A Twisted Kind Of Love: Rebel Guardians MC Read online

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  I know I give him hell all the time, but he’s built something beautiful and strong with my girl that’s heartwarming to see. They had a rough patch and I was worried they wouldn’t pull through, but their love for one another was solid enough to weather that storm.

  Smokey and Bandit

  “Man, I’m glad the boys aren’t old enough for this yet,” I murmur to Bandit.

  “I’ve always been envious of our brothers, but now, I just feel grateful that we started having kids late in life,” Bandit agrees with me.

  “Yeah, I don’t think Hannah would be thrilled if Foster or Forrest moved away.” Our woman is all about family, that’s for sure. No matter how busy we are, we all sit down to dinner, and Sunday is pretty much always a family day if we don’t have something going on with the club.

  “Someday, though, they’ll make that decision,” Bandit reminds me.

  “That day is not today, so we’ve got years to prepare our woman.”

  “Gonna take a lot of preparing, you up for the challenge, Smoke?”

  I chuckle and give him a look. “What do you think?”

  “Yeah, me too.”


  I’ve got all the paperwork to set up the new chapter. Bandit did the research and we went ahead and bought some property in Fallen Creek, Oklahoma. It’s not too far from us, just enough that the boys I’ve watched grow up can take the reins and come into their own as men. We’ve gone through the proper channels to set up a new chapter of our club, and there are several businesses in the area that we’ve gone ahead and purchased so that the boys can jump right in. We put up the initial outlay with the stipulation that once they start earning their own monies, they’ll pay us back so that each club will be self-supporting.

  Right now, though, I’m glad I’ve got girls. I know they might want to move away in the future, but that’s not gonna happen for a long time.


  As I watch the boys file in, my mind’s eye sees them as they were all those years ago. Gangly, with knees and elbows everywhere. Scraped knees and busted arms have given way to tall, confident young men who are secure in who they are as individuals.

  I know looking at my brothers that they’re all hoping their sons will stay here and am grateful that Axton isn’t old enough to make that choice. I don’t think Bridget could handle it if he left.

  Glancing around the table, I see Chef and Maxum taking a seat and realize that they don’t have a dog in this hunt. Lulu can’t have kids and Maxum and Lily haven’t exactly figured out what they are yet.

  Jaxson comes into the room, and I know that after everything he and Ralynn have been through, there’s no way he’ll be leaving. Her family is her backbone, and he won’t be willing to mess with the progress she’s made.

  But all of the young men in this room, they are our future. I’ve never been so proud to be called ‘uncle’ in all of my life. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for each and every one of them. They are amazing young men, and I hope they don’t settle for anything less than what they deserve. Everything means so much more in the end when you have to fight for it.



  Dad calls the meeting to order. I’ve never been part of a club meeting and a feeling of pride washes through me. This is my first, but hopefully not my last. “Today is a day of new beginnings,” Dad starts off with. “Today, we have an offer to lay out on the table for our sons.” This catches my attention. “Boys,” there’s a knock on the door and Dad yells out, “Enter!” It surprises me when Maddox comes strolling through the door.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” he says, taking an empty seat at the end of the table.

  “Glad you could make it, I know Maysen was up sick all night. Anyways, I was just beginning. As I was saying, I have a business venture I’d like to share with you boys.” We all glance around at each other. Seems every one of us are confused and have no idea what’s going on.

  Twisted clears his throat and continues when Dad seems unable. “So, we know all of y’all, except Maddox, are patched members already. We’re not ready to turn over the reins here, but when Maddox called Axe and asked how he could become a part of the club, it got us thinking.”

  Dad takes over again, saying, “Since he and Maysen are established in Fallen Creek, Oklahoma, we thought it would be a good time to expand the club. We’ve done all the work to set up a chapter there, and bought a few businesses like what we have here. Now the question is, who wants to go and be part of the new chapter and who wants to stay.”


  The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  I glance around at my friends, my brothers, my thoughts racing. Seeing no one else is going to say anything, I start. “I’d like to take that shot. I think more places need our kind of club.” I see Dad close his eyes as my words hit, but he doesn’t say anything, he only nods.

  “I’d like to go as well,” Tig states. “Could be fun, don’t you think?” he asks, looking at the others.

  Jasper looks over at Hatch then Talon and says, “I’ll go.”

  “I’m staying,” Talon states. “Not gonna move Claree and the kids.”

  “Not leaving.” Jaxson’s emphatic tone doesn’t surprise me, not after what Rae went through. It gutted me to find out the hell she lived and I wasn’t here to do anything.

  Maxum clears his throat, “I’d like to stay here if I can. This is a great opportunity, but my life is here.” Dad just nods his head in his direction, I know he’s happy about this decision because it means Lily will be staying home. That is once they get their heads out of their asses and do something about their feelings.

  “Okay, so, Luca, Tig, and Jasper?” Dad inquires. “And, of course, Maddox.”

  We all nod our heads, and I see moisture gather in most of our dads’ eyes, but they never let the tears spill.

