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Mercenary And His Outlaw: Twisted Iron MC Page 3
Mercenary And His Outlaw: Twisted Iron MC Read online
Page 3
“Don’t you call me that! That’s what my daddy calls me. Are you my daddy?” she asks through a venom-laced tone. What a raging and entitled little bitch. But I’ll be damned if her feisty attitude and sweaty body isn’t making my cock begin to grow and ache within my jeans. It’s always these spitfires that make me hard. It’s like the beast within me desperately wants to dominate and tame the beast in them.
Reminding myself this is a rescue mission and I’m being paid heavily for her safe return, I mentally order my dick to stop lusting after something off-limits. But I can’t help that I do want to fuck with her since she’s being such a brat. I feel the tug of my sly grin as it begins to curl my lips upward and reply, “Sweetheart, you can call me whatever you want. Some people are into that sorta thing.” I look up into her eyes and wink as I watch her gasp, becoming near-speechless as she gulps hard. Inwardly I pat myself on the back, knowing she just realized in some way that she’s met her match.
“What the fuck ever. Just get me out of these!” Again, she raises her restrained arms in my direction.
“Patience, Princess.” I begin searching for the keys to unlock the chains confining her.
“Stop calling me that stupid nickname and get your ass in gear. What’s your name? And why are you the one who’s come to get me?” I feel the heat of her stare as it penetrates my every move. I’m having to consciously remind myself to stay focused on the task at hand. Something about her easily distracts me, and I find it borderline frustrating already. The faster I can return this one to her father, the better.
“First things first.” I briefly stop and glance at her. “Let’s get you the fuck outta here before someone comes back. Then I’ll answer you.”
I don’t know who this guy is, or who he even thinks he is speaking to me the way he has. But, I can’t allow myself to get wrapped up in thoughts of this Neanderthal. All I wanna do is hit the road and put miles behind me and this place. And if this is the man my father sent to rescue me, then he must have some damn good credibility. So, I won’t second guess that decision too much. Hopefully he can contain his sarcastic remarks long enough to realize just who it is he is speaking to. Who does he think he is avoiding my questions? I wanna know who this man is that’s here to rescue me. I mean, I am going along here with blind faith that I’m not leaving one captivity only to find myself in another.
I watch as he digs through the pants that the idiot on the floor was wearing and finds a set of keys. He walks my way and tries several keys before finding the right one. When my wrists and ankles are free, I abruptly push my way past him. I know my father, and this man is being paid well for his efforts, so the least he can do is give me some space. I can get my damn self out the rest of the way if not.
I feel a firm grab and slight burn as he takes hold of my wrist, causing me to turn back around. “Wait a minute, where the fuck do you think you are you going?”
“Rescuing myself,” I state, shifting my gaze down at his hand clamped around my wrist. “While I appreciate what you’ve done, you’d do good to remove your hand from me.” I swiftly yank my arm in an attempt to free myself, but fail, causing me to pause as my eyes trace their way up and eventually stop at his sculpted biceps. I can feel my mouth begin to salivate at his strong and fit physique as I catch myself sink my teeth into my bottom lip. Pulling myself out of this lust-filled trance that has taken me by utter surprise, I simply reply, “But, I can take care of the rest.” He releases my wrist and I begin to briskly walk down the stairs. All while I can feel him hot on my trail. So close that I can feel the heat radiating off his body onto my already sweat-soaked flesh and clothes. He reaches out from behind and grabs my arm, swinging me around. I raise my fist prepared to knock his ass out. If for nothing else but the sheer fact that his arrogance and presence alone is frustrating me. At this point I’m unsure if I’ve lost my sanity due to possible dehydration and confinement, or if it’s a combination of both. He stops my would-be assault and grabs my fist in his hand, pulling me so close that my breasts press just below his firm, chiseled chest as my free hand quickly discovers upon contact. “Remove your hands from me,” I demand, looking up at him through the shelter of my lashes.
