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Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers' Page 6

  As I stay a few car lengths behind them, I notice the streets are lit up in red and blue flashing lights. I should feel at ease knowing that they won’t make it through, but my fears are overwhelming me. What if they kill the women or use them as hostages to negotiate their terms? Surely they wouldn’t get away, I have to keep that hope in order to make it through this ordeal.

  I see the van finally stop after hitting a spike strip and hear Chief’s voice call out over the bullhorn for them to put the vehicle in park and place their hands out the windows. Long, tense moments pass as his officers carefully make their way to the van. I don’t know how many men are inside. Two, definitely, but there could be more. “Are you ready for this?” Atticus asks, checking the chamber in his Glock.

  “Yeah. Time to get my woman back and hopefully find out some fucking answers.”

  “Frank and Gordon have Tony already,” Jonas states. “I bet the assholes in the van are just hired help and won’t have answers. Plus, with the cops there, it’s not like y’all can zip-tie them and bring them back for us to talk to.” Fuck, he makes a good point even though that was my first thought.

  We get out of our vehicle and make our way to the van, keeping back enough so we don’t interfere with Chief’s men. Each door has two officers as they command the men to slowly get out of the van. A small skirmish ensues and I watch, grinning, as the driver finds himself face-planted on the asphalt. That’s gonna leave a mark. As each door is opened, an officer yells out ‘clear’ once their target has been restrained. With my heart in my throat, I approach the side door that is now open. I see both women, still unconscious, crumpled together on the floor and suddenly, I can’t breathe. They’re covered in blood, likely from the erratic driving, and without thinking, my foot lashes out and crashes into the side of the man who was in the passenger seat. “Oops, I slipped,” I state. “Didn’t realize it was so slick out tonight,” I continue as my boot connects once again with the ribs of the man who was carrying Destiny.

  “Yeah, had a little rain go through,” Chief drily states. “Sucks when that happens because no one can get good traction while walking.” His boot finds the fucker’s face and I see the blood spurting from his nose. “Okay, since I’ve got my full force out here, I can’t let y’all take them, but what I can do is hold them.” He murmurs so only Atticus and I can hear him. “Definitely kidnapping,” he states, motioning to the two women.

  “Unlawful restraint,” I add.

  “Same thing as kidnapping,” Atticus snorts.

  “Not really. You may be on to something, Silas. Let me check into that,” Chief contemplates.

  “No seatbelts, either,” I muse, as the paramedics arrive and climb into the van to check both women before they attempt to move them. I watch closely as first Destiny then Tawny become conscious again. Part of me is glad, but hearing the slight moans from both women has my anger boiling once again.

  “Resisting citizen's arrest,” Atticus rumbles.

  “Now we’re reaching,” Chief exclaims.

  “Causing bodily harm is a definite,” I growl out when I see that Destiny’s arm is bent at an abnormal angle.

  “Just throw the damn book at them, Chief. Keep them as long as you can.” My brother sighs out his frustrations.

  “Sounds like a solid plan to me,” I agree with Atticus.

  “I’ll do what I can,” Chief explains as he walks over to where the men are put in the back of cop cars. I hear their rights being read and can’t help but wonder what happened to my woman’s rights. Once I see the paramedics escorting the women to the ambulances, my feet automatically lead me that way. Without thinking, I grab Destiny and gently, watching out for her hurt arm, pull her around to face me. Nothing else is said before I crash my lips onto hers. I’m not good at all the emotional sharing shit, but I sure as fuck can show her.

  “Silas, let’s get her to the hospital, man. Time enough for that when she’s home,” Atticus states, coming alongside of us. He’s right, I know he is, but I want her to feel my touch so she knows that I’m right here beside her. I don’t want her last touch from a man to be in anger.



  I should be shaking. I should be incoherent. I should be a lot of things, but I’m not. I’m calm, cool and collected. Other than my arm throbbing, I’m solid. My body and mind are numb to everything around me other than Silas and the way he just claimed me in front of everyone. I’m sure he’s not going to let me from his sight for a bit, but I’m actually okay with that. I am really looking forward to him coddling me, for a while anyway. I’ll let it happen for a few days, then I’ll insist he allow me to be the independent woman I’ve worked so hard to become.

