Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC Read online

Page 11

  Mom and Sadie girl come out of the back of the house as I am leaving those thoughts laughing and their eyes are bright with happiness. I hope this news doesn’t take that look away from them, I really need them right now. Mom sees me and her smile gets even wider if that’s possible and she comes up to me pulling me into her embrace. It always feels good to be in my mom’s arms, especially these days when it’s full of joy and happiness.

  “Hi mom, I was hoping I could get a minute of your and Sadie girls time. I need some advice and since you’re the best at that, would you have a moment before it’s time to sit down to eat?”

  “Always for my beautiful girls, no one would interrupt us in my reading lounge let’s head in there. Sadie girl! Come with your sister and me.”

  “Geez mom, did you need to scream half-way across the room?” She just turns her head over her shoulder and smiles at me as she leads me to her reading lunge. What the hell is a reading lounge? She’s never had one of those before, is it the female version of a man cave?

  Yep, it’s a woman’s cave alright, she’s got a fireplace, bookshelves lined with books-my mom is an avid reader, recliner, couches, lamps, you name it she’s got it in here and it’s beautiful with cherry wood floors. Hell, I may move into this room and never leave. Set the baby bed in the corner near the fireplace and never leave unless it’s time to eat.

  “Alright baby girl, what is it you needed us for, were all ears?”

  “Well, you see, I-well.”

  “Spit it out sis, your freaking me the hell out here!”

  “I’m…umm… pregnant!”

  “What! Oh. My. God, I’m going to be an aunt!”

  “Say that again, did I hear you right? Am I going to be a Grammy?”

  “A Grammy mom, for real? Riley just said she’s having the first baby and you’re already picking out what your being called?”

  “Shut it! I can be called whatever I train my grandbabies to call me. Riley, come here sweetie. I want to hold you in my arms.”

  I sprint into my mom’s arms needing her comfort right now. I feel Sadie girl’s arms come around me from behind. They are both telling me about how excited they are and how everything’s going to be alright. They know me well enough to know I have a little bit of panic going off inside of me. It’s why my emotions have been all over the place, I haven’t had the vomiting or any of that. If I hadn’t noticed the unopened box of tampons, I’d never had counted my last periods off and realized something was wrong.

  “I haven’t told Kid yet; I want to tell him before dinner tonight. Do you think he will be upset with me? I don’t know how it happened mom, I always take care of birth control and have never, ever missed an appointment or missed a dose as it’s due. You don’t think he’ll blame me and think I’m trying to trap him to me forever do you? We haven’t been together long enough for me to hit him with this. What if he wants to leave me?”

  “Are you kidding me right now sis, that guy is not going anywhere. If anything, expect his protective nature to kick up a notch or two where it comes to you. Don’t be surprised if he’s glued to your side through the entire pregnancy either, and also, be prepared you know how he is now if someone touches you, imagine what it’s gonna be like when someone touches your stomach to feel the baby.”

  “Good point, my insecurities have been present the last few days even though I’ve worked so hard and have become stronger. I talked to the doctor when I went and he said it’s the hormones, their messing with my emotions that can mess with my progress. He did say however that I may come out of this pregnancy stronger than I went in. The mother in me will be dominant and in turn making me stronger, I will not only be protective but demanding where it comes to my child, myself and most likely Kid.”

  “Oh sweetie, you have already grown leaps and bounds. He’s right, your child will bring out strengths within you that were never present before. Just remember when telling Kid, he loves you so very much. Don’t doubt yourself or his love for you. If anything, this baby is going to help that love grow and your bond will be strong and the two of you will become unbreakable. Your already so in love, that we all know it will take a Mack-truck to break through. Now, would you like your sister and me to go get your man so you can tell him he’s going to be a daddy?”

  “Yes! Please, thank you.”

  “Alright sweetie, wait here and get comfortable, don’t be stressing on this or he’ll come in and see you and jump to the conclusion that something’s wrong.”

