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Taken by Chaos Page 5

  “Impatient little shit, aren’t ‘ya?” He growls at me. I love it when he growls, the way his chest vibrates makes my body shiver in response.

  “Yes” I answer his question. He flips my body in one fluid motion onto my stomach then gets behind me and pulls my hips up. I automatically go to raise up on my arms only to have his hand go between my shoulder blades pushing my upper body back down.

  “Stay” one word out of his mouth has me obeying like a subservient good girl. Which everyone knows I most definitely am not. Not able to help myself I look over my left shoulder. I need to see his face as he enters me for the first time.

  “You’re so damn beautiful Kaci, I can’t help but want to hold onto you as I take you from behind and watch this beautiful ass of yours dance in my hands.” I swoon at his words.

  “Ready baby, I need to feel you around me, swallowing my cock inside of your beautiful pussy. You’re so wet and ready for me, I can’t wait.” The last was said as he swiftly enters me taking my breath away. I didn’t expect him to fill me so deeply, so deliciously. It’s like we were made for each other. A perfect fit for each other’s bodies.

  “Hold on tight baby girl, I can’t go slow or easy, not this time.” Fuck yes!

  “Trav, take me hard and rough, take me like you want. Do not hold yourself back from me, I want all of you. Please.”

  I feel him speed up and pound into me harder and it’s the most exhilarating feeling I’ve ever had. I feel more beautiful and desired with him than any man I’ve ever been with has made me feel. As he’s taking me from behind I feel him start exploring my shoulder blades with his tongue and lips. He’s caressing me and loving me, showing me with his body what he isn’t able to say with words. And I feel every single bit of it. His words are not needed. “More” I can’t help the word as it slips out of my mouth. More of what I’m asking for I don’t know, but apparently, he does. I’m flipped once again from my stomach to my back.

  “Whatever you need babe” are the only words said before he slams back inside of me taking a nipple into his mouth at the same time. His left hand starts exploring under my breast he’s currently sucking into his mouth and runs down my ribcage and landing on my mound. Then his eyes come to mine and I swear I see fire ignite. His fingers find their way to where we are joined and grab some of my release to use for lubrication so he can torture my clit.

  What a beautiful torture it is too. He uses his fingers to put pressure on my nub as he rubs circles around it at the same time. Fuck me. When I orgasm, it’s going to be explosive. I already feel it trying to make its way to the surface. I swear it starts at the tip of my toes and works its way up my legs till it reaches its destination. I scream his name then bite down on his shoulder as the hardest orgasm I’ve ever experience hits me fiercely. I hear him grunt and grown my name above me as he too finds his release.

  “Never better. Mine forever” I hear him lightly growl above me before he rolls to my side. If I hadn’t been paying attention to my beautiful man I would’ve missed those words.

  Chapter 11


  “Never better. Mine forever.” Slips out of my mouth before I have time to evaluate my situation. Who am I kidding here, I meant every mother fucking word of it. I am gonna keep her till the day my physical body leaves this earth. There is no going back now that I’ve held her in my arms and felt her body beneath mine. She’s mine and no other son of a bitch better try to look or touch my girl or I will reign hell down on his life and any who try to get in my way. I’ve never had this before and I will be damned if I let it slip through my fingers now. Rollin’ off her and landing next to her pulling her into me I realize something extremely important and it has me feelin’ ill. We forgot a motherfuckin’ condom. What the fuck was I thinkin’?


  “What? What’s wrong Trav? Your freaking me out here, why do you look green?” She’s freakin’ out on me, but damnit I’m a little freaked myself.

  “Umm, babe…we uh, in all my excitement I kinda forgot to wrap it up.” There I said it. Looking in her direction and seeing the look on her face I’m not sure it it’s anger or if she’s in thought of how to hurt me immensely. Then she moves, Annnnnd, now I’m jumping off the bed and running for my manhood that’s swinging freely. She’s gonna cut ‘em off I just know it so I run toward the bathroom turnin’ around to try and stem off some of the anger and am stopped speechless.