  “So, now that we’ve got that taken care of, y’all need to vote on officers. We’ll help y’all as much as possible, of course, but understand that other than keeping the bylaws we’ve established, you’ll be your own entity.”

  Smokey, our secretary, says, “Y’all are gonna have to double up on some things, but the important positions right now to get you started are president, vice president, enforcer and secretary. Let’s get this done so we can celebrate a new beginning, y’all.”

  “I nominate Luca for president,” Maddox states.

  “I second that,” Tig replies.

  “All in favor?” Dad asks. Even though they’re staying here, the original members, as well as Maxum and Jaxson all say ‘aye’ and I suddenly find several patches thrust in front of me.

  “The floor’s yours,” Dad says, handing me a gavel just like his. I take it in my hands and look at it, realizing the privilege that’s been bestowed on me.

  Taking a deep breath, I say, “Okay, nominations for vice president are open.”

  “I say we stay with the roles of our fathers,” Jasper states. “Tig for VP.”

  “Agreed,” Chief says.

  Once again, the vote goes around the room and Tig is named my VP. I see the pride in Twisted’s face as he hands him his new patches. “We kind of thought you’d go that way,” Dad states, pride laced in his voice.

  “Jasper, that makes you our enforcer.” He sits up straighter in his chair. A look of reservation on his face, I know it’s because he wants to make his father proud. “You’ve got this,” I encourage him. He nods his head, resembling one of those bobble head figurines that people have on their dashboards in their cages.

  “You need a treasurer. They can double as the secretary until you get more folks in,” Law decrees.

  “Maddox is good with numbers,” Jaxson responds. “I nominate him for that dual role. And Jasper can double as the road captain.”

  “But, I’m not a patched in member yet?” He questions our vote.

  “You are now,” Dad states. “We took a vote and decided that you stepped up and did what had to be don
e when it came to your wife. Not only are you family, but you’ve proven your loyalty to us, the club, and our family. Count that time with Maysen as your prospecting days.”

  “Welcome aboard,” I slap him on his back as Dad and I walk over to him and hand over his patches.


  I feel like I’m in a dream. This is something that I’ve thought about my entire life. I always knew I’d be part of the club life, but I never imagined I’d be in the same position as my father. Holding the same title as him is unbelievable.

  Dad looks at me and leans in close, “You doing okay, Son? You seem a bit shell-shocked.”

  “I hope I do as good of a job as you.”

  “I have faith in you, Tig. You’re a good man and will be a fucking great VP.” His faith in me makes my chest swell with feelings.

  He’s never shied away from praising us kids and that’s something I plan to do when that time comes and I start raising a family.

  “Thanks, Dad. That means a lot coming from you.”

  “Tig, you’ve made me proud your whole life, I don’t see that changing.”

  “Is it time to party yet?” Bandit asks. “Because I could use a beer.”

  “Yeah, I say we let him, and Smokey announce this to the women,” Hatch pops up.

  “Yes, couldn’t agree with you more. They’re used to being in the hot seat,” Dad agrees. Lord help us all, I hope we don’t end up with our own version of these two.

  “I’ve got my running shoes on. Challenge accepted,” Smokey states.

  “Fucking thrilled,” Dad mutters.

  “I call this meeting adjourned,” I say, ending my very first church meeting.


  The first sniffle comes from DJ as she looks at Hatch and says, “I can’t believe this!”

  “Gorgeous, it’s a good thing for them,” Hatch replies. “Besides, aren’t you supposed to shoot the messenger?”

  I watch as DJ shoots daggers at Bandit and Smokey, who came out of church and hollered for everyone to come and listen, they had something to say. As it dawns on each of the women, I see tears begin to fall.

  “Y’know, as hard as this is, I’m so proud of each of you boys,” Cara states. “And it’s not like y’all are gonna be on the other side of the world or anything.”

  “I’m proud too, now someone blend me a margarita! I need it stat,” DJ cries out. “Now!” she snaps, and I watch as the men all scramble hastily onto their feet and push each other out of the way in pursuit of making it to the kitchen.

  Luca walks up to me and nudges my shoulder. “Think that will ever be us one day?” he questions me, but his eyes are glued to Gypsy.

  “God, I hope so,” I return.

  The end of the original RGMC chapter...stay tuned for New Beginnings, the Fallen Creek RGMC, where you’ll get Luca, Tig, and Jasper’s stories…

  Additional Note to readers: You may have a lot of questions in regard to Daria. We will be expanding on her and Braxton in Lily’s book. It will explain why someone like Braxton stuck around and dealt with her rudeness, and mean-spirited ways.

  Stay tuned, Lily and Maxum will be heading your way soon…ish.

  Book 2 Seeking Our Forever

  Nelson Brothers’ Trilogy

  Up Next in our lineup:

  Book 2 Seeking Our Forever


  Jonas Nelson is the ‘nerd’ behind the missions. A virtual genius, he sits behind his computer and patiently tracks the evil men and women they’re hired to capture. He’s a badass in his own right, but prefers to be behind the scenes unlike his two brothers.

