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Love Liberty Parker
Books by Liberty Parker
Rage Ryders MC
Taken by Lies…released 2015
Taken by Rage…released 2015
Taken by Sadistic…TBA
DreamCatchers MC
Charlee’s Dreams…TBA
Lost Spirit Outlaws MC
Hawk’s last Submissive…TBA
Uncle Jed…TBA
Charlee’s Dreams
Author Liberty Parker
Memories from the summer before my Junior Year…
It was during the summer break after my sophomore year, when I met my salvation, from my then tragic world. You see, my parents were major players in the MC world, and knew the ins and outs of almost every club from one side of the world to the other. My Pops was the President of the ‘DreamCatchers MC’ and Ma was the matriarch. My brother became a ‘Prospect’ or a ‘Probee’ as the club called them. They were the new guys, the ones who wanted to belong to pa’s club. My parents were trusted and valued among most clubs and feared by the others. My parents were brutal when they had to be, but to me, they were just Ma and Pop. They never let me down, always attended my school plays, soccer tournaments, school dances, and even when I got breast. My dad literally sat me down with a science book, and explained everything that was currently happening, and fixing to happen to my body. You want to talk about humiliating, I didn’t get the birds and the bee’s, I got the period and breast talk.
My older brother Gunner accidentally introduced me to the world of sex, when I was twelve years old. I walked into his room at the clubhouse to show him I had won the scholarship money to attend the-hardest to get into-summer program at the art museum downtown. I love to draw and paint. I’m actually pretty good at it too. I’ve won contest and been taking classes since I was five.
When I walked into his room, it was to see a ‘club bitch’ riding my brother and screaming out her pleasure. I dropped my scholarship paperwork and screamed, running from his room, and I ran the whole way home. I refused to talk to Gunner for two weeks afterward. He says those wore the worst two weeks, and I broke his heart, well, I don’t have to tell you he broke my eyes! And he ruined a good hour of my life, made some good therapy sessions for me in the future too. So, this is how I feel about it, oh well, if he was upset I didn’t talk to him. I had to wait until I could stop visually seeing his ‘sex’ session with that bitch. See the whore he was with, hated my ma, and use to tease me, about how she was planning on taking my dad away from me and my Ma.
I hated that cow! After I told why I was really so mad at Gunner, that bitch Susie, was never seen again. I couldn’t tell you if she is looking up at the sky, or if she’s actually walking this earth. See, Gunner is Fifteen years older than me, I was literally an “oh shit” baby. They never made me feel like the mistake that I was. They embraced me and loved me with all the love inside of them.
That’s why, when I came home; and found all of their stuff missing the last day of school. I went into a zone, I was in a zombie state for about an hour and then reality snapped back into me. I searched going into Pop’s office, then found a key to dad’s safe on his desk, it was on top of a piece of paper laying on top of an envelope. Inside the envelope which again was addressed to me, had a note inside the safe telling me where ‘a lot’ of money was, I almost went into another vegetative state, before snapping out of my head and I called my brother Gunner.
Only Gunner didn’t answer his phone, the new ‘Prospect’ Country did. His voice seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I asked him to have Gunner call me once he was available. I didn’t however tell him it was a family emergency, so it wasn’t until two weeks later when my brother got in touch with me. And it wasn’t a reunion I was prepared for.
I didn’t have my license yet, so I couldn’t legally drive. I had money, but had run out of food. I’d been wracking my brain trying to think of how to come up with the appropriate solution. I didn’t want to alert my friends or their parents, it would be embarrassing letting them know that mine had split. Leaving me to fend for myself, in-case they came back, I wanted them to be able to hold their heads up high with no shame. I’d cleaned up the house from the tornado left behind in their rush from packing up what they had taken with them.
I tried making the house as normal as possible, because I wanted to be prepared if someone was to happen to stop-by. I was sitting on the couch watching ‘The Price is Right’ when I heard about five motorbikes coming around the corner. I knew for a fact one of them was Gunner, I would know his bike anywhere.
I’m the only girl he’s ever allowed on the back of his bike. He says it’s because I’m the only one special enough, all the other women in his life try to suck the life out of him…. LITERALLY.
Well, at least that’s what I heard him say to Ma and Pops. I had locked the house up tighter than Fort Knox, I hate being by myself. I have a very active imagination. I heard every noise, every creek and crevice this house made, and I can make a scary story out of every one of them.
