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Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers' Page 2

  I take a shower despite having a bath the night before so I can wash my hair and remove the stench of sex from me. Not that I included anyone other than my fantasy of Silas and fingers to the proclivities, but I still stink of the pleasure it brought on. Once done, I get dressed then dry my hair and amble into the kitchen to fix myself some breakfast. I’m ravenous this morning and know I’ll need nutrients and stamina that comes from the vitamins in food to make it through the day of facing off with Silas. He’s angry, so I know the workday is going to be tedious and a bit stressful.

  The silence is somewhat deafening and I wonder if maybe I should get an animal, a companion for those long, lonely nights. I know I’ll be spending a lot of time at their house because of work, but I’m basically a homebody and will need something to do when I’m at home. Maybe I’ll take up reading as a hobby again. I haven’t read a good romance novel since before I was taken. But still, it can only fill so much loneliness before I crave attention and interaction.

  Once I’m done cleaning the kitchen, I sit down and write a list of the things I still need to get. Piper laughs at me because I don’t use my phone to do this; no, I go old school with a paper and pen. I jot myself a note to search for a local rescue group to see about a cat or two. Maybe I’ll just become a crazy cat lady if Silas doesn’t get with the program. Who knows? I snicker at my thoughts because while he’s intense, I’ve seen a side of him that no one else has; he may not be totally gooey on the inside, but with me, he has a softer side sometimes. That’s the man I want in my life; one who will protect me with everything in him, give me what I need in bed, but allow me to be free otherwise.

  Looking at the clock, I realize I need to head over to their house to get to work. I may not be a hacker, but I worked as an administrative assistant for a long time, so I’ve been doing the billing and what-not for the guys. Apparently, a lot of their jobs are quite lucrative. Regardless, I need something to do with my time and I’d rather spend it with my sister than at some corporate office where I have to watch my p’s and q’s, as well as my language.


  I know Destiny is due to be here shortly. I glance over at the desk she’ll be sitting at, which happens to be placed in my office. Atticus and Piper share an office, Jonas and Raven share their computer cave, so that leaves Destiny with me. As I stare at the stack of work she’s got to deal with, I grin. She’s kept up on the billing; now it’s time to handle the rest of the bullshit. We’ve been a bit lax with the filing, as well as updating our online invoice system with payments. Trust me, those fuckers are already in the bank, but the bullshit paperwork? Not done.

  Right now, I’m combing through yet another lead that Jonas found. I don’t understand why we’ve not been able to determine who the head-fucker is yet and I don’t like it. Not one fucking bit. I’m ready to go and beat the ever-loving shit out of someone or something. Hell, I even reached out to Bandit to get what he had on that Welch fucker, even though our intel was nearly the same. Fucking chaps my hide that we haven’t been able to break the silence when it pertains to the leader of the organization. I will make whoever this fucker is pay in blood. They will be tortured unlike anything that I’ve ever done to a captive before. They’ve fucked with the wrong damn person when they decided to take my woman. Whether or not she was mine at the time doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to me. They’ve done fucked right the hell up.

  I must be wearing a look of anger on my face when she walks through the office door. “Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine,” Destiny says, coming the rest of the way into the office. I scowl at her words and grunt out an unintelligible greeting. “Ah, not ready to use your big boy words yet, I see.” Fuck. Her sassiness has earned her a few more swats on her ass, not that she knows that, of course. But I’m keeping track of her indiscretions and plan on delivering her swats in one sitting. It will be in succession, so her ass will be hurting for days. She won’t be able to walk or sit without remembering my hand on her ass cheeks. This thought brings a sinister smile to my face. You wanna play, dear Destiny, game motherfucking on. And I’m keeping score.

  “Morning.” It’s not a good one, that’s for damn sure. Having to deal with the saccharine bullshit at breakfast this morning put me in a foul mood, then finding nothing at the end of this lead added to it.

  “How about some more coffee?” she asks, handing me a cup. Fuck, I’m pissed all to hell and she goes and does something perceivingly sweet. But I have suspicions she’s up to something, so I’ll keep my eyes wide open and my ears alert to her today. I will discover what she’s up to and put an end to it before she has a chance to play her card. She may think she’s going to beat me, but she seems to forget who the dealer in this game is.

  “Thanks.” I take a sip and nearly groan as the taste hits my mouth. The little shop on the corner knows their shit and is far better than that big-box place that most people rave over. I see her grin as she goes to her desk then watch it fall when she catches a glimpse at what’s waiting on her.

  “What the hell is all of this?” she questions, waving her hand over her desk.

  “The filing. Need you to update the online billing then get that shit filed.”

  “Silas, where the fuck has all of this been?” I nearly laugh at the frustration clearly written all over her face. I plan on keeping her busy today. She wants to fuck with me, I’ll give it back to her tenfold.

  I point to my now clean desk. “Here. Figured the billing was more important so we can get paid and shit. Now that it’s caught up, you can get it all updated in the computer, then file.” She sighs and it takes everything in me not to break out into laughter, which is a strange sensation in itself. I’m not the giggling, show your emotions type of man, so I’ll hold all of my happiness at her distress inside. She started this battle; I’m just planning on winning the damn war. I’m a stay one step ahead of your opponent type, and she’s drawn an invisible line, but what she doesn’t realize, is that I’ve already erased it.

