Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers' Read online

Page 15

  Athena has become a staple in our home. She no longer is only Damien’s tutor and teacher; not only is she helping Piper and Raven with the babies, she’s taken on the role of our sister in every way that counts. She and Jonas have spent a lot of time together over these last few weeks, they’ve grown a bond that is amazing considering they didn’t have that twin connection growing up. Atticus and I have made sure to spend some extra time with her as well. Whereas we didn’t have her in our lives growing up, she’s made her way into our hearts and family as if she has always been there. She’s a sweet, wonderful woman and human being. I’m happy that she didn’t run from us and took time to get to know us all. She loves us just as fiercely as we’ve grown to love her.

  Now that she’s in our lives, she’s never leaving again. Being a brother to a sister is much different from being one to my brothers. She’s attentive, listens to what I have to say and gives the best advice. I like to think she’s just like our mother and how proud of her we all are. She’s a fighter. A survivor, and one of the best people I know. I’m honored that she’s decided we’re worth forging a family of unbreakable ties with. She may be Jonas’s twin, but she’s become one of my closest friends. She just… fits.

  “Silas? You wanted to talk to me?” Raven asks, standing in my office doorway. I motion for her to come in and have a seat.

  Once she’s settled, I look at her and state, “You knew who Athena was and how she was related to me and my brothers, yet you said nothing. My question to you is, why?”

  She takes a deep breath then replies, “Because in the grand scheme of things, it didn’t matter. I wasn’t aware of the whole thing, obviously, but my initial pass through her background showed nothing that would cause any kind of issue for any of us. Granted, if I had known just how much was lacking, I would have dug deeper, so for that, I’m sorry.”

  “She was probably better off not knowing him like we did,” I advise. I know she’s seen the scars that Jonas bears and I’m pretty confident that he’s told her that I took the brunt of it whenever possible.

  “He fucked with her head enough, don’t you think? I mean, I know y’all were physically mistreated but damn, Silas, he messed with her mind! Who tells a kid that they’re not wanted, that they’re less than?”

  “Our father, obviously,” I state.

  “Exactly! And, well, he was a prick.” I chuckle at her word usage because she’s still a bit prim and proper compared to Piper and my kitten.

  “That he was, Raven. Well, I wanted to clear the air and let you know that should anything else come up like this, dig deeper and come to us. It may not appear to be of importance to you, but we should always know who’s in our home and around our children. I don’t think it played a huge role in what went down, but it could’ve had disastrous results. We’re just lucky.”

  “I will, I promise. Y’all saved me and Damien, gave me a home and a future with Jonas, and I will protect y’all like I do my son, fiercely.”

  “I’m letting you off easy this time because nothing bad happened, but Raven, I’m warning you, don’t let it happen again. Next time, I won’t go easy on you.”

  “I understand, Silas. And for whatever it’s worth, I really am sorry I didn’t come to y’all.”

  I feel as if a brick has been lifted from my chest by soothing the waters with her. Jonas gave her the riot act, they had a knock-down blow-out, so I felt that I needed to go easier on her. If I didn’t share my feelings with her, however, I was afraid that they’d eat me up from the inside. It feels good to let something that weighed on my chest go without any major fights occurring. Raven isn’t perfect, but she’s family, which means we need to forgive and move forward when one of us makes a mistake. One of those lessons I learned from my father; how to do things the right way.

  My kitten has grounded me enough to be able to do so. She’s made me recognize that life isn’t guaranteed, we never know what monsters lurk in the dark. We need to covet those we love and have their backs when a bad decision is made. We need to share wisdom with each other and throw caution to the wind when the circumstances call for it. I still will always err on the side of caution, it’s who I am, but I’m getting better about letting my brothers and their women help shoulder the problems I used to carry all on my own.

  It’s a work in progress, but with their help and guidance, I’m sure we’ll live the rest of our lives in a more peaceful, loving environment. I want all of the Nelson children, present and future, to have what Atticus, Jonas and I never had. Unconditional love and support.


  I’ve got one more week before my cast comes off and I can’t fucking wait! Even though Silas has loosened the stranglehold he had on me as far as my being able to ‘do anything’ for myself, it’s still awkward and well, we haven’t been able to play like I know he wants to. That’s not to say we haven’t had sex because we have, he’s just being cautious. Plus, it’s a pain in the ass to try and fold clothes with one hand! Not to mention wash certain areas that need special attention in the shower. But it’s always fun to call Silas in with me to take care of those needs.

  “Destiny?” Raven asks, walking into the laundry room where I’m struggling to hang things up. “Here, I’ll help you. Seems like the laundry has exploded since they brought Sloane home, huh?” I laugh because I’m not sure whose idea it is to change her so often — Piper’s or Atticus’s — but I swear that baby has wardrobe changes every three to four hours, as does Ansley. At least Raven doesn’t do that with Callissa. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “What’s that?” I inquire, tossing a sock over to the pile to be mated later. I’d rather wear mix-matched socks than match and fold the extensive pile that always seems to gather no matter how on top of laundry we stay.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking and feel that we need to sell my house. Now hear me out,” she says when I look at her bewilderedly. “This place is huge and none of us are stepping on one another. I think, based on what the guys do for a living, that it makes sense for us all to be under the same roof, don’t you?” I’m thinking that Jonas has gotten to her, Silas just the other day said he felt as if we were all safer living together. Something or another about numbers and safety, I only halfway listened since I didn’t really want to hear what he was saying.

