A Twisted Kind Of Love: Rebel Guardians MC Page 10
“Wonderful, looks like we should be meeting this little one in the next hour or so, Paisley. I’ll be back in thirty minutes, but the monitor will display at the nurse’s station to show us your progress.” I nod as another contraction grips me.
“Here, sweetheart,” Travis says, placing an ice chip in my mouth. I may not be able to eat or drink right now, but based on my history of dehydrating quickly, the doctor okayed the ice chips.
“Yummy,” I say, smirking at him. “Does that come in any other flavor?”
“Smartass,” he replies, leaning in to kiss me. “You doing okay? The pain’s not too bad?”
Surprisingly, despite the contractions, I’m not in a lot of pain. “I could get by with a Tylenol,” I tell him.
“So noted. I know we’ve bounced names around, have you decided?”
“No, I want to see her first. I know it seems to be the thing nowadays to name a baby before they’re born, but that’s not me, not us. Let’s look at her little face before we decide, okay?”
“You’re the boss.”
“Well, actually, we’re the bosses, but do you agree?” For some reason, this is important to me. Call it pregnancy prerogative, call it whatever.
“I like that idea.” He firmly agrees, feeding me a spoonful of ice-chips.
My labor continues to progress and soon, I feel like I need to push. I hit the nurse call button and when the voice replies, I say, “I need to push.”
“We’ll be right in, Mrs. Martin,” the voice says.
“Travis, I have to push. I have to push now!” My voice is insistent enough that he pulls the blankets back and looks between my legs.
“Paisley, I see hair.” Well, alrighty then, it’s not like I’ve been able to do a major grooming with a belly, for fuck’s sake. He sees my look and says, “No, not that, I see the baby’s head.”
“Dammit, where are they?” I ask.
“I don’t know, but I’m gonna be ready, okay?” He goes over and washes his hands then puts on a pair of gloves, grabbing a couple of towels and bringing them over. “Alright, baby, spread ‘em,” he says, grinning at me.
“I bet you say that to all the girls,” I tease through gritted teeth.
“Just the one I love and adore,” he murmurs, placing one of the towels underneath me. “Okay, Paisley, I have no fucking clue what I’m doing, but this is supposed to be as natural as breathing, right?”
His voice is calm but his face? Oh, his face shows how terrified he is of doing something wrong. “Travis, I gotta push.” He counts with me then I push.
“Good job, baby. Again,” he states. Over and over I push until finally, I feel as if the worst is over.
“Her head and shoulders are out, one more time,” he says as the nurse and doctor come rushing in. Glancing over his shoulder, he states, “I’ve got this, just tell me what to do, not leaving her now.”
The doctor quickly washes and gloves up and comes to stand next to him, giving him instructions as the nurse comes to my side to hold me up and give me some stability. “Okay, now cradle the head. Good, good,” the doctor murmurs. “Congratulations, mom and dad, she’s a beautiful baby girl.” Travis steps to the side and the doctor lays our girl on my stomach and I get my first glimpse at the most beautiful thing in the world.
Laying in bed all cleaned up with our daughter cradled in my arms and Travis by my side, I say, “So, what do you think?”
“She’s beautiful, just like her momma,” he replies, kissing me.
“How do you like the name Evie?” I question.
“Evie Rose?”
I think about it and nod. “I like it, a pretty name for the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen. Evie Rose Martin, you’re going to have a beautiful life.”
And she has, I think as I apply my eyeliner. Her daddy and big brother spoil her rotten, as do her uncles and aunts. Despite being spoiled, she’s still one of the most kind-hearted, loving people I know, and I hope, that the bond we share will grow stronger as she matures into a young woman.
Finished with my makeup, I spritz myself with my favorite perfume. I may not be all girly-girl, but I love my Coach floral perfume and Travis makes sure I never run out. Now to put together the perfect biker babe wedding ensemble. Of course, my thigh high boots are a must. Pulling down a pair of distressed skinny jeans, I pair it with an off-the-shoulder cream colored top, and my property of cut, that shows the world I belong to Twisted. Cassarah put fat curls in my hair and it lays across my shoulders and flows down my back.
