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Jaxson & Ralynn Page 2
Jaxson & Ralynn Read online
Page 2
Three Months Later
Mom: Where are you? Why won’t you answer my calls or come home?
* * *
I sit and look at the message Mom sent me over an hour ago. She and Dad have been blowing up my phone, but I can’t answer. Marcus checks my phone every day when he comes over. It’s a hellacious fight if he sees I’ve reciprocated phone calls or messages without him here to approve them. I know, I sound weak right now, but it honestly isn’t worth the fight and I’m so fucking tired of fighting.
I want to reach out and ask for help, but if I did, I’m not sure of the repercussions. Marcus’ family is rich and powerful, and he’s threatened my entire family, and I believe every single one of his dad’s threats. He’s not who I thought he was, he’s evil, mean, and extremely abusive, but I can take it if it keeps my family safe and happy. Damn Jaxson, this is all his fault! I fume, if he hadn’t been so insistent on pushing me away, I wouldn’t have had to look elsewhere to get past him and the humiliation I suffered over and over at his hands.
The irony is, it didn’t start out that way, not at all. Marcus was charming, wining and dining me and taking me to places I’d never been. Then, on a night I don’t remember at all, I found myself waking up in my bed, hurting all over. He’s never left, even though I tried to get him to go in the beginning. I’m now doing all my classes online because it’s easier than trying to explain why I’m wearing a turtleneck or long sleeves. I feel so fucking ashamed right now. I know I blame Jaxson, but the truth is, it’s my fault. I should have seen the damn signs. Now I don’t know how to get myself out of this mess I’m in.
* * *
Dad: Answer your mother right now or I swear that I will be making a trip out there!
* * *
Fuck! What do I do? I know I should answer and put their worries aside, but if I do before Marcus arrives, I’ll suffer in different ways. How did this become my life? What did I do so wrong that I attracted someone like this? I can’t text Marcus either, because the one time I did, I paid dearly. I interrupted one of his interludes with one of his other lovers. That is a big no-no... the humiliation keeps growing. But I don’t get hurt or upset with the others, I’m actually happy when he’s away and spending time with one of them. I worry that he’s going to end up giving me something so the less he wants me, the better. I thank God every day that he insists on using condoms, if he didn’t, I’d be at the free clinic every week getting an STD screening.
* * *
Maysen: Rae, would you please contact the parents? They’re blowing up my phone, chica. We’re all worried since we haven’t heard from you in forever.
* * *
Fuck, now Maysen’s reaching out. Not that she hasn’t before, I’ve just ignored her like everyone else. I wish I could tell my family what’s going on. I mean, I know the club itself is legitimate, but what if there’s something in one of their pasts? It’s all I think about with each and every one of his threats. Every single one of them are my family and I couldn’t handle it if something I did caused any of them to be hurt. God, I hate Marcus. He’s definitely not dream man material, unless you’re one of those people who like assholes spawned by Satan himself. I wouldn’t sit here and ponder how to get out of this relationship if I hadn’t met his family and had his dad give me an ultimatum where his son and our relationship is concerned. He showed me files, but not what’s inside to convince me that he could take each Rebel Guardian member out. I feel like a puppet dangling on a string.
There’s gotta be a way. Think, Rae, think. I’m so lost in thought that I don’t hear the door unlock until he asks, “Why didn’t you clean like I told you to?” before I feel the blow across my cheek. Dammit that hurts! My face isn’t a motherfucking punching bag.
“I’m sorry, Marcus, I was working to get my assignments done,” I retort, holding my cheek. Sometimes he buys this excuse, so I’ve used it more than once. I’m hoping this time is one that he’ll let it go.
“You should have set a timer. You know I like the house a certain way,” he dignifies, going over to the bar and pouring himself a drink. This is my house! Yet, he controls everything here other than the bills the club picks up. He’s living free and clear on my family’s dime and still dictates the comings and goings.
“I’ll do better,” I reply, closing my laptop. He doesn’t know it, but I’m so far ahead on my assignments that I spend a lot of my alone time trying to think of a way to contact my family without him knowing. I’m pretty sure he has a tracker on my car as well as my phone, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he had one of those programs on my laptop that tells him where I search, so I clear my history every day.
“What’s for dinner?” he inquires, leaning over me reeking of another woman’s perfume.
“I’ve got a roast and vegetables in the crockpot. Let me go check it and see if it’s done,” I tell him, standing from the couch. “Marcus?”
“I... uh, I had a few texts today from my parents.”
“Let me see your phone.” Handing it over to him, I’m grateful that I deleted Maysen’s text. He usually replies for me and tells me what to say as he leans over my shoulder reading each word I type.
“Answer them that you lost your phone and just found it. That should buy you some time.” Wanting to roll my eyes at him but knowing better, I do as instructed. If he knew my family at all, he’d know they’ll never believe that. They know that my phone is usually glued to my hand. Maybe this is a good way to let them know something’s up without having to say the words.
