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Uninhibited : Savage Wilde Page 15
Uninhibited : Savage Wilde Read online
Page 15
“Yeah, and what the hell is Lucky holding down on the ground?” Jacey asks me as she tries to lean further toward the front windshield to try and see what he’s holding captive.
“I’ll be right back. You two stay here,” I demand as I hastily make my way out of the truck and march my way up to the active scene. When I get closer, I see that Lucky is holding down Jameson while waiting on the police officer standing next to him to cuff the son of a bitch. “Well, that’s anticlimactic,” I murmur to myself as everything begins to unfold. I was hoping for a more dramatic showdown, one that included my fist landing a few punches in the fucker’s face.
The detective that took my statement a few weeks back pulls up to the house. As much as I want to stride over there and land a few kicks in the fucker’s ribs, I know I can’t. Otherwise, I’ll be seeing first-hand what the inside of a jail cell looks like. And I can’t have that happen right now. I need to be with Jacey while she pees on those tests we just purchased. I’ve always been the type of person who acted first and thought things out second. Right now, I want to pat myself on the back for the restraint I’ve exhibited.
As soon as Jameson is handed over and restrained by the officer, he’s placed in cuffs, then he’s escorted to the police cruiser for a ride downtown. I walk with the detective over to Lucky so he can tell us what in the fuck happened while we were gone. Just a few short minutes down the road and I missed all the fun it appears.
After handshakes and pleasantries are shared between the three of us, Lucky gets down to what took place and how he managed to trap and catch Jameson. “One of my men noticed his rental car parked down the street before Rayne and Jacey left to run an errand. I had two of my men follow Rayne and the rest of us stayed behind. We weren’t sure what his intentions were, so we decided to split up and try and catch him at whatever it was he was planning to do. When we noticed that he wasn’t following them in their car, we spaced out around the house. I was already inside making sure everything was secure, so I stayed there just in case. When my earpiece went off and Macon, one of my men, alerted me to the fact that Jameson was coming in through the front door, I was dumbfounded to learn that he had a key that would allow him into the residence. We had just discussed having a locksmith come and replace everything so it was a slap in the face that we hadn’t done so last evening. I guess when he broke in and inserted listening devices throughout the house, he also made a mold of the lock and had himself a key made. There was no evidence of the lock being messed with so I didn’t even fathom that it could’ve happened. Sorry, Rayne. During his entry into the residence, I turned on the security cameras that we did install when we searched last evening for other listening devices.”
He looks at me apologetically. I nod my head and encourage him to continue. I’m anxious to hear what all that piece of shit did while he was in my family’s home. I hope he did something severe enough to where they’ll throw the book at him. My wish is that he’ll be imprisoned for a long time to come and be irrevocably out of our lives so we can live a jovial, peaceful existence.
“As I was saying, I patiently waited in the back bedroom with the door cracked so I had a visual of the front door at all times. I could clearly see him from my position, yet he couldn’t see me due to the shadows of the room I was hiding in. He must’ve come around to check on his mini mics he’d placed in the house because the first thing he went for was the clock that was concealing the first one we encountered. I waited and watched as he discovered it was missing. His anger nearly got the best of him. He nearly launched the clock across the room until he reined himself in. I could see his hands shaking as he replaced it, then he went in search of the others. I wasn’t sure which room he’d hit first, but his next stop was Hadley’s room. I knew that our cameras were picking up his active search, so I went into the adjoined bathroom of their room and waited for him to make his way in there. My initial plan was to wait and let him do what he came to do and leave, then turn the video evidence into you,” he says pointedly to the detective.
“What made you change your mind?” The detective questions the switch in Lucky’s pre-planned course.
“When I saw him pull open the bag he had swung around his back. It was filled to the brim with cocaine and what appeared to me as some sort of bomb. My mind couldn’t wrap around why he’d want to plant the drugs only to blow the family’s home up, then it clicked into place inside of my mind. The bomb wasn’t enough to blow up the house, just enough to garner some attention from the authorities. If the house had done the minor damage he had intended, there would’ve been an investigation and the drugs would’ve been found, most likely with Rayne’s belongings. His career would’ve been over and he potentially could’ve done some hard time.”
“Jacey would’ve been accused as well,” the detective admits and my eyes grow as wide as saucers at that admittance. Hadley would’ve grown up with parents behind bars and would carry the burden of having convicted parents who were druggies.
“That rat bastard!” I angrily seethe out as the picture plays out in my mind. His intentions were clear as day. He wanted my entire family to suffer for finding our happiness while he’s lost everything he ‘worked’ so hard for. The thing about that is, you shouldn’t mess with someone’s life the way he did in order to get your way and have things play out the way that suits you best.
“What do you think is taking them so long?” I ask Dash. He has a better view of the scene unfolding before us than I do. My visual is blocked by a stream of cop cars.
“I’m not sure, sweet Jacey, but I just watched that one officer escort Jameson to his cruiser,” he informs me as he points to one of the cars that is buried from my sight. It’s in the long line of others proceeding it.
“Jameson.” I spit his name out as if acid has burned my taste buds. “I hope he gets locked up for eternity while someone inside makes him their bitch.”
