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Sandman's Awakening: Twisted Iron MC Page 13

  “As long as those green veggies are green beans, I’d be willing to comply with that order, Doc,” PeeWee derisively salutes Stitches.

  “Where’s the lye?” I ask PeeWee getting the two comedians back on track. We have a job to complete and get back to the clubhouse. I have a woman to make amends with and that’s weighing heavily on my mind.

  “At your feet, you blind fucker.” Stitches shakes his head at me.

  I look down and sure enough, if it’d been a snake it would have bitten my ass. I shake my head at myself and bend over to pick it up. “I think the hole is deep enough,” I tell them.

  “Good, because my hands have blisters forming.” PeeWee glances down at his fingers and begins picking skin off.

  “Don’t do that! You’ll get them fucking infected, you moron,” Stitches smacks him upside the head. “I’ll doctor your poor abused appendages when we get home.”

  “Stop using words like appendages, Stitch. Use fingers and hands like us normal folks do,” PeeWee admonishes as he visibly shudders. “Appendages.” He shakes his head before grabbing at his jewels.

  When PeeWee keeps up the banter, I lose patience and my temper flares a bit. “Could we get this done and over with please? You two are driving me fucking crazy. We’ve been given a job to complete. You heard Pres, he wants us back and working quickly. You two jibber-jabbing is hindering us from getting the job at hand completed.”

  “I’m not doing any more jobs with you,” Stitches points an accusing finger in my direction. “PeeWee, pry that box open so your majesty here can pour the lye over the dearly departed.” Stitches turns his back on me and I throw my hands up in the air. Dearly my ass, and why am I being the one ridiculed when they’re the two who are playing around? Once PeeWee has the lid removed, I pour in the lye and watch as it soaks into Bobby’s shit and piss-stained jeans and skin. My chest puffs out in pride at my hard work and relief that avenging my woman is complete. Her safety is ensured where it comes to Bobby Kelson. He’ll never bother or threaten her or any woman ever again.

  The lid goes back on and we push his coffin into the ground. No one speaks as we fill the earth back up with dirt and pat it down. I cover it with a bag of mulch. We put our shovels back up in the shed and I lock it up tight. As I always do while on this land; I walk over to where my father is buried deep underground, spit on his grave here and there, as I begin stomping all over it. Childish I know, but it’s the only way I can show him the dishonor and courtesy he’s so deserving of. “You done yet?” Stitches comes over patting me on the shoulder. He doesn’t know all the details of the relationship between my father myself, but everyone had an idea that things weren’t copasetic at home while I was a kid. Bruises don’t just appear out of thin air, and Mom can only fall down a flight of stairs so many times before everyone starts to clue in.

  “Yeah. Let’s get the fuck out of here and back home.” Looking over at the cabin we spent so much time in, I feel something give way in my chest. For the first time, I feel nothing while walking away from this property. Feels motherfucking good.

  “Um, I’m hungry, tired, and in need of a shower,” Stitches states. “There’s a truck stop down the road and I know they have food and showers. I also saw a motel next door. I know you’re eager to get home, brother, I do; but I need some shut eye. Hell, I’ll even fucking pay and call Rogue letting him know all is done.”

  I look at PeeWee and his eyes and facial expression plead for the same thing.

  He’s right as much as I hate to admit it. These two have helped me so much during these past few weeks, I guess it’s the least I can compromise on. I did tell Aria I wouldn’t be home until morning or early afternoon, so fuck it. “Fine. And, dinner will be my treat.” As we climb into the van, I shoot Aria a text telling her I’m thinking of her.


  The Next Morning

  Hawke texted me last night, but I didn’t respond. Fox came upstairs to check on me, so I assume Hawke had him do so and after seeing me, I’m sure he let Hawke know that everything was okay. Seeing as how he has the emotional capacity of a rock, he never followed up or thought anything else about it I’m sure. Which in this case, bodes well for me.