* * *
* * *
It’s been a long-ass day working on a new build and after showering, I’m sitting at the clubhouse bar enjoying a few beers. Capone and I have been going balls to the wall on so many projects, I barely have time to sleep let alone eat, but right now, we’re waiting on other contractors to do their part so we can finish up several sites. When the door opens, I glance over and see Hatch and DJ come in but am lost in my thoughts until I hear, “Dammit, Hatch, something’s not right! She hasn’t been home in months, not even for JJ’s birthday!”
“DJ, she says she’s busy, honey,” Hatch replies. I can hear in his voice he isn’t buying that load of shit either. Which gets me to thinking, it’s been months since I’ve laid eyes on her, and that’s never happened. A feeling of unease settles in my gut and I can’t help but think that there’s something seriously going on with her. I can’t shake the feeling that she’s found herself some sort of trouble.
“She’s never been too busy to come home on weekends or breaks before!” DJ insists. “Hell, she lives close to the same town as Maysen and she’s not seen her either, she always makes an excuse!”
Hatch looks at his phone and says, “She finally replied to my text and said she lost her phone but found it.”
DJ rolls her eyes in such a way, I’m afraid they’ll get stuck and give new meaning to the phrase ‘eyes in the back of her head’ before she states, “And when, Jayden Hatchet, have you ever known our daughter to be without her phone? Hell, she took it into the operating room when she got her tonsils out!” I remember that day, it was a fight between her and the doctor who finally relented and took it from her and had a nurse come out and hand it to DJ once she’d been put to sleep.
“What do we know about this kid she’s been dating?” Hatch queries.
“I think his dad’s a DA; do you think Law would have heard of him?” DJ responds.
“Not sure, gorgeous, but I can ask him. Hell, he knows folks everywhere, so it’s possible.”
“Can Bandit check into him? Marcus, I mean,” DJ asks. “I’m worried, Hatch. This isn’t like our girl at all.” She’s right on that because even though Rae and I usually end up having words of some sort, she never misses shit that’s going on with our family.
“Maxum and I could go check things out if you want us to?” I volunteer.
ght be a good idea, you two are good at not being seen. I’ll get with Axe and ask him if you two can be spared.” Hatch walks towards our President’s office door and walks right on in without knocking, which tells me he’s more worried than he’s letting on. No one goes into that office without announcing yourself, it’s grounds for him to beat your ass because he deals with sensitive paperwork pertaining to the club and businesses.
I hear voices raised behind the closed doors, but I hear more concern in Axe’s voice than anger. I can’t help but wonder what all Hatch has shared with him. Is it more than anyone else is aware of? Has he been keeping secrets?
“Maxum, Jaxson and Bandit, my office now!” Axe sticks his head out of the door and hollers out. The three of us stand and go into the room with the two of them.
Once we’re all in the office and sitting down, Axe starts talking. “Bandit, I want you to dig into this Marcus Welch kid and find out everything you can on him and his family. Jaxson and Maxum, get your asses packed and head up to that school and find out what’s been going on with our girl. Don’t let yourselves be seen but watch and observe this relationship and give me a daily report.”
“Got it, Axe,” we retort in unison.
Looking at Maxum, I say, “I can be ready to ride in about twenty minutes. Axe, you gonna fill Capone in?” I don’t want to overstep.
“I’ll let him know I’ve sent you out on a run for the club,” Axe replies.
“Thanks, Axe.” He gives me a look that I can’t decipher, and I wonder if my interest in Rae wasn’t as unnoticed as I thought it was.
Twenty minutes later, Maxum and I are packed and ready to ride.
We spend a few hours on the road and pull into a non-disclosed motel. We wanted something off the beaten path, so our bikes aren’t noticed. We need to blend in so that we aren’t caught by anyone who would recognize the patch that’s painted on my gas tank, that means we’ll rent a truck and dress down. Once we’ve arranged for the truck, we head to the Army/Navy surplus store and grab some binoculars and night-vision goggles.
“Okay, how do you wanna play this?” Maxum asks once we’re back in the truck.
“Think we need to split up for a few days, each of us taking a shift, to see how the comings and goings are at her house,” I answer.
“I’ll take the night shift,” Maxum speaks up. He’s a bit of a night-owl so this doesn't surprise me that he wants to take that particular time.
“Works for me, I could use a couple hours of shut-eye.” He drops me off at our room and then grabs some snacks and supplies to make it through the night. “I’ll ride your bike out to relieve you since yours isn’t as noticeable as mine is.” He throws me his keys before heading out. I hop into the shower then order some pizza. I have a tough time settling down and not worrying over what may be happening with her. My mind is all over the place with different scenarios of what would make her run and hide from her family and friends. Finally succumbing to a restless sleep, my alarm wakes me in what feels like only a few minutes. I scrub my eyes with the palms of my hands and get up and ready to go and relieve Maxum from his post.
Riding to where we decided was the best spot, I cut the motor and quietly knock on the truck window. I slip into the truck and ask, “Anything?”
“Just him going in and out a few times. Never saw her at all.” Hmm, this definitely sets my inner alarm off because Ralynn is relatively social. Tig entertained us all with her exploits when he was up here watching the girls.
