Fueling the Edge Read online

Page 4

  Fox whips his dick out and shakes it at me. “Suck it, fucker!” he smiles before taking a chug of the beer in his hand and stuffing his dick back in his jeans. I could rip him to shreds for that fucking display, but honestly, this is nothing unusual around here. It’s better she sees us in all our glory now, rather than later when I’m more attached to her, to where she notices something that sends her flying out of the door, and out of my life forever.

  Turning to Talia, she’s covering her face with her palms. Reaching over, I tug at them, prying them away. “It’s safe to open your eyes now. No more shrimp-dick on display,” I holler out, loudly enough Fox shoots me the finger. Damn her face looks extremely pale. Placing my hands on her shoulders, I step in front of her. “Hey, you don’t look so well. Need some water?” She begins to nod her head but her eyes begin to roll back, but before she can fall backward, I catch her and scoop her into my arms. “Stitches! Where’s he at?” I question to anyone who will fucking answer.

  I notice him standing in the frame of his door wearing nothing but his cut and a hard-on. I roll my eyes because apparently all my brothers are and have been fucking the morning away. “Better be fucking important!” he announces before a naked brunette steps out beside him, wiping her mouth. “I’ve got a hot piece of ass in here that’s just waiting to be pounded. So, this better be an emergency goddammit!”

  “Motherfucker!” I roar out when I notice who it is standing next to him. It would figure that my past blowjob ride would show up here. “What the fuck is that bitch doing here?” I need her gone, preferably before Talia regains consciousness. “Get her out of here,” I demand as I walk past him. He gives me a fuck you look, but I ignore him, continuing on my path. “And come check on my woman!” Dammit, slip of the tongue has everyone looking at me oddly. “What?” I dare them to answer.

  “Yours?” Harmony’s eyes are widened in shock as she asks me this. “Never thought the day would come to where the hard-as-stone Edge would find someone.”

  “Despite popular belief, I do have feelings and shit, Harmony,” I declare with the most sincere face I can muster. “You should think about that before opening your mouth in the future.”

  “Who is it you’re trying to convince, Edge? Me, or yourself? Because the look on your face contradicts what’s exiting your lips.” My mouth tips up on the side in a slight smirk, my thinking was if I semi-claimed Talia, it would get everyone to jump and do as I ordered.

  “He ain’t claiming shit,” Rogue pipes in. “Edge will never settle down, we know how much his dick likes a variety of easy pussy.” I shoot him an evil glare over my shoulder. Everyone has such faith in me, good to know, fuck ‘em all.

  Instead of taking her to a spare room, I end up taking her into mine. Talia’s unconscious, she hasn’t shown any signs of coming too, as of yet. I don’t want to take any chances of anyone walking in and taking advantage of her. I don’t think my brothers would, but I don’t trust these damn sluts that hang around here for anything. Their claws come out when they feel someone is stepping in on their territory. Bitches around here are lethal, they put some of the brothers to shame with their controlling selves.

  “Who’s that?” the blowjob brunette asks. Where does this bitch get off asking anything that has to do with club business?

  “None of your motherfucking business,” I seethe between my teeth. I can’t stand nosey ass cunts.

  “Be nice, Edge,” Stitches sounds pissed off, but I couldn’t care less. Easy is easy, he can find it anywhere.

  “Blow me, Stitches,” I respond, then an evil thought enters my head. Something I can’t, and don’t want, to hold back. “Just like your piece of ass did not that long ago. Meet the woman who picked me up on the side of the road and let me fuck her mouth the entire ride.” The cunning bitch gasps when I announce this. “She was alright, I suppose. Nothing I’d ever want to keep. That good for one thing only type of chick.”

  “Alright, this woman is tugging at something twisted from our man. Get her the fuck out of here,” Rogue commands, and I am elated by this.

  “Why? All because I sucked his small dick?” She raises an eyebrow in my direction. This gets a rise out of me, how dare she talk shit about me in my own domain?