  We end up staying in the hospital for hours. Initially, the doctor was worried I’d need surgery on my arm, but it turns out it looked worse than what it actually is. Silas has been glaring and shouting at the staff ever since we entered the hospital doors. They’ve been patient and understanding so far, but I can see them kicking him out if he keeps it up. He’s like an insolent child, pouting and demanding things go his way.

  “Silas, they’re doing the best they can to get us out of here,” I state as he paces and mutters about ‘slow-assed motherfuckers’ again.

  “If they were, we’d be home, Kitten,” he replies. “They’re inept, unorganized, someone needs to be in charge who knows how to run a tight ship,” he grumbles and rumbles. He sounds like a damn gorilla with all of the chest beating he’s doing. I eventually sigh because I want to be home and out of this get-up. Believe you me, I’m tired of the looks I’ve been getting ever since we got here. But with the morphine drip they put in; I can’t bring myself to get too worked up. He’s fucking with my buzz which is making me irritable.

  “We’re next in line with the orthopedist who will be putting on my cast,” I remind him. I don’t know if that’s their ‘official’ title, but it escapes me right now. All I know is it’s been wrapped, splinted, and is currently propped up on a pillow, giving me some relief from the ache and pain. The nurses have already cleaned up the gashes I got while being thrown around in the back of the van. At least Tawny wasn’t badly hurt; she’s got some bruises and one wicked cut that took twenty stitches, but Piper says that she laughed and said it would improve her street cred or some such bullshit. When he goes to pace again, I put up my good arm and say, “Stop. You’re messing with my vibe right now, Silas.”

  He gives me an incredulous look as if I’ve grown an extra head. He turns to me and his voice drops as he asks, “Your vibe?” I swear I hear a chuckle, but this is Silas we’re talking about. That couldn’t possibly be true. The drugs really are making me see rainbows and feel as if I’m dancing in the sunshine.

  “Yeah, this shit they’re giving me has me all floaty, but your yelling makes me want to scream,” I admit. I suspect that the drugs are loosening my tongue because I’m generally not so, what’s the word? Oh yeah, pushy, where he’s concerned. Right now, I just need him to chill the fuck out.

  “Kitten, they kidnapped you. You’re hurt, for fuck’s sake. I have the motherfucking right to be pissed the fuck off,” he states. I’m sure it cost him to say it in such an even tone judging by the vein that has popped out on the side of his neck. I idly wonder if he has blood pressure problems; his veins do that all the time. Maybe I should have them cuff him while we’re here. That thought makes me snicker out loud.

  “Do you have blood pressure problems?” I solicit.

  “What the fuck?” He looks at me like I’ve taken several turns on the merry-go-round. “Where’d you come up with that shit?”

  “The vein in your neck is popping out. It only protrudes like that when you’re upset or angry,” I reply. “I just wonder if it means you’ve got a blood pressure issue is all. I’d hate to lose you to something that’s preventable.”

  He sits in the chair next to me and takes hold of my good hand. “Destiny, my blood pressure is fine. Always has been, always will be, because I ta
ke care of myself. I can’t help that veins pop out when I’m in a heightened state of emotion. Right now is a perfect fucking example seeing as we’ve been waiting for hours for them to wrap things up and discharge you!” he roars out. The veins pop again but I don’t say anything further since it’s obviously a sensitive subject for him. Instead, I take my good hand from his and run it up and down the one that makes itself known the most. I can feel his heartbeat in the tips of my fingers.

  “Piper could always take me home if you’ve got things to do, Silas. There’s no reason for you to sit here with me,” I retort. When I see his look, I realize that I just waved the red flag in front of the proverbial bull.

  “Piper can take you home? Piper, not me...your man? Are you out of your fucking mind? You’re my woman, Destiny. That makes you my responsibility, not your sister’s!”

  “My man?” I want him to say it again. I feel a bit delirious and don’t know if it’s the drugs coursing through me or his recent words.