  Since they disposed of Sinclair, Jonas has been watching his widow, who’s unaware of where her husband has disappeared to. He doesn’t like what he sees, though, one who is constantly peeking out the blinds to watch and see if her abusive husband makes a reappearance. It has him on edge and his protective instincts on high alert.

  Raven Robenstein is an IT genius. A chance encounter with a man who came knocking on her door one evening, one she describes to friends as ‘hot as hell but out of my league’ leads to a job opportunity that will help her pay for her son's surgery to repair a congenital heart defect.

  When the local gang targets Raven, she turns to Jonas for help, never expecting to find the one thing her heart was missing—him.

  Faithfully Devoted Teaser



  I grew up knowing I would have an arranged marriage. When my father decides that it will be to a member of the Rage Ryders Motorcycle Club to further his connections, my prayer is that we can get along.

  When I meet him for the first time at the altar, I'm captivated. Tying myself to a man that I've only just met seems like something out of a book, but here I am.


  The club has been everything to me since I first joined out of high school. I'll do anything my President asks, but when he tells me I need to marry someone sight unseen, I question my blinding loyalty for the first time.

  Until I see her. Something about her calls to me, despite my screwed-up past. Despite the man I am now as a member of the Rage Ryders.

  She is mine.

  Lizzie and Justice start out as a marriage of convenience, one that will help the Rage Ryders and also Lizzie's father. Can Lizzie rise above her past? Will Justice keep her at a distance because of how he grew up? It's time to ride again with the Rage Ryders and see if they'll become faithfully devoted.



  My name is Elizabeth Dawn Cardozo. Today, I turn thirteen years old. Instead of having a birthday party like most kids my age do, I am attending my oldest sister’s wedding. There are three of us girls in total, unfortunately for my sister, it is a marriage not of her choosing, but an arranged marriage, where my father is the only one with a hand in picking her husband. Her husband to be is older than her by at least twenty years, if I had to guess. She’s only nineteen years old, her husband is nice to me. He always brings me chocolate treats when he comes to see my father.

  Well, he brings me, and my other sister, Rosa, chocolates, but always brings Genny flowers. Never the same kind, they’re always different, but always smell so sweet. Genny is kind and respectful to her future husband, even though you can tell she’s sad about marrying him. His name is Georgio Maldonado, he’s in my dad’s organization, but he’s not mean and cold-hearted like Father is. He’s always gentle when dealing with us girls. I think he’ll be good to Genny, I just don’t want to see her unhappy for the rest of her life.

  I hope she can end up falling madly in love with him, I want to see her smile—a real smile, not the fake one she’s been wearing since the announcement was made of her impending marriage.

  Rosa is my middle sister, Father says she’s next to be married and it has her nervous. Rosa is only seventeen years old, but Father says he’s already found her a suitable husband, and he is anxious to get his life started with her. Momma isn’t excited and has begged Father to wait until Rosa is of legal age. He says it’s out of his hands and has promised her to him. This makes me worried about my future, I’m only thirteen, but it won’t be long until I’m of age where he thinks it’s acceptable for me to be married off also.

  I’ve never had a chance to be just a kid. Unfortunately, kids in this house are to be seen but not heard. We’ve grown up around men who are rude and lethal, even at my age I know what they do isn’t nice or even legal.

  We’ve started learning about the law in school, which has confirmed my suspicions of my father’s livelihood of not being what it should be. Father is a mean man, when we don’t do what he wants, he has no problems raising his hands to us in anger or locking us in the basement for days if he wishes. I like it when school months are here, I don’t get locked in the basement during the week, only on weekends. It happens more than I’d like for it to, I have a problem controlling my tongue and always speak what is on my mind.

  It is unacceptable to Father, women are only
good for being a good wife and mother. We are groomed from birth to be the best, so we can basically be ‘sold’ into arranged marriages. We are to make our father proud at all times.

  “Lizzie, we need you in your sister’s room, it’s time for you to get ready, child.” My mother calls for me. I can hear in her voice that she is sad for my sister, so I will try to be extra good today. I want this day to be as special as possible for her, so I need to mind my P’s and Q’s. For Genny, for Momma, and so I don’t embarrass Father and pay for it later on. I’m always messing up, but today I make a vow that I will be seen, and not heard. I hate that term Father uses when he scolds us. Who can keep their mouth shut when they see something wrong, or know that they are right? I don’t know that I’ll ever be good at it.

  “Coming, Momma.”

  “I know this is your birthday, child, but let’s make this important day for your sister about her, and not about you getting a year older,” she scolds me then promises me, “I’ll make it up to you tomorrow and take you shopping…. alright?”

  “Yes, Momma.” I answer like the perfect porcelain doll.

  “That’s my good girl,” she tells me with a smile on her face, it looks forced which worries me, is she concerned for my sister? Or is she just sad to see her leaving the house and starting her life with Georgio?

  “Everything alright, Momma?”

  “Everything is perfect Lizzie, let’s go get you ready.”