Jaxson & Ralynn Read online

  Jaxson & Ralynn

  Rebel Guardians Next Generation

  Liberty Parker

  Darlene Tallman


  Jaxson & Raylnn

  Rebel Guardians New Beginnings 2

  Copyright © Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman 2018

  Published by Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman

  Cover by: Dark Water Covers


  Model : Joe Adams

  Photographer : @RplusMphotos

  Edited by: Joanne Dearman, Kat Beecham, Melanie Gray,

  Shannon McFadden, Beth DiLoreto

  Proofreading by: Nicole Lloyd

  Formatting by: Liberty Parker

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  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact

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  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real, or true person, it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being, living or not.


  Cover Page





  1. Three Months Later

  2. Jaxson

  3. Jaxson

  4. Jaxson

  5. Jaxson

  6. Jaxson

  7. Ralynn

  8. Jaxson

  9. Ralynn

  10. Jaxson

  11. Jaxson

  12. Jaxson

  13. Ralynn

  14. Jaxson

  15. Jaxson

  16. Ralynn

  17. Jaxson

  18. Jaxson


  About the Author

  About the Author

  Also by Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman


  Ralynn Hatchet has known since she was six years old that she loved Jaxson Boone. Even though he was twelve years older than she was and happened to be a new prospect in the MC her father was an enforcer for, the Rebel Guardians. Despite her best efforts, he never noticed or paid any attention to her, not even as she got older. Now a young adult, she’s still in love with him, only she’s tired of his lame excuses. Determined to move on with her life, she begins dating Marcus Welch, but she soon realizes that what she thought about him is, in fact, untrue.

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  Jaxson Boone hasn’t had an easy life, until he found the Rebel Guardians MC. While he’s always noticed Ralynn, it was as a child, since she was so much younger than him. As she grows into a beautiful, headstrong young woman, he does whatever he can to stop his attraction towards her, convinced that he’s no good. He will stay away from her, not only out of respect for his brother, but because he can bring her nothing but heartache.

  * * *

  All of Jaxson’s self-made promises go out the window when he witnesses something that raises his blood pressure beyond the boiling point. Realizing that the one woman he has been pushing away is the one he needs to make his life whole, he now has to work to show Ralynn just what she means to him.

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  **This book is for mature audiences ages 18+ due to language, violence and sexual content**


  For the countless therapists and folks out there who work with abuse victims, regardless of the capacity. Both of us have experienced domestic violence, so many of the things said or done are based on our own pasts. We are, thankfully, both thriving survivors and it’s our hope that anyone who is in a situation where they’re in danger or being abused will seek help and get out.

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  ~ Dar and Liberty


  This book is for everyone who has ever dealt with domestic violence. Unfortunately, it’s no longer a rarity, it’s become common place and is not something relegated to a specific income level, race, or gender. Men as well as women are now abused, although those reports are sadly lower than they should be.

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  Hopefully, what Ralynn endured, while in a fictional setting, will give someone the guts to deal with their own life. It’s not easy and statistics show that it often takes upwards of ten times before the person being abused actually leaves and stays gone. If you’re one of them on the fence, this book is for you.

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  Feel free to reach out to either of us, we’re willing to help in any way we possibly can and there are resources available that we can put you in touch with.

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  ~ Dar & Liberty


  It's important we let our readers know that there are scenes in this book that may offend and trigger those who have been in any type of abusive relationship. Scenes that take place in this book consist of emotional, verbal, and physical abuse. We want to warn you that these scenes are graphic. Please send the book back immediately if you fear one of these could cause a trigger or hurt you in any way.

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  If you are or know anyone who is in an abusive relationship, please call:

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  1-800-799-7233 | 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

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  It’s never too late to ask for help and it’s never too late to heal.



  Some people think I’m a bitch, but it’s my way of protecting myself. I’ve hidden my sorrow and pain behind a wall of sassiness and snarkiness. Being the daughter of the enforcer for an MC club has been anything but sunshine and roses. Dad is overprotective and sometimes hard to understand, but he loves his family and friends fiercely. A quality I hope and desire to possess. Am I a daddy’s girl? Abso-fucking-lutely! I love my father, Jayden Hatchet, more than any other man on this planet, I want to be with a man just like him. Unfortunately, the cards haven’t folded like that for me. The man I am in love with, who is just like my father, wants nothing to do with me.