  “Before we go and sign this lease and pay all of this money, I want you to make sure this is what you want to do.” Mom looks at me sideways from the driver's side. Getting out of the clubhouse wasn’t as hard as I thought it’d be. Now that everyone deems that I’m safe, I’m able to come and go as I please.

  “Mom, we’ve talked about this.” I cannot keep going through and having this conversation with her. I understand her concern. She and my dad believe with all of their heart that Hawke and I were meant for each other. My mom believes we are soul mates and should work hard for the good times and harder through the worst. “He’s pushed me away, doesn’t love me least not the way he used to.” I look over in her direction with twin tears streaming down my cheeks. “Can’t you see this is already tearing me up inside? I need to do this, Mom.” My eyes are begging and pleading for her to let this go.

  “I’m on your side, sweetheart. Your father and I both are.” The looks she gives me says more than her words can. My dad is most likely being ridiculous about the whole thing. “But we’re worried about you.”

  “I’m safe now, Mom,” I quickly reassure her.

  “From one monster. Is the other still lurking in your head?” Her question catches me off guard. She knows some of what happened when I was stolen, but I haven’t shared the whole story with anyone outside of my therapist; who I rarely even see anymore. My parents have given me that space and time, which I appreciate, but it’s time to make her believe that I have put that ordeal behind me. “Mom, I think it’s time I laid out some truths on what I went through when I was taken.”

  “You don’t have to. You’ve reassured us time and time again that you’re dealing and moving forward. We trust you.” She reaches out and grabs my hand with her own. I know in her mind I was raped repeatedly, when it was the opposite in fact.

  “His dick didn’t work,” I blurt out.

  She gasps. “Excuse me?” Her eyes are wide and it suddenly occurs to me she thinks I’m talking about Hawke. “Young lady, I do not…” I cut her off by holding up one hand while clutching my stomach with the other. Balled over in laughter this time, tears are streaming down my face for a completely different reason altogether.

  “Mom! Not Hawke,” I finally manage to wheeze out. “Oh my God! I can’t believe you thought I was speaking about him.” That man has absolutely no issues getting an erection.

  “Well then, who on earth?” She lets that sentence hang as her hand grips mine tighter. “The man who took you?” she whispers her question.

  “Viper was his name,” I answer with disgust laced on my tongue.

  “Was? I take it that means Hawke took care of the...problem then?” she inquires.

  “Was there really a question about that?” I give her a look, reassuring her that Hawke has always made those who hurt me pay; even if it meant in the end I lost him and gained Sandman.

  “No, but it feels good to have it verified,” she stiffly answers. “It’s been hard on us, sweetie. You’re our only child. To have you taken and not knowing what you went through, left our imaginations open to the worst possibilities imaginable.” I can hear the heartache in her quivering voice. It makes me feel like a real piece of shit to leave them with unanswered questions. That depth of worry must’ve done some emotional damage to both of my parents.

  “I’m sorry, Mom.”

  “So, he couldn’t get it up, eh?” She changes the subject.

  “Nope,” I emphatically pop the ‘P’. “He was impotent and it pissed him off. He liked to whip me with a belt, but he also enjoyed punching and slapping me around some. He would verbally threaten me and my death if I ever spoke a word of it with anyone. He also promised me that he knew some kinky sickos who enjoyed owning and torturing slaves. I was in a precarious situation, b
ut I knew I was safer with him and his beatings, than I’d be in the hands of a sadistic asshole.”

  “May his eternal soul catch fire in hell,” Mom spits out.

  “Hell is too good for the likes of him and the deceased members of the Warped Henchmen.” Every time Viper enters my mind, I remember how much I despised him and the pussies he called club brothers. Edge calls them the Warped Pussies and that is the right description for them if I’ve ever heard one. I’m sure there are still some members out there plotting revenge and the restart of their MC. But I have my suspicions that Twisted Iron will shut that down before it has a chance to become reality.

  “So, back to you leaving Hawke.” Her change of subjects is going to give me whiplash.

  “Mom!” I whine out my displeasure.

