Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC Page 5
He reaches over and pinches my clit keeping it between his fingers in a clamp like vise. I suddenly see sparks of white under my eyelids and scream out yet another orgasm only this one is going to take all of my energy away from me. Kid hit his release right after me and it kept mine going longer than I’ve ever experienced. I collapse completely on the tailgate and Kid collapses next to me keeping his body weight off of me.
Next thing I know I hear catcalls which takes me out of my blissful zone, I look up and Ryder and Travler are standing in the door leading to the garage from the house clapping, whistling and hollering obscenities at us.
Only at this time I’m too pissed to be embarrassed. That comes later, for now all I can think about is I’m so telling Skylar about Ryder staying and watching. I hope I get to watch her tear him a new one. Asshole!
Kid is screaming at them and dressing me in my pants skipping my panties, I hear him telling them to turn around and as soon as I’m decent he’s beating their asses. They aren’t ruining my perfect,
I’m making it my mission to pay them back, and I know the perfect women to help me out.
Game on, my girls and I are gonna jack you guys up!
I’m steaming mad while dressing, If I wasn’t so upset at them ruining our moment, I might find the situation embarrassing enough to be laughing, but I’m not. All I can think of is imagining them falling of their big boy bicycles and no longer having their big boy toys.
The day before was a day of decisions for me. After Kid gave me the most amazing orgasms, and I felt the bond of our coupling come back. Kid’s been hovering over me like a mother hen after the incident I went through at the club house. The guys just had to stay and make it known they’d witnessed the intense moment we shared, which broke the intimate talk we have after we share our bodies with one another. I’m brought out of my racing thoughts by my man coming out of the shower with just his jeans on the snap left undone. I can tell it’s a commando type of day for him.
“Kid, why do you do this to me? Knowing that you’re leaving for a meeting and walking out of the bathroom like a walking wet dream?”
Kid throws his head back in a full out laughter. Kid only lets loose this side of himself with me. None of his brothers or family get this side of him. It’s sad, I want everyone to see this amazing, joyous side of him. It’s an amazing site to be privy to.
“Baby doll, you’re lucky I have the jeans on, I forgot my clothes. I was in such a rush since I’m runnin behind.”
He grabs his clothes and hauls it back to the bathroom denying me my desired show to watch. Not even five minutes later he comes out the bathroom and grabs his cut from the back of the closet door where it hangs. I watch his muscles bunch together as he slides it on over his arms and flexes once it is securely in place. I sigh dreamily in my head. He always makes me dream of things I would like to do to his body if he’d ever let me make it that far before he loses control. He comes to me and gives me a kiss good-bye.
“Riles, I don’t know how long I’ll be. We have some leads on Muscle and where he’s headed. We want to get him taken care of and get Cassidy out of his hands. You gonna be alright with your girls?”
“Of course, the girls and I are going to stay here most likely and just talk and watch movies.”
I give him my innocent smile knowing exactly what conversation I intend on having with my girls. Its operation pay back planning. My girls and I will come up with something really good to make them realize, unless their invited to watch, they shouldn’t intrude on others. No matter where they are. Kid’s looking at me from the bedroom doorway with his eyebrow raised at me. He knows I’m up to something, he can always tell when I’m up to something that’s no good.
I just blow him a kiss and get up off the bed and head to the bathroom shutting the door and putting up a barrier between us so he doesn’t get it out of me. Regardless of how he felt yesterday about being interrupted and being the center of a free porn show for his brothers, it’s still always brothers backs he usually takes. He won’t ‘punish’ me for getting my revenge. He would stop me if he knew the girls and I were on full-out embarrass the guys in front of others.
My mind was working double time last night as I was reading one of my favorite authors Lani Lynn Vale and read as one of the women paid her man back by putting tassels on his bike handle bars and a trike horn amongst other things. We have some research to do to find out how we can do this kind of thing to the guys and not ruin their bikes paint in the process. Or leave behind any sticky residue that won’t completely be removable.
We can’t leave anything behind, then it leaves the joke and revenge stage on goes into trashing someone else’s property. And I will do whatever it takes to keep up off the club’s bad side. Plus, being Kid’s Ol’ lady he has to answer for everything I do and I don’t want him being held accountable for my stupidity.
I send a text out to my girls: (in a group text)
Me: need girl’s day, we need to plan revenge on Ryder and Travler
Sadie: uh oh, what did the dumb asses do now?
Skylar: anything you need, what time?
Me: will explain when you get here. R U 2 at clubhouse?
Sadie: Yes
Skylar: at parents, will swing by and pick Sadie girl up and bring muffins
Me: will be waiting for u
When I get done texting the girls, and knowing they are going to help me, makes me do the happy dance.
I forgot about my arm. That smarts, guess I need some pain relievers, but not the hard core stuff. I don’t want to fall asleep. I need to be in full control of my mind and be able to process everything. There’s no way I’m gonna let what happened yesterday just slip on by like they did nothing wrong. These men have apparently been able to do what they want way to long. They all need to learn about consequences to their actions.