  “Watch your mouth, bitch.” I turn a venomous look in her direction. “I have no issues fucking a woman up and teaching her a valuable lesson.”

  “Get her the fuck out of here now!” Rogue roars in outrage. “No one disrespects a brother in my house, especially in front of me. Trust me, woman. You don’t want me to show you the ways of our world.” Secretly, I really wish he would. Rogue can be, and is, a cold-hearted bastard when he feels someone has fucked with what he considers his, and I’m lucky enough to be in the fold.

  “Everyone get out of the way, let me have a look at my patient.” Stitches took long enough to put his fucking clothes back on. Having had enough of all of the bullshit, he pushes everyone out of the way. “Sitting here and arguing over stupid shit isn’t going to help your girl out any, Edge.”

  “You aren’t doing shit until that one is gone.” Mercenary sneers, then takes the unwanted guest by the arm and escorts her away. “Rogue?” I raise my eyebrows in his direction.

  “Everyone out, let’s give them some privacy for Stitches to do his thing.” Rogue turns around, and ushers everyone out, by swinging his hands dramatically towards the door.

  “Thanks,” I mutter, as I finally lay Talia down on the bed. “What do you think is wrong with her?” I ask Stitches.

  “Tell me what happened before she passed out.” Stitches turns toward me, while placing his fingers on her neck.

  “She was really pale, then lights out.” To tell the truth, I have no idea why she passed out. It was strange to say the least. I know it wasn’t the visual of Fox’s dick. I feel my head cock to the side as I briefly amuse myself by thinking maybe it was. I mean, after seeing mine, I’m sure the sight of average could send one into shock. I know the ladies say it’s impressive, but it couldn’t have been that exciting.

  “Did she have the shakes? Did she suffer anything traumatic? A head injury maybe?” he shoots off question after question in rapid succession.

  “Not that I’m aware of.” Thinking back, she was perfectly fine when we were at her place. I mean, she’s pissed off at the way things went down with Briggs. Other than that, she was perfectly fine. I smile when I think of how feral she went on Rogue and myself. My dick rises at the thought of how much it turned me on to see her go all hellcat. She’s a feisty one, and I love a woman who holds her own. I’ve never personally liked a completely submissive woman. I enjoy the push and pull, the thrill and excitement of the unknown. What fun is it to conquer a woman who just lays there? The best part is feeling a woman’s sharp nails as they scrape down my back knowing that the only thing in that moment she craves more than her next breath is my cock slamming back into her.

  “Edge?” Stitches snaps his fingers, pulling me from the fantasy playing out in my head.

  “Huh?” He smirks at me. “What?” I narrow my eyes to near slits at him.

  “Your woman’s coming to.” He chuckles. “Maybe her sugar levels are low? Has she eaten?”

  “She had just finished cooking something when we arrived, but fuck if I know.” Thoughts of our last encounter and her skinning that rabbit flood my thoughts, causing me to shudder.

  “Well, see about getting her something to eat and make sure she stays hydrated. I’ve got ready and willing pussy awaiting me. Now don’t fucking call my name unless someone has a life-threatening wound.” Stitches stands and I watch Talia’s eyes flicker as she opens them. He takes one last look at her. “Sure is a pretty one you got there, Edge,” he finishes before walking out of the room.

  With Stitches last words, Talia shoots straight up into a sitting position on my bed. “Easy does it, trouble. You passed out.” I sit down next to her and she scoots away from me. “I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m still trying to get to the bottom o
f what and why you passed out.”

  Rogue walks in unannounced with some water and a sandwich in hand. “Brought these up here. Harmony made the sandwich. So, if it’s peanut butter with pickles on it, don’t shoot the delivery man. Her pregnancy cravings are wild these days.” He sets the sandwich and bottled water down on my nearby nightstand and walks out. The silence that remains between Talia and I still floats thick in the air.

  Opening the bottle of water, I hand it to her, and she momentarily stares blankly at me before accepting. “It seems as if our roles have been reversed,” I state, trying to lighten the mood. “Do you think you can eat your sandwich?”

