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Taken by Sadistic (Rage Ryders MC #3) Page 4

  “Please don’t leave me once I’ve confessed my worst nightmare come to life. There are things that you’re fixing to hear that would push any man from his woman once the entire truth is revealed. I can’t be without you anymore, not after having you back in my life. I can’t do it again without you, Babe. Hell, I don’t know how much longer I could’ve kept our girl safe. I’m scared, Tic. No, that’s not right, I’m petrified.”

  As I look into his eyes, I see his soul. I see his silent promise that there’s nothing that will keep him away from us. So I begin my story. I tell him everything, why I left, why I ran. I tell him about the night my father came to me. The night that changed everything for me. The night I discovered the only way to save him, save his brothers was for me to run. Run for my life, sanity and in the end my daughter. By the time I finish with the truth, drugs, abuse – both physically and emotionally, his wanting to pretty much sell me for his business ventures to stay successful…I tell him it all. I watch his features change from sated to completely livid.

  “Prepare Angel, your father and his band of merry men are fixin’ to learn why I’m called Sadistic. He will be put to ground, with or without my club’s support. There’s no way in hell I can let this go. I lost you! I lost Lil’ Bit’s first everything! This shit may have begun with him, but it ends with me. Truth.”

  Shit. I know when my man starts using one-word sentences he’s controlling all of his anger. Hell, he’s controlling it all so I don’t have to see how much I’ve just upset him. I know it’s not me, but the monster who created me, created this mess that is my existence. Too ashamed to look him in his eyes, I lie back down on my back and throw my arm over my eyes, hiding my emotions and fear from Tic. He knows everything I feel just by looking at me and seeing my eyes. I don’t want him to know exactly how scared I am of losing him.

  “Do not hide from me, Kori Quinn Cardozo! I mean it, he’s not you. You are innocent just as Lil’ Bit is. This is not on you baby; this is all a mess your father has started. It’s a mess I will and am gonna clean up. This shit does not touch you or Lila Rose. I will do everything in my power to keep you two safe. You are mine, and nothing and no one will ever remove either of you from me again. I will shed blood and spend my lifetime behind bars before a hair on either of your heads have been touched. That’s a promise, baby.”

  This right here is a prime example of how I know Tic was meant to be mine and I was meant to be his. Together we are stronger than we are apart. I am feeling a new found sense of security, one I haven’t felt in almost four long years. This man is my heart, my daughter is my soul and when I combine the two, they are my home, they complete me like no others could.

  I lean over and give Tic a kiss that shows him he means more than words could ever express. He’s not just my lover, he’s my world.

  Chapter 10


  Wakin’ up with Kori in my arms was the best fuckin’ feelin’ I’ve had in a very long time. Sensing movement in my right peripheral vision I immediately go for my gun in my nightstand ‘till I take in the full sight surroundin’ that movement. Man, I’m glad I didn’t just jump straight into aimin’ my gun. If I would’ve, I would definitely have scarred my ‘Lil Bit. The last thing I want is for my little darlin’ to be scared of me.

  “Whatcha doin there, Lil Bit? Come give your daddy a hug. I missed you last night when I was sleepin’.”

  She stands up gigglin’ at me. It just hits home how much I’ve missed with her. Her giggle is the best sound I’ve ever heard. She runs jumpin’ in my arms, wakin her Momma in the process.

  “Hi, Momma. Daddy missed me last night so I hada come and give him a big hug. Did you miss me too, Mamma?”

  Angel gets the biggest smile on her face as she registers our daughter’s words. Ticklin’ our little one Angel answers our daughter.

  “I always miss you, baby girl. Come give your Momma some lovin’”

  As soon as I see the interaction between Mother and Daughter I couldn’t let them outdo me. With a big roar sound comin’ out of me I attack them both with my ticklin’ fingers. Soon I have them both laughin’ so hard ‘Lil Bit screamed she needed to potty. Me bein’ the man I am jumped from the bed and ran her to the bathroom. It wouldn’t be good for my rep to have piss all over me. But I do have to say, I’d get over anythin’ that had to do with my girls.