  “Your right, thank you both of you, I love you both so much.”

  I get a hug and kiss on the cheek from both my mom and sister before they leave the room. I take the time grounding myself, breathing in and out in steady breaths and calming my heartbeat and nerves. He’s going to be happy, I know he will. We’ve already talked about children; he’s told me he can’t wait till were married so we can begin. I guess were just jump starting that a little earlier than planned.

  A few minutes later, which felt more like an hour later, Kid comes in the room shutting the door behind him. He walks in my direction, where I’m sitting on one of the couches. It’s the one that faces the sliding glass doors looking into the back yard. He sinks to his knees in front of me, he has a worried look on his face.

  “Riley baby, is something wrong? Your ma said you needed to talk with me. You look nervous, its, making me anxious. Please tell me nothing’s wrong, tonight’s special.”

  Special? We’re only having dinner with the parents.

  “Kid, promise me when I tell you this, you will take a minute to absorb it before you freak out.”

  “If your tellin me I’m gonna freak Riley, you best spit it out.”

  “Kid, you’re going be a dad in seven months.” I hold my breath while waiting for him to respond.

  Am I dreaming? Did that really just happen? Did the woman of my dreams, the love of my life, the woman I plan to ask to marry me tonight just tell me she’s carryin my baby in her womb? She’s carryin a piece of me and her! I didn’t know it was possible, how it could even be, that I just fell more in love with my baby doll in this moment than I was before I walked through that door.

  I can’t help myself, before I even say a word to her, I grab her face in both hands. I feel a few tears escape my eyes, I can’t hold them back and I wouldn’t in this moment even if I could. Riley deserves to see how very happy she’s just made me. I pull her to me and meet her lips with mine. The kiss we share isn’t like any we’ve ever had before, this one isn’t hard, passionate, need or want. This one is slow and sensual, full of love and I’m showing her with this one that she’s made my dreams come true. First she gives me her, and now she’s sharing a piece of herself with me. I will forever be able to hold a piece of her and me in my arms and cherish our child that she is gifting me with.

  I hope in this moment, in this kiss, this is exactly the message she is receiving from me. I want her to know without a doubt that she owns me, every damn piece of me. I am willingly handing her everything, my heart, my body and my soul. It is all hers, I have no claim to it anymore. I live, breathe and exist for her and our child, and for them alone. She is the best gift than anyone has ever given me. I’m not a man of words, and I’ve never given anyone my emotions except my baby doll. I hope that right now, I’m showin them right so she knows how I truly feel. I pull away from the kiss and just stare into her beautiful eyes.

  “I never knew I could love like this. I knew I loved you very much when I walked through that door. I knew I’d lay my life down for you and take a bullet or a freight train headin for you. This baby doll, this gift you’re sharin with me, it’s just filled my heart with so much love. I hope that I love you the way you deserve and I want to show you every day how much you fill me with love and happiness.”

  I was gonna propose to my girl tonight anyways, I wanted to do it with our families. I wanted to make them part of our moment, but this right here, what she’s shared with me. This is screaming at me, this is the perfe
ct moment, it’s sayin that it’s our time. It should be a private, intimate moment meant for only the two of us. So that’s what I’m gonna do for my girl.

  “I was going to do this tonight in front of our family, but somehow this just feels like the right time. I’m not good with words baby doll, but I’m going to give you my heart right now the best I can. Since I’m already on my knees in front of you I would like to take this time to ask you the most important question of either of our lives.”

  I pull myself up where I’m up on my knees where I can reach into my jean pockets. I pull out the burgundy velvet box holdin my girls engagement ring.

  “Sadie girl and I went searchin for the perfect ring to sit on your finger. It had to be perfect for ya, I wouldn’t accept anything less, than what you are to me. Riley baby, will you please wear my ring along with the cut that says your mine and I’m yours. I want that piece of paper that binds us together as one. I don’t just want you to be my Ol’ lady, I want you to be my partner in all things in our lives. Legal in the eyes of the citizen law and all things in our world. Please say you’ll accept this ring on your finger and take me as yours in all ways as I want you as mine?”