  I rarely laugh. My life hasn’t been one that generated a lot of laughter, so the fact that she makes me laugh cements the fact that she’s the one for me. Only, I’m fighting that shit as long as possible. I’m no pussy and no woman is going to bring me to my knees.

  Not even her.

  “How was your first night in your new place?” Like I don’t know. I sat outside all night long, watching to make sure she was safe. Another reason my mood is rank. I’m used to little or no sleep, but having to be alert the whole night while worrying that she was inside and trapped in a nightmare made it even worse.

  “Fantastic. Thanks for asking,” she replies.

  “Did you think of me last night while pleasuring yourself?” I draw my eyebrows up to my hairline when I ask this. See, I played stalker last night and had a fabulous show on my phone. We still have security in Raven’s home, so I can see all of the comings and goings from an app on my phone. Her cheeks redden in embarrassment as her jaw drops open as she looks up at me in shock.

  “W-what are you talking about? How? You know what, fuck this shit. Are you spying on me, Silas?” She looks cute all flustered and rosy cheeked.

  “What do you think?” I question, looking her square in the eyes. “Do I look like a fool to you, Destiny?”

  “Um… no.” She stutters her response.

  “Then why would you ask such a ridiculous question? You know we have security on all of our properties. Inside and out,” I clarify.

  “Take the cameras out of my bedroom, Silas,” she demands.

  “Not a fucking chance in hell,” I state. “If you’re not going to be here, with us, then I need to make sure you’re safe at all times.”

  “Even while I’m sleeping?”

  “Baby, you weren’t sleeping when I was watching,” I reply. “In fact, it looked like you were having a good time.” Her face gets redder and I grin as I imagine how her ass is gonna look with my handprint on it.

  “That’s private, Silas,” she
hisses out.

  “Seen it, Destiny. As a matter of fact, I’ve demanded to watch you pleasure yourself before. Never bothered you until now. And have you forgotten that I’ve had my face buried in that hot, wet pussy of yours? Multiple times. My dick has been down your throat, I’ve owned it. And pounding away inside of that tight, slick pussy of yours, until you relentlessly screamed my name. Remember that, Destiny?” With every word, her face gets redder until I swear I see steam coming out of her ears. I shouldn’t get such joy at her embarrassment, but she’s the one who decided to tempt fate with this ‘moving out’ thing. I’m just playing the hand she’s dealt me. And I always win. Never have I lost, and I don’t plan on starting anytime soon either.

  “That was then, this is now,” she finally stammers out. My ass it is. Each word that leaves her mouth is another notch on her already growing list of indiscretions. My hand shakes with the desire to be planted firmly on her round, luscious ass.

  “We’re not done, Destiny,” I warn as I adjust myself underneath my desk. Just the thought of her has me harder than a steel pike and I admonish myself for my lack of control where she’s concerned.

  “Silas,” she pleads, “I need some space and you’ve made it clear that you’re not the commitment kind of man. We’ve had our fun; can’t we leave it at that and just move on?”

  “Not a fucking chance in hell, sweet cheeks. We’re not done,” I reiterate. “Not by a long shot.”

  “Then I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree,” she says, turning her computer on and shutting me out. Hell yeah, we will, I grin mischievously. She has no idea who she’s up against and I can’t wait until she figures it out.

  Let’s do this.



  After our initial verbal sparring, I settle in and get lost in clearing my desk. Surprisingly, despite the stacks, they’re in order and I quickly get a system going so that by lunch time, I’m almost caught up. Silas doesn’t seem happy about this, which makes it that much more pleasurable when I outplay his expectations. He thought he’d keep me chained to this desk where I had no choice but to camp out at the Nelson’s compound tonight.


  When I set my mind to something, nothing gets in my way. Hasn’t he realized how stubborn I can be? Seems my man doesn’t know me as well as he claims to. It’s fun to watch him squirm in his seat. I did that, I made the emotionless man unwittingly show me his. I find that keeping score is exhilarating. I’m usually the one in the hot seat, it’s astronomical to see him suddenly become the one who’s unsure of the situation.

  “I’m going upstairs to fix some lunch. Do you want anything?” I ask. He’s still surly despite the coffee I brought him and he once again grunts in my direction. “I’m sorry, do I need to go order a book to decipher all the different grunts you make?” My tone is annoyingly sweet and I know it hits a nerve when he scowls at me.

  “No. I’ll go with you. I’m sure the others will be upstairs as well.”

  “Oh good. I need to ask Raven about Scooby.”

  “Why do you need to know about Scooby?” he questions, standing from his desk. I take a moment to drink him in and all that he exudes and try not to sigh as my mind goes to places better left alone. At least when we’re at our workplace. I have to show some professionalism after all. Then, my mind wanders to how his desk would be the perfect height to bend me over and fuck me, but I’m not about to suggest that. At least not yet.

  “Thinking about getting a pet,” I reply, standing up.

  “Why do you need a pet?”