  “I have a couple of questions. It won’t kill you to answer them.” I feel like crossing my arms and pouting to get my way like I did as a child. But then again, I doubt my mom has any quarrels about tanning my hide as she did back then either.

  “Okay,” I sigh, knowing this is one argument I stand no chance in winning.

  “Will there be any repercussions? You know, punishment for you for leaving Hawke?” She doesn't know how the MC life works, only what she’s read on the internet and romance novels. That’s the extent that her research has gone.

  “They won’t be happy, especially Sandman.” She looks at me puzzled. “His club brothers call him Sandman,” I inform her.

  “Why? Does he put everyone to sleep with fairy dust or something?” She goes for lightening up the conversation, but all I can think about is if she only knew the real reason.

  “Something like that,” I murmur.

  “Speak clearly, Aria. I can’t hear you when you talk under your breath,” she chides me. “Answer my previous question please.” She gives me her much-practiced motherly glare.

  “They won’t be happy. But I firmly believe I have nothing to worry about nor fear, Mom.”

  “You best not or I’ll be turning Hawke over my knee,” she confidently states.

  “Now, that’s something I’d pay good money to see,” I say through a giggle.

  Pulling up to the apartment complex, she puts the car in park then twists sideways in her seat. “You don’t have to do this. You can come stay with Daddy and me until you and Hawke figure things out.”

  Turning to my side so we’re looking straight on at each other I respond, “Hawke and I may have been able to make things work, Mom. Sandman and I, however, we’re a completely different story. He hides from me, pushes me away and incites ‘club business’ whenever I ask him questions about damn near anything. I can’t be in a relationship that’s one-sided, Mom. I need you to understand and support me.”

  “Okay then, we’ll do whatever you feel is best, dear.” She unfastens her seatbelt and I follow her lead. We walk into the manager's office and quickly fill out the paperwork, putting the lease in my name. Mom hands over a check for the full six-months and as easy as that, I’m handed the keys to my new apartment.

  There’s no need in hiding the apartment under someone else’s name. This is a small town and I know I’ll easily be tracked down. There’s no hiding from Sandman, he has Shadow who’d find me even if the lease was under Jane Doe. Mom walks me up to the apartment once she’s gone and grabbed the clothes I had sent to her house on overnight delivery. It’s not much, but it’s enough to get me by for a few days until I can have one of the girls bring me my things from the clubhouse.



  Pulling up to the clubhouse, I’m ready to see my woman and hash out the issues that have been a huge barricade between us. I know she’s felt lonely and left out of the loop, but that’s the way things work in my world. Better she adjust and deal with it now than years down the road. We can work through this. The time we had away from each other taught me a hard, cruel lesson. I know I’ve taken her for granted the last couple of weeks, but our love is strong and my woman has proven over time that she’s strong and can handle anything life throws at her.

  Walking inside I notice all of the women all grouped together in the corner of the room. All but Aria that is. It’s strange that she's not hanging out with them, but not something that alarms me. I grab a beer and inform Bane of how our trip went, knowing Stitches already told Rogue. Never hurts to reiterate, though.

  I walk toward our bedroom, expecting to see her cuddled up in the middle of our mattress. Instead, I’m caught off-guard to see nothing there but a tidy made up bed. Walking to the bathroom, I come across the same sort of scene. Everything is neatly in place. Figuring I must have missed her downstairs I go and take a piss. Looking over I see my toothbrush, hairbrush and personal hygiene products, but what I don’t see are any of hers. Panicking, I shake my dick and zip my pants back up. I run to the closet, but her clothes are still hanging up. I rush over to the dresser and her belongings are still folded in organized stacks. “What the fuck is going on?” I mumble to myself. Going back into the bathroom, I check all the drawers and cabinets to make sure she didn’t just put her things up. She’s an organizational freak, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she did. Picking up my cell, I try calling her back to back but am either being sent straight to voicemail, or she doesn’t hear her phone ringing. I send out a text demanding she call me and fill me in on what it is I’m missing here. I sit and stare at my phone for a few minutes with no response. Instead, I march my ass into the bathroom.