“Okay, go get some sleep, I’ll see you later on,” I tell him. The day is much of the same as the night report I got. I see this piece of shit coming and going and I’m thinking maybe we need to get a guy following him. We may learn more than we are right now. I pick up my phone and give my president a call.
“What do you have for me?” he answers.
“It’s not so much anything I’ve seen, but a thought. This guy is the only one we see going in and out of the house. No sign of Rae, I’m thinking we may want to get someone tailing him. We may learn more if we know what it is he’s doing when he’s not home.”
“What do you mean home?”
“Well, it seems this little weasel has moved himself into her space.” Wait for it, wait for it, he’s gonna blow in two point five seconds.
“The house that we pay for? Are you kidding me?” he howls.
“Nope. We’re splitting shifts and Maxum said that his car was the only one that moved. Same so far today.” I blow out a breath expecting him to lose his temper.
“I’ll send Tig on out there. Put him on that asshole. He knows the school better than anyone and will know about the places and crowds he’s hanging out with.” He gives me the order and instead of telling him that’s what I’d planned on doing, I keep my mouth shut because he’s already at his breaking point. Axe loves all of the club kids as if they are his own flesh and blood.
“Sounds good to me. Has Bandit found anything?”
“Nothing so far. I’ll send Tig the information and he’ll be on his way. Y’all are dressed down, correct?”
“Yes, sir. We rented a truck and my bike is under a tarp at the hotel we found.”
“Good thinking.”
“Tell Tig that Maxum is at the motel on First Street. It’s called the Lazy Rodeo Inn.”
“You serious right now?”
“Glad we don’t have bozos naming our businesses.”
“You sure about that, Pres? I mean we did let Bandit and Smokey in on naming a few.”
“Ha!” he bursts out, “true, now find out what’s wrong with our girl so we can fix it. Something feels off here and I don’t like it one fucking bit.” Since his kids have gotten older, he’s stopped using all those weird phrases and has gone back to cursing.
“You and me both.” He disconnects, and I’m left to my thoughts once again. I’ve talked to Maxum a time or two about the age difference and he doesn’t see it as being a problem. Then again, he’s hooked on Lily so he’s in the same boat. The thing is, Rae grew up surrounded by love and I wasn’t. Well, at least not after the age of four. Up until then, my folks were loving and acted like they gave a shit. Then my dad got hurt and was unable to work and turned to the bottle. Life quickly went downhill, and I learned to be seen and not heard. If not for my uncle, I probably would have been running the streets, but he took an interest and taught me everything he knew about woodworking and carpentry.
When I turned eighteen and came home one day from working with him, I found my stuff in front of the garage and the locks changed. Knocking on the door, I heard, “You’re eighteen now, you’re on your own.” I packed up the bike my uncle helped me rebuild with as much as I could and took off, landing in Corinth. I would have gone to my uncle, but he lived in a one-room ‘tiny house’ and didn’t have room for me. I’m thankful every day that my bike broke down in that town, because I met Axe and Hatchet.
Axe was my saving grace, giving me a job at the trucking company, a room at the clubhouse, and a prospect patch. For the past twelve years, the Rebel Guardians have been my family and I’d do anything for any one of them to keep them safe from harm. While I know I’ll never marry, I now know what a good relationship should look like thanks to my brothers and their old ladies.
* * *
* * *
I’m stuck in my bed thanks to the latest fight with Marcus. He came home and was pissed at the world and it got taken out on me. One of his ‘women’ called it quits because she wanted more from him than a night here and there. How that’s my fault I’ll never be able to understand, but somehow, he made it just that. I’ve only crawled out of bed to use the facilities, but that’s as much strain as I can put on myself.
He’s been trying to make it up to me since then, bringing home dinner and ‘helping’ me take showers, which his hands being on me end up making my skin crawl. Since I’m hurting so bad, he hasn’t pus
hed anything on me, which is a good thing because I can’t fake it with him any longer. Any time he does, I have to remind myself I’m doing this for my family.
* * *
Lily: WHY won’t you answer anyone, Rae? Maysen said you won’t answer her either. Did we do something wrong?
* * *
I can’t help it, I burst into tears. I miss them all so fucking much. How I could have been so stupid to trust Marcus is beyond me. What kind of asshole roofies his date? He had a plan when it came to me and executed it beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. I’m worried that if I end up with him for the rest of my life it will be a short one. One day, he will beat me to death and I won’t be able to tell my family about my life and tell them I love them and ask for their forgiveness before taking my final breath.
And I’ll never know what it feels like to be touched with a loving hand. My sobs are so hard now I can’t catch my breath and I realize I need to calm down because he’ll be home soon. Deleting Lily’s text, I hobble to the bathroom and clean my face. Maybe I can fall asleep before he gets home.
“You ever getting out of that bed?” Marcus snarls, waking me up. Doesn’t he realize that snapping at me isn’t going to get me moving any faster?
Struggling, I sit up and have to remind myself not to be bitchy. It’s his fault I’m laid up but if I say something like that, he’s likely to give me more and I don’t think I can deal with it. “I’m sorry, I laid down for a little bit.” I manage to get out of bed and walk towards him. “I can get something fixed for dinner if you’ll give me a little bit.”