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Taken by Vegas: Rage Ryders MC 2.5
Taken by Vegas: Rage Ryders MC 2.5 Read online
Taken by Vegas
Rage Ryders MC Novella
By Liberty Parker
Wasp and Ashton were tragically separated twenty years ago, when she and her oldest daughter were kidnapped. Thanks to the Rage Ryders MC, they were reunited. This is the story of their reunion wedding.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.
Author Liberty Parker
This includes MC names listed in book.
@ Copyright Year(s) 2017
@ Copyright Holder(s) Liberty Parker
The Taken by series Book 2.5
Books in series:
Taken by Lies
Taken by Rage
Taken by Sadistic
Taken by Chaos
Taken by Temptation
Charlee’s Choices…released 2017
A Surrogacy Novel
What Should’ve Been…released 2017
To my Liberty’s Luscious Ladies, I love you all. Thank you for the support and dedication to all my hard work. The best support team a lady could ask for.
Ebony Simone McMillan…you give me support and faith on a daily basis. Thank you for stepping up and taking me on. Love you lady.
To Tracie Douglas-Rabas…the best cover designer I could ask for.
Find her here: https://www.facebook.com/darkwatercovers
To AJ Downey for all your hard work on the Biker Chicks trilogy it was an honor to be involved.
To my readers, I have added two chapters of Taken by Rage.
These are chapters that lead up to Taken by Vegas 2.5 in case you need a refresher.
There is a strong sexual content scene in this Novella. If you are not 18yrs + this story is not for you. There is no abuse, either verbally or physically in this novella.
Snippet from
Taken by Rage
Once we hit the living room, all eyes were on us. I’m not sure if Mom or Sadie blabbed, but it sure seems that way. I look at them both giving them the ‘you better not have stare’ and they both shake their heads ‘no’ at me. If that’s not the reason everyone is staring at us what the hell is it? Then Kid speaks up and suddenly I know what’s going on.
They all knew about his plan of asking me to marry him and I’m hit with my damn emotions again. Knowing they were all here, and supporting us in our next stage in our relationship means the world to me.
This is the best, most supportive family a girl could ask for and I love them all with every piece of my heart.
“She said YES!”
Everyone stands up and whoops and hollers, coming up to us giving us both hugs. He gets pats on the back and I receive kisses on the cheek from all of them. When my dad comes up to me, I see tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He grabs me in his arms telling me he is so happy I’m home and that I am back where I belong.
His words affect me bringing tears to my eyes and I hold on to him for dear life not letting him go. Everyone leaves us in the living room heading to the dining room table to get ready for dinner. Dad and I are having our moment and it seems neither of us are in any hurry for it to end.
When we finally break away, I see understanding in his eyes. He knows the years lost are just that, the past. To me, the future and having him in my life now, is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Other than Kid and my baby that is. I’m full of joy and happiness, my family finally feels complete.
I finally feel like the horrible upbringing that Justin had forced upon me and my mom is tucked away securely in my head and doesn’t have a way of coming into my future and tearing it away or having any further impact on my life.
As we join everyone at the table, we all decide to tell each other how thankful we are to each other and how our lives are finally feeling settled. Kid of course decides it’s time to give my dad a heart attack before his time by announcing ‘our’ pregnancy as he called it. I wonder if that means he’s going to take my hormones in stride since its ‘our’ pregnancy and not mine? Either way, I’m just happy he’s including himself into the next seven months.
My dad gave everyone time to eat their dinner before he decided Kid needed a kick in the ass, literally. Once we got up from the table, dad was walking behind him and put his foot up Kid’s ass, causing Kid to lose his balance and fall face first to the floor. I screamed at my dad to stop but of course, being the alpha man he is, my outburst didn’t stop him. Neither did my mom’s or sister’s.
Dad kneeled on Kid’s back and said in a shout whisper, “Boy, don’t you ever tell a man his daughter is giving him a grandchild while he’s enjoying his wife’s hard labor in a kitchen to make a meal for his brothers and family. I deserve more respect than that in my own home. Next time you plant a child within my daughter, you best take me aside like a man and not ambush me surrounded by family at a table where our women are enjoying a meal. Are you understandin’ me, Son?”
“Yes sir, I was caught up in the excitement and didn’t think. Next time I’ll know better. I just wanted my mom and dad to hear the same time you did, sir. I was showin’ them the same regard I showed you. I didn’t feel they’d like to be knowin’ second to you.”
“Understood, but next time, don’t ruin a man’s meal! We all hear it together in an environment where I can congratulate my daughter and my new son properly. That took away my right to take care of you both at an important time in not only your lives, but ours as well. You are gonna be a good husband and dad, son, of this I have no doubt. I will turn you into the best son for me as well, cause boy that’s what you are to me now. You are my son! Therefore, you treat me as you would your dad. I know he’s taught you better.”
“Understood sir, and thank you.”