Taking one last glance in the mirror, I smile before I snag the new wedding band I had made for Travis. With what he does, a ring is a liability, so years ago, he had my name tattooed on his ring finger, but when we’re out and about, he wears an actual ring. His was damaged years ago and I grimace, thinking about how he nearly lost his finger. Work related injury he received while working on one of the trucks. Why he even thought he was a mechanic is beyond me. Let’s just say that’s one lesson learned and he’ll never attempt to service another truck again.
Satisfied that I’ve got everything, I mentally go over the vows I plan to recite when it’s time. Tig is going to walk me down and Evie is going to stand up for me. Axe is performing the wedding and Hatch is standing up for Travis. The four of us started together so it’s fitting in my mind that it’s us plus our kids renewing our vow of forever.
The ladies got together, and decided that I wouldn’t see Paisley again today, until she walked down the aisle of bikes. They are lined up making the perfect aisle for her to walk down between them, from the back door of the club to the gazebo we’ll be standing under as we renew our vows. I’m standing here, anxious and palms sweaty as I wait for her to make an appearance.
“You ready for this?” Hatch teases me.
“I’ve been ready for that woman since the day I saw her standing behind the bar,” I honestly reply.
The music begins and I turn my attention to the back door when Evie walks down the aisle throwing out petals of roses as she slowly walks towards me. I know she’s a little old to be a flower girl, but it’s what her mother wanted, and my kids always try to make their mother happy. The music changes and I watch in wonder as Tig, who has his mother on his arm, escorts her to me.
She reaches my side and I smile down at her and say, “You’re fucking stunning, Paisley.”
Axe clears his throat and says, “Brother, not sure that word’s appropriate in this circumstance.”
“That word is always appropriate,” Hatch replies, jabbing me in the side with his elbow. “She looks gorgeous.” I can appreciate his words because they’re not said with any sort of desire towards my woman. All of our women are beautiful, mine is just the best of the bunch.
The cream of the crop.
The Queen to my King.
The prized jewel to my treasure chest.
“Alright, y’all, you ready?” Axe asks. We both nod and he says, “We’re gathered today among family and friends to witness Paisley and Twisted renewing their vows to one another. It’s an honor and a privilege for me to be up here doing this and I want to say that I’m proud to call them family. They’ve written their own vows...” Fuck! I was trying to surprise her by writing my own.
I look at her, and she winks at me, “Thought you had me, didn’t you? The surprise is on you, Travis. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes.” This woman is always one step ahead of me at every turn.
“You ready, Paisley?” Axe questions. She nods and turns to me, grabbing both hands.
“Travis, twenty-six years ago, I pledged my love and commitment to you, but it seems like only yesterday. I promised to love you, honor you, comfort and keep you. I pledged to be by your side in sickness and in health, in times of want, and times of plenty, for better or worse, for the rest of our lives. We have had all of those things, and you have been by my side as we created a family, a home, and a life together. Today, at the beginning of our twenty-seventh year as husband and
wife, in the presence of God, and our family and friends, I renew my vows to you, pledging my eternal love for you, and eagerly awaiting what life may bring us.” She slips the new ring on my finger. Then I take her hands in mine and stare into her beautiful eyes before beginning my own vows.