  I set her down on her feet watchin’ as she pulls up her night shirt and pulls her panties down. I do everythin’ I can not to bust up laughin when I notice her situation as she expresses it with her facial features. She starin’ at the toilet seat then at the floor. Then I see recognition dawn on her face.

  “Daddy,” she whines at me “can you pick me up and put me on the potty? I don’t have my step stood or my potty here with me.”

  I, of course, do as is asked of me then tell my daughter “I guess we need to go back and get more of your stuff, but for the meantime, it would be my pleasure to place you on the throne.”

  “Huh?” I laugh at the look on her face as she takes in what I just said. Then I hear Angel at the door tryin’ to hide her laughter from us. She wasn’t as quiet and sneaky as she thought she was.

  “Whatcha’ laughin’ at over there woman! Get your butt outta here, this is Daddy and Daughter time. Go get your ass ready for the day would’ya.” Jeez, women!

  “I done Daddy, you can wipe me now.” I’m lost, am I allowed to dry my daughter, she’s a girl. Is it wrong for a Dad to help his daughter? I don’t know the answer but I know someone who does.

  “Kori! Get your ass in here, your daughter needs wipin’.”

  I hear her laughin’ before I even see her.

  “I thought this was Daddy and Daughter Time, Tic.”

  “Hahaha, getcha ass in here woman! I don’t know the ins and outs, rights and wrongs where it comes to a man takin’ care of his daughter. Stop bein’ a wiseass before I spank your ass!” whisperin’ low I mutter “Fuckin’ women—like I know what the fuck I’m supposed to be doin’, then she wants to smart off at me.”

  “What was that, Tic? Are you talking shit under your breath?”

  “Yep,” that’s all I have to say about that.

  At that exact moment, I hear a loud beatin’ on the door and Kid yellin’

  “Meetin’ motherfucker.”

  I grab the handle as fast as I can—seems someone needs a little remindin’. I open the door and grab Kid by the collar of his shirt.

  “Dude! Your niece is in there. Whatcha doin comin’ my door bangin’ like that and yellin’ a word I don’t want her learnin’ from your pansy ass. Respect, brother.”

  I let go of his collar and push him back a little bit, of course Kid is strong and barely even moved from the impact. He smiles at me and apologizes. Just hope the fucker learns, I slam the door and get my clothes on. Lord only knows I can’t walk around here in my birthday suit with my shit danglin’ as I walk around here. As much as I’d love a place I don’t have to put on clothes if I don’t wanna, I don’t trust the club babes not to somehow attach their mouth to me “accidentally”. Yes, they’ve actually used that excuse before. Sure, what’d she do? Fall and her mouth become a suction cup and land with a brother’s dick down her throat. Some of these bitches are stupid. And they’d be the ones tryin’ to ruin me and Kori. Lord knows I’ve not fucked one of them since Kori entered my life. They just felt wrong, and I always felt as if I’d be betrayin’ my girl so that never happened. Not even with her gone for so long. Don’t even ask me how I took care of my situation. Let’s just say it was handled.

  Walkin’ into the bathroom I do my thing and hear my girls in Lil Bit’s room. I walk in as Kori is puttin’ the last of her clothes on for the day.

  “Gotta get to church, love you both,” I say as I’m headin’ out and to the main room of the clubhouse to meet with the brothers before we head to our meetin’.

  “Love you too babe” and “love you Daddy” was yelled in unison. I can’t help the smile that forms on m
y face.

  Chapter 11


  Goin’ into this meetin’ I can’t help but think of everythin’ Kori laid out for me last night—her dad is gonna die, he’s gonna die by my hands and my hands alone. I need my club to help me come up with a tactic. One that will ensure I get close enough to get my hands on that evil son-of-a-bitch. One that will change our status to an outlaw club. I’m layin’ claim to a blood oath—one to ensure I either have my club’s backin’, or I become a nomad. I love my brothers, love the brotherhood. I, however, have no issue becomin’ a one-man show, if that’s what it takes to protect what’s mine. Kori and Lil’ Bit are that, they’re mine.