  She still holds her tongue but nods her head as I hear her stomach rumble. “Are you going to give me the silent treatment much longer, Talia?” When she breaks eye contact from me, my anger nearly detonates. Until I mentally remind myself that she’s technically here against her will. “Look, I know that this isn’t the ideal circumstance, you being here. However, we need to make the best of it and try to keep you safe from this MC that seems to have you on their radar. Talia, this isn’t a game, I need you to talk to me.” When she looks back over at me, I swear for a moment there I see fear. Until she puts her mask back into place. She’s one stubborn fucking bitch, that’s for damn sure.

  “I was safer at home,” she quietly informs me.

  “How do you figure?” If she thinks that Briggs is all she needs for protection, she’s sorely mistaken. The MC that is looking for her is not one that a simple man can keep her safe from.

  “Let me try this,” Rogue interrupts me, informing us both of his presence again. “Look, Talia. You don’t know me, and I sure as fuck don’t know you. But I’m a rip the bandaid off type of man. You’re fucked. Dead if you don’t tell us what we need to know in order to help you. Whoever it is from that club that’s trying to find you, they don’t care that you’re a woman. They couldn’t give two fucks that you’re possibly innocent. They will take your life, rape you, shoot you between the eyes if you piss them off. You have no idea what suffering is, but if you don’t allow us to help, you’ll soon be finding out. If you think they don’t know where your little hole in the wall house is, you’re sorely mistaken. I have it on good authority that they were quickly zeroing in on you. Hell, we may have only beaten them to you by a day or two at maximum. Now, grow up and let us protect you, or we can take you back and let them have you. The choice is yours.”

  “Ya never have been one to sugar coat anything, Rogue.” I chuckle when I notice the look on her face. “We aren’t lying. I personally would like nothing to happen to you. Especially seeing as you saved my life and all. But, at the end of the day it’s your choice.” I nonchalantly shrug my shoulders. Pretending that she actually has an option is a first for me, but I want her to think she kind of does.

  She’s intently listening while eating and occasionally sipping her water. Not once does she seem shocked or stunned at either of our words. “I know who’s looking for me and why. His name is Frank. Maybe better known on the road as Snowman from the Warped Henchmen MC. I can rip the bandaid off, too. He’s my ex old man, okay? I was young, thought he loved me. Turns out the only thing he truly loved was putting his hands on me, and not in a way that brought any pleasure—not for me anyway. His brothers even got in on the action from time to time. It all depended on how jacked up on cocaine he was at the time, hence the road name. Took me long enough, but after a few years of wanting to leave without having the courage, I was finally strong enough and I fled. Stumbled into a bar one night frightened and exhausted. That’s where I met Briggs. The rest is history. You’re one-hundred percent correct in all your assumptions. If found, Frank will kill me. Have I cleared up any questions either of you might’ve had? It’s not like I’m going anywhere for now, so feel free to ask away if you think of anymore.” She folds her arms across her chest, leaving me stunned at her admission.

  “Church in twenty. I’ll let the others know,” Rogue announces stoically before turning on his heel and leaving. I know Talia’s confession has just awakened something deeper inside of him as it has me.

  “You happy now, Edge? Your caretaker, the woman who saved your life has a nasty past. You might even be wondering how such a broken and scared woman could even function daily, let alone keep you alive. Although, you did seem to believe at one point that I was somehow trying to poison you.” She lets out an exaggerated, sarcastic laugh. “But no, I’m not a killer. Just on the run from one.”

  Chapter Five


  When Edge left the room, he threw a look of pity over his shoulder. I never want anyone to feel sorry for me, I’m a survivor, dammit. I’m strong, independent, and have never viewed myself as anyone’s victim. I will always hold my head up high, never allow anyone to view me as someone who needs to be pitied. I am not that woman. Before Edge left the room, he told me to get some rest and if I felt up to it, to take a shower. A part of me always knew that eventually there was a possibility they’d find me. Guess it’s a blessing in the form of a massive disguise that Edge and his club know things and want to keep me safe. Right now, scrubbing the past off of my skin seems like a fantastic idea. Getting up out of the bed, I notice I’m a little wobbly on my feet, but nothing I can’t handle. First however, I need clothes, and seeing as I don’t see my bag containing my things in them, I invade his dresser.

