Mercenary And His Outlaw: Twisted Iron MC Page 4
“Hopefully that means you came back for me,” she blurts out confidently, before casting her eyes in my direction eyeing me up and down. What the hell is her problem?
I look at him and his eyes quickly shoot back up. He runs his hand down his face. “Not tonight, sweetheart. Well, not any other night for that matter. Sorry I had to leave in such a hurry earlier, but this is why.” He looks at me before turning back to her. “So, just give me a room for the night, huh?” He slides a couple of hundreds under the open spot.
There’s no way this dump costs that much for a single night. She takes his money before visually sizing me up again. “Guess you’re into the slutty type.” She pops a bubble as she slides a key under the opening.
“Listen here, bitch!” I begin, but Mercenary stifles my words, wrapping his arm around the back of my neck, covering my mouth with his hand.
“No. I’m not. If I were, I guess I’d be bedding you tonight. Dodged a bullet,” he spits out at her. “Thanks for the room,” he finishes, holding up the key while escorting me away. I’m fighting my way to look back at her but he’s keeping me from doing so. “Biting your tongue. Remember?”
Once we make it to the room, he opens the door and pushes me through first before entering behind me quickly, shutting the door. “What the hell was all of that about? Slut? Oh, I’ll show her who I am alright! Her worst fucking nightmare!” I holler, trying to get past him but he stands tall and firm with his back against the door.
“Oh, I have no doubt you could prove to her quickly just how much of a nightmare you can be. But, it’s late. I need rest. I’m sure you need some rest and I’m hungry. Hope you like pizza because that’s what I’m having delivered.”
I can feel my lips thin in anger and I’m fighting back expressing that. After a deep exhale, I reply, “Fine. I don’t care what type of pizza, just no onions.” As I turn around and breathe in my surroundings, I notice it reeks of stale cigarette smoke. Not that I’m not used to it, but that’s the first thing I notice. It’s a small room and very dull with little to no furniture besides the bed. Wait a fucking minute. One bed, as in singular. I spin back around. “You asked for double beds. I specifically heard you ask for them. There is only one,” I tell him, pointing to the lone atrocity.
“Stupid bitch,” he mumbles beneath his breath.
“Excuse me?” I reply, placing a hand upon my hip.
“Not you, feisty. The damn clerk. Don’t worry your pretty little head.” He reaches out and pats the top of my head and I instantly snap it backwards. “I’ll take the floor. You can have that king-sized bed all to your queen-sized self.”
Ah, another verbal jab. But I won’t argue, nope. I’ll happily take that bed all to myself. I nod before I reply, “Thanks.” Turning back around, I begin to walk toward the back of the room in search for a shower. If there is one, this is the only place it could be.
I watch her as she walks toward the back of the room. The way her hips seductively sway has my eyes glued to her form. When the door closes behind her, I turn back to the window and continue to scan our surroundings. I know we’ve gotten a good distance between us and the town Marcum was holding her hostage in, but I don’t want to let my guard down. I hear the shower turn on through these thin as fuck walls and my eyes cross at the vision that comes to my mind.
“Fucking hell,” I mumble under my breath as the vision of her sliding a washrag over her delicious body while suds form and slide down her slick, wet skin hits me. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Merc?” I ask myself. I’ve never not been able to control my wandering thoughts and how my dick responds to the opposite sex. I cup my manhood and all but beg him to behave.
Between the sound of the shower head raining down and the occasional moan I hear from behind the door, I feel as though I might spontaneously fucking combust. Is she trying to arouse me? Then another thought sneaks into my mind and I immediately curse it as I wonder if she’s masturbating. If that little know-it-all, snarky, and overly opinionated little smartass is in there getting herself off while I’m stuck out here on guard-duty lusting after thought is suddenly interrupted by the sound of tires crunching across the gravel outside.
I see headlights as a car pulls into the lot and parks next to my bike. I move the curtains over and pull a plank of the blinds down so I have a better view. I palm my gun which is tucked away in the back of my jeans. Ready and willing to take anyone out who poses a threat. My eyes narrow on the driver until I realize it’s a small-framed, pimple faced teenager who’s here to deliver our pizza.
