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Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC Page 8

  Sure enough, I walk into my room and hear pinging. Once again alerting me to a text message. I cross my fingers hoping for a non-confrontational message.

  Kid: Baby doll, there is nothing for you to be upset over. I fucked up! Uncle Jed is goin through something, I got upset ‘cause he asked to keep you ladies out of it. And if you didn’t listen and went all gung-ho, you make your man look bad. Sky doesn’t give a damn, and I know her, she wouldn’t have stopped her poutin and getting you and Sades involved. I need a time out Riles. I need the drama to have a break and Uncle Jed’s right, he needs time to sort this shit himself before you all stampede in. I love ya baby, please forgive me. I’m proud of ya by the way. Keep up the hard work babe. I won’t be in contact for a while. See ya soon.

  Kid just made me swoon, he just said the words that were perfect for me. He’s my perfect, my always.

  After the high of the call with Kid I fell asleep dreaming of a new me and a strong relationship Kid and I have with no breakable ties. I must have slept later than normal cause I wake up from the best dream to my bed bouncing up and down. I open one eye to see what the annoying thing is that has my bed dancing. Wouldn’t you know it, its trouble one and trouble two.

  “I’m sleeping, can’t a girl sleep in every once in a while? My boss gave me the day off, no computers, no annoying club brothers coming in asking me to check on this or that. I was supposed to be annoyance free today ladies. So, please tell me you have one, just one really damn good reason to be bouncing me up and down on this bed, making my shoulder throb when it should be doing anything but!”

  I get a look of resignation, neither of these extremely intelligent women remembered my shoulder wound. You’ve got to be kidding me, they were both there when it happened. What on earth could be so important that this tid bit of information could leave their brains and land under their feet? The give me an apologetic look both of them knowing I’m fixing to let them have it.

  Sky clears her throat gaining my attention, then gives Sadie a look telling her she’s got it covered. See, I know these looks I’ve been on the receiving end of them for a while now so none of this shit is getting past me. I may be blond but nothing is going over and past my head here, so they need to step it up here. I’m not a happy camper that I was woken in the first place.

  “So Riles, Sadie and I have been up for a bit and I got a call from Kaci. She said that Travler had a late night and came to her house drunk and out of it. Said he was up till about an hour ago giving her the riot act about not letting his brother have what’s his and she needs to shut it down before he does. She was asking what the fuck was up with Travler’s ass because she hasn’t ever heard him talk like this before. She says he freaked her out because all he’s made it like their relationship would ever be is friendship and nothing beyond that would be possible.”

  She slows only long enough to catch her breath and continues.

  “So any who, she wants us over to take care of that issue you have with him because now she’s got her own issue with him and she wants him to get what’s coming to his ass. She’s even agreed to be lookout when he wakes. I guess they’ve got plenty to talk about that she’d be able to keep him busy for a couple hours at least.”

  “Okay, let me get dressed and pull my hair back, you two gather supplies and let’s get this done! Operation teach Travler a lesson is on the agenda for today. We’ve got to make it good, especially after he’s pulling this alpha bullshit on Kaci. She’s been kind enough to offer him a place to stay outside of the club since he ‘claims he’s tired of the babes and all the partying’, which we all know is a lie. We now have two reasons to make his day one to remember. Meet in living room in thirty-minutes. Enough time?”

  I look at the girls they shake their head ‘yes’ and we all go in opposite directions to get done what needs to in order to pay Travler back for his childish ways.


  They are the biggest babies of them all. You know what they say, the bigger they are the harder they fall. I love hearing big bangs. It means another one bites the dust. Oh shit, now that damn songs stuck in my head. Need music like ASAP! Lincoln Park! That will get this song out of my head. Where is my Transformers Movie CD at? Need something good. I tear my nightstand apart looking for it, I know that’s where I put it. Kid threatened to hide it from me but he wouldn’t would he? I go into his closet and open his backpack he uses for working out and wouldn’t you know it. There it is, hmm…he’s just jealous.