  “Yes, your man. What did you think we were building here, Destiny? I haven’t been spending all of this time with you for shits and giggles. Damn, maybe we all need some of those miracle drugs the doctors have given you.” I burst out into uncontrollable laughter thinking of how he’d act. It’d be fun to witness Silas laid back for once.

  “You should see if they’ll send you home a prescription, Silas.”

  “I was joking, Destiny. You’re cute as fuck right now.”

  “Only right now, Silas... hmm, maybe I need to start wearing less clothing around you.”

  “Stop. Just stop right there, Destiny. Jesus, you try my patience sometimes.”

  “My daddy used to say I could test the patience of a saint.” I giggle loudly, because he’d always tack on that the saint would end up in the mental ward. That however, I won’t be sharing with my man. My man, I say that several times in my head… it’s been a long time coming that I’ve wanted to declare that to not only myself, but the entire world. Silas Nelson is mine. Forever more. Now that he’s said it, he’s not getting rid of me. No siree Bob.

  “I’m no saint, Kitten, but I suspect you realize that already,” he replies, leaning down and kissing my forehead. I pout because I want another kiss like I got before.

  “You’ve been my saint, though, Silas. Ever since…” my voice breaks as I remember how helpless I felt, chained up and beaten. I had no idea anyone, other than Piper, was trying to find me and had mentally already given up because I wasn’t sure how far Piper would get in her attempts. Without the Nelson brothers at her back, she didn’t have the resources needed to track me down and rescue me.

  “Shhh, I’ve got you, Kitten,” he murmurs, gathering me into his arms. “You’re safe now.” He keeps talking low to me as I cry. It’s as if everything from the past few months has come crashing down and I can’t stop. Long minutes pass as the tears flow, soaking his shirt, but he never complains. When I try to pull back, he stops me, reaching for Kleenex so he can wipe my face. “There you go,” he whispers, kissing me gently.

  “Alrighty, let’s get this cast on so you can get out of here,” a male’s voice says, interrupting our moment.

  “It’s about fucking time,” Silas rumbles, moving back slightly.

  The tech, whose name badge says ‘Oscar’, steps back a little then stands a little taller and replies, “It couldn’t be helped. Three of my staff went home with the flu and there was a nasty fender bender that came in. Of the six people waiting for casts, Miss Carsden’s was the least severe.”

  “Silas, it’s okay,” I state, patting his arm. Oscar smiles at me then stops when he sees Silas glaring at him.

  Within thirty minutes, I’m casted, have my prescriptions in hand, and am being wheeled out to Silas’s truck that Liam brought up to the hospital. Seems that Jonas and Raven are watching the aftermath at the club.


  Now that my heart has calmed, I’m ready to get her home so I can deal with that fucker, Tony. So far, according to Frank and Gordon, he’s been tight-lipped, but we’ll make him talk. First things first, I need to get her home, cleaned up, medicated, and put to bed to rest. Once I know she’s down for the count, I can take my rage out on that bastard. I lift her into the truck then buckle her up, earning me a smile. I know she’s flying high with the drugs they gave her and I kind of like this agreeable Destiny, at least right now. She still makes my cock hard as fuck, though.

  “Gonna grab us something to eat on the way home,” I advise once I’m inside the truck. “You have to have something in your stomach before you can take your medicine.”

  “I feel good,” she says, sounding suspiciously like James Brown as she sings it versus speaking it and I find myself chuckling. I seem to do that a lot since she came into my life. Before her, there weren’t many moments where I was relaxed and enjoying life enough to laugh. Even when my brothers were acting like imbeciles and portraying childish behavior.

  “Yeah, that’s the morphine, Kitten. Once that wears off, though, you’re going to hurt like hell, so we’re going to stay ahead of the pain, okay?”


  “Hmm?” It started to sleet while we were in the hospital and I curse the fucking weather here once again. Global warming my ass! Mother Nature is being a cold-hearted bitch today. This is the last thing I want to deal with after the freaking fantastic day I’ve had.

  “Do you want to build a snowman?” she asks me as she gazes out the window watching the sleet fall.

  “Woman, what the fuck?” You need actual snow for that, and it’s not even in the forecast. I can’t help but wonder if morphine was all they put into her IV drip earlier. She’s acting as if she’s on a hallucinogenic not a pain reducer.

