Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers' Read online

Page 4

  As I swat her ass, I insert two fingers and thrust twice, then pull my fingers out and do it again. And again, repeating the pattern until I’ve given her the ten swats she’s earned. I know she’s at the brink because the last two times, her pussy clenched onto my fingers so hard, I had a hard time pulling out.

  “Catrina Lopez, age twenty-five, she’s petite, hair shade’s brunette. Jennifer Spinelli, twenty-three, brunette. Abigail Vitrano, twenty-six, again a brunette.” I feel Destiny still on my lap as his words sink in while I try to rein in the rage that is boiling in my veins like lava. I’d bet my left nut that they favor my woman and there’s no fucking way in hell that she’s stepping foot in that place!

  Deciding that she’s gotten too tense, I start rubbing her ass again, occasionally slipping my fingers inside her drenched sheath. She begins to wiggle in my lap, reaching for the climax she needs. I begin to furiously pump my fingers in and out of her core, making sure to pay special attention to that padded spot buried inside of her. Once I sense she’s close, I insert a third finger and instead of teasing her, I continue my thrusts. Slow and deliberate, despite her wiggling ass. She comes on my terms, not hers. I’m a ruthlessly commanding asshole when it comes to her orgasms. They are for my pleasure; I give them when I believe she’s earned them. Not a moment sooner.

  “Now, what about the men?” I inquire, knowing that when she hears the command in my voice, she’ll orgasm. Her pussy clenches and I watch as a beautiful blush covers her neck and shoulders, knowing that her chest and face are the same shade of pink. She manages to come without a sound and I make a note to praise her later. In private. Before she swallows my dick. Because as hard as it is for her, until she recognizes that she’s mine and only mine, she’s not getting the dick unless I’m fucking her mouth. She loves giving head, it turns her on. In response to that, my switch gets flipped. She’s learned to deep-throat me without choking and gagging, she loves it when my seed fills her mouth. No woman has ever been able to bring me to my knees the way she does when her lips are wrapped around my cock.

  I’m brought out of my daze when there's a succession of knocks on my office door. Knowing that pattern well, I quickly pull up Destiny’s pants and button them. Patting her ass, she walks over to the door and quickly unlocks it and pulls it open. Atticus is standing there, taking in the room around him, a smirk plastered on his face. He looks over at me and raises his eyebrows. I wave him away and nod for him to join us.

  “Are you sure Destiny should be here for this conversation?” my brother asks.

  “Come read this, it should answer your question,” I answer, waving the paper in the air. He gives me an odd look before coming over and taking it from my hands. When he reads it, his face pinches together in anger.

  “Destiny! Please tell me you found this on the internet somewhere to fuck with Silas and that you aren’t going to this fucking club!” he bellows, turning to face her. She sinks in on herself as she looks over at me. Her eyes are begging me to help her. She has never been on the receiving end of my brother’s wrath, and I have a feeling she’s not enjoying being the recipient of it now. “Destiny, look at me, not Silas,” he demands. Her head swivels in his direction, she looks scared, but she knows he won’t do anything to her.

  “I’ve been researching,” she quietly asserts. “Wanting to learn more, in the chat, he reached out to me. He seems… nice.” She tries to smooth things over with her tone. “I’ve talked to him several times online; he’s answered a lot of questions I’ve had.” She gulps harshly, knowing that Atticus’ temper is fixing to flare.

  “He’s answered your questions.” Atticus’ voice is low, even I know that this isn’t good. “What the actual fuck, Destiny! Even you aren’t this dense! What is it with you and your sister always putting yourself in danger! Do you crave the damn drama and attention? Please tell me this is a fucking joke.” His eyes are fixed on her, waiting for her response.

  “I-I didn’t mean to do anything wrong.” She hiccups and I can see the tears she’s holding at bay. “I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean to cause any problems or be a burden to you.” Her head lowers. I hate that she’s being submissive toward Atticus. It pisses me off that he’s pulled that side of her out, but it’s something I can’t and won’t save her from.