Then I freak myself out and can’t sleep! I heard as the bikes pulled into the driveway and I was mentally preparing myself in case Gunner didn’t know and Pop had split. I knew he was gonna be P.I.S.S.E.D, and when Gunner is mad, my ears hurt and I get a headache. I hear the knob try and turn, and then the banging on the door started.
“Open up twerp, I know schools out. Let me in.”
Gunner says in his demanding alpha-like voice, I know he’s messing around with me, but he won’t be for long. Once I let him in, I knew I was gonna be surrounded by his full-on anger and yelling. I stand slowly, and make my way to walk toward the door to open it. I breathe in and out as I inch closer to the door. I open the top, and then the bottom lock slowly, you could hear the clicking of both as they unlatched.
My brother looks me up and down, sizing me for injuries, or any reason that might have caused me to have taken so long to open up.
I smiled at him, to try and reassure him everything was alright. His look goes from worry to becoming irritated pretty quickly. “What the hell twerp? You gonna leave your big bro out here in the heat banging on the door like a stranger while you take your time letting me in. What’s up with that?”(You may be wondering why my brother didn’t have a key. Ma says, once you move out you’re a guest. Once you’re a guest you have to be let in, you don’t have the privilege to come and go and come in and eat and do laundry without being told its ok.)
I turn around to look around and see if anything’s noticeable to the naked eye, that there is a-lot of things missing from the house. I’m not ready to have this conversation with Gunner in front of his brothers. It’s embarrassing enough that my parents left me, but to announce it to the club is devastating. I have grown up admiring some of these guys and learning what I know about bikes and rules of the club and what is expected of an Ol’ lady or any member who’s born into the club-life or chooses the club-life. How shameful to let these guys know I’m not important enough for my parents to stick around for, or even to take with them. I look at Gunner and the guys to see who’s with him and notice a new Prospect.
He’s gorgeous and not much older than me. He has sandy blonde hair and dark chocolate brown eyes, eyes that I wanted to dive into and let see all of my secrets. He was built, not as big as my brother but he had muscles that stretched his shirt and jeans to their limits. He had on his Prospect cut and had tribal art going all the way down his right arm in a sleeve.
It’s very detailed and I couldn’t make out the exact details at the time. His left bicep had a snake coming out with the head open and the tongue striking out at you. It was 3-D and gave the illusion it was coming for you. I couldn’t take my eyes from him. He was a pie
ce of art himself.
I lost track in him, viewing him from top to bottom losing myself in daydreams of what I would love to be doing to his naked body. That is until Gunner cleared his throat very loudly for all to hear. I snapped my head up and was eye to eye with the Prospect and knew right away he was aware of my perusal of him. He gave me a sideways smirk and then winked at me as he returned the favor viewing me from head to toe. I don’t blush easily so I hope that’s not what he was hoping to get.
I am a club daughter after all. There isn’t much I haven’t seen or done that shouldn’t have been done or witnessed at my age, what can I say. My parents and brother are free spirits and don’t believe in shielding me from life. I could be standing here naked in front of all of these men and it wouldn’t have fazed me in the slightest. Gunner grabbed my attention when he said
“Charlee meet our new Probee ‘Country’, Country my beautiful baby sister Charlee. Where’s Pops Charlee? I need to run some club business by him, we just got back from our run and VP said he hasn’t been around and hasn’t answered his phone. He sent some guys to drive by and his bike’s not been in the driveway.”
“UMMM…Gunner, can we maybe go in the screen room and talk? Just you and me for a couple minutes.”
Gunner gave me a strange look and shook his head up and down, and this is where my life changes from everything I’ve ever known.
Charlee and Gunner’s Talk
I follow Gunner into the sun-room and sit on the wicker chair and wait as he scans the room out the windows into the backyard. He knows something is wrong and is trying to put it together before I shock him altogether. After a few minutes of him assessing the room he turns and looks at me giving me the once over before finally settling down in the outdoor recliner that Pops decided he had to have out here to drink his coffee and read the paper before heading out and starting his day. Gunner’s legs start shaking up and down as they’ve always done whenever he sits down waiting for news of any type. Finally, he’s had enough when he speaks loudly.
“Enough! Start already Charlee girl.”
So, this is where I turn Gunners life and mine upside down.