  Anytime my band comes on rather he’s talking to me or not, it goes up and he is tuned out. Maybe he needs a lesson as well, gonna have to think hard on this one, his needs to be extra special. Ryder and Travler’s are small compared to what he’s getting for hiding my CD. Taking away my one and only cleaning CD, work out CD and not to mention my driving CD!

  Ugh, I’m definitely gonna have to see what my girls think a good pay back is on this one. Oh, oh no, I got this, I know what to do! Oh shit, I don’t need the girls this one’s all mine! I need to get a-hold of his I-pod when he gets back while he’s sleeping. This is going to be so much fun! I’m going to burn his songs on a disc, then upload Celine Deon onto his I-pod after a few of his songs where he won’t know until he’s away from the house.

  I hope he shares his music; this is going to be classic. Don’t mess with your woman’s music, ever. Bye-bye rock n roll, hello Celine Deon and the biker…I can’t help but crack up on the inside as I imagine Kid’s face as he loses his music and is suddenly hit with Celine’s top twenty hits. I can’t wait to let my inner bitch out for this one. Its music war 101, and I’ll make sure it’s a war I win. Never scrap with me over my Lincoln Park or Transformers again. They are Mine and I don’t take kindly to those who take them away from me.

  You’d think we were some kind of secret spies the way this was playing out. If I can stop laughing at Sky and Sadie long enough to take this seriously it’s the perfect payback. They’ve done their faces up in black and green camo type disguises and are now attempting to hold me down and make my face look like theirs.

  I mean seriously, were going to tie some streamers on his bike and make it look like a tricycle instead of a badass’ motorcycle. And these crazy ass bitches are trying to make this some type of secret mission. We’re going to be spotted, one, its daylight, two its parked dead smack in the middle of the driveway. Honestly, it’s payback, I don’t give a rat’s ass if he knows it’s me.

  “Give it up! If you’re chicken shit and don’t want to be known for being a part of this go home. I want Travler to know, I. Did. This. He needs to know that I don’t abide by his actions where it comes to me and my body. My body is meant for one man’s viewing and until there is no reason for it to belong to one man and one man only, he needs permission from me or said man.

  I personally wish him luck with such a request, don’t see it happening since Kid has told me numerous amounts of time that my body belongs to him and him alone. Ladies, if you’ll excuse me, get that gunk out of my face, give me the material for my mission and move aside! I have one of my targets within reach and I’m ready.”

  They had their mouths open like they could catch flies, so being the big sister I am, I politely closed their jaws to keep the bugs out and went about my business of gathering up supplies. I am strong, I no longer need to be in the shadows, and I can do this on my own. Just having them support my decision is enough for me. I have a purpose and I’m not going to turn in another direction, my focus is on the task at hand. I have all of my supplies, ribbon paper-check, tassels-check, handle bar horn-check, am I missing anything?

  Oh yeah, where’s the little kid’s license plate that says she’s the boss? There it is, fell out of the damn bag, double-check. Got it all and am ready to show him we can give as good as we get. Excitement is rolling through me in waves making my hands shake in desire to get the ball rolling. I feel hands grab at the bag and I look up at my girls who’ve removed their make-up and have huge smiles on their faces.
r />   Hmm…guess they don’t care if it’s known they were in on this or not. Good, I want to make this a masterpiece and make sure it’s something he never forgets and make it a lesson worth remembering.

  We do however go about the jobs we’d assigned before during our revenge session and get to work quietly as to not arouse Travler to what’s going on outside. Sky text Kaci letting her know we’re starting and keep him otherwise occupied if he’s awake. Sky’s job is the ribbon, she’s to wrap it around the seat and anywhere else it won’t melt onto his bike.

  Sadie is to put the tassels on without leaving a residue he can hate on us forever for. She’s found some type of sticky adhesive that leaves nothing behind and is easily removed. She gets to work making a pom-pom looking tassel coming out from each grip. I put cloth on the inside of the horn since it’s metal and tighten it the best I can to his handle bars since it’s made for a kid’s bicycle and this is a big boys bike.

