Mercenary and His Outlaw Page 12
“Congratulations,” he tells Merc, before turning on his heel and walking away. Over his shoulder he hollers out, “Saw some soap spots on the bikes. They all need to be washed again tomorrow. Oh, and the guest bathroom seems to have a clog. It’s gonna be a shitty job.”
Mercenary launches himself in my father’s direction, and I pull him back. “I’m holding on to you and I know you can drag me if you want, but I’m pregnant remember?” I play on his emotions and he stops in his tracks.
“He makes me so fucking livid!” He turns around and grabs a glass off the bar, pitching it across the room. It shatters into pieces and I decide I’ve had more than enough today.
“You’re cleaning that up now too,” my daddy peeks his head out of the office, taking one last jab at my man.
“Ugh! I’m done!” I scream deep from within my lungs as I march out of the clubhouse.
It didn’t take me long to finish up at the clubhouse before I hopped on my bike and raced my way to my girl. Walking into the apartment it’s eerily quiet, but I know Harmony’s here because I saw her car parked outside. Glancing around the apartment, I don’t notice her anywhere immediately. Using the light from my cell phone paves the way into our bedroom. Stopping in the doorway, I find Harmony lying peacefully in the bed. I can’t help but appreciate the glow about her. Even after the awful day I know she’s had. That is, until she turns and looks my way. The glare she sends me has me wanting to tuck my tail and run. I’ve had enough attitude for the day from her father. I don’t need to come home and receive it from my woman as well. Damn, and I was just thinking about how well she handled everything and giving her mental accolades for it. She looks like she’s ready to face off with me, and I want nothing more than to slip under the silky sheets with her and crash in bed for the night.
Knowing I’ve been spotted and that she’s awake, I still try to be as quiet as humanly possible. Her abrupt and unexpected words startle me. “I have so much to say to you, Merc. But right now, I’m not sure how to express everything without flipping out. One, the first time a man declares his love for you shouldn’t be to his woman’s father. She should hear it first from him. Preferably without an audience. Two, that idiotic comment about you being the father…” She pauses long enough to shake her head at me. “I mean, who else could it be? I’m not a slut, and that’s exactly what it made me feel like.” She reaches over and turns her nightstand lamp on and I know I’m in for a lengthy discussion now. “Everyone knows I’m with you, and only you. Three, you cannot go after my father while prospecting for his club. You already know he isn’t above killing you if he feels threatened. He is your president. Your job is to protect him not go after him while his back is turned. Seriously, Merc, I can’t believe I’m the one having to remind you of this. I can understand your frustration, but you aren’t the first, and won’t be the last to go through the trial.” She sits up and rests her back against the headboard. “And let me tell you something, this is when they test you the most. If you fail, you’re out and you can never try again. You’re the one who approached my father about prospecting for his club. Edge vouched for you and agreed to be your sponsor. You didn’t honestly believe it would all be roses and sunshine, did you?”
“No,” falls from my lips before her sharp tongue lashes back out, cutting any more words off.
“Don’t talk!” her strident tone bounces off the walls before penetrating my eardrums. I do as asked and snap my mouth closed. “Between you and Daddy, I swear I’ll go grey before my time, and if that happens, I will not be a happy woman.” I’m still holding back my words in hopes to keep her head from spinning like a demon. I’ve seen this movie before and never planned on a repeat of watching. If I’d had known I’d witness it personally someday, I might have paid better attention on how to eradicate the devil who seems to have taken control of her. “Well, are you going to say anything?” she crosses her legs and arms on the bed while staring me down.