I remove my hand from my pistol and pull my shirt back down to cover it. Standing up, I grab my wallet and pull out a couple of twenties to cover the food, delivery charge and enough to give this kid a good tip. Cracking the door open, I watch him amble his way to our door. He rechecks his slip before raising his hand to knock. I yank it all the way open before he makes contact and his eyes widen as he stumbles back. “P-pizza delivery,” he stammers out. I’m surprised he hasn’t pissed his pants as jittery as he is.
“Here,” I hold out my fist that’s tightly clenching the money and shove it in his face. He slowly moves his bottom hand from the hot box that holds my dinner and lifts it up noticeably shaking as he does. I nearly bark out laughter at his fear, but manage and hold it in. This little shit has no chance in this world unless he grows some steel balls. People will eat him alive, but it’s not my problem, I just want my damn food.
“Would you like your change?” he asks, practically thrusting the box at me. I can tell he desperately wants to escape, and I want him gone so I grab the box and slam the door shut in his face. Hopefully that answers his question. I go back to my earlier position and watch him scamper to his car, body visibly shaking as he uses those long as fuck legs of his to race away.
“Scaring away the children I see. And you don’t even need a Halloween mask to put fear into them. All your poor potential victims have to do is hear that obnoxious, loud voice of yours and they run for the hills.” Fucking hell, can’t I catch a break today?
“Aww, are you flirting with me?” This verbal sparring isn’t helping deflate my cock. I love it and it’s turning me on even more than previously.
“Aww, are you daydreaming about me? That’s sweet that I’m a star in your fantasies.”
“You like being the object of a man’s affections?”
“Depends on who the man is,” she places her hands on her hips and it’s in this moment I realize she’s wearing nothing more than a small towel barely being held closed. Feeling a lump form in my throat, I gulp when I realize the tops of her breasts are playing peekaboo at me. My tongue sneaks out of my mouth and I feel it swipe over my lower lip. Suddenly my hunger growls deep from within and pizza will no longer fill this emptiness.
I watch as she walks back into the bathroom and returns with a tiny bottle. Rubbing her hands together, making a lather. She places one foot up on the end of the bed while she rubs up and down her leg, applying lotion. I quickly turn around because temptation is now getting the better of me.
Deciding that I want to play a little bit with Mr. Merc, after seeing him standing there all tall, dripping with sex appeal I bring out the lotion bottle. Yes, I was shocked that this Bates wanna be motel even offered such a small token of appreciation for its guests. After watching his facial expressions, I’m confident he was affected by my previous display. I’m not normally the ‘teasing a man’ kind of woman, but hey, he’s a good-looking guy and I know for a fact there will be no strings attached with him. He doesn’t come across as the staying kind of guy, and I’m perfectly okay with that.
In fact, I’m not looking for an old man, but just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I don’t have certain needs. I’m still young, and have a long life ahead of me. After I’ve propped my foot up on the bed, I say, “Anyways, I don’t have any clothes to change into. Did you happen to carry a spare shirt with you? Mine is still fai
rly damp from sweat. I’ve rinsed it out in that shower and hung it over the top to dry out. But I could really use something for now.” Plopping a dollop of lotion into the palm of my hand, I rub them together, coating each of my hands.
“Um, yeah. I’ve got a spare,” visually I see him gulp and watch as his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. Excitement speeds through my veins with no mercy, landing in the center of my core. This is good. Looks like my plan of seduction is beginning to unfold accordingly. These past few days have been overwhelmingly stressful and I sure could use a release.
“Good. That solves the problem of what I’ll sleep in,” I reply. Taking my lathered hands I start at my ankle and caress my calf as I make my way upward. “This feels so good. It’s like I can feel my skin literally drinking in the moisture.” Making sure he gets a good show as I massage and moan in delight as the lotion soothes my dry skin, I look over under the protection of my wet hair and see his eyes trailing my hands and their every movement. He’s motionless other than the sway of his eyes. “You alright over there?” Looking up at him, I tuck my damp hair behind my ear before licking my dry lips, hoping he will soon help solve that problem too. Keeping my eyes locked on him as I make my way up to my thighs, I slightly tilt my head backward, exposing the bare flesh of my neck.