  Finding a t-shirt, boxers, and a pair of night pants, that still have the tag on them, I grab them all and head into the bathroom. Finding a towel, washcloth, and body scrub, I make my way over to the shower and start it. I don’t even want to know why he has body wash in his bathroom, under the sink. I’m just going to enjoy my good fortune. When the temperature is just right, I step under the spray and let it soak over me for a few minutes before I begin bathing myself. Noticing some generic shampoo and conditioner, I pick the bottle up and take a sniff to make sure I won’t smell too manly, but at this point in time, it’s a moot issue.

  It smells like Edge. Woodsy and pine. It’ll have to do for now. Once I scrub my hair and wash out the shampoo, I apply the conditioner. While it sits, I scrub my body down. Once satisfied that the memories of Snowman’s hands on me have dissipated, at least for now, I rinse and step out. When I’m dried and dressed, I step out of the bathroom but stop dead in my tracks when I see another woman sitting on the bed. She’s a sight to behold. Beautiful, and sucking on a pickle. I can see a slight baby bump poking out, and mentally think about the things I’ve heard about pregnancy and cravings. I nearly burst out in laughter at the cliché sight, but manage to hold it back.

  “Um, hello.” I wave my hand at her in an odd manner that I only realize after the fact.

  “Hey, I’m Harmony. Edge asked me to come check in on you. Make sure you don’t need anything.” She crunches down on the pickle in her hand, taking another bite.

  “I’m good. Thank you for coming to check on me, Harmony. I’m Talia.” Walking over to her I hold my hand out. She reaches over and shakes my hand. Then surprises me by pulling me into a hug.

  “I can never repay you enough for what you did for Edge. He’s my best friend,” she chokes out on a sob. “I thought I’d lost him. Sorry for the damn tears, stupid hormones and all that shit.”

  “Don’t apologize for your feelings. They are validate. And as far as saving Edge, any decent person would do the same.” Pulling back from her, I see how much she truly cares for him.

  “You’d be surprised how many people would actually just pass by and do nothing. If we’d have been lucky, someone might have called the authorities. Citizens look at the cut he wears, we all wear, and wouldn’t want to get involved. Most assume that because we belong to an MC, we’re bad people. Don’t get me wrong, the men here are far from shrinking violets, but deep down, they do have hearts. As far as I’m concerned, they’re good men, they’re my family.” She takes a bite out of her pickle and moans. This time I do let a little giggle escape me.

  I can understand a
part of what she’s saying though. I have lived the MC life. I know how close the men are to each other. But what she’s describing, is much different than what I’ve seen when it comes to the women the men claim, and how they’re treated. “I haven’t had the same experience as you have when it comes to relationships with men in the lifestyle.”

  “Tell me about it.” She pats a spot on the bed next to her. For the next hour, I bare my soul to her. I tell her about how I met Snowman, and how my life spiraled from there. She’s sympathetic. She listens, and hums here and there.

  “I have a feeling your life is about to drastically change, Talia,” she informs me, as she looks up at the ceiling. I can’t help but wonder what’s flowing through her mind.

  “How do you figure, Harmony?” Her statement is confusing to me, and I need her to explain it.

  “When these men make a claim, they stick to it. They can be like leeches, holding on tight and you have to literally pry them off. They care about women, which is why they never raise a hand to one unless there’s no other option. Well, at least ones that are in their inner circle that is. I can’t say the same if a woman is a threat to the club. Edge is a good man, Talia. He’s no saint, he’s done some pretty destructive things in his past. But if you’ll let him, he’ll do right by you, and take care of the ones who are after you. Knowing him the way I do, something tells me he might just feel something more than indebted to you for saving his life.” The way she shrugs and the look on her face lets me know she thinks she’s onto something.