  We have this push and pull type of relationship. But it hasn’t been fun and games for me. And today, I have to face him with yet another bimbo gracing his arm. Somehow, I’ll muddle through, because it’s my sister’s wedding and she deserves every good thing. To protect myself, I’m bringing a date, Marcus Welch. He’s been asking me out since the beginning of the semester and I figure he would be a good buffer against Jaxson.

  Marcus is tall and handsome, but he lacks that chemistry I need to feel the butterflies in my tummy. But he’s funny, so I’m sure I’ll have a good time. As long as Jaxson doesn’t try to interfere like he has a million times before. He doesn't want me, but he doesn't want anyone else to have me either. It’s both unnerving and stressful never knowing which end is up. He always gets to me, and that’s when the she-bitch comes out to play.

  Looking in the mirror, I grimace when I see my eyeliner isn’t appropriate for a middle of the day wedding. Dammit, I was so lost in thought I messed up and now I’ve got to start again. I wanted my make-up and hair ready before I help Maysen. They’re getting married at Maddox’ family farm and I know that his parents have been working themselves to death, along with my mom, to make it perfect for th
em. Grabbing my wipes, I clean my face and start again. It’s a summer wedding since Maysen wanted to be married on the Fourth of July, so light and airy is the way to go, not dark and smoky. Finally satisfied, I grab my dress and shoes and head over to the farm. Thankfully, the off-campus house I live in isn’t that far away, because I’m sure that by now, Maysen is ready to kill our mom and her future mother-in-law. They’ve been planning this wedding that’s been in the making for three long years now, and have earned the titles of ‘Momzilla’ and ‘Milzilla’ that Maysen gave them.

  I snicker thinking about Mom’s face when she heard that the first time. I thought she was going to kill Maysen until she told Mom that they were taking things a bit too far. Still not sure that it won’t be a bit over the top, but it’s my sister’s wedding, and if she wants fireworks, then that’s what she’s gonna get. Thank goodness, Mom put her foot down a long time ago because Dad wanted to blow shit up. It’s his way to pay homage to his feelings where his little girl is concerned. But we had to convince him that blowing things up isn’t appropriate for a wedding. He finally caved, but pouted for a few days.

  Once at the farm, I carry my stuff inside and upstairs where Maysen’s getting ready. “Oh, thank God, you’re finally here!” she exclaims when I come into the room.

  “Are you nervous? Do we need to discuss the wedding night or anything?” I tease. When her face goes beet red, I burst into laughter. “Seriously, Maysen? Y’all been bumping and grinding for years now and you’re still gonna blush?”

  “It’s not that, Rae. We um...we’ve been holding off these pasts few weeks. To make it special.”

  “Oh for Christ’s sake. That barn door has long since disappeared, so what difference does it make?”

  She rolls her eyes at me and says, “Because it will.”

  We hear heavy-footfalls as Dad enters the room. I see moisture gather in his eyes. “You’re breathtaking, baby girl. You sure you want to do this? I have a car outside running, we can be out of here before anyone notices you’re missing.” I can’t tell if he’s serious or not, but all of us women give him the evil eye. He holds his hands up in defense and says, “Just wanted to make sure, because if she’s changed her mind, I’ll be the first one to help her become a runaway bride.”

  “Oh my God! I knew I should’ve never let you watch that movie with me!” Mom huffs in annoyance. “Fucking hell, Jayden, I’m going to kick you out of here if you keep spewing this nonsense.”

  “DJ, just wanted to be sure is all. Another one of our babies is about to be married so take pity on me, will ya?” He pulls Mom close and kisses her and I see the tears in both of their eyes.

  “Okay, you’ve seen your girls and gotten your answer, so you need to go commune with your brothers or something and leave us alone.”

  “Hang on a second, woman! I got something special for my girl.” I watch as Dad goes over to Maysen and says, “This was my mom’s and I’ve had it cleaned and repaired. Look inside.” She opens up the locket and I see tears well up. I walk over and look down at the locket and gasp. He’s taken a picture of Maddox and Maysen and had it shrunk so it fits on one side and on the other, he’s got a picture of all of us. “This way, you can carry all the important people close to your heart,” he tells her as he takes it and puts it on. Seeing my dad, a big biker, putting a delicate necklace around my sister’s neck does something to me. I want this for myself and wonder if I’ll ever get someone like him or Maddox to love me like that.

  Who knows, dreams have come true, they have for everyone else in my family. Maybe I just need to set my old ones aside and come up with new ones. ‘Goodbye, Jaxson,’ I sadly whisper to myself. It’s time for some new dreams to come to fruition. I suck it up, and smile at the intimate moment my parents are sharing with Maysen. ‘I will have this one day’, I chant to myself. Time to move on, Marcus may not be my dream man, but he may be the man I need to get over my long-lost love.