“Yep, all good.” Oh, the lies flying from his mouth keep me in pursuit. Game on.
“You wanna go get me that shirt now?” I play innocent.
“S-sure,” he manages to stammer out. Nice, I’ve nearly rendered him speechless.
As soon as he exits the door, I decide to step this game up a notch. I’ve never been a woman who’s ashamed of her body. I embrace every curve I was blessed with. Nudity has never bothered me either. I’ve witnessed more fucking and skin than the average woman my age. College frat girls haven’t got shit on my experience. Ripping the towel from my body, I wait and listen for the sound of his heavy boots headed back. Once I hear them getting closer, I begin slowly and seductively smoothing lotion on my stomach. By the time the door opens, I’ve purposely made my way to my breasts.
I can feel my eyes grow wide at the sight of a nude Outlaw as I open and quickly close the door behind me. My heart rate increases as the lust pushes the adrenaline through my veins. She’s off limits. I can’t have her. Fucking hell, but I want her. My cock is in agony from watching her rub her hands up and down her long luscious legs. She’s the match tempting me to toss on a puddle of gasoline. We’re explosive, we’re toxic, and we can’t happen...yet I can no longer control or ignore the way my body responds to her. She’s purposely trying to seduce me, but you can’t seduce the willing. If it’s my cock she wants buried deep inside of her, then that’s exactly what she’s about to get.
“I can’t take any more of this,” slips out low and deep from my throat, before I launch myself at her. She’s unleashed the beast I’ve worked hard to suppress around her. Rushing toward her, I lift her up in my arms and she quickly wraps her legs around my waist. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, slightly tugging causing her neck to tilt, I slam my lips down onto hers. It’s rough, it’s claiming, it’s dominating. She goes to bite my lip and I use this opportunity to shove my tongue in her mouth. When her teeth clamp down on my tongue my dick jerks from the onslaught of pain. Pulling away momentarily, I ask, “How did I know you’d like it rough?” I feel the upward pull of my lips as they form a sinister grin and my eyes all but narrow to slits as I zero in on my target. Smashing my mouth back to hers, we continue where we left off.
I walk us backwards until I feel her back hit the wall, and the force of our bodies slamming against it causes something to fall. Pulling her hands from where she’s pushing at my shoulder, I pin them above her head. “Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll stop,” I dare her as I untangle our tongues, and my lips brush against hers. Her lust-filled eyes shift rapidly between each of mine. Tilting her head slightly she pretends to contemplate, before pressing her now swollen lips back to mine, deepening the kiss. She may have won the battle, getting me to lose control, but I’ll win the war once I sink my cock deep inside her. I groan into her mouth before I grind my hard cock into her stomach and get a moan in return.
I rip my mouth from hers. We’re both panting. “You sure you want this? You want me to fuck you? Bury my cock so deep inside of you that you lose your mind?”
“Yes! God, yes,” she purrs, slamming her mouth back down onto mine.
Reaching down, I undo my button and zipper, lowering my pants just below my ass. I reach into the pocket and pull out a condom. “Put it on,” I command, releasing her hands to give her the square wrapper. Her eyes blaze with fire, but she doesn’t say a word. Ripping the wrapper open with her teeth, she reaches her hands between us as I pull my hips back enough for her to slide the condom down my length. She pumps me a few times before rolling it all the way on, causing me to groan out. She pulls on my dick and I follow her hands as she leads me to her entrance.
“Fuck me, Mercenary. I need it hard, make me feel the burn.” The flame of desire in her eyes is burning me up. The need to possess and own her, even for a short amount of time consumes me. I place my fingers at her entrance to test her wetness, and feel her soaking my digits. Lining my cock up with her entrance, I slam myself deep inside of her with one thrust.
