Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers' Page 10
“Well, we need to put a stop to it. I’ve got too many kids in the club now for us to worry that some motherfucking piece of shit will come gunning for us because we know y’all. No offense, of course, but this is overkill, don’t you think?”
“You’re right, it is and since we don’t know the fucking game they’re playing, it’s hard to figure out the next move. My thoughts? Since we got it from a scumbag who was kidnapping submissives, they’re looking to take down anyone who could stop them from continuing what they’re doing.” I can’t help but express the thoughts out loud to this group. We all have high stakes in this endeavor.
“That makes sense,” Atticus muses. “Because even if y’all don’t do the wet work, y’all are all honorable and wouldn’t put up with that kind of shit.” He points at Braxton while he’s talking and I agree, to a point. I suspect if push came to shove, the men of the Rebel Guardians would stand toe-to-toe with us and fight this adversary and not lose a night’s sleep.
“When it comes down to the members of our families? All bets are off,” Braxton states emphatically. “Maybe not Chief because of his position, but he’d definitely do something behind the scenes that would keep us off anyone’s radar if it becomes necessary.”
I nod at his words. “Let’s do some more digging so we can make a plan. We just wanted y’all to be aware that something is going down so you can protect yours.”
“Appreciate it. I’m gonna put Bandit on it as well. Can you make me a copy of our pages?” Braxton inquires.
“Yeah. Jonas? Take care of that, would ya?” Jonas gives me a dirty look but takes the ledger over to the copier. Once the copies are made, we bid farewell to Braxton and I go to deliver my woman her next round of pain medication. I smile to myself when I remember her pleading with me to hold off on them. I can’t, I would do anything for her, but I won’t do that. She needs to heal, and in order for her body to do so, she needs uninterrupted rest.
I find myself dozing on and off over the past few hours. I’m sick and tired of being force-fed these prescriptions. I should have the right to accept or decline having them in my system… but my man; my overbearing, Neanderthal of a man, refuses to listen to reason.
Speaking of the devil. “Kitten, I brought you some orange juice to take your meds with. You need the vitamins and nutrients.” I scoff at him, crossing my arms over my chest to the best of my ability with this cast covering my arm.
“If I keep lying around, Silas, I’m gonna get fat,” I reply, taking the glass from him and popping the pills in my mouth with a swallow of the juice. He kisses me and I know he’s checking to make sure I didn’t cheek the pills. Asshole!
“Good girl,” he murmurs, brushing my hair back. “I’ve got some things to do but will be back shortly.” I just want his arms around me, for a little while, so I reach out to him and pull him closer.
“Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?” He doesn’t say anything, just slips his shoes off and slides in next to me, pulling me into his arms.
“I’ve got you, Kitten,” he says, kissing my forehead.
I wake up from my latest nap and see a bell on the nightstand. Sensing movement, I glance up to see Silas coming out of the bathroom. “What’s this?” I ask, pointing to the bell.
“You ring that if you need help, Destiny. The meds make you dizzy and I don’t want you falling if you need to get to the bathroom. If I’m not in here, just ring the bell and either myself or one of the others will come help you.”
A bell, huh? Well, Mr. Nelson, I’m about to drive your ass crazy with this thing because I’m tired of being treated like a baby! “Okay, Silas, I’ll use it,” I promise. I hold back the grin that wants to emerge because before I’m done, he’s going to hate that motherfucking bell!
“Anything you need, Kitten, just ring the bell,” he reiterates, before he kisses me and heads out the door.
I wait until I know he’s downstairs before I ring the bell. I do have to use the bathroom, so it’s a legitimate request, right? Seconds later, he appears. “Did you need something?”
“I have to go to the bathroom,” I answer back. He nods then comes over and helps me up, practically carrying me into the bathroom until I’m next to the toilet.