I can feel my lower jaw drop slightly as I do a mental double take. “Oh. You want me to talk now?” Probably not one of my better decisions to be a smartass right now, especially if the look of death she’s giving me is any indication. Yet, being the glutton for punishment that I am, I proceed without caution. “Let’s see if I can remember all of the countdown questions in order, shall I?” Holding up my index finger, I begin. “One, I was nervous and it spewed out before I could take it back. Don’t you think I wanted you to be the first one to hear my announcement? I was telling the man, my President, my maker or breaker in the MC, of the woman I love, that I knocked her up without putting a ring on her finger first. Or, officially being able to patch her in. Am I sorry I spouted it out the way I did? Yes, and no.” I add another finger to the one I’m already holding in the air. “Two, about being our baby’s father, once again I’ll go with being nervous. I know better than anyone you’re not a slut. Don't you ever accuse me of saying such things again or I’ll plaster my handprints all over your ass.” For final emphasis, I add the last finger so that I’m holding up the amount representative of her little list. “Three, a man can only eat so much crow and deal with so much shit before he snaps. I’ll always appreciate Edge standing up and vouching for me. Even though I started off not quite trusting him. His sponsorship has meant a lot to me. Yeah, I approached your father about prospecting, because I didn’t want to be the one who takes you away from your family when I don’t have one! I have two dogs and a house, those are my only possessions. Which I’ll have you remember I’ve all but abandoned to my handler since we began. It’s easier for me to uproot my life and interlace myself into your life than it would be for you to do. I’ve stopped taking personal jobs to dedicate myself to you and the MC. I’m sorry if I’m doing things wrong in your eyes, but I’m trying here. I’ve been alone for years, and now I have to basically crawl on my hands and knees to earn even an ounce of respect from those men. I’m trying here, Harmony, this man isn’t me, but I’m working hard to be the one you need.” The walls of my chest cavity feel like they’re collapsing and I’m finding it hard to catch my breath after my tirade.
Turning around to hide my emotions from her, I focus on the wall. Placing my hands inside my denim pockets, I begin mentally counting to ease my annoyance. None of this is her fault. But she’s coming at me with claws extended and my self-preservation has kicked in. I feel her small arms wrap around my waist and her head digs into my shoulder blades as she rests her head there.
“I was being selfish and I’m sorry. My hormones and thoughts are sporadic I suppose. Quite possibly my anger too.” I huff out a chuckle with the last of her sentence. Her anger and temper have always had a quick trigger, but it’s one of the things I love most about her. Verbally sparring with her keeps me on my toes and I never know what to expect. It’s like unwrapping a different present every day.
“We’ve both had an emotionally draining day.” Turning around in her arms I pull her close, and securely wrap my own around her. “Forgive me?” I press my lips down on the top of her hair.
“I always will,” she responds with a tone dripping in sincerity.
Pushing her shoulders back so I can look into her eyes, I tell her, “I love you, Harmony.”
“I love you too, Kyle.” She declared the day after I provided my name to her that in our home, she wanted to use it. I agreed because it seems to make her happy and that’s what I always try to make her if it’s within my reach.
“I need a shower and some sleep.” Popping her on the ass, I lean down and plaster a kiss on her warm lips. “Wait for me in bed. Naked, preferably.”
* * *
* * *
“It’s real. We’re really having a baby,” I say to Mercenary for about the tenth time since leaving the doctor’s office. He still has a dazed look on his face. Once my pregnancy was in fact confirmed, he lost all rational thought and his eyes stayed glued to my still flat tummy. His hands have on
e way or another been all over me since we walked out the exam room. He’s kept me plastered to his side as if he’s afraid that something will happen to one of us without his overbearing protective ass.
Not that I don’t think it adorable, but I can also see how this could get old quick over these next eight or so months. I take a step, he takes a step. I move to the right, he moves to the right. It’s like we’re glued at the hips. I’m sitting in my truck’s passenger side as he drives. His fingers are interlaced with mine as his eyes stay glued to the rearview mirror causing the hair on the back of my neck to once again stand on end. I feel like this is deja vu. “Are we being followed?” I frantically ask him with fear for our unborn child laced in my voice. Before I was responsible for him or her, I’d be hanging my head out the window defending myself and my man. Now, I want to crawl into the floorboard, wrap my arms around my stomach and protect this baby at all costs. I have to put thought into everything now before I take action. There is an innocent life at stake now.