My hips quickly find a rhythm. Pumping into her, I grind my hips in circles, making sure I hit her clit and g-spot with every thrust. Leaning back slightly, I look at her breasts as they bounce up and down with the punishing pace I’ve set. “Feed me your tit,” I growl out. Lifting her left breast, she places her nipple at my mouth. My tongue lashes out and I lick that rosy bud until it turns hard as stone. Then I suck at it until it’s flattened between the roof of my mouth and my tongue. I groan out as she lifts her hand and begins to play with her right nipple.
Her other hand goes between us and I lower my eyes never losing my suction and watch as she circles her clit. My body becomes more frantic for release as I feel her inner muscles fluttering around me. Choking me as she clamps and releases.
“Yes, yes, fuck yes,” she chants. Walking us over to the bed, I pull out of her and she slides down my body. “No. Don’t stop. I was so close!” she shouts, begging me. Turning her around to where she’s facing the bed, I slam her upper body down. With her ass now raised up in the air, I grab a hold of her plump cheeks and squeeze.
“Spread your legs,” I order her. When satisfied that she’s spread enough for me to fit between them I adjust my body. I spread her pussy wide open and admire her pretty pink glistening lips. Needing a small taste, I lower my body and swipe my tongue from clit to opening. Her taste is intoxicating, so I do it again and again until she begins fucking my face.
“Oh shit, I’m gonna come,” she squeals out. I shove a finger inside of her and find her special place. I pay special attention to it by applying pressure and keeping my ministrations going. As I continue my harsh assault on her pussy, her juices begin to flow more freely and into my mouth. Once I place two fingers inside of her, she detonates, squeezing my digits to the point that I can barely move them within her. She screams out my name to the point she’s hoarse. I stop but don’t let her come down completely from her high before I maneuver my way between her legs again and shove my dick back inside. Still so tight after having just orgasmed, her wetness makes my entrance much easier. The feeling is powerful and I fight to pull out and then slam back in. I reach down and twist her hair between my fingers. I pull just enough that she arches her back before the sound of her pleasure-filled moan fills my ears.
“I’m going to fuck that sassiness right out of you. You thought you would entice the beast? Now you get to find out what he’s capable of.” Relentlessly, I slam myself in and out to where just the head of my cock remains inside her before repeating. She comes again, and I clench my teeth to keep myself from joining her. I push her up on the bed and then lift her body while I scoot her up. “Now it’s time to find out what
a real hard fuck is all about.” She looks over her shoulder at me, but instead of fear staring back at me, I see a dare dancing in her eyes. The little minx does like it rough.
Spreading her legs flat on the bed, I’m gifted with the sight of how swollen she is from me. Reaching down to finger fuck her, I place my thumb on her clit and begin circling it while using my fingers to get her ready for me again. She reaches above her head, taking hold of the wooden headboard. I watch as her knuckles turn white from her grip and a grin settles across her face. Steadying myself between her splayed thighs, I spread my legs to keep hers in place. As I hover my upper body above hers, I take my dick in my hand. Once I line myself up with her entrance, slowly and methodically I enter her tight warmth again. Her expression turns from anticipation to disappointment.
“I thought you were going to fuck me. Have you lost your edge?” Oh the little vixen wants to control and set the pace, but I am in control as I continually dominate her body. I keep my pace slow and steady until her body finally relaxes and I begin to feel her fluttering again. Once I’m certain she’s enjoying the pattern I’ve set, it’s time to switch it up and go in for the kill. Pulling myself out, I turn her body to the side. I place her legs up in front of her and into a fetal position. She turns her head and looks at me with uncertainty in her eyes.
“Don’t ever question me and my edge, sweetheart.” I slam back inside of her, taking her hard and without mercy. I’m so deep in this position that it causes her to cry out. A little pain with pleasure goes a long way, and I don’t have to lift a finger to inflict it.
She begins screaming, “ Yes!” as her hand moves down to her belly, applying pressure above her pubic bone where I can feel it. Her actions have me feeling more brash. Bucking my hips faster and harder, I feel my spine begin to tingle and my balls draw up. I pump and pump until the condom is filled with my release. Once again, I feel her walls squeeze tightly around me, so I move my hips back and forth, helping her ride out her climax.