  “Kitten,” I call out, patting my leg for her to come and sit. I want to offer her some comfort, but not indulge her in her wrong choices. She needs to learn that not everyone is good; the internet is full of perverts and those full of bad intentions. Once she’s close, I pull her onto my lap and kiss her temple. “We’re angry, Destiny, because what Rex just read has apparently been happening for quite some time now. Do you recognize the characteristics of the women?” She nods and I demand, “I need your words, Destiny.”

  “T-they sound like they look a lot like me,” she replies.

  “Exactly. What do you think will happen if you go in there? Do you think you’ll come out unscathed?” Atticus asks. Even though I know he’s trying to make her think about what she’s done, he’s going about it harshly, but I can understand his feelings of being irate. She’ll hear it again once Jonas catches wind of her attempted foray of activities. Meanwhile, I just want to paddle her ass raw and I make a note to order one just for her.

  “I-I don’t know.” She keeps her head ducked as she answers him.

  “I’ve got an idea, boss,” Rex speaks, interrupting my tirade.

  “What?” I growl out. I swear to Christ, this woman is going to drive me to fucking drink. I’d say go bald, but I shave my head already so that’s out.

  “Now, hear me out before you bite my head off.” He tries to placate me with his hands held high as he says this.

  “Now, this is something I gotta hear.” Atticus plops his ass on the edge of my desk, paper still tucked in a tight grip in his hands. I give him a scathing look; he knows I don’t like it when they prop any part of their bodies on my fucking desk. He smirks at me then gives his attention back to Rex. “Share away,” he says as he waves his hand in the air like Vanna White does on that stupid show the women desperately enjoy much to our dismay.

  “Are ya trying to sell something, Atticus? Whatever it is, I ain’t buying,” I grind out. My teeth are clenched so tightly that my jaw now aches.

  “Shut the fuck up and let Rex speak.” I raise my head at him and he quickly averts his attention from me. He doesn't want me to admonish him in front of our men. I’ll give him this one, but he doesn’t get another chance to bust my nuts. That’s not how we operate and I think he and I need another come-to-Jesus meeting.

  “So, we’ve been wanting to get inside to see what’s going on, right? What if I take Destiny in as my sub? We won’t play or anything, just look around and see if we can place some bugs. I’ve got an open-ended invitation to come in as one of their Master Doms so I could contact them and let them know I want to check things out first before I commit,” Rex states. His words are hurried and he keeps giving me furtive glances as if he expects me to come over the desk and throttle him. Okay, so the clenched fist is probably a good indicator.

  I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna tear his skin from his bones one layer at a time. Then, I’m gonna feed him to the pigs at Gishom’s pig farm. I’ll do it under the cover of night so no one knows, or is any wiser, to their pigs being overly fed.



  “Care to repeat that again?” I roar out the question.

  “Not particularly, boss,” Rex yelps out in laughter. He’s not fearful of me, but every man in this room now knows that Destiny is mine. What the fuck is this son of a bitch thinking? There’s no way in hell I’ll let my woman purposefully be placed in any sort of danger. Especially not in our world.

  “It might work,” Atticus says. When I turn my glare on him, he holds his hands up. “Listen, Rex isn’t gonna touch her, but they can get the lay of the land, plant some bugs and maybe some of those fucking cameras that Jonas got, and let us get the intel we
need to stop whatever the fuck is happening.” I realize we never finished talking about the men that have gone missing and decide to rectify that situation.

  “What about the men?” Gordon disrupts my tirade before it has a chance to even begin. The about-face in the conversation momentarily silences everyone, then Rex clears his throat.

  “They’re all similar in age and body type,” Rex states. “Mid-twenties, muscular but not overly so, with dark hair.” Fuck, it’s obvious that whoever is behind this fucking shit has a type they’re stalking.

  “Are they submissives?” I request.

  “I believe so, but obviously don’t know if it’s a hundred-percent fact,” Rex accounts.