  I think further about what she’s saying. The house is ridiculously large and in reality, we each have our own ‘wing’ for lack of a better term. The only thing we can’t really do is run around naked but that’s not who I am anyhow, so it’s no great loss. “Do you think it would work? I mean, there are four females in this house and one of us is an overbearing, hormonal momzilla.” She giggles when I say this but it’s true. Piper’s been all over the place hormonally; sometimes she’s laughing, sometimes she’s crying. Poor Atticus doesn’t know whether to yell or go buy her something half the time.

  “Well, I suppose we should all stick around if nothing else but to guarantee Piper and Atticus don’t kill each other. Silas told me about how Piper lost her shit on Atticus before they found me. According to him, she jumped him from behind and they both took a tumble down the stairs... naked.” I widen my eyes at her dramatically when I say this.

  “What? I haven’t heard that one before, I’m gonna have to get Jonas to share that one with me. But the guys do have a point, after everything we’ve all survived, living under the same roof will ease their minds while out on missions. Plus, we get the added bonus of ganging up on them together. Women power and all that,” she laughs.

  “Yeah, except y’alls asses don’t get paddled for infractions. I could hardly walk yesterday after he bent me over his knee. All because Piper wanted to know whose dick was bigger.” My mind wanders to last night, yeah, I got an orgasm out of it, but only after he slapped my ass to the point to where it was blistered. I’m not sure the orgasm was worth the pain I endured from his hand.

  “Says who?” she retorts, rubbing her ass. “Trust me, Jonas has no problem ‘
asserting his authority’ when he feels I’ve misstepped.”

  “So he didn’t like the tape measure we used to show how big our significant other’s dick was?” I ask her. I guess it doesn’t surprise me that dominant men run in the family. They are brothers after all.

  “Ah, no, I think he was pissed off because he said I shortchanged him a few inches.” Her giggles soon have me laughing as I imagine his outrage over that particular faux pas.

  “Bet it was worth it in the end though, huh?”

  “Fuck yeah it was,” she sighs.

  We finish folding, hanging and putting clothes in the right couples’ basket to be taken to bedrooms. I finally feel free of the ghosts of my past, I have no one to thank other than this family. “I’m good with selling the house, Raven. I’d rather be here with my family anyway. We have to make sure that Piper doesn't raise Sloane or Ansley to be like her.”

  “What? Mouthy?” Raven asks me.

  “No, a brawler.”

  “You’re right, the world can only handle one Piper populating it. We have to save Sloane and Ansley from both of their parents.”

  “Amen, sister. Amen.” Raven gives me a high five.

  I love my life and family.


  I’ve been waiting for this time to come, and tonight’s the night. Everything I have planned for my kitten has taken her cast into account. Now that it’s been removed, all bets are off. I will collar her tonight to where the world knows that she’s mine and only mine. “Where are we going?” she asks as I lead her, blindfolded, down to my dungeon.

  “You’ll see, Kitten,” I reply, holding her steady. I can hear the nervousness in her voice when she asks me this, but as soon as she sees the playroom I have downstairs, I have a feeling she’s going to be thankful. She’s always reading romance novels about D/s relationships and has continuously asked me to take her to a club to play. I haven’t given in, not only because of her healing time, but because I wanted mine to be the first she’s taken in and used.

  “I don’t really like surprises, they never seem to work out well for me,” she whispers.

  “I think this’ll be different, Destiny. Now, I know your ass is still sore so I suggest that you keep yourself quiet because I don’t think you can handle being paddled again.” I don’t plan to swat her ass; I have a soft flogger that I’ll be using to enhance her senses and drive her crazy. I watch as she nods but doesn’t say another word. Grinning, I stop in front of the door and quickly unlock it before I usher her inside. Once the door is closed and locked against prying eyes, I pick her up and carry her over to the bed that I have in here. It’s the focal point of the room, dead center, easy to get to from all of my personally crafted furniture intended for playtime and restraint. Because she’s blindfolded, I gently put her in the middle of the bed.

  The room is painted crimson red. All of the benches, chairs, St. Andrew’s cross and sheets are black. I have some shackles hanging from the ceiling, all wrought iron gunmetal grey. I have a track embedded in the ceiling that allows me to chain her to maneuver her around the room without having to unlatch her cuffs. It’s so I can take her from point A to point B when she needs another surface and structure to heighten her experience. I won’t always make things easy and comfortable for her, my job as her Dom is to take her out of her comfort zone and experience new and arousing things. She prefers a bed, and I’ll give it to her tonight, but after this night is done, she will be experiencing it all. When I want to spank her, I’ll bend her over the bench, shackle her to it by her feet and wrists, and spank her ass. I will bind her to every square inch of this room while I take her to new heights. My dick grows hard just thinking about everything I want to experience with her in this room.