  This is do or die time. I have no issue layin’ my life down for my girls or my club. The thought of me havin’ to go nomad hurts, I’d feel that loss down deep in my bones. For my girls, for my family, I’d take that hit. There is nothin’ in this universe that will stop me from takin’ care of them, keep them safe. Even if I have to bite the bullet and leave my brothers. I’ve lost enough years and time with my girls. The worst thing for me losin’ my club status, would be the protection they’d give my girls, my family if I was to die takin’ out the threat that is threatenin’ to destroy my soul by takin’ away the only reason I breathe air into my lungs. Now that I’ve got them in my life, there’s no turnin’ back, no reason to have oxygen penetrate my lungs if they’re not here for every single part of my life.

  I sit in our meetin’ room lost in my thoughts when I am brought out of the fog in my head and hear King bang his huge fist onto the table announcin’ the start to our first order of business. This part of the meetin’ bores the shit outta me. Numbers and tallies, who cares. I’m ready for the order of business where I can speak my piece. I’m paid up on my dues as are all the brothers. We don’t play that shit, that’s what Ghost, Justice and I are here for. We’ll knock your head around and loosen the stupidity if you think you’re not takin’ care of your keep. We aren’t a charity here, we’ll support you, but you’ve gotta put in the dough like the rest of us.

  Once the borin’ part is done we get down to business. I take an interest in Wasps’ story of his wedding to Ashton. We know it’s not an order of business, but damn, those two have been put through the wringer. Twenty years’ worth! Yet they still found their way back together thanks to Kid’s sister Skylar and her ability to make the best of friends with Riley and Sadie. Wasp not only found his kidnapped wife, but also found his daughter plus one. He never knew Ashton was pregnant with Sadie when she was taken by his stupid as fuck brother, Justin. That’s an asshole I’m glad has been put to ground. Instead of trustin’ in his brother, he became a pussy and acted on the orders of several different parties.

  Ones we took care of, we made them all suffer and put them to ground as well, and will continue to take out any threat to those women. I’ll be damned if anyone messes with those three. Especially Riley and Sadie, they’ve become like sisters to me. Riley is more like a best friend of sorts. I can tell her anythin’ and no one will ever get it out of her unless I give her my say so. She never judges or asks for a damn thing in return. She and Kid have become my support through this whole ordeal with Kori. In a way, I gift Riley with the reason I have my Angel back.

  After hearin’ of Wasp wedding and findin’ out where we’re out financially and how our business’ have been doin we finally get to the part I want. The part where I tell my brother’s my girls story and how her dad has become the biggest drug lord and threat we may have the opportunity to ever face.

  The floor opens up to members who need to speak. That means me, it’s my time to lay it all out there for my brothers and my Prez. And that’s exactly what I do, I tell them about Kori’s father building an empire and becomin’ the biggest drug lord to come into our area. Fuck, he’s the biggest we’ve ever come across. I lay out how he has information on us that can take us down. I tell them how he did her mother, how he threatened my woman. And last but not least, I tell them about how she had to run, and keep runnin’ because of threats he made to Lila, to my Lil’ Bit.

  Then I lay it out on the table that she’s come back because of threats made to us. How her father threatened to put me either in prison or to ground if she didn’t come back where he had eyes on her and as much control as he could muster.

  Then, I do something that’s been layin’ deep in my gut. I tell them I would like to call a vote to go to war with the son-of-a-bitch. I don’t hold anything back either. I mean no disrespect to them, but they either back me, or they let me go. I could feel the emotions hit the room, it was a deep feelin’ of disbelief, anger, and disappointment. I needed them to know I meant business, though. I was not takin’ this lightly and I was not givin’ up on getting’ rid of the threat to my family. They either voted to fight with me, or they lose me as a brother, friend, and enforcer.

  It was brought forth to a vote. There was not one single ‘nay. We were goin’ to war. I was also warned by my Prez that I was to never again threaten to leave the club, and to always have trust in my brothers to have my back. I agreed. Then, King informed us that he needed to make contact with his informant on the streets. He only was willin’ to take four of us besides himself. It’s me, Kid, Sniper, and Wasp.

  Wish I’d known as we left the table, said see ya later to the brothers. That what was gonna happen next would change all of our lives forever.