I’m an Ol’ lady not a club babe. I will not stand by and be treated as one. I won’t judge them for how they choose to be a part of the club, but that doesn’t mean it is something I would choose for myself and will not accept the brothers thinking it’s alright to walk in or witness Kid’s and my sexual encounters. That is a private time between us, if there ever comes a time that I just can’t control myself and we give a public performance that’s on me and my man.
When a door is shut, anywhere we are, that means were not allowing viewers. I wonder sometimes if these guys have acquired any common sense to go along with their street smarts and survival skills.
As I walk out the house and hop on my bike I can’t help but wonder what my girl is up to. I’ve learned those looks and I know she’s tryin to hide somethin from me. I’ll let her have her play for now. There’s other places my mind needs to be concentratin on at this time. Her shenanigans have never been that bad so I’m not too worried about it. She’ll let it slip eventually, I have my ways of gettin stuff out of my baby doll.
I switch my mind to what the meetin’s topic is gonna be about and think about how I want my vote to go. Yes, I absolutely want Muscles’ to pay for what he did to my girl, and I agree Cassidy needs to be rescued from him. It’s leaving Riley after everything that I have a hard time with. I don’t want to leave her under anyone else’s watch, no one seems to do a good enough job of keepin her safe. On the other hand, leavin my brothers without havin me with them durin a fight doesn’t settle right within me.
I pull into the lot of the clubhouse close behind my sister Skylar. Sadie is runnin out the door to her car. I know their headin to the house. As I walk past her new car a dark blue metallic ‘67 Mustang. It’s a muscle car, like Skylar needs a muscle car. She speeds as it is which is why dad had put her in a big SUV to begin with.
Ryder rebuilt this car for her and had it painted her favorite color while she was driving his car. He gave it to her the night Riley had been injured. Once he saw her flyin down the highway in his first love, his car, he gave it to her and took his keys away from her. I walk past her and see h
er smile and me and wink as Sadie girl was getting inside. Now, that wink and smile Sky is sportin, lets me know the girls are definitely up to somethin.
When these three get together and are secretive it scares even me. My pop says when they do that its time for the men to take shelter.
It usually means us men are the target of their plans. Sometimes it’s good but most the time we end up on the wrong end of the line. Oh jeez, please don’t let me be the target of these three. Skylar on her own was bad enough, Riley comes across as the sweet, innocent type. She isn’t, she is unpredictable and loves to get in on pranks. Sadie girl, comes across as a pleaser which causes you to let down your guard. Once it’s down I’ve seen her take down the biggest one of the baddest.
I start walking through the club’s front doors as a horn honks I turn around to check it out. It’s Sky waving her fingers with a sly smile on her face at Travler as he pulls into the parking lot. He waves back with his eyebrows raised. It’s not a normal wave that he’s use to getting from her so he’s gonna be worried about her for a-while.
Hmmm…maybe I’m not the one who’s the focus of this weird vibe the girls are throwing out today. Oh wow, I just put two and two together, fuck I should’ve known. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I can’t help it I’m proud of my girl. I bend over laughing my ass off. I hold on to my knees to keep me upright.
The girls are gonna go after Ryder and Travler after how they upset my little pistol. I can’t wait to see what these girls come up with. Even more, I hope they don’t do anything without me around, I want to see what they do to these ass-wipes. Oh yea, I am definitely gonna play the game and let them do what they gotta do. Travler comes up to me and slaps my back causing me to leave my laughing fit.
“What’s up with your sisters their Kid, Skylar had a demented smile on her face when she waved at me? Sadie looked like she was holding in her laughter as she looked at me.”
“Travler, you know how those three are. If you can tell what they’re doing let me know. Those three are thick as thieves, there having a girl’s day at the house. Why are you so paranoid brother?”
“I’m not paranoid man, just caught an off vibe from them is all. Thought you might know if their up to something.”
“Brother, if you ever figure women out, please enlighten me. I sure as hell don’t have the time to sit and play shrink tryin to figure out how their minds work.”
I leave him at the door watchin as Sky lights it up leaving the clubhouse. Damn she’s gonna kill herself or someone else with that car. I have a smile as big as the Cheshire cat walking into the bar. It’s gonna be fun messin with their minds while the girls work on their plan.
Hell, I’m not even gonna let the girls know I’m on to them, I’m gonna enjoy watchin the boys squirm and the girls try and keep it from me. It’s my game to play with them and I’m not giving it up.
Game on ladies and gentlemen…or should I say.
Kid: As I walk in the meetin room I notice Tic with his head down starin at the table lost in his own world. Ever since Kori made herself known to him he’s been silent and broody. The brothers and I are worried he’s gonna go half-cocked and go after his Ol’ lady and mow her old man down on his own. Taking her old man out is a given and will need to happen, but he needs to do his research and do it smart and let us have his back.
Tic is a bad-ass and will want to do this immediately and get it done. I know he’ll do it, I know this ‘cause he trained me and the guys in combat and in security, which meant we are aware of our surroundins and can read people better than most. It was his trainin in the service and he has passed those skills on to most of us. Once this meetin is over, and were not movin out immediately, I need to have a sit down with just Tic and myself and find out where his mind is.
