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A Twisted Kind Of Love: Rebel Guardians MC Page 11

  We head out and once we’re on a straightaway, he opens it up. Feeling the vibrations of the bike have me fighting back an orgasm, which he must realize because I can feel his laughter since I’m plastered against him. I love riding with him, he’s a helluva great biker with spectacular skills.

  An hour later, we’re turning back, and I realize that finally, our time has arrived. After he pulls in, he takes both of our helmets off and puts them in the saddlebags before lacing our hands together and heading up to our room. When we reach our door, I burst into laughter. Seems that the girls were busy up here as well because there’s a sparkly sign that says ‘Just Married’ along with crepe paper streaming from the ceiling.

  “Oh Jesus, look what they’ve done,” I say, grinning. He unlocks the door then scoops me up to carry me inside, closing and locking it behind him. Suddenly, it’s just us. As he lets me down, I feel his arousal pressing against my belly.

  “God, I’ve been waiting for this all day,” he admits, looking me over. “You look fucking hot as hell.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” I tease.

  He slides his hands under my shirt and lifts it over my head. When he sees what I’m wearing, he states, “You didn’t!”

  “Guess you’ll have to check it out, huh?” He slips my boots off, then unbuttons and unzips my jeans sliding them down my legs. As I step out, I realize he’s at the perfect level and I huff out a breath.

  “Oh I like these,” he says, one finger teasing along the opening. “Nice and easy access for me to do this.” His mouth lands on me, and I grip his shoulders, because he’s acting as if he hasn’t had me in years. Soon, his fingers are penetrating my pussy and he’s moving them against my g-spot. My legs are weak but he’s holding me up so I know I’m safe to let go, and just feel.

  “Travis, I’m going to come,” I loudly pant.

  “That’s the plan, baby,” he murmurs against my clit. The added sensation causes me to explode around his mouth and I tremble and shake as the tidal wave rushes over me. Still holding my ass, he stands, and I can see my juices glistening in his beard. He kisses me deeply as he’s grinding against me.

  “Hair trigger here,” he warns as he once again picks me up and places me on the bed.

  “Same,” I admit. “I don’t know why it’s so much more tonight, but I say we go with it.” He wastes no time stripping out of his clothes and soon, I’m flat on my back with him hovering over me.

  “I love you so much, Paisley,” he says as he slowly enters me. Regardless of how many times we’ve made love, I still feel that slight burn as he fills me up and I relish in the passion that washes over me once he’s fully imbedded.

  “I love you too, Travis,” I reply, running my hands over his shoulders and down his sides to grip his ass. “How is it you’ve gotten hotter?” I murmur. Because he has, from his bald head to his firm ass, he’s my every wet dream and fantasy rolled into one.

  “Could say the same,” he pants out, moving slowly in and out of me. “I wanna make this last but I don’t think that’s possible.”

  “Fuck me, Travis.” I love slow but right now, I want it hard and fast. My thighs grip his waist and I shift slightly so the angle is different and moan because each time he enters me, he hits my g-spot and clit.

  The only sound other than our breathing is our flesh as he pounds into me and I realize that I’m one fucking lucky bitch to have him. “Forever,” he breathes as he stills. My pussy is clenching around him as I join him, crying out his name at my release.

  “Forever,” I agree.



  Over and over again, throughout the night we reached for one another. Finally, right before dawn, I pull her into the shower. “I think you broke me,” I tell her. My dick doesn’t even twitch seeing her sashay in front of me.

  “Hopefully, it’s like Lazarus and will come back from the dead, or we’re gonna have one hell of a boring week,” she teases. I look at her and see the evidence of our lovemaking in the beard burn along her breasts and neck, then grin.

  “Baby, I figure you’re pretty worn out this morning as well.”

  “Maybe so, but it’s our honeymoon, so I’ll suck it up.” She sticks her tongue out at me and I lean in for a kiss.