“Paisley, until today, the day I married you, that was the best day of my life. All that I have, and all that I am, all that I will ever be, is yours and because of my love for you. I call you ‘My sweetness’ because you are my everything. You are my light, and you’ve shown me more love than I’ve ever known was possible. The sun smiles on us today as we renew our vows, our love is stronger than ever, and lasted longer than expected. Our hearts beat together as one. I see these renewal of vows not as promises but as privileges. I get to laugh with you and cry with you, care for you and share everything with you. Love you, and cherish you every single day. You make my life better, my sorrows more tolerable, and send my spirit soaring. I promise you nothing less than the rest of my life. This is what I mean when I tell you I love you every day. You’re my best friend, confidante, lover, and partner in crime. Together we have created a safe haven in our marriage and for our children. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. But most importantly, you are the love of my life. You make me happier than a man should ever know. You know me better than anyone else in this world, and somehow still you manage to love me. Paisley, I bring myself to you this day to recommit my life to you. You can trust my love, for it’s real. I love you more than life itself. And the best thing about it is that I feel all your love in return each and every day. Twenty-six years ago, we started our forever story…thank you for choosing me to write it with. I love you, Paisley—you are my everything,” I bend over and kiss her, my own words choking me up. I slip the ring I bought her onto her finger during our kiss, my hand steady. I had it engraved just like the first one, something she hasn’t seen yet, and added an infinity symbol in diamonds across the width of the band. “Forever,” I whisper. “You and me, for all eternity.”
“We’re not at that part yet,” Hatch utters. Paisley giggles and Axe chuckles.
“I feel kind of superfluous up here,” Axe states in a low voice. “Y’all did your own vows, you did the ring exchange. What else is there for me to do?”
“Maybe tell us to kiss one another? Announce us?” I reply.
He nods and says, “By the powers vested in me by the great state of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
I’m in Travis’ arms as we hang out with our friends. I’m admiring my new wedding set. He promised all those years ago that when the time was right, he’d get me new ones. “Do you like it?” he speaks softly in my ear.
“I love it,” I admit.
“It’s engraved, just like the other one.”
“So is yours.”
“Alright, alright, I didn’t put the prospects to work clearing out space for a dance floor for us not to dance. Y’all get out on the floor,” Hatch states.
I glance up at my man and see him smile as he walks me to the dance floor. “Play something good,” he tells Gino who has set himself up as our DJ.
The music starts and I recognize “Unchained Melody” from the Righteous Brothers. As Travis pulls me into his arms and we begin swaying to the music, he softly sings in my ear. “Where are we going tomorrow?” I ask. All I know is we’re leaving tomorrow morning. Hell, he had Cara pack my suitcase so I can’t even guess by what clothes I’m supposed to take.
“You’ll see,” he replies. I can feel him harden against me and grin, because being this close has caused the same reaction with me.
“How long do you think we have to stay down here?” I murmur, anxious to get to the wedding night part of our day.
“We haven’t cut the cake or anything, so I think we gotta wait until at least we do that part.”
“Dammit.” He chuckles, causing me to squirm some more. He doesn’t know it but underneath, I went all out with a lacy number. It’s a full bodice, it’s white with black ribbon running crisscrossed up the back. It’s tied at the end and opens easily once untied. I went risqué on the panties, they’re crotch less for easy access. I did this because it’s been a fantasy of his that he told me about. A month ago, we were lying in bed talking and sharing some of our fantasies. This was one of his, so I decided today would be a special enough occasion for me to bite the bullet and purchase a pair. They feel a bit odd, but it’s nothing that I can’t deal with.
We dance for what feels like hours before the music changes. I glance over to see that Tig has taken over the reins. He’s playing faster songs and the younger kids and adults swarm the dance floor. “I can’t do this one,” I tell Travis. He takes me by the hand and leads me to ‘our table’ where he pours me a drink. Gino’s famous margaritas sure hit the spot considering I feel like I’m sweating enough to water the garden.
“When are we cutting the cake?” Cara asks.
“Whenever Nan gives the go ahead,” Travis replies. “She’s overseeing that part.” Funny, she seems to be overseeing everything about today’s event. But I’ll keep my mouth shut, because she means well.
“Cake, cake, we want cake,” Smokey and Bandit start chanting, while banging their balled-up fist on the table. I can’t help but laugh because they’re like two overgrown children sometimes.