There’s no way I’m lettin my brother take this on himself half-cocked and on his own. It ain’t happenin on my time, and I’m not watchin my brother fall. It’s just not in me to watch him plummet to his demise.
Tic: I can’t look my brother’s in the eyes. What kind of man am I to let my Ol’ lady go to school unprotected? I’ve done my research and the things I’ve found out have eaten me alive from the inside out. I’m not a man, I feel like less of a brother after finding out the things I have. Once finding out Kori was back and she didn’t come to me as we promised unnerved me. And then that little well-rehearsed speech of hers.
Nah, ain’t buying that shit. I know her better than that fuckin shit and she should know I could see past her play. We were together for years and long enough for me to know her inside out, hell I know her better than she knows herself. So, not only did I start researchin her, but I started followin her to figure out what the fuck was up, what I found blew my mind. I snuck into Kori’s house and found all of her papers along with her journal.
I learned something so shocking, so amazing that it made me murderous and joyful all at the same time. Daughter, I have a daughter, one that Kori is scared to death for, so she has struggled with her heart by keeping her from me. Her father is going to pay for forcing her to keep my blood from me and keeping my Angel from loving me and getting my love and support back.
This I vow to my cut, my club and my brothers. My Ol’ lady and daughter will be back where they belong.
And in my arms. I snap out of my head once I hear King’s fist hit the table. He’s gonna break his damn hand one day.
King: “This meetin is called to order, this will be short and sweet, we will not be takin any votes, well not really, I will be puttin some info out there for you. We won’t be goin over our numbers or nothin like that today. This call of show was called to you because that son-of-a-bitch rat motherfucker, Muslces’ has been spotted by a friend of mine that’s on the road with his Ol’ lady.
Who’s heard our all points watch out and called it in. I need a group of riders to go after his ass and bring Cassidy back so she can recover from this ordeal and make plans for her future. I need a show of hands of who wants to take this venture on. I need at least one enforcer on this detail. It needs to be swift and it needs to be justice and revenge on behalf of several Ol’ ladies, but definitely for our Riles. Please raise your hands if you’d like this detail run, he must be dealt with there, and the problem needs to be buried. We take care of this on our own all agreed ‘ya all disagreed ‘na…. this is where we vote.”
Unanimous ‘ya’s around the table. I expected nothin less. Although I wasn’t sure how many were willin to want the club gettin their hands dirty.
“Then were in agreement this matter gets resolved and we never hear of it again.”
Once again ‘ya’s all the way around. I wanted it clarified so no one ever comes to me sayin they didn’t agree. Good, next item.
“Show of hands of who wants to take this on?”
This I’m not surprised at, every brother at the table has a show of hands. I came prepared for this outcome.
“Sniper and I kinda figured this may happen so we came prepared. Sniper, the floor is yours man.”
Sniper: “Alright, since were too old to play draw sticks here, were instead gonna play, pull a name from the hat.”
The room erupts in chuckles, ice breaker that’s what I’m usually called in for. To break the tension in the room. These guys are at an all-time neck high in tension at the moment.
“Tic, don’t put your name in the hat buddy, I can tell by lookin at ya there’s somethin else ya need to do. Everyone else who wants it, put your name on a piece of paper and drop it in this here hat I’m puttin in the middle of the table.”
I’m not puttin my name in the hat, King and I already talked it over and it’s my time to lead this group. He’s been mentally drained and gone through enough this year. So, I’ll gladly help take this S.O.B out on behalf of my brothers and family. I hear chairs scrappin’ the floor, papers bein torn from notebooks as the boys make their way toward putting their names in the hat. I think on it and decid
e I don’t wanna be the bad guy by not pickin out someone’s name so I call for our prospect who’s standin at the door.
When he gets in the room I tell him to pick four guys names from the hat. I figure four is enough with me, an enforcer and a prospect that’s seven men total. Surely we can take out one little ole rat on our own. This prospect hasn’t even earned a name yet. He’s so new we just call him prospect. We never use given names and never share em with anyone.
Un-named Prospect: (birth name: Kyle) to make it fair I shake up the hat first so it doesn’t look like I’m just gonna take names right off the top.
“Here we go, “Wasp”, “Tumbler”, “Smoke”, and “Kid”.
What I didn’t let anyone know and will never if it’s up to me is that, those weren’t the names I actually drew out. Those were they names of the ones who needed to go. I knew it as well as every man at that table knew it.
I just hope no one ever found out, I could lose the possibility of ever getting my patch. I’ve dreamed of being a Rage Ryder since I was a boy and Kid may not remember me, but he saved my life. In return, I will make sure he gets his revenge. If the only way I can help that along is by ‘pulling his name from the hat’ then so be it.
King: “You four ride out at dawn tomorrow with Sniper, Ghost and this newbie Prospect, we might get a name for ya outta this boy. We will have unregistered for the job, only Ghost will be carryin them for you in his compartment that is hidden and no cop has found as to date yet. Once y’all hit the roundup site you will find somewhere to park and take him by surprise. I don’t want Cassidy endin up a tragedy due to one of our mistakes brothers, so pay close attention to your actions. Go home, get some booze, some pussy and some beauty rest. You leave early, and may Rage be with you. Meetin over.”