  “Oh my Kid, I love you so much. Yes of course I’ll marry you. You and this little tadpole inside of me are my world. I would be happy and it gives me privilege to carry your name and your cut and abide by all laws. In our world and the legal world. I love you so much baby.”

  I’m not sure who jumped up first to get to the other one, but we ended up in each other’s arms, holding each other tightly whispering words of love. I can’t wait to make this woman mine, to hold our baby in my arms and have our family complete. One day adding more rug-rats to the numbers of our family. Lord only knows I can’t get enough of this woman as it is. If we don’t do something about it at some point, we’ll end up with the Brady bunch. And by we, I mean her, ain’t no motherfucker comin anywhere near my nuts.

  I love my girl, will do anything for her. I draw the line at anyone comin at my nuts with sharp objects! I’ll keep him covered before that will ever happen, she’s the one who hates the glove in between us.

  “Okay baby doll, this is what’s gonna happen, we’re gonna go out and tell everyone that were getting married. We’re gonna have our dinner and then I have a surprise for you. Your gonna do this for me with no questions asked ‘cause you trust me and love me, and I’m askin you to do it. No stallin, tryin to get info outta people, I know you hate surprises and waitin on things. Tonight though, do it without reservation and givin everyone a hard time.”

  I wait for her reaction by raisin my eyebrows and givin her my serious look tellin her I’m not gonna let her get away with arguing or whinin her way outta this.

  “Deal baby doll?”

  “Deal, but can we make it fast. Knowing there’s a surprise waiting for me drives me insane!”

  “I know it does, so let’s go get it started then, come on.”

  We walk to the door hand in hand and leave the room walking out to join the others in the living room waitin for us to join them.

  Once we hit the living room all eyes were on us. I’m not sure if mom or Sadie blabbed, but it sure seems that way. I look at them both giving them the ‘you better not have stare’, and they both shake their heads ‘no’ at me. If that’s not the reason everyone is staring at us what the hell is it. Then Kid speaks up and suddenly I know what’s going on. They all knew about his plan of asking me to marry him and I’m hit with my damn emotions again. Knowing they were all here, and supporting us in our next stage in our relationship means the world to me.

  This is the best, most supportive family a girl could ask for and I love them all with every piece of my heart.

  “She said YES!”

  Every one stands up and whoops and hollers, coming up to us giving us both hugs, he gets pats on the back and I receive kisses on the cheek from all of them. When my dad comes up to me, I see tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He grabs me in his arms telling me he is so happy I’m home and that I am back where I belong. His words affect me bringing tears to my eyes and I hold on to him for dear life not letting him go. Everyone leaves us in the living room heading to the dining room table to get ready for dinner. Dad and I are having our moment and it seems neither of us are in any hurry for it to end.

  When we finally break-away, I see understanding in his eyes. He knows the years lost are just that, the past. To me, the future and having him in my life now, is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Other than Kid and my baby that is. I’m full of joy and happiness, my family finally feels complete. I finally feel like the horrible upbringing that Justin had forced upon me and my mom is tucked away securely in my head and doesn’t have a way of coming into my future and tearing it away or having any further impact on my life.

  As we join everyone at the table, we all decide to tell each other how thankful we are to each other and how our lives are finally feeling settled. Kid of course decides it’s time to give my dad a heart attack before his time by announcing ‘our’ pregnancy as he called it. Hmm…I wonder if that means he’s going to take my hormones in stride since its ‘our’ pregnancy and not mine? Either way, I’m just happy he’s including himself into the next seven months.

  My dad gave everyone time to eat their dinner before he decided Kid needed a kick in the ass……literally. Once we got up from the table, dad was walking behind him and put his foot up Kid’s ass. Causing Kid to lose his balance and fall face-first to the floor. I screamed at my dad to stop but of course, being the Alpha man he is my outburst didn’t stop him. Neither did my mom’s or sisters.