“I was paid to locate and rescue you. I was also ordered to personally deliver you to your dad.” He slowly leans down, moving his face close to me. I feel my blood boil as it races through my veins. Oh, he thinks he can intimidate me? Well, isn’t that just so cute. My turn to throw this meathead off of his game and distract myself from the thought of how badly I’d like to just punch him right in the kisser.
I feel a slight snicker escape and watch as his brow lines crease, showcasing obvious displeasure at my small outburst. “Surely you’ve done your homework, Muscles. Men do not intimidate me. But, I do appreciate the valiant effort you put into trying,” I tell him, trying again successfully this time to remove my arms from his grasp.
“Well, but of course, your majesty. How thoughtless of me for doing my job and protecting you,” he rebuttals sarcastically. “I’d think you’d be more appreciative of me tracking you down and getting you out of this situation...”
I cut the rest of his little speech off. “First Princess, now I’m a majesty? You got a thing for royals or something?”
He shakes his head. “No, no I don’t. Specifically ones spawned straight from hell. Now, this is me asking nicely...will you please, please just shut your dick sucker for one damn minute so we can get you out of here? We’re wasting time bickering and I have no idea how long we have until Marcum or any of his men arrive back here.” Quickly he reaches into his toolkit bag and showcases an injection of some sort. “The easy way, or the hard way.” He uncaps the syringe letting me know he means business. “I have no problem using this to carry your ass out of here over my shoulder.”
I reach into my pocket and pull out that old, rusty nail, presenting it with a smirk on my face. “The tetanus way, or the non-infected way? Your choice. You never know, we could both jab each other simultaneously and both end up prisoners or worse. But, one thing’s for certain. You won’t be shoving any needle into my skin.”
“Fine.” He rubs his brow in defeat and inwardly I claim this small victory. That’s right, muscles, I think to myself. Other women may cower to you and all your authority, but not this one. “Can we just call a truce so I can safely and efficiently get you out of here?”
Pride-filled, I nod my head before the sharp sting of his needle penetrates my flesh and my fight or flight instinct kicks in. I’ve been duped. I can feel my body slowly begin to tingle as it goes numb and his arrogant grin is the last thing I see before darkness overcomes me.
She’s going to be so pissed at me when she arouses from her drug-induced sleep, but I won’t let her attitude and need to control her surroundings deter me from the job at hand. I was hired to save and rescue her, not deal with her pretentious ass and nasty attitude. I catch her body as it slumps forward and into my awaiting arms. Looking down, I take a moment to admire her sheer beauty. She’s even more attractive while her mouth isn’t running. Although as I look at her plump, soft-looking lips, I imagine what they would feel like on mine. Shake it off, Merc, I mentally tell myself.
Knowing that I don’t have much time to stand here pondering how gorgeous she is when her mouth is sealed, I lift her petite body up and throw her over my shoulder. Making my way out the same way I entered, I stay cautious and on-guard. Fuck, my hand rests just under her ass cheeks and it is taking everything within my power not to take a good long look. I stick to the shadows as much as I can, not sure what the potential time frame is for Marcum and his men to come back. Not wanting her to be caught in the crossfires when she has no way to protect herself has me scurrying faster to get to my bike. It’s a good thing I always keep my harness in my saddlebags never knowing what condition my passenger will be in when I leave with them.
When I hit some growth I fiercely
push my way past it, causing me to hold onto her tighter. And, yet somehow, now her ass is on full display in my face. It takes more mental control to reign in my thoughts and not reach up to feel how tight it is. It’s perfection from what I can tell, and I would love nothing more than to sink my teeth into its flesh. But I don’t do unconscious women, however it doesn’t mean I can’t admire her assets.