My dad helps Kid up off the floor and grabs him up in a hug and tells him congratulations and how proud he is of the man he’s watching him grow into. I watch as my mom joins them telling Kid she loves him as if he’s one of her own and she couldn’t have picked not only a better man for her girl but a son for herself.
And cue the waterworks, I have a puddle forming at my feet by now I’m sure. I can feel the faucet as it has no shut off valve. It keeps coming as Ryder and Tumbler try to wipe them away, giving me support while watching the bond between my man and my parents.
Suddenly out of nowhere my dad yells, startling me causing me to jump and almost lose my balance. “Let’s do this!” Do this, do what? Suddenly the room is a flurry of activity and I’m being dragged down the hall and Kid’s screaming at me that he loves me and will see me shortly.
I have no chance to reply because I’m surrounded by my mom and girls and Kid’s mom turns my face from facing the living room and rushes me along with everyone. I have three moms running around me bringing out lingerie, garters, and I see a long bag coming out of my mother’s closet.
And then it dawns on me.
“Who’s getting married?”
I get a chorus of “You are.”
Excuse me?
“Why wasn’t I informed of this?”
Sky laughs and says, “You just were, now sit down, shut up and let us do our job. Kid wanted this perfect and that’s what my brother’s going to get. His vision of his perfect bride that he’s spent the entire day preparing for you.”
“He WHAT?”
“Settle down baby, let your man take care of you and give you what you both want. I promise that every one of us was involved and you’re going to be impressed with your man.” my
mom says.
“Ha, go figure. I had no clue when he asked me that he meant tonight. This was just a bit of a shock is all. Let’s do this. I’m gonna be Mrs. Jonah Rage. Ol’ lady to Kid Rage! Eeeek! Let’s do this. I’m ready to walk to my man and start my new future as his wife.”
I’ve never been a patient man when it came to waitin’ for what I want. As I stand here in the back of the clubhouse, I am in shock at what the women have been able to accomplish. We don’t have chairs for the guests to sit in. All of my brothers have staggered their bikes, and they are sideways where they will sit with their Ol’ ladies or dates. Or alone, whichever the case may be. We didn’t invite anyone outside of the club for the wedding or the after party. I knew Riley wanted it to be about our family only, so that’s what I’m giving her.
My brothers and I don’t do the tux thing. Nope, I like my nuts to have freedom and not be confined to those damn snug-ass pants. We are however wearin’ black jeans, and not faded ones so that my baby’s pictures of this day will still look good for her. We went with baby blue shirts that match my girl’s eyes almost exactly, our black jeans, our boots and our cuts. Only now mine sports my girl proudly as do all the other men who have Ol’ ladies.
Riley’s Ol’ Man is displayed over my heart which seems appropriate considering she’s stolen mine. Only the lady’s names are on the inside so we can keep them as close to our heart as possible and not display their names to others. I will, however, make sure Riley sees it as soon as the ceremony is done.
Tic pulled me aside earlier and told me once Riley and I leave tonight for our honeymoon, he’s callin’ a meetin’ and he told me all he’s found out from Kori and through research about her father and his ‘associates’. He doesn’t want me comin’ back from my honeymoon unaware of what’s happenin’. I understand his need to protect his family. Needin’ the club’s help is not somethin’ I can fault my brother for. I give him my proxy, just in case there is a vote needed. He tries thankin’ me which I shut down quickly.
After everything he’s done for my girl, no way I wouldn’t have his back, and that’s exactly what I told him, earning myself a hug, a true hug from my brother and friend. I know what his Ol’ lady and daughter mean to him, hell now that I have my own on the way, I already want to kill any future heartbreaks and threats to my child. Fuck that! I wish I could wrap Riley and my baby in bubble wrap and never let anything bad this world has to offer touch either of them.
Music starts playin’ drawin’ me out of my thoughts for my brother and I watch as Kori, Skylar and Sadie girl walk down the make-shift motorcycle aisle in mid-thigh length blue dresses which match our shirts. I wasn’t payin’ any attention to the dresses picked out for the girls but they are each beautiful as they make their way to support us in our commitment to each other.
Then as if it had only been seconds I heard the weddin’ march, only this one had been redone and I had to hold my laughter in. One of my brothers had remixed it with a metal mix, you could hear guitars and drums. I love it and I know my girl does too if the smile on her face is any indication. Wasp has a full-blown smile; he’s holding his laughter back like the rest of us. None of us is willing to ruin this day for my girl.
Her dress, however, I was part of, and it’s been altered. She now has some leather added to her dress. The straps that held her dress up have now been replaced with a strap of leather and leather goes around the top of the dress as well. She has a leather belt now too, and her dress flows out where it is now shorter showing off those beautiful long legs of hers. It was just a plain white dress that flowed at the bottom as it does now, only it went past her knees.
Wow, I can’t take my eyes away from her. Her hair is down in tight spiral-type curls that hit right above her waist line. Her breasts are pushed up high, suddenly makin’ me search my brothers makin’ sure none of them are lookin’. Pleased that they are not, I draw my attention back to my girl.