Dash finds this exuberantly amusing and begins to snort and giggle at my proclamation. “You have a vicious side, Jace.” As he proclaims this, he holds out his hands like a cat whose claws have borne their sharpness and who is now prepared for an attack.
“It would do others well to remember that trait in me,” I answer in response. “It doesn’t come out often, but when you mess with mine, that part of me comes out full-throttle. There’s no-holds-barred when it comes to my daughter and my man.”
“We should put that out in a press release,” he jokes in an attempt to lighten my soured mood.
“What do you think he did?” I ask him, my imagination running overtime as my mind wanders through what all he could’ve done.
“With him, there’s absolutely no telling. He’s a psychopath,” Dash declares.
“He’s a something, path,” I venomously agree with his words. “You know, I’ve disliked people in my lifetime, but I’ve never truly hated anyone until he started doling out his bullshit.”
Dash and I change the topic of conversation and begin talking about my wedding gown. We decide that tomorrow we’ll meet up at my office for him to show me what he’s designed so far and gain my input. Then, we’ll get the measuring done and material ordered. Once that’s been decided, we switch to the wedding itself and talk about the perfect location for Rayne and me to tie the knot. I tell him about what my fantasies were as a little girl and how much they’ve changed as I’ve grown older.
Before I know it, with his suggestions, I have my upcoming wedding mapped out. I won’t allow Jameson to ruin my future. If anything, I will let it guide me into being a better me. I promise the man up above that I will do everything within my power to exhibit more patience and understanding as well as never safeguard my heart while always worrying about what could go wrong; instead, I’ll focus on everything that’s going right.
There’s so much happening in my life that’s great, that the things that are tiresome and irritating should be placed on the back burner to worry about at another day and time. The lessons tha
t I’ve been taught recently has reignited the flame that I thought had burned out years ago. I’m no longer going to allow myself to zombie march my way through life. I’m going to live it like it’s the last day I have on earth. I’ll never take for granted the affection of my child nor the love of my life.
We have a lot to look forward to and I will not allow the sins of the past to cloud that… not ever again.
I will never again allow myself to live in fear. It’s a vow I make to myself right here and right now. Before I know it, Rayne has come back to the vehicle with two overnight bags tucked under his arms.
“What’s going on?” I ask him as he settles the bags in the backseat next to Dash.
“Our house is a crime scene for now,” Rayne informs us. “We need to spend at least one night at the hotel.”
“I’m gonna let you two do your thing,” Dash interrupts us. “I need to grab my car and check into my room anyway. I have a friend a couple of towns over I planned on going to see tonight. We’ll catch up tomorrow,” Dash states as he leans up to give me a kiss to the cheek. “Later, Rayne.” He exits the vehicle without another word said to either one of us. I watch as he makes his way to his rental and gets in and is directed out by one of the patrol officers.
“We’ll make a night of it,” Rayne says as I turn my attention back to him. “We’ll take the pregnancy test, order room service and catch a few pay-per-view movies on the television.”
“Sounds good to me, but first, tell me what all happened while we were away.”
He lays out everything he learned from Lucky as we drive. Drugs? A bomb? Seriously? This guy has a few screws loose in the membrane. He needs some psychological help. He needs to spend his life in the prison’s mental ward to where he can be monitored and given the right drugs for his issues. He’s a menace to society, and my family will never be safe as long as he’s allowed to roam free on the streets. We will always be a target for him, and I won’t sit idly by as my children grow up always watching over their shoulders for a possible threat.
This needs to end, and it needs to come to a conclusion now.
“Jace, you’ve been secluded in there forever. When can I come in?” My impatience with being locked out of the bathroom while she takes the test is beginning to rattle me. I can’t believe she wouldn’t let me in there for the entire process. Why is it so disconcerting and a declared abomination for her to have me in the same room as she is while she pees? I’ll never understand women and why this is such a damn issue.
“Just a few more minutes, hold your damn horses!” she hollers through the door that separates me from seeing my possible future come to fruition. I wanted to be part of the whole kit-and-caboodle. I wanted to stand in the bathroom while she held the stick under her urine. I wanted to help her wash her hands as she set the test on the counter. I wanted to count down the minutes with her as we anxiously waited on the results. In my mind’s eye, we did it all together, and I’m gonna diplomatically admit that I’m a little pouty that she’s taken that dream away in a matter of minutes.
“Jacey.” I whine out her name like a petulant child. “Open the door,” I beg. Hell, I’ll get on my bended knees if it’d admit me entrance into that room with her.
“Jeez, Rayne. Why are you so impatient?” she inquires through a haughty, irritated tone—one that’s protruded fiercely on her tongue and clearly heard in her voice.
“Because, baby. I wanna be there holding your hand with you while the results show us whether or not we’re expecting. This is not how I saw this happening in my head,” I admit to her as a sigh leaves my mouth.