  Damn, even in anger and murderous intent she still takes my breath away. Dodging at the last-minute I miss the fist that swings towards my face. “Damn your beautiful babe.” That just seems to fuel her fire even further.

  “Do I look like I’m ready to be a mother to you Travler?” Okay, now this can go one of two ways, I can answer her honestly and piss her off or I can answer her the way I want and run for my life. At this point I don’t think it truly matters.

  “Well, I wouldn’t want anyone else to be the mother of my children, but damn babe, if you weren’t so damn hot and I wasn’t so wound up I coulda maybe thought clearer. Don’t forget, I wasn’t the only one in that bed and you we’re just as excited as I was.”


  Fuck, apparently, that wasn’t the right thing to say cause this time when she swings her fist it connects with my right cheek. “Fuck babe, you’ve got a damn good right hook, but do not hit me again! I mean it. Your pissed I get it, let’s talk not get violent.”

  “Let’s talk he says, no need to get violent he says. Trav! You idiot, it’s the guy’s responsibility to glove it! I don’t have a dick to worry about damn it. We can’t become parents! Fuck. Shit, please tell me your clean? Please, don’t make me have to kill you when I just got you.” She whines.

  “Fuck yes I’m clean. You’re the only one I’ve ever been with unwrapped woman. What the fuck are you thinkin’ askin me something like that?” I’m fueled and ready for a fight now.

  “I believe you, I’m just a little freaked out here at the moment. No more forgetting the condoms until I can make it in to see my OB doctor alright…we’ll just have to hope that we’re not fertile during this time of the month.”

  “I’ll get on birth control and we won’t have to worry about if we get carried away again. But I mean it Travler, no more boo boo’s. Got it?”

  “Sure, thing babe. Now can we get to the best part of fighting?”

  She chuckles “What’s that exactly baby?”

  “I’ve never had make-up sex and I hear it’s pretty fuckin’ amazing.”

  “Sure, thing lover.”

  This leads to the best sex of my life. I couldn’t tell you if it’s the hours we spend wrapped around each other or the act itself. I just hope it never ends.

  As the weeks go by I develop a sense of security in us. We fall into a routine like any normal couple in a relationship would do. We wake up together, we eat breakfast together, I go to work, come home and we eat dinner, relax in front of the tube and we fuck every single night before bed. I can’t get enough of her. I’m like a kid on Christmas morning with a new toy to play with and learning every button to push and discover how it works. I’ve gone through a dozen or so boxes of condom’s because Kaci’s so busy with her company, with the girls, and reacquainting herself with club life that she keeps losing track of time and forgets to go to the doctor and get the birth control. I however have not forgotten and remind her every chance I get. One time I was inside of her and felt nothing between us. It is burned in my memory and I want to feel the way her heat wraps around me again without any barriers.

  I know she’s doing the best she can, but I’m a man and I know what I want and damn it I’m not used to having to beg for stupid ass birth control. Condoms now have become my enemy. I feel like their choking the life out of my dick. My poor dick is feeling claustrophobic and he wants out of the confinement he finds himself in when we’re sinking into our favorite place. So much has been happening with my brothers and the club. Tic’s found his Ol’ lady back in town and did
n’t let him know. He’d been pouting and moody around the clubhouse. Finally putting his foot down, he made her come here with his daughter. Little miss Lila Rose or ‘Lil bit’ as she’s referred to by all of us. She’s the most amazing kid I’ve ever been around and let me tell you she already has all of us tied around her little finger. Riley’s recovering and finding her feet again. Sky and Ryder are being…well, Sky and Ryder. But there’s tension in the clubhouse these days. I can feel it in the air, something big is fixin’ to go down and I don’t like the way my senses are warning me to watch my six at every turn. With this feelin’ comes a new one, one of paranoia and protectiveness like non-other where it comes to my woman. And in turn she’s feeling the pressure and feelin’ stuck and is none too happy with me about it.