  She giggles and I realize that my woman is apparently a lightweight when it comes to medication. “I was watching some movie with Damien and that’s one of the songs. Kind of a cute movie actually. Has a talking snowman and a giant moose.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Destiny. It’s sleeting, not snowing. We seldom get snow, just this bullshit that stalls everything around us for days.”

  I hear her sniff and glance over to see one lone tear falling. Reaching over, I take her hand in mine and lightly stroke it. “Why are you crying, Kitten?” This feeling I have inside right now is foreign as hell and I don’t like it, not one bit.

  “Because we don’t get snow, Silas. How can Damien build a snowman if we don’t get snow?” Shit, I hate tears, especially hers. How is a man supposed to stay sane when his woman is all teary-eyed and speaking nonsense? Maybe I should hit up Piper’s endless supply of Xanax that her doctor prescribes her for anxiety. I’m feeling a bit anxious myself at this time, could use something to relax me from my dramatic, tearful woman.

  “He can’t, not unless Jonas and Raven take him somewhere that it snows,” I reply, trying to be logical. This causes her to burst out into more tears. I nearly slam on the brakes so I can pull her into my arms, but reconsider seeing how slick the roads are.

  “Then they need to do that immediately! I’ll call them!” She reaches for her phone with her bad hand and whimpers.

  “How about you wait until we’re home?” I ask.

  “They don’t live with me, Silas,” she retorts.

  “You’re coming home with me,” I state.

  “I don’t live there either, remember?” She may not for now, but this is one argument she isn’t going to win. I’m determined to have her in the same house as I am while I interrogate Tony.

  “You may not but you can’t be left to your own devices right now.” Especially if this is how she reacts on pain meds!

  “What about my cat?” she requests.

  “Destiny, you don’t have a cat.”

  “But I’m getting one. What about him?” She’s already worried about a damn cat when she hasn’t even gone to pick one out yet. Yep, Xanax, need it, or a shot of whiskey. Either would work in this situation.

  Jesus fucking Christ, I’m getting whipla
sh with her subject changes. “When you get him, we’ll keep him in mind when we have stuff to do, okay?” I hope this satisfies her.

  “I’m gonna name him Cupid.” The nod she gives at her pronouncement is cute as fuck and once again, I find myself chuckling. “I’m gonna love him so hard, Silas. Just you wait and see, I’ll be a good momma to him.” Her declaration has me visualizing her round, with a different sort of baby in the picture... mine. A strange thought considering that I’ve never wanted children.

  “What if he already has a name?” Fuck, now I’m entertaining this craziness called a conversation with her, but if it keeps her distracted so she doesn’t realize just how bad the roads have gotten, I’ll do it.

  “Then I’ll rename him! Easy peasy,” she announces. When long minutes pass without her saying anything, I glance over and see her eyes closed and her face slack with sleep. Seeing the golden arches up ahead, I swing through the drive-thru and order enough food to feed an army since I have no clue whether or not anyone’s eaten at the house. I make sure to get the kid’s meal for Damien since it’s got a toy inside. Drives Raven crazy when I do that and I live to keep everyone on their fucking toes around me.



  Destiny stayed passed the fuck out as I carry her into the house. Instead of placing her in her old room, I take her up the stairs and place her on my bed — where she fucking belongs. I had Atticus go out to the truck and get the dinner that I picked up for everyone. I didn’t have enough hands available with Destiny in my arms to grab the bags and drinks. As I walk back downstairs, I see Raven standing over Damien as he tries to open his toy instead of eating his dinner.

  “Silas, how many times have I told you not to get him anything with a toy inside? He refuses to eat until he’s played. I’d rather him have a small meal and take him to the dollar store the next day for a treat.” Her murmurings go in one ear and out the other. I ruffle the boy’s hair, earning me a huge smile from my favorite nephew. Piper comes waddling in, and I can’t help but think of Destiny doing that when carrying our child. Atticus is following close behind her; he looks as if he’s in pain the way his face contorts with worry over his woman and her lack of balance.