The door creaks open as she sticks her head between the slit. “I just didn’t want you in here while I was using the restroom, Rayne. I haven’t even looked at the tests yet. I wouldn’t do that without you.” Her admittance has my shoulders deflating. I was allowing the fact that I wasn’t inside that room with her to chap my ass. She reaches out her hand for mine, and I comply by sticking my own out. Once our fingers are interlaced with one another’s, I allow her to guide me into the room with her. My eyes immediately swivel to the sink where the tests are neatly laid out. The first one I pay close attention to. I see what appears to have a time clock displayed as it continues counting down. Closing my eyes, I pray that things are going to turn out how I wish them to, but at the end of the day, there’s a time for everything to occur in your life and that’s when it’s meant to, so if now isn’t the time, I need to be okay with it. That’s something I need to remember when the results are finally revealed. I don’t want her to spot disappointment on my face if the results are negative.
I pull her into my chest and wrap my arms around her middle as we wait on the sticks to do their thing. What feels like hours but in reality is only several minutes, Jacey’s phone dings indicating that time’s up and we can look at them now. We both look at each other, exchanging looks of anticipation before she scoops up the first one.
Clear as day, in the little indication box, the word ‘pregnant’ flashes before our eyes. Not being able to resist the temptation, I pick her up in my arms and twist her to where our chests are touching and twirl her around. A shout of elation and joy leaves my mouth as we dance our way around the bathroom. Her head is thrown back in laughter and the beauty that shines from her has my heart jumping in my chest. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet.
Not only did we find our way back to one another, but we are growing our family. Hadley was a gift I never knew was waiting for me, but this baby, he or she is going to be the glue that finally bridges the gap that time has thrown into our lives. There’s no longer need for resentment, just pure, unadulterated bliss and delightfulness.
The things I once thought were of the utmost importance to my happiness are no longer something I need nor desire. All I wanna do is run out to the hardware store and buy that white picket fence and put it around our home. The bones of that house are what brought me a sense of belonging and a feeling of finally being home. I can’t wait until we fill it full of laughter and cheer.
Call me crazy, think of me as going insane, but I also am looking forward to temper tantrums and arguments. Preferably ones that end with Jacey riding me as we make up and give our bed a workout.
“Are you happy, Rayne?” She interrupts my thoughts as I place her back on her feet but keep her in the embrace of my arms. Leaning down, I capture her lips with mine. We consume one another as we share our elated joy through actions instead of words. I want to relay to her how truly enamored I am with her, and the fact that she’s giving me another gift of life. I want nothing more than to fill our house full of little Hadley’s. As long as they all look like Jacey… okay, maybe not Hadley’s, but little Rayne’s. I’m not sure my heart could take watching a house full of girls leave me as they go on dates, move off to college and marry some fucking prick that I’m sure they won’t let me vet ahead of time.
That brings a frown to my face and I see the worry cross Jacey’s face. “I was just thinking that any further children we have need to be boys. I have a hard enough time imagining Hadley going out with the opposite sex, I don’t think my heart can take more girls putting me through the same. So, I’ve decided that this one needs to be a boy as well as any others we produce.”
“You’ve decided, huh?” I can see the mirth dancing in her eyes as she works hard not to let a smirk take hold of her features.
“What’s so funny about that?” I ask, as I give her a slitted-eye glare. “I don’t find anything about what I said humorous in the least.”
“You think just because you deem it so that it’ll come to fruition?” she asks, and that gleam is still prominent in her eyes.
“Damn straight,” I announce as she begins to furiously giggle. The glee in her tone makes my dick stand to attention. “We need to celebrate.”
“Now, you’re singing my tune,” she admits as her hands begin to wander up and down my chest. Now, it’s said tha
t women’s nipples stand on end when they are encompassed with excitement, but I find that anytime her fingers roam in my chest’s vicinity, they have that exact reaction. My muscles begin to involuntarily flex as she lifts my shirt up and exposes my abs. I decide to help her out and reach over my shoulder and bunch my shirt up in my hand. I pull it up and over my head, tossing it unceremoniously to the ground. My eyes follow her movements as she lowers herself to the ground and begins to open up my jeans. The tip of my dick is exposed over the band of my trunks as she lowers them just below the cheeks of my ass.
“Jacey.” A hiss leaves me as I stutter out her name. Her tongue traces my shaft from tip to root as she lowers my pants and underwear to my feet. Using my right foot, I remove my left shoe then repeat the process with the other.
This act always makes me feel powerful and in control. Not many women enjoy pleasuring their men, but I love the fact that I can make Rayne lose control. Once he’s completely bared and his beautiful body is displayed before me, I use my tongue to trace the defined lines of his muscles. I take my time as I make my way up and down his chest, eventually following that happy trail that I’m convinced is there for me and my pleasured desires. It leads me to the promised land, and that piece of property belongs to me and only me. He may have shared it with others for a time, but my ownership is now stamped as paid and collected.
As my name leaves his mouth in a gush of hot air, I pull the head of his cock deeply into the cavern of my mouth and suckle on it as if it’s the best flavored candy and most succulent treat I’ve ever tasted. My buds awaken on my tongue as the first burst of flavor from his pre-cum leaks from the mushroomed tip. I feel my core dampen and my clit harden in response to the sounds of pleasure rushing out of his mouth.