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  I’m standing outside with, fuck what’s her name? Gloria, Gemma? Who cares, she’s only someone to keep Ralynn at arm’s length. I have to discourage her little crush. Otherwise, I’ll be the one to destroy her. She deserves someone so much better than me, my background and childhood are proof of that. I won’t turn into my father, and that’s my biggest fear. Deciding a long time ago that I would never fall in love and bring a woman down that rabbit hole with me is something I need to stand behind.

  Ralynn...damn that girl has turned into one beautiful, intelligent young woman. She’s sassy, funny, feisty—and when you add the fact that she’s got curves in all the right places, she’s the full package. I’ve played the age card for years now and it still hasn’t dissuaded her and I don’t have the heart to clue her in that I look forward to her little rants towards me. She’s full of fire and if shit were different, I would go to Hatch in a heartbeat.

  “Jaxson?” what’s her name mumbles at me.

  “Yeah, Gemma?” Hoping I got her name right but not sure.

  “It’s Gloria! Jesus, what’s wrong with you? I swear, I’m good enough to bring to a wedding but not important enough to even remember my name!”

  “Umm...sure.” Why is it her voice didn’t sound so whiny when I met her a few days ago? “What was it you were asking again?”

  “I forgot who’s wedding this is and how you’re related?”

  “Maysen Hatchet, she’s the daughter of my club’s enforcer.” Now I’m looking for blonde roots because I know I’ve told her this several fucking times.

  “Oh yeah.” Ding, ding, ding...I think the light bulb just went off. They get more dingy each one I get with.

  “Come on, everyone’s taking their seats,” I say as I start walking away from her, hoping she goes the other direction, I’m suddenly not so sure about this one. I can’t see Ralynn being intimidated by her. Her brains must be fried with all the hair coloring she’s done. Yep, that’s the excuse I’m going to go with.

  Finding a bundle of hay to sit on and looking around, I’m pleased at how many have shown to help Maysen and Maddox celebrate. I didn’t think that there’d be more than the club and Maddox’s family in attendance. Watching the woman, I mean Gloria, make her way to me, I cringe when I finally notice what she’s wearing. Maybe I should’ve reminded her this wasn’t a club function, but a family one instead. Pretending to not be with her and looking around I’m hoping she’ll keep on going, but nope, my luck hasn’t ever been good. Always bad. I sigh and fake interest in the people around me. She sits next to me and tries to grab my hand, I pull it away because I’m not into touching. Well, not with her anyways.

  The music finally changes, and I glance at the barn doors to see Lily making her way down the aisle. All of the club kids are growing up and I smile remembering her in pigtails with chocolate ice cream smeared across her face. When Ralynn begins walking down, I find my breath stalling in my chest. Fucking stunning doesn’t even come close to how beautiful she looks today.

  “Who’s that?” Gloria whispers, catching me staring at Ralynn.

  “That’s Maysen’s sister, Ralynn.”

  “She’s cute, for a little kid.” Is that jealousy I detect in her voice? She better not be here thinking she has some claim on me and can start shit with one of the club kids...especially not her.

  “She’s not a little kid, she’s in her twenties,” I huff out. If anyone knows how old she is, it’s me. And there’s no way the curves that she’s rocking are those of a little kid. My mouth waters at how grown up she’s becoming, and I desperately want a taste of her. Just a small one.

  Gloria snorts next to me and again, I think that I’ve made a huge mistake inviting her. I honestly thought she would be a good barrier between me and Ralynn today, but I think Rae would chew her up and spit her out without missing a beat.

  The music changes and I stand with everyone else as I watch Hatch, my club brother, walk Maysen down the aisle. I smile inside when I see that he’
s unashamedly crying through his smile, because he’s one of the meanest sons-of-bitches I’ve ever known. Except when it comes to his old lady and his kids. Then he’s a marshmallow. I know he gave Maddox hell these past few years, and am glad that they’ve finally come to an understanding of sorts. As long as he treats Maysen right, he gets to live.

  When Axe, my club president, begins reciting the vows and shit, my eyes stray to Rae, where they stay glued through the entire matrimony. A dream that I can never make a reality. ‘I’m sorry, Rae’, I know I’ve hurt her, but it’s the only way to keep her protected.

  Axe finally says, “You may kiss your bride,” and as Maddox leans down to kiss Maysen, fireworks explode in the background. Seems like a good beginning to their marriage and once again, I wish things were different for me.