“Well, two weeks ago I came home and things were a complete disaster. I mean Gunner you could barely walk in the front door. There were literally clothes thrown everywhere of and Pop’s and books along with everything imaginable just tossed around everywhere. I started to panic until I noticed it was an orderly mess. It was all their things. All of the expensive stuff was still here undisturbed. I went into my room and nothing was messed up, it was still as clean as it was that morning when I left for school. But I noticed a note sticking out under my pillow so I grabbed it. In mom’s handwriting it said, go to Pops desk and get the envelope addressed to you. So that’s what I did.”
“Wait up! Why the fuck didn’t you call me? I would have been here and helped you figure all of this shit out! This is bullshit Charlee. What was in the note on Pops desk waiting for you?”
“Well, if you’ll let me finish talking without interrupting me I might be able to tell you everything. That way you won’t have as many questions.”
I raise my eye brows waiting for him to respond. Of course he shakes his head at me to finish.
“Anyways, as I was saying”
I draw out the word saying to make a point to my overly anxious brother.
“I went to the desk and found the envelope and opened it. Inside was a combination to Pops safe code that he has hidden under his desk, so I used the code and opened it up. Inside I found another envelope and directions to another safe with the words: the combination is the birthday of your and your brother’s best-friend’s birthday’s combined. Good thing we’ve had the same best-friends since I’ve been born and I knew their birthdays and was able to put them together. Now before I went to find this secret safe that none of us knew about I did attempt to call you, but you were in church and I was told by a prospect that answered your phone so. Then was also informed it may be awhile till I heard back from you. Since, usually after church you go on runs, I wasn’t waiting in case it told me what the hell was going on’
‘I grabbed the paper and it lead to a secret wall in the basement that Pop had to have when the house was built. If you remember them telling us the story, the contractor was upset cause no one in Texas ever has basements, but Pops told him he would have one or he would have another contractor. Anyways, back to the point, I followed the map Pops drew and went to the place indicated on the map for the fake wall, pushed the fake piece of wood. Now, I’m feeling like a spy here. And wallah, the door opens right, and so I go inside and use my cell phone’s flashlight app cause it’s dark inside. Then I see a string hanging from a light bulb and pull it and it works and lights the room.’
‘So now I’m paranoid and shut the door behind me, I have no idea what is up with and Pops and my imagination starts working of being robbed and killed and thrown in this room no one knows about. So, after I close the door I add up the birthday’s first the months, then dates then years and it opens the safe. Then there is two thick envelops inside, one addressed to me and one addressed to you. So, I didn’t wanna open yours cause I didn’t wanna get my head knocked for opening your shit, I know how you don’t like that. And I like my brain cells thank you very much! I grab my envelope and open it and have a panic attack. Only because I know with what’s inside means and Pops don’t plan on ever coming back.”
“Alright Charlee girl! Enough with the cryptic bullshit, I get Ma and Pops are gone. I’m gonna find out why, and then I’m gonna find them. Something ain’t right cause they wouldn’t leave you. Now, tell me what’s inside the envelope.”
“Well, they left each one of us a note and some money, a lot of fucking money. I mean enough money where I probably will never have to work in my lifetime if I don’t wanna. That’s how much money, Gunner.”
“Fuck! Charlee girl that means something really bad has gone down. You need to show me this envelope with the note, surely they give me some type of clue or hint as to what’s goin down.”
“Not in mine Gunner, all they said is how much they love us, and that if we try and get involved it could lead to their death, and ours.”
“FUCK! Envelope, now Charlee!”
And so I take my brother to Pops secret safe and let him get his note and money, mine, I leave it there. It scares me at this moment.
Never Ever
Teaser by Author Vera Quinn
What happens when a child is born to a woman that never wanted her? Completely hates her daughter. You say it would never happen.
What happens when a man has a daughter he never knew existed? Wouldn’t matter he was married to another woman. Does it never ever happen?
What happens when a young man becomes an older brother but can barely take care of himself? He loves his sister and would do anything to protect her. Never ever letting her down.
This is my life. Odds stacked against me before I was born. My name is Callie Monroe and this is the story of my personal hell. Sometimes it is harder to wake up and live than it is to just give up. It’s time to find out when never ever becomes a reality.
Never Ever
Author Vera Quinn
Releasing early 2016
Thank you for reading Taken by Rage and the teaser for Charlee’s Dreams. My friend Vera Quinn, blogger and future author gave me a short teaser to share with you. I hope you enjoyed it!
Until next time…Liberty Parker