  Dad kneeled on Kid’s back and said in a shout whisper, “Boy, don’t you ever tell a man his daughter is giving him a grandchild while he’s enjoying his wife’s hard labor in a kitchen to make a meal for his brothers and family. I deserve more respect than that in my own home. Next time you plant a child within my daughter, you best take me aside like a man and not ambush me surrounded by family at a table where our women are enjoying a meal. Are you understandin me Son?”

  “Yes sir, I was caught up in the excitement and didn’t think. Next time I’ll know better. I just wanted my mom and dad to hear the same time you did sir. I was showin them the same regard I showed you. I didn’t feel they’d like to be knowin second to you.”

  “Understood, but next time, don’t ruin a man’s meal! We all hear it together in an environment where I can congratulate my daughter and my new son properly. That took away my right to take care of you both at an important time in not only your lives, but ours as well. You are gonna be a good husband and dad son, of this I have no doubt. I will turn you into the best son for me as well, cause boy that’s what you are to me now. You are my son! Therefore, you treat me as you would your dad. I know he’s taught you better.”

  “Understood sir, and thank you.”

  My dad helps Kid up off the floor and grabs him up in a hug and tells him congratulations and how proud he is of the man he’s watching him grow into. I watch as my mom joins them telling Kid she loves him as if he’s one of her own, and she couldn’t have picked not only a better man for her girl but a son for herself.

  And cue the waterworks, I have a puddle forming at my feet by now I’m sure. I can feel the faucet as it has no shut off valve, it keeps coming and as Ryder and Tumbler try to wipe them away giving me support while watching the bond between my man and my parents.

  Suddenly out of nowhere my dad yells startling me causing me to jump and almost lose my balance. “Let’s do this!” Do this, do what? Suddenly the room is a flurry of activity and I’m being drug down the hall and Kid’s screaming at me that he loves me and will see me shortly. I have no chance to reply because I’m surrounded by my mom and girls and Kid’s mom turns my face from facing the living room and rushes me along with everyone. I have three mom’s running around me bringing out lingerie, garters, and I see a long bag coming out of my mother’s closet.

  And then it d
awns on me.

  “Who’s getting married?”

  I get a chorus of “You are” Excuse me!

  “Why wasn’t I informed of this?”

  Sky laughs and says “You just were, not sit down shut up and let us do our job. Kid wanted this perfect and that’s what my brother’s going to get. His vision of his perfect bride that he’s spent the entire day preparing for you.”

  “He WHAT!”

  “Settle down baby, let your man take care of you and give you what you both want. I promise that every one of us was involved and you’re going to be impressed with your man.” My mom says.

  “Ha, go figure. I had no clue when he asked me that he meant tonight. This was just a bit of a shock is all. Let’s do this. I’m gonna be Mrs. Jonah Rage. Ol’ lady to Kid Rage…Eeeek…let’s do this. I’m ready to walk to my man and start my new future as his legal wife.

  I’ve never been a patient man when it came to waitin for what I want. As I stand here in the back of the clubhouse I am in shock of what the women have been able to accomplish. We don’t have chairs for the guest to sit in, all of my brothers have staggered their bikes, and they are sideways where they will sit with their Ol’ ladies or dates. Or alone whichever the case may be. We didn’t invite anyone outside of the club for the wedding or the after party. I knew Riley wanted it to be about our family only, so that’s what I’m giving her.

  My brothers and I don’t do the tux thing, nope, I like my nuts to have freedom and not be confined to those damn snug ass pants. We are however wearin black jeans, and not faded ones so that my baby’s pictures of this day will still look good for her. We went with baby blue shirts that match my girl’s eyes almost exactly, our black jeans, our boots and never, ever without our cuts. Only now mine sports my girl proudly as all the other men’s do who have Ol’ ladies.