Stomping my way back to my bike through the tall brush, I gently place her on the ground. If I were a religious man, I’d swear she’s an angel sprawled out there on the ground. I’d hit my knees and pray at the altar of this beautiful creature. But I’m simply not that type of man. Not to mention, I’ve witnessed her in an awakened state, so I know better. Pulling my harness out, I begin working on securing her into it. Once satisfied that she’s stable, I sit her up against a tree and place my back to her front. My eyes grow wide and again, I’m immediately aroused once I feel her breasts make contact with my back. Looking up at the darkness that fills the sky, lit only by the beam of the shining stars, I ask quietly, “This some sort of joke?” Again, I’ve no idea whom I am asking as I’m not religious, but there’s got to be a higher power out there, or up there. And right now, it’s definitely testing me. I snap the harness to me and stand up, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling her legs around my waist. When I get to the bike, I straddle it and velcro her ankles together in front of me. I then proceed to do the same with her wrists but place them around my chest instead of my neck.
Satisfied that her royal majesty won’t be burned by my pipes, I start my girl up. I go down the back dirt roads instead of the main highway to ensure we aren’t spotted. It will take me longer to get us back to my room, but we won’t be there long either. I need to put as much distance between Marcum and us as I can. When I’m sure she’s safe in her father's arms, I plan on going after Marcum and ridding the world of his entire existence and any trace he was ever in it.
It takes me forty minutes to get to the motel. My passenger is still passed out so I secure her arms around my neck so I can piggy-back her into the room. This time I’m opting not to have her perfect ass taunting me. I struggle slightly getting off the bike with her limp body, but only stumble once before I get my footing. Bending my knees, I hop up to move her body further up my back. I place my hands under her thighs and make it to my door without any mishaps or injuries.
Opening the door, I shut it with my foot and walk over to the uncomfortable as fuck lumpy bed. Plopping us both down, I begin to undo the straps that are keeping her secured to my body. When they are all loose, I slowly lay back so that her body falls into a natural position. Leaving the harness on her, I turn around and slide her body up the bed to where her head is nestled into the pillow. Once I’m certain she looks comfortable and stable enough, I turn around and begin to pack my meager belongings.
I want to get us out of here in the next fifteen-minutes. The longer we’re stationary, the easier it will be for our enemies to locate our position. It takes me less than five short minutes to pack before I go to load my shit into my saddle bags. When I come back the spit-fire is coming around and she looks upset as I expected.
“What the fuck!” she attempts to bellow out at me through her slurs while rubbing her eyes.
“You were so busy trying to put me in my place that you weren’t thinking clearly. I fixed that, end of conversation.” I shrug my shoulders as I close the door behind me. The sooner she learns she doesn’t intimidate me the better off we’ll both be.
“Motherfucker, I swear to all the Gods on this planet that when I get my strength back I’m going to make you eat your dick for this.”
“Sounds kinky. Know what sounds even better?” I antagonize her.
She looks up at me, rolling her eyes before she hisses out, “What?”
“My dick buried in your mouth. It’s sure to fill it up and shut you up.” I’m dancing with fire and the pits of hell here with my last statement, but something about her makes me feel like I can’t control myself.
“If you think your pea-sized pecker will stop me from verbally slashing you for your incompetence then by all means, let's try it. But remember, my teeth are like tiny little razor blades!” She attempts to form a grin to showcase her teeth, but it’s weak. Much like her physical body will still be for the next hour or so. But, at least this next ride I have planned I won’t have to drug her.
“You even attempt to try and saw my dick off with those chompers, you won’t have to worry about Marcum and his men. I’ll slowly take you out, one torturous breath at a time,” I tell her, firing off a verbal warning shot. “My days on this earth are limited and not even your father or his men invoke fear inside me. So, you’d do good to shut your mouth and let me just get you the fuck back home.” I watch as she attempts to free her limbs from the harness. “I’m not opposed to using extreme measures as you can see. I do have other methods of tying you up and keeping your mouth shut.”
“Promises, promises,” she sneers, finally freeing herself from the harness. Man, I’d love to shove my cock in her pussy and show her who’s boss. She may think that she holds the cards in this situation, but she’s not holding my deck. Nope, it’s the other way around. And this princess needs to learn that when her crown jewels aren’t on top of her head, she’s a mere peasant like the rest of us.