  I run my hand across my face, and know the aggravation I’m feeling is palpable, at least to Destiny, because she shrinks away. That won’t do, so I pull her close again and lean down to whisper in her ear, “You never have to worry that I’ll hurt you, Kitten. I promise.” I see her nod but she remains silent, letting this impromptu meeting of sorts continue around her. But I know it’s impacted her because she hasn’t stopped trembling. Right now, I wish no one was here so I could give her some much-needed aftercare. It’s my job as her master to make sure she’s protected and safe. And what they’re suggesting could put a target on her back. That’s not something acceptable to me. I’d skin someone alive if they even place a finger on her skin. Everything about her, that is her, is mine to covet and it’s my job to secure a peaceful life for her. I begin to open my mouth and give a tongue-lashing to my employee and brother. Before I get the opportunity to do so, Destiny speaks, stopping me in my tracks.

  “It might work, Silas,” she expresses, breaking her silence. “I mean, I won’t be doing anything except following Rex around, right? It’s not like we’re going to do a scene or anything.” The thought of him playing her Dom causes the hair to stand up on my arms. Anger begins to surface as she places her hand on my forearm. It instantaneously calms my raging thoughts.

  “Nope, no scening with me,” Rex states quickly. His eyes look like they’re ready to bug out of his head. If I wasn’t so irritated with him, I’d laugh at the predicament he’s placed himself in.

  I can still feel the tension flowing in my body. My body is strung tight and I fear it’s going to snap as I try to calmly and rationally consider what has been said. I don’t want her in danger’s way and from what the file the guys brought in indicates, she’d be right in the middle of the proverbial storm. She fits the ‘type’ of woman that’ve come up missing. But with Rex having the invitation to come in as a possible Master Dom, they’d have access to areas that might not otherwise be available to us. I don’t like the thought that she’d be prancing around there in clothing designed to entice men, especially seeing as she’s my fucking woman, though. Whether she’s ready to accept it or not, she’s been mine since I carried her out of that hellhole she was held captive in. I can still feel how her tiny hands clenched and clawed my shirt in her fists as I held her tightly to my chest while we made our escape.

  “I see the benefits to what all of you are saying, but I really don’t like the fact that y’all are willing to put a target on Destiny’s back,” I emphatically declare. “She fits the profile of the women who’ve come up missing.” I jam my finger on the desk, holding the folders of the victims. Since we’re too known, Atticus, Jonas, and I can’t go inside, which means we have to rely on our ghost team. But Rex is good at what he does and as long as they can plant bugs and even the miniscule cameras so we can get eyes in there, it could be viable. I rack my brain trying to think of any woman we can use, other than my own. Coming up blank, my breathing rapidly increases in my chest as it tightens. I’m not the type of man who willingly places the one he loves in the direct line of the firing squad. I can’t help but feel as if I’d be the one who places the bullet into the firing chamber of the gun that’d take her precious life from me.

  Just as I’m ready to start bashing heads together, the melodic voice of my woman breaks the chain of my soon-to-be ramblings and orders to find another. “I’ll do it.” Destiny’s voice is soft but firm. “Silas, if there are women and even men being taken, we have to stop it. Who knows what they’re doing to them? Rex will keep me safe because if he doesn’t, I know you’ll flay the skin from his body.” She’s not kidding because just the thought of one hair on her head being disturbed has me fuming.

  “I don’t like it, I can’t abide by this, Destiny. I’d go apeshit just knowing that your body will call to the members like a beacon in the dead of night. I can’t, I won't allow you to be the one. We’ll have to find another.”

  “Who?” Atticus inquires. “If you know of someone, Brother, I’m all ears. Hell, I’ll even go and pick the woman up. Give me a name.”

  “We can find someone else,” I angrily grind out between my clenched teeth.

  “By tonight?” Rex solicits. “I don’t see how that’s possible; we can’t afford to wait any longer to take action, Silas.” Fuck him for bringing up facts that I know are true. I don’t like it; I can’t be there to protect her if something goes horribly wrong. I’ll never be allowed entrance into the building. For one, I’m not vetted for the club, and two, my anger would give me away. People presume to know what my brothers and I do for a living, but we’ve never been outed and there’s never been any evidence to support their claims.