“Call out when you’re done,” he imparts, moving to the door. “I’ll be standing right outside.” Great. Good thing all I have to do is pee; a girl should have some secrets! I finish up and wash my hands then call for him. He comes back in, looks me over as if something could’ve happened during the time I was alone, then carries me back to bed. Kissing me, he leaves once again.
I wait five minutes then ring the bell. When he again appears in the bedroom door, I ask, “Can I get something else besides orange juice to drink? The medicine makes me thirsty, Silas.” I’m playing it up a bit; hopefully not enough that he catches on, just enough to drive him batshit crazy. I want him to realize that the limitations he has on me right now are ridiculous. I mean, I don’t need to be left alone when I’m taking this shit, I can be among people, right? What would be so bad about letting me hang out on the couch downstairs? The kitchen’s right there and I could get my own drinks and snacks.
“Be right back,” he informs me. Ten minutes later he walks back in with a bottle of water, a can of soda and some crackers. Hmm… seems he’s thinking ahead. I’ll have to come up with something else I need. He kisses me on the forehead then quickly exits the room. I set my alarm to wake me up in thirty minutes. I think these intervals are enough time in-between stages to get away with asking for things. I lie down, close my eyes and allow sleep to swallow me.
My alarm wakes me up. I’m frazzled and can’t initially remember why I set it until my eyes gaze over the bell. A smirk forms on my face. I tap my finger to my chin, wondering what I can come up with this time. I’m bored and the television remote is all the way on the other side of the room, sitting on the dresser. I have a Cheshire cat smirk on my face as I lift it and let the bell ring.
“You rang,” he states as he comes up the stairs and into the bedroom. I can tell he’s a bit annoyed, but still not privy to my game.
“I’m bored, Silas. Can’t sleep. I thought I’d watch a little television, but the remote is all the way over there.” I point to where it sits, he turns around, glances up at the ceiling before letting out a puff of air. “I’m sorry, I hate to bother you,” I say, trying my best to sound remorseful.
“All right,” he mumbles walking over and retrieving it. He hands it to me then asks, “anything else, Kitten?”
“Nope, I’m good,” I state, popping the ‘p’ dramatically.
“Well, you let me know if that changes,” he replies, kissing my lips. It’s nothing to write home about, merely a peck, but at least he’s moved on from my damn forehead!
“I will. Thank you, Silas, for thinking of the bell. My voice would be hoarse from yelling otherwise.”
“The only time I want you hoarse is when you’ve been screaming my name.” He smirks. The sly bastard. That’s okay, I’m still ahead on this so-called game we’re playing. Only he hasn’t figured out what I’m up to, which makes me feel gleeful.
“Yeah, I’d prefer that as well,” I reply, batting my eyelashes. Even though we had sex the other day, he’s still treating me with kid gloves and I’m tired of it! Sure, he holds me when we’re sleeping, but he keeps his touches PG-rated and I’m feeling the frustration build.
“If you’re good, there’s some stuff I’ve got to take care of,” he says. Same dance, different song. It’s what he always says when he leaves me to be alone. I’m ready to go back to my house. At least there, when I’m alone, there’s a reason for it.
“I’m good,” I state. For now, anyhow. Once he leaves the room, I reset my alarm then put the television on one of my favorite channels. There’s something about watching true crime shows that I love, even though half the time I know that they fuck things up. I figure I’ll learn some tips in case I ever need them. For
starters, I’ll wear gloves! Shave my head bald and never leave a witness behind. It’s a good thing my life isn’t a life of crime, I’d hate to lose all of my beautiful long locks of hair.
I manage to fall into a light doze again and when the alarm goes off, I quickly silence it as I sit up and ponder what I need from my man this time. I’ve finished the drinks he brought, as well as the snack. The remote is right next to me, so what else can I get? I know, my book! Granted it’s down in our office, but he did say to use the bell if I needed something, right? Giggling, I pick up the bell and ring it for all its worth, the sound practically echoing in the room.