“Alright, alright,” Nan says, “if the bride and groom will come on up, we’ll get the children fed.” Once again, Travis takes me by the hand, and we walk over to the cake that Claree made for us.
“It’s beautiful,” I tell her as she fusses around making sure everything is just right.
Nan hands us the knife and he places his hand over mine, leaning down to kiss me as he says, “Together forever.”
We feed each other a piece but despite Smokey’s protests, neither of us smash it into the other’s face. That’s not us. Watching Travis’ eyes as he licks my fingers has me growing wetter by the second. “Can we leave now?” I whisper.
“In a few,” he replies, winking at me. He knows what he’s doing, dammit! It doesn’t help that the panties are causing a delicious friction of their own. “Got a surprise for you.” I perk up because I’ve got one for him as well.
“Can I have everyone’s attention,” he booms out. “So, my girl has always wanted a ‘68 Fastback Mustang. Wouldn’t you know, I just happened to find one from a man who makes it his mission in life to find junk cars and restore them.
“No,” I gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. It’s a dream I’ve had, but every time we went searching for one, it was outside of our budget. “You didn’t,” I choke out.
“I did, and it’s a beauty, look over there,” he points to the side of the club and I see Braxton driving up in a deep cherry red, panty-soaking, orgasm inducing, car of my dreams.
“Eeekk,” I squeal out, jumping into his arms. I press my lips to his and kiss him with all the passion I’ve held in my body throughout the night.
When the sounds of catcalls invades my senses, I pull back, breathless. “I take it you like it then?” he asks, grinning down at me.
“Hell yeah,” I reply. “Well, I have quite the surprise for you too,” I gush in excitement.
“Oh yeah, but can you top me?” He quizzes me with mischief in his eyes.
“Yeah, I got you,” I pick up my phone and send a quick text message. Soon, the sound of pipes invade our senses as Hatchet pulls around on a ‘84 Vintage, Harley Softail. It’s solid black, with a custom seat designed for comfort. It mimics the original that came with the bike, but it’s so much better for longer rides. The pipes, handlebars and accessories are chromed out, and shining in the moonlight.
“What?” I watch as his mouth opens and closes several times. Seems I’ve made somebody speechless. “That’s mine?” His ey
es are bugged out.
“Yes, baby. I had some help finding yours and getting it restored, but I think it’s turned out magnificently.”
“It’s a wet dream come true,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Hey, I’m not sure if I should be offended or not by that statement,” I huff.
“Baby, I love you. But can I please go play with my toy?” he looks at me with begging eyes.
“Yes, dear. You go play with yours and I’ll go play with mine.”
“Deal,” he says, putting his hand out for a shake.
“Don’t be a pussy!” Smokey hollers out, “Lay a good one on her!”
“Oh, trust me, brother, I will. Later,” he runs off. Not taking it personally, I decide to go off and check out mine. He’s always been this way when he’s excited about something. Everyone around him ceases to exist.
“Mom! Come check out these heated leather seats Dad had customized for you!” The happiness in my son’s voice gets my feet moving.
I walk over to my Mustang and get inside and crank her up. The purr of the engine is an aphrodisiac and I hope that Travis is ready to put that particular fire out soon. Multiple times. “Look, Mom,” Tig says, sliding into the passenger seat. “You turn them on here.” He points to the button before pushing it. “You can adjust the temperature and everything! This is fucking awesome shit!” I laugh at his enthusiasm. He’s just like his father. If it’s got a set of wheels, chrome or a motor, he’s interested.
Hearing the rumble of the Harley pipes, I turn and see Travis pulling up alongside me. “C’mon, sweetness, let’s take a quick ride.”
“Y’all coming back?” Tig asks.
“Not to party, no,” Travis states. I get out of the Mustang and hop on the back of the bike. He pulls around to the front of the clubhouse and grabs our helmets and leather riding jackets, which makes me grin. Even in his excitement, he’s protecting me. “Hold on, baby,” he says, once we’re strapped up and ready to ride.