  “Because it’ll keep me company at night when I’m home.”

  “You could have had that if you hadn’t moved out,” he replies. Duh, asshole, but I need my own space and if I had stayed we would have kept going the way we were and I want more. I deserve more. Thanks to my therapist, I finally recognize that fact and so I’ll fight for it.

  For him.

  For us.

  For the future I want us to have.

  Once upstairs, I see we’re the last ones to join the group and Raven has already made a stack of sandwiches. I grab a soda from the fridge, then put a sandwich on my plate. When I reach for the wavy potato chips, Atticus grabs the bag. “Those are my favorite,” he says, pulling them out of my reach.

  “Um, I thought the sour cream ones were your favorite,” I reply.

  “I like to diversify,” he states, grinning at me. I bet he does, the sneaky fucker. He’s trying to insert his dominance over me in front of the others; I’m not fixing to play into his hands, however. I pretend he wasn’t just acting like a fuckface. Atticus is the big brother I never wanted but ended up with just the same. He can pull this shit on my sister, yet, I won’t allow it to trickle down onto me. I already have one insufferable alpha asshole to deal with, he needs to rein his shit in, or Piper needs to step in and say something… quickly.

  “Give her the fucking bag, Atticus,” Silas growls out. When Atticus doesn’t move quick enough, Silas cuffs him on the back of the head and snatches the bag from his hands and gives it to me.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “You’re welcome.” His response is gruff, almost as though he can’t believe his prior actions and I hide my grin.

  “So, Raven, I was thinking about getting a cat or two.” Since I don’t technically own the house, I need to get her permission to bring in some furry love. We have an agreement, I’m making payments, but until I own the house outright, I’d feel better if she gives me the thumbs up on my mission to have an animal companion.

  “I’m okay with that. I know we’re doing owner financing and shit, but I also know you’ll take care of the house,” she replies.

  “Thanks. I need to find out who the local rescue groups are because I know they get cats from the shelters and get them vetted.” I’d prefer to rescue an animal as opposed to going to a breeder. Not that there’s anything wrong with them, but because I’m all about saving an animal’s life. I’ve always been the sister who’d bring home strays, only to have my father march them to a shelter and drop them off. Needless to say, he usually became enemy number one in mine and Piper’s eyes.

  “I’ll get you a list after lunch,” Raven says. “Easy for me to run a search since I’m sure you’re crazy busy.”

  “I’m almost caught up,” I state, hiding my smirk.

  “Already? I saw the desk,” she replies. I snicker because I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Silas did what he did on purpose.

  “Yeah, just a few more things to do before today’s done,” I state.

  “She’s done well,” Silas admits. I know the look on my face is probably one of shock, because he is usually so taciturn and doesn’t dish out compliments often, and seeing as we seem to be at an impasse of some sort, he’s downright surly.

  “Sounds like she’s a good fit then,” Jonas adds, grabbing a second sandwich. “We knew she’d do well after getting everything organized when she first started. I’m agreeing that she needed more tasks. Good to know she’s keeping up with your crazy stockpile filing.” He smirks at me.

  “Where are you putting all of that?” I question. He’s like his brothers, in peak physical condition, but he doesn’t shy away from food.

  “I’ve got a great exercise program,” he replies, grinning at Raven. I watch her face pinken as she giggles.

  “I see,” I muse. “Guess that’s how Atticus stays in shape as well, huh?” Yeah, take that Silas! I internally laugh at the look on his face; he looks like he swallowed something foul.

  “Works for all of us,” Silas remarks, giving me an evil smirk. Fucker. He has no clue that I’ve been manipulated by the best and while my end game is to be his submissive, because of his cavalier attitude, I’m gonna make him work for it.

  “I’ll have to keep that in mind for the future.” I shrug as if his words don’t affect me. “Time for me to get out in the world again.” Not really, but what Silas Motherfucking Nelson doesn’t realize is that
I’m lying through my teeth right now. I hear something break and turn to see the mug he was holding on the floor, shattered into a million pieces of fragmented glass.

  “Shit, Silas, did you cut yourself?” Piper asks, rushing over and grabbing his hand. I still can’t believe that she and Atticus are pregnant again; Ansley is still a baby which means they’re gonna have two kids in diapers. She and Raven both look adorable with their baby bumps, but right now, I’m content with being the auntie.

  “I’m fine. It slipped.” Yeah, right, buddy. Slipped my ass. Tell that line of lies to someone who’s willing to buy it. I may be a bit naïve in his eyes, but I’m anything but.

  I go to the laundry room and grab the broom and dustpan and set about cleaning up the mess that he made. “Guess you don’t know your own strength, huh?”

  “Something like that,” he mumbles under his breath as he heads to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. I see a drop of blood, but turn my head away so that he doesn’t catch me watching his every move. “I need you to scan in those invoices and email them out. It has to be done by three o’clock. No sooner, no later, they’re expecting them to come in around that time.” He finishes his statement by wiping his hands off with a kitchen towel. I want to scold him for not using the paper ones instead of Piper’s cloth ones, but I keep my mouth zipped firmly shut. That’s her battle with the men in the house, I have my own issues to deal with at this time.