  Ripping a few drawers out of their places and ripping a few cabinet doors off their hinges, leaves me seeing red. Why the fuck are her bathroom products gone? I walk to my door, fling it open and quickly walk to where the women are all huddled together.

  “Where is she?” I roar. Out the side of my peripheral vision, I notice Mercenary, Edge, Bane and Rogue all head over to where I’m confronting their women.

  “The fuck’s going on, brother?” Bane questions.

  “I’m not sure. Was hoping your old ladies will fill in the blanks for me.” Crossing my arms over my chest and positioning my legs apart from one another, I take the stance I use when interrogating an enemy. It’s usually intimidating to most, but Outlaw just smirks at me.

  “Why don’t you tell us what it is we’re supposed to be in the know about. Then maybe we can fill your stubborn ass in on what is ‘supposedly’ going on.” She mimics my pose, only she’s sitting down in a chair while doing so. “Did Aria finally give you the what for?”

  Leaning over, I get low enough to where they can all see the anger laced in my features. “Tell me, ladies. Why is it my old lady’s clothes are still in her drawer, her hanging clothes still on hangers, yet all of her bathroom stuff is missing? And last, but most certainly not least, she is not here. Someone care to let me in on what’s happening here? In no way do I believe she’s trashed her makeup, hair supplies, face cream shit, and deodorant in the trash to start over!” Rogue grabs my shoulder and pulls me back to an upright position.

  “Calm down, brother. Let the women talk.” He pointedly looks at them, expecting an answer from each and every one of them.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, Daddy. But Aria left with her mother a couple of hours ago. I don’t know where they were going or why her bathroom supplies have mysteriously gone missing. Maybe you should call her, Sandman.” Outlaw isn’t lying, I can tell by her tone and the looks she’s sending my way.

  “I’ve tried that. Several times as a matter of fact.” I blow out a steam of heated breath as I plop down in a chair by them. Pulling my phone back out of my pocket, I check to see if I’ve missed anything but there’s nothing there.

  “One of you girls try calling her,” Rogue issues the command.

  “Doing it now, Rogue.” Talia holds up her phone to show us. “She’s not answering.” She looks at her phone and I can see that she too is worried. Aria has never discarded her phone and always answers when someone in the club calls.

  “Well, I’m not gonna sit around here, that�
�s for sure,” I state as I stand up. “I know where her folks live and I guess I’ll just have to stop by there.”


  “You sure you don’t want me to stay with you until your furniture arrives?” my mom asks. “You still have so much that you need. You will need sheets, silverware, cleaning supplies, and an endless list of things we haven’t even begun to touch the surface on.”

  I place my hands on her shoulders. “Mom, you’ve done more than enough for now. My furniture should be here by eight o’clock tonight. My couch comes with some throw pillows, so I’ll just use one of them to lay my head on. Stop worrying, I’ll be fine for one night. Promise. I’ve slept and survived in worse conditions.”

  Her face falls when I say this. “Oh, Aria, but you don’t have to anymore.”

  “Okay, Mom, I know you’re doing your motherly duty and I am forever grateful for all of yours and Dad’s help, but right now, I really need some space.” I really feel all of my emotions bubbling to the surface and would rather she not be here when they erupt and I break down. “I’ve got this lawn chair the manager was nice enough to loan me until my furniture arrives.” I plop down in it. “My interview with Doctor Porter is in two days. I’ve got my cell and charger. Thank goodness this apartment gives us a week of utilities before we have to switch them over to my name.”

  The look on her face lets me know she’s not settled with anything I’ve said, but willing to respect my wishes. “Okay, sweetie. We’re just right around the corner, your father and I.” She points toward the outside. “We can be here in five minutes or less,” she assures me before leaning down to give me a kiss on the cheek. She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me so tight. “I love you, Aria.” She hesitantly pulls away and turns around to walk out the door. “Right around the corner,” she reminds me again and I giggle.