“Everything’s fine, Harmony. Do me a favor will ya?” He squeezes my hand and I look at him and nod.
“W-what’s that?” my question comes out through a shaky tone.
“First of all, just breathe. Now, use your free hand and subtly pull your phone out and place it in your lap. Not against your ear. You following?” Again, I nod, letting him know I’m hanging on closely to every word that leaves his mouth. “Call your daddy on speaker phone. Tell him we have company. Do me a favor, and ask him to send us an armed escort back to the club?” He’s so calm and collected, that my distress eases some.
Pulling out my phone, I do exactly as instructed and press number one on my speed dial while waiting for him to pick up. “How was the doctor’s visit? Are you pregnant?” he answers.
“Daddy,” my voice comes out unintentionally wobbly and in a whimper.
By the tone of his voice, I can tell he senses something is not right, “Talk to me, Outlaw.”
“We’re heading south on Highway 210.” Looking out the back window as I speak, I spot three blacked out sedans following. “We have three tails, no fire as of yet. We are compromised, Daddy, and asking for an armed chaperone.”
“Done, see you soon, sweetheart. Stay safe and do as Mercenary says until I get there,” he orders, reassuring me. Aside from Mercenary, my daddy always has a way of making me feel comforted in a less than comfortable situation. Silence greets me over the line as soon as the last word leaves his mouth. I tap the button on the face of my phone, ending the call.
“Daddy and the guys are on their way,” I inform him. Keeping my head facing the front windshield, I keep my eyes trained on the side mirror. “What are they doing? They’re not gaining speed. This makes no sense.” Wracking my brain, I can’t fathom what it is they’re after. It will assuredly have to be over mine and Mercenary’s dead bodies before anyone takes me prisoner again.
“They’re Marcum’s watch dogs. They’re here on a fact-finding mission, not to attack us. This is what I did for years and is still very much a part of who I am. Now, I have no doubt they’d react if we were to initiate, though. But we’re not going to do that. Everything I live and breathe for is sitting beside me. I’ll do everything possible to protect that, even if it means holding back.” Breathing out a huff of air that’s been buried in my lungs, I can’t help but wonder exactly what it is that they’re needing information on.
“I don’t get it, our clubhouse isn’t exactly hidden. Neither are our businesses.”
“They’re looking for members’ weaknesses,” he offers up as an explanation. “They want to know what they can take to cause us all to crumble. Our weaknesses are our women. They’re memorizing your schedules and learning who is on each of your details.”
“There’s only two of us,” I whisper out.
“Who both belong to the top members of the club. If those two are vulnerable, then the club will collapse and Marcum will get exactly what he’s been after all along,” he responds, still remaining calm. I’ve got to admit, even though we could be in an extremely dangerous situation right now, this side of him is turning me on.
“Territory would be my best guess,” I announce, side-eyeing him while thinking about all the ways I want him to own my body later once we’re in the clear.
“Not just territory, Harmony. Your father's pipeline, businesses, and it will be a huge financial profit for his organization.” I can feel my teeth sink into my bottom lip every time he speaks so knowingly and certain of all things danger-related. Geez, I internally chastise myself. Get a fucking hold of your hormones, Harmony. The doctor did warn of this. Although something tells me in the middle of a potential shoot-out wouldn’t be necessarily normal. Eh, I’m a danger and adrenaline junkie so this really shouldn’t be all that surprising to me. I’ve grown up in this.
“Plus, he’ll gain the reputation of taking down an entire MC,” I mutter in dismay, shaking my head.
“There’s that also,” he somberly agrees. Before I have a chance to say anything back, the roar of bikes can be heard in the distance approaching us. I’ve always had a GPS placed by my father in my phone, which I wasn’t lucky enough to have on my person when I was originally kidnapped. I’m certain Merc has one in his, too. All the club members do for instances such as this. My body begins to vibrate in relief knowing that we now have back up. “We’ll be at the clubhouse soon,” he tells me, attempting to calm my rapidly beating heart. The minutes seem to drag on before my eyes alight, comforted when the clubhouse gates open and we make our way through. “Stay here,” he commands me, turning off the engine to the truck.