  What can I say, I listen to my instincts when they warn me and that means she’s landed herself in the category of someone I need to keep close. She’ll have to get over it and pretend like it’s nothing or I will lose my shit then she’ll truly feel my presence. I will tie her ass to me and she’ll get absolutely no time to herself. I already watch her closely, but my hawk like senses will come to life and she’ll never know peace as she knows it now.

  Walkin’ into the clubhouse I’m pulled into a meeting immediately. During the meeting, we’re told some new information has come to light where it comes to Kori’s dad, Cordozo. Some of us leave to go take care of business with one of our informants Joey, while the rest of us stick to the clubhouse to care for the women. I stayed behind, I knew it, I felt it, my instincts are never wrong. Something bad is comin’ our way. I just know it’s going to change our lives, and not in a good way. King only wanted to take a skeleton crew with him to meet with Joey. Tic, Kid, Sniper and Wasp are with him. I hope the intel we get gives us the upper hand. Kori’s dad is growing in the drug chain from what I’ve been able to learn on my own. Since the guys left for the meeting, I’ve been on the phone with my contacts. I want to know everything there is to know about this son of a bitch.

  The more info I’m coming into, the more uneasy I become. This guy would sell his mother for the right dollar. No tellin’ what he’d do to our ‘Lil bit and Kori, or hell any of our women for that matter.

  Chapter 12


  You can feel the tension in the clubhouse after the guys have left for their meeting. It’s so thick you can feel it deep in your bones. Travler was pacing the clubhouse with the phone to his ear and he looked down right scared, if I had to guess. A look I’m not familiar with when it comes to my man. We’ve not told anyone that we’re giving a relationship a try, I’m not ready to go down that road with Ryder and dad yet. Not that we’re not secure in our relationship, but there’s been so much happening with Riley and now Tic and Kori that we’ve decided to let things cool down first. It’s fine with me, it means I get our relationship to myself before I have to start sharing it with everyone else. Trust me, these guys are like old maids when it comes to gossip and putting their two cents in. No one here has any privacy into their personal lives, might as well call this a dorm instead of a clubhouse.

  Hours later the clubhouse phone rings and pandemonium breaks out. We ladies know nothing as the guys all start running for their bikes screaming at us not to move and stay where we are. We are all left with fear in our hearts and knowing that something bad has happened. Being left in the dark has all kinds of scenarios running through our minds. Are one of the guys hurt? Did one of them do something and get picked up by the cops? Whatever it is, I have the feeling things around here will never be the same again.

  Never have I wished that my feelings had been more wrong. Everything is shot to shit. We lost King and in some ways, we lost my dad. My inconsolable missing father who once again has put himself before others. He’s not just let me and Kassi down this time, he’s let his entire club down. Disappearing and not dealing with not only King’s death, but keeping the club from sinking in despair. This shouldn’t surprise me though, I mean shit, he sent his daughters as far away from him as possible as we were growing up. Sure, he claims it was to protect his innocent daughters, I call bullshit on that though. He just wanted his boy while his daughters were an inconvenient just as his club seems to be right now.

  It’s tearing me up inside watching the guys tear themselves up over the should of ’s and could of’s. Blaming themselves for not being able to see into the future. Travler is blaming himself for not having intel needed that could’ve saved King’s life. My dear sweet friend Skylar is one step away from joining her mother in the psych ward. My mother dedicated herself to the care of King’s Ol’ lady trying to keep her mind from the fact that her husband is MIA. The rest of us girls are running on fumes trying to keep the men from losing their shit completely, setting up King’s funeral and getting the clubhouse ready for Uncle Jed and his crew coming in for the funeral. It’s getting harder for me to watch Travler suffer from a distance. Yes, technically we’re together, but since we kept it on the downlow I’m afraid of the way this little secret could possibly set things off with the guys, especially my brother since he’s already strung tight. I can sense that one small thing could cause an explosion at the club. And not the kind that goes boom.