  People can guess all they want, but it’ll never be confirmed. Not by us, not by those who do know what we do, or by those who are allies of ours. Those who do work with us, know exactly what the three of us are capable of, and they don’t want to be on the receiving end of our wrath. Our skills and anger are not to be taken lightly, especially when it comes to the safety and security of our women and Damien.

  “Silas, please? Let me help. Rex will keep me safe,” Destiny implores. I want to argue, I want to tell them all how foolish they’re being. But most of all, I want to wrap Destiny in bubble wrap and chain her to my bed.

  “Get Jonas in here,” I grit out. I’m still not sold, but he’s our computer guru and I know he’s got gadgets galore. “Raven too.” I sit there in silence, still stewing, while Atticus calls and tells Jonas to ‘get his and Raven’s ass’ down to the office. Long minutes pass before the two of them breach the confines of my office. I can tell right away that we interrupted something based on the fact that Jonas’s shirt is misbuttoned and Raven’s hair is a lot taller than it was at lunch. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I smirk and ask, “Working out?”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Jonas responds, grinning. “Now, what commanded our immediate attention?” He may be anxious to get back to their foreplay, but I need his attention solely on the tasks at hand.

  “Rex has a way into Club Oblivious as a potential Master Dom. We need whatever you’ve got that we can let him and Destiny take in there to plant so we can see about getting to the bottom of these missing people.”

  “You’re letting Destiny go in there?” Jonas catechizes, his jaw dropping. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” See, I’m not the only one who thinks this is fucking crazy.

  I take a deep breath. Whoever said they help to calm a person down is a fucking liar because my blood pressure is so high right now, I can feel the vein in my forehead pounding. “Watch it, fucker,” I growl out. “No other choice even though it’s the last fucking thing I want to do. She fits the profile, Jonas.”

  “What profile?” he inquires.

  “Of the women who’ve gone missing, and no, I do not want her going. I’m against it with every fiber of my being but unless you know of someone else who would work as a submissive that we can trust, who’s in our ranks, I don’t know what other option we’ve got.”

  “I’ve got an idea,” Jonas discloses. I swear it’s almost as if I see a lightbulb light up over his head. “You know that chick, Tawny? Cousin to Luca’s old lady, Gypsy? She’s a private investigator. Think she’d be able to pull it off? Then Rex would have someone at his back who could help if
he needs it. No offense, Destiny.” Her body relaxes into my embrace, and I know it means she’s relieved at having another woman on this mission with her.

  “None taken, Jonas. I can’t fight my way out of a paper bag,” my woman admits. I grasp her hip with my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to comfort her, and let her know, her words were brave in admitting her lack of knowledge where it comes to physical safety measures, since she’s not been trained in protecting herself.

  “That’s something we’ll be changing, Destiny. You need to know how to keep yourself safe whenever we’re not around.” I plan for her to never have to use that skillset, but I feel that every woman needs basic self-defense skills. “Make the call, Jonas. Be sure she understands exactly what we need.”

  “I’m on it. Not sure Luca’s gonna go for it, though, especially if it’s his old lady’s cousin,” he says.

  “Tell Luca about the missing women. I’m sure that’ll change his mind,” Atticus replies. I agree because the men there are fiercely protective of their women and while they are badasses in their own right and don’t go looking for trouble, they won’t back down from a threat against innocents.


  I’m a ball of nerves, tension is palpable in my shoulders. The mention of Tawny joining us has eased some of my distress; either way, I would’ve followed through with it. I know what these individuals are feeling, I’ve been there and done that, and can’t stand aside while another person lives through that sort of ordeal. Self-preservation should be on the top of my list, but I can’t help but remember what it was like not knowing what my future held. I hate these sick fucks who think they can steal someone’s life from them and incite what their next few weeks, months and years will hold. I may not be as savvy as Silas’s crew or even Tawny, but maybe I can distract those around us enough that Rex and Tawny can plant the stuff that Jonas is getting prepared.