  “I’d do it all again, go through it all again, just knowing that we would end up right here, right now,” I softly whisper.

  “Dammit, Travis, you always say the sweetest things,” she replies, wiping at her eyes.

  “Let’s get cleaned up so we can hit the road.”

  “Are we taking the bike or the Mustang?” she asks.

  “Neither, we’re taking the truck. Gonna need it where we’re going.” She’s been driving me nuts trying to figure out where we’re headed, but I haven’t caved. It may just be our cabin up in the mountains, but her girls went up and got it stocked for us. A week away from everything will be paradise and give us the chance to recharge a bit.

  “Can we tow the bike behind it?” I stop and think about her question and realize that there are places we can ride up there, so I nod.

  “Yeah, I’ll get it loaded onto the back of the truck before we leave.”

  “Just have a prospect do it, isn’t that what they’re here for?”

  “Baby, it’s my new bike. I’d kill them if they did anything to it.”

  Her laughter surrounds me in the shower as she continues washing herself. “Such a biker.”

  “This isn’t a biker thing, Paisley. This is an ‘I’ll rip someone's throat out and shit down their neck if they mess up my new baby’ thing,” I give her a deadpan look.

  “I’m glad you like it,” she hums in pride.

  “Love it, it’s the second love of my life!” I play with her.

  “Yeah? What’s your first?” she asks.

  “Hang on, I’ve gotta think about that a minute.” Teasing her is always so much fun. The fact that she plays back and doesn’t take anything personally is what separates her from the normal type of woman. “It may be my children, it could be my truck, it’s a badass machine dont’cha know?” She smacks me on the chest. “Fine,” I sigh, “I suppose it’s you.”

  “Well, don’t have a hemorrhage or anything while thinking so hard.” She begins laughing.

  “You know it’s you, it’s always been you.” Lovingly, I rub soap over her body. “You are my world, Paisley. I try to tell you every chance I get, and show you every moment of every single day.”

  “You do, Travis. I never would’ve guessed when I agreed to marry you that you’d be the best decision I ever made. No one will ever love you the way I do.” The sincerity and love in her words nearly take me down to my knees. She doesn't just say things to say something, she makes sure you can feel it with every syllable that leaves her mouth.

  “Let’s get a move on, woman, time’s a-wastin’,” I say, smacking her ass.

  “Add bossy to your resume, too,” she retorts, stepping under the shower head to rinse off.

  We’ve been on the road for a couple of hours when it hits me that she’ll know where we’re going. “Have you figured it out yet?”

  “We’re going to the cabin,” she excitedly jumps up and down in her seat. She’s been begging me to bring her up here. She loves the fresh air, green grass and mother nature at its finest. Up here, you get to see wild deer and animals on a daily basis. She’s always loved nature and wildlife. “Can we go see the natural springs while we’re there? It’s always been to cold when we’ve come up before. The weather is perfect for sitting in it and relaxing. I can see a bottle of wine and a cooler of beer at our side,” she sends me a tilted smile.

  “Baby, we can do anything you’d like for us to do. I’ve made no specific plans for us. I figured we’d do what we wanted, for the first time in a long time, our hours of the days aren’t mapped out for us.”

  She pulls out her phone and starts googling to see if there’s anything going on in the area. “Travis! There’s a huge festival going
on all week, can we go?”

  “Absolutely. Whatever we do is fine with me as long as we’re together.”

  We finally reach the cabin during a torrential downpour, grateful that I tarped the bike. “Oh my God, look at us,” she cries as we make our way into the house. I look down at her and start laughing, knowing I’m just as much of a mess. She’s soaked through, her hair plastered to her head and her clothes showing every delectable curve she’s got. I feel my dick twitch and mentally fist pump because I was a bit concerned.

  “Let’s get in the hot tub and get warmed up,” I say, reaching to pull her shirt off. I may be soaked through, but she comes first. Once I have her stripped down, I quickly undress and take her hand to lead her out to the back porch where the hot tub is waiting. I take the cover off and give her my hand so she can go up the steps.