Pounding feet on the stairs alert me that he’s coming and as he bursts into the room, I look at him and ask, “What’s wrong, Silas? Why are you running?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Kitten, you rang the bell hastily, I thought you fell out of the bed or something!” he roars. “Once or twice is sufficient, you know. Playing the Hallelujah Chorus is not.”
“I wasn’t sure if anyone was nearby to hear it,” I explain. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, Silas, I don’t mean to be a burden.”
“You’re not a burden, Kitten. I’m just tying up some loose ends.”
“Well, I hate to be a bother, you know that, but I wanted to read.”
“So read,” he replies.
“My book, it’s uh, it’s in the office.” I watch his eyebrows raise at my words.
“Downstairs?” I nod. It’s taking everything in me not to burst into laughter at the expression on his face.
“I’m sorry.” I don’t know where I pulled this meek and mild voice from, but I make a note to use it more often because his whole demeanor shifts and he softens significantly.
“Nothing to be sorry for, Destiny. I’ll go get it for you.” I smile at him and he winks at me.
While he’s gone, I realize I need to go to the bathroom so at least he can kill two birds with one stone when he gets back. When he comes back and hands me the book, along with another bottle of water, I ask, “Can you take me to the bathroom before you leave?”
“Yeah. I’ve got a meeting so whatever you need, we need to take care of now, Kitten,” he replies.
“My sister will help me if you can’t,” I remind him.
“She can’t, Kitten. She, Raven, Gordon, and Rex are heading to the store after they take Damien to baseball practice. It’s his first one, so they all want to be there cheering him on.”
“I wanna go,” I whine.
“Next time,” he promises me.
“But this is his first one,” I pout out, upset at the dilemma I find myself in.
“Next time,” he emphasizes, squeezing me to his chest as he carries me into the bathroom. Once again, he leaves me alone to pee, wash my hands, then carries me back to the bed, where he fluffs up my pillows, places my arm on one, and kisses me before exiting the room. Again.
I make my way downstairs, grumbling about how bad of an idea that bell was. I should’ve just let her text me; it’d keep me from losing my ever-loving mind. I’m suspicious about her timing but she’s acting as if each time is something necessary and unless I catch her red-handed, there’s not much I can say or do at this point.
Athena is right on time. Jonas, Atticus and I are sitting in our chairs, as she enters the room. It’s time for some fucking answers and she’s not leaving until we’re satisfied she’s told us the God’s honest truth. About everything. I see Jonas glance at her curiously and know he’s trying to see if there’s any resemblance between them. Even though her hair color is different, I can see that they’ve got the same color eyes and their noses are the same.
“Tell us about your father.” I rip the Band-Aid off with my first question.
“Um… I don’t know much about him. Other than what my parents who raised me have shared.” She fidgets in her chair, wringing her hands in her lap, a telltale sign that she’s lying.
“Athena, don’t lie to us. We know more about you than what you think we do. I need you to be honest with us here, or the outcome won’t be what you’re thinking it’ll be.”
“What all do you want to know?” she tests us.
“Everything,” Jonas replies, still watching her every move.
“Not one detail left out. Start with your first memory,” Atticus inserts.
“Okay, I’m, uh, still confused. What memory, the very first thing I can remember about my life, or my first memory of Mr. Nelson?”
“Let’s start with our father,” I state. “What’s the first thing you remember or can recall about him and his placement in your life.”
“Placement in my life? That’s a fucking overstatement,” she snorts. “He only came around here and there. Mostly to throw y’all in my face.”
“How? What did he say about us that led you to believe he was throwing us in your face?” Jonas questions.
She sits back and sighs. “Seriously? As if you all don’t know how amazing you are. Excelling in this sport, making honor roll, joining the military. Yada, yada, yada.”
“Am I the yada, yada, yada?” Atticus asks her. “Because I never made the honor roll, always having at least one C on my report card. I did well in sports, but never excelled. Unless it was wrestling or boxing, then I was the fucking king of the arena.”