“We are running out of time sitting here bickering like a bunch of teenagers. Do you feel strong enough to hold on to me so we can ride out of here?”
“That depends. Will it get me away from you faster?” Oh, this sassy little bitch needs a good fucking.
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” I growl out, displaying my frustration. She gets under my skin unlike any other female has ever has. It both intrigues me and pisses me off. “Let’s go,” I tell her as I turn around, dismissing her hopefully from any further comments.
“Great! Here’s your contraption.” She makes a weak attempt at launching across the room, only to have it land at the foot of the bed.
Snatching it up, I reply, “Nice throw. I’ll meet you outside.” I step out the door and lean against the wall. I light up a smoke and inhale deeply. God, I needed that. I keep my ear open as I quickly clench my eyes. I need a second to regain my control before facing her again. I need my thoughts to be clear and logical so that I don’t put my hands around her throat and strangle the life out of her. She’s a snarky little bitch, and I have a feeling that she’ll back her words up with actions. I do not want to deal with an entire club coming after me for ending her, but ran out of fucks to give over an hour ago.
The door flings open and she stomps out huffing and puffing. “You’re such an asshole!”
“Never said I wasn’t,” I throw down my cigarette, putting an end to its ember with the bottom of my boot. “You ready?”
“Never been more ready to hit the road before in my life.”
“Good thing we’re on the same page.” I stride in front of her leading her to my bike.
That was the longest and most torturous one-hour ride on the back of a bike I’ve had—ever. My mind kept drifting off to places it shouldn’t have along with my hands. This man is sinfully gorgeous – even his muscles have muscles. I wanna despise him so badly for thinking he can talk to and treat me the way he has, but my mind kept wandering off. Each minute felt like an hour as I found myself daydreaming about how natural it felt for me on the back of his bike with my arms around his waist. Wondering what it would feel like to have him between my legs as he owned my body. Something about the way he doesn’t allow me to dominate him only draws my attention and desire closer to him. No man I’ve ever been with has had balls enough to verbally spar with me. Of course, most men also know that my father is the President of the Twisted Iron MC, so that might be why. Yet, so does he, and he so much as said not only did he not care, but I literally saw zero fear in his eyes as he spoke it.
He’s selected a no-tell-motel I decipher by its outward appearance for us
to spend the night at. “Such a classy gentleman you are,” flies with the speed of an eagle off my tongue before I can stop myself. I remove my hands from his waist as he steps off his bike, removing his helmet.
He turns to me just as I remove my helmet and as our eyes connect, I feel a chill slither down my spine. “Listen, little girl. This banter and contempt you have toward me has run its fucking course. Never claimed I wasn’t an asshole. Never claimed I was a fucking gentleman, either. But, last time I checked, I wasn’t sent to take you on a goddamn date. I was sent to rescue you. You wanna call me something? Start by calling me Mercenary. At this point, I expect nothing less. Otherwise, I’ll leave your ass right here in the parking lot of this dump and never fucking look back.”
His tone is serious and it takes every fiber of my being to refrain from lashing back. I fold my arms across my chest as I nervously sway my shoulders. “Fine. Thank you for finding and rescuing me, Mercenary. I’ll try to bite my tongue for the rest of our time together.” I’m lying and I know it. Yes, I’m thankful he found me, but it’s not my personality nor in my nature to keep my thoughts to myself. Hopefully this place isn’t as awful on the inside as the outside looks, but I won’t get my hopes up.
He nods at my words before turning on his heel, heading toward the tempered glass window to check for room availability. Following him, my eyes lower to his ass and I feel my head tilt slightly as I begin to lose myself in thought again. His words snap me back to reality. “Need a double bed room for the night,” he tells the woman behind the glass before lowering his head and reaching into his wallet. Looking back up, I notice the woman twirling her hair with her finger while smacking obnoxiously on some chewing gum. It’s also accompanied by an enormous smile plastering her face. How desperate is this chick? It’s more than obvious she’s flirting with him. He rolled up here with me and for all she knows, I’m his girlfriend.