  “Travis!” she screeches as her foot slips and she starts to fall back. I manage to grab her before she hits the wooden deck, my heart pounding so hard I’m worried about a heart attack.

  “Shit, Paisley, you alright?” I ask once I manage to get us both safely into the hot tub.

  “Thanks to you, yes.”

  “I’ll always catch you if I’m there, baby.” I pull her into my arms, and we sit there, enjoying the warmth while the rain pours down on the tin roof. “We’re gonna sleep good tonight,” I tell her, dropping a kiss on her shoulder.

  “Yeah, something about rain on a roof does it for me.” I know and that’s why, despite the expense, I put a fucking tin roof on our house. She’s a clumsy one, but she has fun while falling. She never cares that she’s just given me a new grey hair, made my heart take a flying leap out of my chest, or caused me to go cross-eyed. Whatever it is, she laughs it off and keeps going. Me on the other hand, always has to stop and count my heartbeats. She doesn’t realize it, but when she hurts, I ache.

  “It was a good weekend with everyone, wasn’t it?” I ask. I enjoyed the many trips down memory lane and think it was good that the kids heard how we began.

  “The very best. We had everyone we love right there in one spot, except Luca, Maddox and Maysen.”

  “Luca will be home soon enough. C’mon, let’s get inside and I’ll start a fire.” I haven’t told her that Maddox and Maysen will be at the club when we get back. I want to surprise her, plus, I’m not ready for her mini-meltdown she’ll have when it’s revealed the kids are moving.

  Her eyes sparkle as she looks at me. “Oooh, can I have my way with you in front of the fire?”


  We’re laying in front of the fire, sated, when I say, “I can’t believe everything the girls did so we didn’t have to do a thing.”

  “The fact that that surprises you is beyond me. You know how your girls are,” he says, pulling me deeper into his embrace. “You women have always been a wild bunch. Hard to contain, just the way we men like it,” he wiggles his eyebrows up and down playfully.

  “You just like our spontaneity,” I joke back.

  “Sure do, we never know what’s going to come out of y’alls mouths or what you’re going to do next. Personally, I’d prefer that to a suburban housewife,” he’s teasing me because of the movie I like to watch periodically.

  “Good to know because I’ve never been that, despite the years of the kids playing soccer.” He starts laughing because even then, I refused to drive a van. I’ve either been on the back of his bike, riding in his truck, or driving an SUV once I upgraded from my little Honda.

  “We sure did get some looks back in the day, didn’t we?” he inquires.

  I giggle because we did. The club sponsored the teams that Travis and some of the guys coached and the kids’ shirts were made to look like they had mini cuts on them. Yeah, good times. “Look what it did for the kids, though,” I remind him. While all of them enjoy their video games and shit, they’re all pretty active, something a lot of parents can’t say about their own kids these days.

  “True. Luca said that basic training was a piece of cake,” he states.

  “Okay, enough about the kids. It’s our time, mister,” I tell him, rolling over so I’m laying on top. “And I’ve got plans.”

  “I don’t think he’s working anymore, we’ve been acting like a bunch of horny teenagers learning how they can use what was given to them.” I know he’s teasing me. I’ve always been insatiable when it comes to him. But, it’s his fault! He’s the one who got me hooked on his body. I crave the intimacy I get from him while we’re together.

  “Does he require some mouth-to-mouth?” I ask.

  “Couldn’t hurt,” he replies. I see his lips curving up in a grin and decide to see what I can get into.

  “Paisley? Thinking we should crawl into the bed,” he whispers. After that last round, we apparently fell asleep in front of the fire. I nod, still drowsy, and he helps me stand to my feet, then banks the fire.

  Mere minutes later, I’m curled in his arms and falling back to sleep. “Love you, sweetness,” he whispers, his voice raspy with sleep.

  “Love you, too.”