  The day of King’s funeral arrives and his Ol’ lady is still in a catatonic state, Skylar’s barely holding it together and Kid looks like a walking zombie, one full of anger and anxiety. Not a good combination when it comes to our men. Our procession is one of the biggest I’ve ever seen. Kid’s been working day and night on King’s bike so it can lead everyone to his final resting place. It isn’t exactly showroom material, but with what time Kid was given, it’s a beautiful thing he’s done. King’s Softail Heritage is chromed out and painted black with King’s name scripted in Rage Ryder blue on the gas tank. None of us, including the guys, had a dry eye when he pulled it up and parked it where it belongs. At the head of the line, I was informed that the guys had all talked, or voted and that Kid will be taking his dad’s place today in front, a matter of honor from son to father.

  All the Ol’ lades and families are all dressed the same, in black pants, Rage Ryder shirts with RIP King scripted on the back. We’ve been allowed by the men to take place with them on the bikes. Those without men in the club will take place in the limo that will follow King. This is what we’ll use to come back to the club while the men stay and pay their final respect to their President. Not one single woman being a club Babe. The women put their feet down on them attending the actual funeral. The guys didn’t even attempt to put up a fight. They all agreed that it isn’t a place Babes are allowed or needed. The Babes will stay behind at the club and get things ready for our farewell dinner. Kid and Skylar are our main priority right now, they’re both ticking time bombs and we’re all waiting on the fuse that will cause either of them to blow. My poor brother is stuck in a shell-shocked state and still yet trying to take care of Sky. The love of his life and his future wife.

  He’s feeling the pressure of his father, the club’s VP abandoning his club, their club, our club. Our family, this is where he belongs, taking care of his men, son and grieving with us. Lips and Cindy, two of the club Babes are pushing their luck with me today, they’re trying to console Travler and at the same time shove it in my face that I’m not. My man is the first to blow when Lips just doesn’t take the hint. Taking all the fun away from me. I was looking forward to showing those two where they truly belong in the roles of the club.

  “Damn it Lips!” Travler screams, he screams this louder than I’ve ever witnessed him do.

  It’s a full out top of his lungs smack down. “I’m sick and fed up of politely putting you in your place. I’m over asking you to keep your sleazy fuckin’ hands off me. One more time whore and I will personally escort you off the compound and ban you for life! Do Not Touch Me Again! Does your bleached-out brain comprehend or do I need to dumb it down for you?” Why does he get all the fun with the verbal smacks? I could’ve done it so much better with an added bonus of my
fist in her face. I can’t help but crack up at the look of astonishment and embarrassment on her face. For real? I know this bitch knows her place and when told, it’s all that should be needed. She runs from the room with tears leaking down her face and in that moment, all the women join me in my mental breakdown of hysterical laughter. It was the tension breaker needed because soon the guys are making toast and slapping each other’s backs. This is the man version of a hug.

  Chapter 13


  Sayin’ goodbye to my Prez today was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. After the non-club members left and we had our goodbye ceremony, I felt like I’d collapse from the grief. If I hadn’t had Kaci there holding my hand and helping me stay sane, I would’ve blown myself when Sniper showed up at the funeral as if he hadn’t been missing and hadn’t abandoned his club and brothers. Watchin’ my girl light into her father was a thing of beauty and it made me one proud motherfucker. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that she was mine. Keeping us a secret isn’t my finest hour, but I understand her wanting us on solid ground before we bring others into our relationship.

  I’d like nothin’ more than to have her in my arms, giving me strength where I’m weak. And I’ve never felt so weak and such despair as I do today. Sensing my need my girl put aside her worries and made her way to me as I sat at the bar nursing the same beer I’ve had in my hands since we’d made it back from the funeral.