“The comedian,” she gurgles out a giggle. “He always said you thought you were funny.”
“He does think he’s that,” I mumble out.
“I am funny. Well, Piper thinks so anyhow,” Atticus rumbles. “You fuckers, on the other hand, are hard sells.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Jonas asks in an eerie voice.
“You never laugh, asshole,” Atticus declares.
“I laugh,” Jonas replies. “I laugh all the fucking time, just ask Raven.”
“More like she laughs at you,” Atticus responds, smirking.
“Enough,” I bellow out. “We’ve gotten off track here.” As I say this, my alarm goes off, then I hear the unmistakable sound of Destiny’s bell ringing throughout the house. “Jesus fucking Christ!”
“Think maybe she’s out of toilet paper this time?” Atticus raises his eyebrow as he asks this of me.
“Nah, she probably wants a different book to read.” I sigh out as I stand to go answer the call of my woman. “You stay here.” I vehemently point to the three people in my office.
“Aye, aye, captain.” Atticus salutes me much to the amusement of Athena who giggles hysterically upon my departure. Great, another comedian to add to the family. Just my motherfucking luck.
A small smile graces my face at the thought of how well he’s going to take me interrupting his meeting. As he walks through the door, my alarm goes off. I scurry to grab my phone, but he beats me to it. “Would you care to snooze it again, kitten?” His voice is low and I feel shivers race through my body at the look he’s giving me. Looks like I’m busted. Fuck!
“Um... no,” I shakily respond.
“Care to explain to me why it’s set in the first place?” he inquires.
“Do I have to?” I ask, chewing on my bottom lip.
“It would be in your best interests, so yes,” he commands. “Your ass is already gonna be sore once you’re healed; this just adds to the count.”
“I wanted you to see how ridiculous it was to keep me cooped up here like this. I could be down in the living room and it would be easier to maneuver around to get what I need myself, Silas.” My voice is firm; I need him to understand that other than my arm, I’m healing just fine. “I can always nap on the couch, it’s comfortable enough.”
“Then why didn’t you just open your mouth and say something?” He’s frustrated and I know this because he tends to run his hand over his head when he is.
“Silas, I have said something. Multiple times, in fact,” I remind him. “You just haven’t been listening to what I’ve been saying.”
“Fine. Grab
your phone and your book, I’m moving you downstairs.”
“What about the bell?” Yeah, I may be wagging the proverbial red flag in front of the bull, but he’s my bull and I have that right.
“Fuck the bell. Everything’s close enough, you can get it yourself. Just know that if you overdo it, you’ll be right back up here, no questions asked or demands made. Do you understand?” His Dom voice has me lowering my head and I nod. “Words, Destiny. Use them.”
“I understand, Silas. Thank you.” My voice quivers as I respond, but that’s what his husky, growly voice does to me.
“Your pretty smile and words won’t save your ass, woman,” he growls out as he picks me up in his arms and holds me tight to his chest. I settle into his arms and know that whatever punishment I’ve earned will have stellar rewards. Eventually.
“I’m sorry I interrupted your meeting.”
“No, you’re not, you little minx.” He lightly smacks my ass as he carries me downstairs. Once he has me settled on the couch to his liking, he grabs me another drink and the remote then says, “Don’t move unless it’s absolutely necessary or there’ll be consequences.” This seems to be his go-to saying when he wants me to comply with his wishes. And whereas I want to argue with him about it, I know I won’t come out on the winning end of the argument, so I brush it off.
“Okay, Silas. Thank you.” He leans down and kisses me making me sigh. Fuck, I love this overbearing jerk!
“I can’t be interrupted again, Destiny. Make yourself comfortable and we’ll all be done as soon as we can,” he issues.
“Yes, Silas.” I smirk at his retreating back. Score! I pump my good hand up in the air once he has completely left the room.