When he opens my door and extends his hand to help me down, I take it in mine and slide down. Landing in front of him, I see his chest heaving deeply as he pulls me into his shaky arms.
“I’m okay,” I reassure him, since I can feel how worked up he is.
“The thought of losing you scares the fucking piss outta me,” he says into the top of my head before placing a hand over my belly.
Daddy walks up to us and asks, “You two okay?”
“We are,” Mercenary answers him. “Not gonna lie, for the first time in many years I was worried there for a minute.”
“That’s because for the first time in your life there was someone in danger who is the most important person in your life,” my father replies, patting Merc on the shoulder, showing his appreciation and understanding.
“Persons,” he declares to my daddy. I protectively place my hand over Mercenary’s which is still on my stomach.
“Then you are pregnant?” Daddy asks me. I nod my head in affirmation. “Inside, Harmony,” he sternly instructs. “I want prospects on gate duty! We need church! Now!” my father begins rapidly firing off orders. The men do as directed. Merc kisses me on the temple and shoves me toward the door before he begins to leave for the gate. Daddy reaches his hand out to stop him. “Not you. I want you in church.” My jaw drops because there’s never been a prospect invited behind those closed doors unless they’re gaining their member patch.
Merc looks at me with wide eyes, but agrees to my dad’s demand by simply nodding his head. He intertwines our fingers and leads me into the clubhouse. Once inside I’m protectively placed on the couch beside Harlow. “Stay with your girl. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He gives me a peck on the cheek then follows the men.
“Girl, you’re shaking like a leaf in the wind. Are you alright?” Harlow places her hand over mine.
Shaking my head and letting out an exaggerated breath I reply, “Seeing as how I can’t consume liquor for courage, I’ll have to find another way to get past today’s events. This wouldn’t have fazed me if it happened last week, but now knowing I’ve got mine and Merc’s baby inside of me...” I stop, and close my eyes once again placing a protective hand over my mid-section. “I was scared,” I hesitantly admit, feeling my eyes begin to well with tears.
“You’re human, Harmony. Of course, you were scared. You don’t have to
have a tough exterior one-hundred percent of the time. You’re allowed to show your emotions and own it when you feel distressed. Fuck anyone who says otherwise,” she spits out. Her tone showcases her loyalty to me and tells me her attitude toward those who would speak against me would be less than desirable.
“I just need to close my eyes for a minute,” I huff out in exhaustion.
“Go ahead and lay down here, I’m not going anywhere.” Laying down on the sofa after she gets up, I watch her move to a nearby chair. It doesn't take long before my lids feel heavy and sleep overcomes me.
* * *
* * *
Since I’m not a member yet, I don’t have anywhere to sit around the table. I take up guard next to the door. Leaning back against the wall, I cross my arms and kick my heel up against it as I watch the meeting commence. Although I’m only observing, I feel as if there’s a deeper meaning as to why Rogue has brought me in here for this. He picks up a gavel that looks like one judges use while sentencing someone before he smashes it against a round plank of wood. And, for a reason unbeknownst to me, I find this funny. “Church is officially in order. Don’t fucking speak unless you’re specifically asked for your goddamn opinion. We have no time to waste, and if I feel any one of you begin to do just such a thing, I’ll shoot your fucking balls off right here. We clear?” The men all answer in agreeance, and I follow suit. “Good. Now, I want you boys to look around and notice we have a guest in this meeting. It’s unorthodox and something that rarely happens. But considering the circumstances, I found it necessary for him be in attendance today. Mercenary, step forward and give us details of today's event.”
Like the good little lap dog I’ve become, I step forward and do as he requested. Once I’m done giving a play-by-play and answering the brothers’ questions, I step back and take sentry at the door again. “Mercenary, out of all of us, you have more experience with following your prey before making a move. What is it you think they were after today? I’m asking because I find it odd that as soon as they heard the purr of our motors, they hightailed it out of there.”