  We may not have had the traditional love story. We did it backwards, but it ended up being the best decision of either one of our lives. We didn’t fall in love then marry, but we love each other fiercely. The odds were stacked against us in the beginning, but we worked hard, stayed strong and true, and in the end, we are the best of each other.

  Our love is strong, pure and stands the test of time. We’ve had some bumpy roads in the past, and I’m sure we will in the future. But we’re stronger together and can come out the other end unscathed. As long as we have each other, nothing can ruin us, destroy us, or tear us apart.

  I’m not saying our love story is perfect. It’s not, but it's ours, and I wouldn’t change a thing.



  Last night we came home and today’s the big meeting I’ve been dreading in a way. Today, our boys will either agree that they’re ready to run their own branch, or they’ll choose to stay home. Coffee is sitting in front of us as the boys begin to enter the room. Tig looks at me and I can see that he knows something big is about to go down.

  “Dad?” he inquires.

  “Have a seat, Son,” I pat the chair next to me. Each father has an empty seat next to him for his boy.

  “Okay,” he hesitantly sits. “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah, it’s all good.” I smile in his direction to try and settle him.

  “Love you, Dad.” I’m so grateful that my kids aren’t afraid to say or show how they feel. I didn’t grow up that way and vowed that I would raise my kids differently.

  “Love ya too, kid.” A part of me hopes that he’ll wanna stay here with his old man, but another part of me wants to watch him soar as he finds his own wings in life.

  Braxton (Axe)

  I can’t believe this meeting is about to take place. I used to dream of this day when Luca was a little boy. Of course, I always saw me passing my gavel down to him instead of sending him on his own journey.

  “You good, Dad?” Luca asks as he sits next to me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him into a side hug.

  “Everything’s as it should be.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to reassure him, or myself.

  “Anything I can do to help?” He’s always the protector, even with me and his mother. He’s shown that time and again throughout his life, including this latest act of kindness by bringing Gypsy into the fold. This is why I feel like he’ll make a great president. You have to have compassion and understanding. Just look at my band of misfits. Smokey and Bandit alone are enough to rein in.

  “As soon as everyone’s situated, we’ll get down to business,” I say to him.

  “Alright, Dad.” It still completes me when he calls me Dad. He may not be of my flesh and blood, but he’s my boy in every way that counts.


  I watch Talon and Jasper walk into the room. Their shoulders are back, and heads held high. They had a rough beginning in lif
e, but both of them make me proud to be called Dad.

  “You good, Dad?” Talon questions as they sit next to me, one on either side.

  “Yeah. You boys okay? How are my babies?” If I thought I loved being a dad, the moment I held my first grandchild made me realize that there was even more joy to be had.

  “They’re good. Steel is now wanting to be a superhero when he grows up.” This news makes me bellow out in laughter. I missed this stage with my boys, but I’m living it vicariously through Talon’s oldest and JJ.

  Jasper starts laughing and says, “That’s my fault. I bought him that Captain America costume.”

  “He hasn’t taken it off! Jesus, it takes an act of Congress and the threat of no tv after dinner for him to let Claree wash it.”

  I can’t help it, I’m laughing so hard that tears are streaming down my face. “My grandson takes after your mother. Stubborn to a fault.” God, I love that woman, but she has given me a run for my money, that’s for sure.

  “Well, just saying, I got JJ one for his birthday,” Jasper states. “So you can live it firsthand.” That shuts me up. Lord have mercy, JJ is already hell on wheels. DJ may very well kill us all.


  I never thought I’d think this, but I’ve never been so happy about the fact that I have all girls. I can’t imagine what my brothers are going through sending their boys off. The only part that sucks, is that if Talon agrees to go and start this new chapter of RGMC, he’ll be taking my oldest princess with him. I sit here and contemplate ways to entice him to stay. I could threaten him, but that’s always backfired when I’ve tried. If Trinity were here, she could possibly sway him with tears. Something to think about if he chooses to go.