go someone where else. Tumbler said ‘absolutely not, he was with his family and he was letting those people go and taking his life into his own hands.’ My sister has been good on Tumbler and allowing himself to let go of all the bad from his past. Once we had gotten out of the car I pulled him down to me and gave him the strongest bear hug I was capable of and told him I was proud and happy he was my brother. He held me tight and told me he couldn’t have chosen a better sister if she’d been dropped into his lap. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He and Ryder made today a fun day, and I enjoyed hanging out with my brothers.
I’m brought out of my thoughts of the day when my name is called out by Ryder.
“Riley, come on sis, we’ve gotta get these supplies to your ma and she may need your help.”
I nod my head in agreement and take his offered hand in help getting out of the car and head toward the house where my dad is on the front porch with a huge smile on his face. The yard is nice, small and easy to care for. The driveway is two long strips of concrete leading to the back of the house. The house is made of limestone bricks and it is white and shimmers when the light hits it just right. There is about five steps leading up to the front porch and I run up them into my dad’s waiting arms.
“Hey sweet girl, I’m so happy my beautiful daughters have decided to join us celebrate your mom
and my new home. We want you girls here as much as you can, I missed years of having you two under my roof. Please don’t be strangers here, I want to hold you girls in my arms as much as I can in my home so I can dream of what should’ve been for us as a family.”
I hear him choke up on those last words and I have a tear or two myself. I look up into his eyes and let him see the love I have for him even if it hasn’t been too long that he’s been back into my life. There are times it feels like he’s always been there when he gets protective and when he shows me the love he has for me.
“I love you dad, I will come home, here for as long as I am welcome. I will always be your daughter as you will always be my dad. Please don’t be sad and let the past taint our future. You might now have had Sadie and me under your roof, but think of the grandchildren who will one day grace your home.”
I can’t help but laugh at him when he moans at that statement, we turn to walk into the house. He has me under his arm and I swear I hear him mutter something about ‘being too young and good lookin to be a grandpa.’ We’ll, everyone better get used to the idea. I haven’t told anyone yet, not even my girls or Kid, but we will all be graced with a new edition to our family in seven months.
I’m so scared Kid won’t be happy and now with what I heard come out of my dad’s mouth I’m worried my dad won’t be happy either. I don’t care, this baby is mine and if they don’t like it, they can walk away because I won’t. I already feel like a mother, and I am already protective of my little ‘tadpole’ waiting to join the world. Everyone can step-up and support me, or move on and get out of my way.
This isn’t something anyone wants to test me on. Nobody will win on this one, my mom and sister will stand behind me, men be damned. I just need to get them away from the guys so I can tell them, so that tonight when I break the news to Kid before dinner and then to dad at dinner I have their support if things go bad.