She’s only a few steps away from me and I notice those killer heels she’s wearin’. Again, not what I’d got her. I had gotten her white biker boots. She’s pregnant! What the fuck were they all thinkin’? I rush down the two steps of the make-shift stage and swoop my girl up into my arms. Wasp gives me a smile and whispers, “I tried carryin’ her down the aisle and they all jumped my shit.”
We both chuckle at his statement, but I dare any of them to say somethin’ to me, this is my girl and she’s carryin’ my child. I look into Riley’s eyes and she rolls them at me.
“Don’t roll your eyes Riley, you shouldn’t be wearin’ those damn heels and you know it.”
“Kid, I’m not big yet, I have control of my balance. Let me enjoy it while I still have it please.”
“Is this what it’s going to be like?”
I stand her back up, makin’ sure I’m there to support her in case she loses her balance. I just now notice she’s wearin’ her property patch. I give her ass a pinch lettin’ her know I’m pleased. She looks at me and winks, knowin’ she’s made me a happy man.
The preacher marryin’ us today is the same one who married my parents and Ryder’s. I feel this is a good omen to our marriage and future. He starts off tellin’ every one of how he married my folks and how he thought that was the purest form of love until he met Riley and me, which he only met Riley before the ceremony so I find this a little funny.
I chuckle causing Riley to elbow me. I growl at her and she rolls her eyes at me. Really? Are we not standin’ here getting married and she’s gonna sass me? Guess someone needs some reminders tonight. I smile at that fact causin’ her eyes to widen a little. Yea, she knows.
The ceremony feels as if it drags on forever, I start to fidget on my feet, which is normal for me when havin’ to stand still and in one place for too long. I lose patience payin’ attention to the preacher man so instead I look at my girl and all of her perfection.
How her smile brightens her face and makes me want to smile every time I see it. Finally, I get a nudge and notice it’s my time to follow the preacher’s vows. We exchange our vows and do our unity sand, uniting us as a couple intertwining our families and us into each other or some shit like that.
As soon as he says, “I now present to you” … I heard no more. I claimed my girl’s lips to all the hootin’ and hollerin’ and acceptance of all of my brothers. All of my brothers start their bikes, revvin’ their engines, it’s their way of announcing us.
No better way for a send-off to a happy life with my woman as far as I’m concerned. I grab my girl and lift her in my arms bridal-style claimin’ her lips the entire time walkin’ her down between our brothers.
“I love you, Mrs. Jonah Kid Rage.”
“I love you too, Mr. Jonah Kid Rage.”
“Let’s go celebrate our marriage. I’m takin you to Hawaii to a little village where I graduated from high school. We’ll have our own little private beach area where I can strip you bare and take you on the sand or in the water and no one will ever see.”
“Please Mr. Rage.”
And that’s the last thing she said as I put us inside the limo and took advantage of my wife on the way to the airport toward our two weeks of honeymoon bliss.
Kid and Riley’s Wedding
Memories and Love
Sitting here watching my very beautiful, very in love, oldest daughter marry her true love is a blessing in disguise. Something just a few short years ago I would have never dreamed possible for her. I am so grateful to these wonderful men who stormed their way into my daughter’s life, and in turn brought Wasp, my one true love, back into my life. For that, I will always be truly grateful to each and every one of them. I lose myself into thoughts of my wedding over twenty years ago.
I was nervous as we snuck off to Vegas to marry. Just the two of us, we wanted no one with us. Wasp said it was the two of us that fell in love, and it would be the two of
us as we made our promises of forever to each other. I remember feeling nervous and guilty, I didn't know how to be a good wife to him, having no good role model for myself. Growing up in foster care and group homes led to no examples I would want to give him.
My man held me close to him the night he asked me to marry him. I confessed my concerns. He told me I already loved him more than any woman ever could, and to just keep being myself and loving him. For him, I was and would be the best wife he ever dreamed of.
To him I was his dream woman, there would be no other, ever. For a tough alpha-man, my Wasp was very loving and could say in just a few short golden words, things that helped erase my past fears and self-doubts. Shortcomings to me were blessings to him. Or so he said. From his mouth to God’s ear.
I’m brought out of my thoughts as I feel a hand squeeze my right shoulder. I look to my left and see Wasp smiling at me as he has his arm wrapped around my shoulders.
“You remember our day? I practically had to beg you to marry my sorry ass. Didn’t think I’d ever convince you to take a chance on me. Luckiest day of my life when you agreed, it’s why I took no chances and carted your ass to Vegas immediately. Our chapel of love. It’s still there you know Ash?”
"I would hope so, it was such a beautiful place you took me to, to make me yours permanently. No time away from you or distance between us has ripped my heart from yours you know. If our love could stand the test of time, surely the place that we pledged our undying love to each other has made it through the boom of Vegas.”