  Once I’m satisfied it will stay I move to put the kid’s license plate cover hanging below his using zip-ties. Easily cut off, but enough to irritate him. Once we have it complete and it’s satisfactory to our liking we each snap pictures of it from all angles and it’s ready for our payback. We of course leave everything on, but that’s only step one of my revenge. Step two, add it to the family portfolio website that only the Rage Ryders and sister clubs have access to. It’s our way of staying on touch with our outside family who isn’t in close by charters. I organize the website and started the entire thing. Therefore, I man it and approve and remove anything on the site and this is definitely going up.

  And will be titled:

  Do not take advantage of other men’s women!

  I think my point will be made. Only there’s one more that needs to be added before I screw the pooch. Ryder will get his, I just have to wait till his ass is home and Sky has him distracted where Sadie girl and I can take care of his. Kid and Tumbler will have to be sound asleep or on club business, those two have some type of radar knowing when we leave the bed. We will have to be smooth when it comes to his. We may have to play a little game of 007.

  Last night’s mission was a pain in the ass, the extraction part was easy, and taking Muscles’ out was even easier seein how Cassidy had pretty much taken care of that for us by the time we’d gotten there. This bitch is something else. I will never in my life time be able to tell this story and have anyone believe me, it’s a good thing I’ve got back up for when I tell this one. None of us have spoken since the disposal of the body, Cassidy had pretty much mutilated his body, with a fuckin handcuff end.

  You know the sharp part that goes into the cuff, yeah that part. She used what was available, I’ll give her that, but damn, seriously! What the fuck were we supposed to do with that shit, there was blood all over the place. It looked as if a mass of murders had been committed in that one room! His body must’ve drained at least half its blood content. This shit was just sick! Cool as hell a chick could do that shit, but sick!

  We walked into the room expecting to make a grand entrance and take him by surprise, only we were the ones surprised. Cassidy was underneath him, he must have gone to release her from her cuffs, only he ended up on the controlled side of the situation. She must have been waitin and plannin the whole thing and bidin her time for the opportunity to present itself. Once he removed them suckers she didn’t even wait for him to remove himself from her, she used those things as if they were knives and started stabbin him without mercy.

  I wouldn’t have recognized him if it weren’t for knowin what cage they’d used to get away from and known it was parked in front of the room and also knew Cassidy. Face it, who else is built like Muscles was that’d be all over Cassidy’s ass. We moved quickly removing the heavy asshole from on top of her so she’d be able to regain some of her air supply I’m sure she lost when his life gave and he ended up layin on her.

  We ended up havin to take the quilt, top and bottom sheets to wrap his ass in on both beds. He needed a double-wrap job just to get him from point A to point B. The prospect and Tumbler took on that mission. One block down the street is a Wally-world so V.P and Wasp walked down that way and came back with a steam cleaner and solution. If we couldn’t remove the blood the carpet would have to come with us and some chemical the V.P brought with him just in case would be used.

  Some damn concoction Uncle Jed’s come up with to ride any DNA from blood and any DNA left behind by us. Which shouldn’t be much we all are using gloves and hair nets under ball caps and jackets. I guess you never know, I’m no specialist, I’ll do whatever it takes to save my ass and that of my brothers.

  While everyone’s gone I’m on protection detail, Wasp told Cassidy he’d bring her back some clothes and shoes and informed her she should take a shower instead of leavin the room lookin like she’s Chuckey’s bride. Wasp has a very warped sense of humor as far as I’m concerned, but hell it got a chuckle out of her which I’m guessin is what he was aiming for. As soon as everyone was gone and it was just the two of us she told me “Thanks” and tore ass for the bathroom.

  The showers been runnin the whole time now, I’m guessin she’s needin some alone time and doesn’t matter if she’s needin help or not, no way in hell am I lookin at another naked bitch. Riley’d have my ass for sure if she ever found out. Even if she didn’t I owe it to her to not see any naked chicks. She’s been hurt enough in her lifetime, there’s no way I’m contributin any more pain to her heart as long as mine beats.