  None of us would ever be the same.

  Chapter 12


  As we watched the guys ride away, I had this deep dread feeling. Something was wrong, I just couldn’t place my finger on it. Riley and Skylar must have felt it too, we all look at each other and feel the air shifting on us as we stand there.

  “Is it me, or does something feel really off about today?”

  “Thank goodness you said something. I thought it was just me, Skylar are you feeling it too?” Riley asked.

  “Yeah, I feel it. It feels as if nothing will ever be the same. Are you thinking it might have something to do with your dad, Kori? I’m just not really sure where this deep gut wrenching feeling is coming from.” Skylar looks at me as if I should have all the answers. I don’t.

  “It could be my dad, but hell, it could be the look on my man’s face also. It’s as if he’s expecting something to happen, if not today then soon. And that feeling is yes, he’s expecting something with my father. But this feeling I’m having—call it déjà vu, a premonition, whatever you want to call it. Something’s in the air. God! I hope it’s not my dad…I couldn’t live with myself. I wish when Tic kissed me bye on his way out the door he would’ve given me some kind of message or at least told me they were going somewhere safe today. Then I could put my unease to rest.”

  Please, please, please don’t let anything happen to them. Keep them safe and bring them back to us in one piece.


  Lila Rose (Lil’ Bit)

  “Okay God you better take care of my Daddy. He thinks I don’t know about the trouble that’s comin’—but I do. I’m scared God, and I’ll be real mad at you if you let something happen to my Daddy.”

  Everywody thinks I don’t see and hear what happens. I do, my Papaw is mean to my Momma. He hates me too. Tolda’ me I should not be here. I shoulda never exist. Momma should never hada me. I looksa like my Daddy. I’m a happy cause I looks like him though. I’m happy Daddy’s able to see me now—he couldn’t before. I always wantad my Daddy here.

  Momma smiles and laughs…she didn’t do that before. She tried, she pretendad, but I always knew Momma pretendad for me.

  “God, keep my Papaw gone. He scares me.”


  Chapter 13


  We pull up to the seedier parts of Dallas, otherwise known as the ‘West End’. As we pull up to where King’s contact is, we dismount our bikes. Something feels off, I can’t place my finger on it, but it’s there. I’ve always trusted my gut when it’s tellin’ me to be on the lookout. Therefore, I�
��m on high alert, been awhile since the feelin’ of dread has washed over me. Can’t place my finger on it but it’s as though someone is targetin’ us. I scan our area as thoroughly as I can. Training kickin’ in. I see all of the rusted-out cars litterin’ the streets of our informant’s humble abode. Every house on this block looks as if it should’ve hit its grave years ago. Why the city hasn’t condemned this entire neighborhood dumbfounds me.

  I will my body to follow my Prez into this shit hole. Every instinct I have is tellin’ me to grab my brothers and get the hell outta dodge. Instead of headin’ for the hills, or home whichever, I grab ahold of Kid and Wasp’s attention.

  “Be on your guard, somethin’ isn’t settin’ right with me. Not sure what it is, but my gut tells me we’re not secured. Dammit, we shoulda sent someone ahead to check things out. Not sure why Prez wanted to come immediately.”

  They both nod their heads and start inconspicuously scannin’ everythin’ around us. This is where our survival instincts kick in. We now need to watch Prez’s and each other’s six. Nothin’ is standin’ out with DANGER written on it. It would make my life a whole lot easier if someone put up a sign warnin’ me of all the dangers ahead. Since King decided we didn’t need a prospect with us, and only wanted us at his back, the bikes are left without the usual keeper. Instead, we have to try and watch them and us. Not always an easy task, but hey, I love a good challenge. It’s what drives me and keeps me on my game. What can I say, it is what it is? King is the Prez and we follow his orders without questions or any say so. All we can do is make the best out of a possible bad situation. Kinda feels like when your parents use to say, ‘It’s my way or the highway’. King is a stubborn fool and never listens to reason. I’m not sure if that makes him a good leader or an unintentional idiot. Ghost, Justice and I have given up on tryin’ to talk sense into the man, we just follow like good lil’ soldiers now.