  We take several hours of cleaning the room, we put the magic solution on the carpet with solution while steam cleanin, and wouldn’t you know it looks like new carpet. Cassidy said the guy behind the desk saw her come in with Muscle so she went and took him $500 in cash and told him that they’d had a little fun on the beds and the sheets and quilts got ruined durin ‘playtime’, The manager also happened to be there and he accepted the cash and told her no worries that would cover the expense, yeah I’m sure it would in this flea infested, rat motel.

  Prospect returned the rented cleanin machine, rinsed the van at the car wash inside and out to make it clear of any evidence and wrong doin on our part. Finally, and I do mean finally we started the long ass trek back home. Another six hours on the road home and I can only imagine how badly my ass was gonna be feelin the ride. I’ll just tell Riley I wanna soak in the tub with her, she’ll think I’m bein romantic and shit and it’ll be a good score for me seein as how I screwed up immensely over the phone. I need to do some major makin up to my baby doll anyway, what better place to start that a good soak with my girl in my arms.

  Hell yeah!

  And my ass could use it also score two for me. I’m so brilliant sometimes I even surprise myself.

  Prez just got a call the brothers aren’t too far from home, so I give Riley a call to round up the other two and tell her to get to the clubhouse the guys are almost home. I’m excited to introduce my little diva to the guys and Kori’s nervous about them comin home. She says she wasn’t too forth comin with Kid when he asked her some questions. I’ve told her she’s ours and he was just askin on her and my behalf and things will be cool.

  The guys all love her and she loves them, it will be as if nothing’s happened or I will tear their asses up. No one’s gonna ruin this for me, not even my brother’s, my Angel’s home and I get to hold, hug and give my little diva kisses when I tell her I love her. She finally has her daddy as well and like she says

  “Daddy, I know it took’d the longest time for u to come home, but can you not go away no more?”

  I promised her I wouldn’t and I’m not. I also promised her this family, and they’ll never be taken from her, EVER! I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I will fight for it with every ounce of strength my body possesses. I love my Angel down to the bottom of my soul, but my diva, she has every piece of me.

  I look at her and I see parts of each of us, it took me and Angel to make this perfect little human being, my perfect little diva. She’s been glue
d to me since the day I picked her up from day care. Angel was right, the second I opened the door to her classroom she barreled right for me screaming

  “Daddy, daddy, daddy, your here, you’re really here, you came.”

  I felt every emotion hit me all at once, love, loss, anger, resentment, thankfulness and full-fellness. I dropped to my knees with my baby in my arms and just inspected her. I ran my fingers through her chestnut brown long locks, counted her fingers and watched her animation moves as she was speaking to me. She’s very vocal, not a shy bone in her body, full of questions and so full of life. Kori on the other hand, I watch her with her guard up at all times. She spends most of her time watching over her shoulder, even though I’m here.

  I keep reassuring her nothing will touch her with me and my brothers protecting her. I’m not sure if she doesn’t trust me, or is actually that petrified of her father. I have people from our chapter and other chapter’s along with our sister clubs and friendlies looking into her father and possible associates that would be affected or take it wrong if he was harmed or simply disappears. So far it looks like his associates are just that, associates. It would become a bidding war over his stocks and companies, what worries me is would Kori be put in the middle or be in danger being his only surviving family.

  She wants nothin to do with the companies, but they’d come after her till she gave em what they wanted. I need more research before any moves are made. This may be a timelier process than I anticipated it to be at first. Doesn’t matter, everything in due time is worth my weight in gold to have the prize I get in return. My family, my Angel and diva for eternity, for a lifetime, my lifetime.

  What the fuck was I thinking? How could I bring these protective, caring, loving people into my hell? I’ve probably already brought on enough danger for myself and Tic, but coming to the clubhouse I’ve brought my father’s wrath upon them all, no, I have to get out of here. I can’t do this to them, to Tic, to my daughter, our daughter. No one’s paying attention to me, so I turn and walk briskly down the hallway and out the back door.