  Before I decide whether or not to take her blindfold off, I look around and smile. Everything in here has been prepared for her pleasure, as well as my own. While the spanking bench won’t see any use tonight, I know we’ll play another time. “You good?” I ask. “You can speak when I ask a question, Kitten,” I state when she doesn’t say anything.

  “I-I’m good, Silas.”

  “Tonight’s about you, Destiny,” I tell her as I take first one wrist and then the other and fasten them to the soft restraints that are attached to the headboard. “All about you,” I whisper, dropping a kiss on her shoulder. I see the pulse in her neck jump and realize that even though she might be nervous, she’s also excited. Her lips are parted and I watch as her tongue swipes her bottom lip, nearly groaning at what the image does to me. I debate restraining her legs, but I like them wrapped around my waist as I thrust into her, so I decide to leave them free for the time being.

  “You’ve got too many clothes on,” I advise as I cut the straps of her gown so I can pull it off her body, leaving her bare to my eyes. “Fucking gorgeous, Kitten, and you’re all mine, aren’t you?”

  “I’m yours, Silas. Only yours,” she pants out.

  “Christ, you’re so fucking responsive,” I murmur as I take the flogger and run it up and down each leg and see the goosebumps appear. “Bet this feels good, doesn’t it?”

  “It feels different but I like it,” she admits.

  “I’m going to leave the blindfold on for a bit, Kitten. Nothing that’s gonna happen is new; we’ve done all of this before,” I advise. My plan is to spend the next several hours building her desire up so that when I enter her she orgasms.

  Again, I use the flogger, expanding so it caresses her arms, her breasts, her legs. A slight pink flush covers her body and her nipples pebble. Reaching over to the table next to the bed, I pull out the nipple clamps and with no warning, I clamp first one nipple then the other, eliciting a cry of surprise from her.

  “I’ll give you that one but if you make another sound, you’ll force me to gag you,” I advise. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Silas. I’m sorry, it just shocked me.” Now to make my kitten squeal and I know just the thing. Walking over to the mini refrigerator, I pull out the ice that I brought down earlier. Returning to the bed, I run the cube over her nipples and she screams as the icy water hits her sensitive nubs.

  “Open up, kitten,” I instruct as I pull the ball gag that I brought with me up to her mouth. Once I have it in place, I kiss her forehead and murmur in her ear, “Good girl.” I can see this minimal play has her wet, her pussy is glistening as she twists her legs in an attempt to ease the ache I’m building. “Settle, Destiny,” I command. She stops moving and I again begin my assault on her senses, running the ice cube down to her pussy and over her clit. I can see her pussy clenching and trail one finger through her folds.

  Over and over I bring her to the brink of orgasm, stopping when I think she’s about to go over. She’s been tossing her head from side to side and I look at how primed she is for me. Slowly undressing as if I have all the time in the world, I palm my cock, rubbing the pre-cum that’s been steadily weeping down the shaft to lubricate myself. As I climb back onto the bed and between her thighs, I hear her sigh in contentment and realize she’s right where she wants to be.

  She’s right where I want her to be as well. Beneath me. I notch my cock at her entrance and slowly thrust inside, making sure she feels every inch of me as I grind my pelvis into her clit. “You’re gonna take what I give you, right, Kitten?” She nods frantically, all of her senses on edge. “Good girl,” I again praise as I start thrusting in and out at a frantic pace. I didn’t just work my girl up, I’m in the same boat. She wraps her legs around my waist, allowing me to go deeper. “Fuck, Destiny, you feel like heaven,” I groan out. I can already feel my balls drawing up and when her pussy starts to flutter, I pull the nipple clamps off and take one into my mouth after demanding, “Come!”

  Her back arches off the bed and I feel her pussy clamp down onto my cock, forcing my own orgasm out of me, filling her pussy with my seed. “Destiny!” I yell out, my hips now thrusting erratically as I continue to empty my release into her tight sheath. I remove the ball gag and capture h
er lips with mine, my tongue mimicking what my cock is doing. Her soft cries and moans continue as I gentle my thrusts.

  Long moments pass as we both struggle to catch our breath. Once I’m sure that I’m steady, I release her arms and remove her blindfold. “Let me get you cleaned up, Kitten,” I say to her as I get off the bed. Did I mention I have everything down here? Well, I head to the warmer and grab a warm towel then head back to the bed where I clean her up before I climb in next to her and pull her so she’s laying across my chest.

  “I’ve got something for you, Kitten,” I murmur. She looks up at me and I can see the question in her eyes but she doesn’t say a word. “Sit up a bit, okay?” She nods and does as I’ve requested, which allows me to grab the box that I have sitting on the table next to the bed.

  “This, this right here will tell everyone that you’re mine, Destiny,” I say as I open the box. Inside is the collar I had made specially for her. It’s got tiny diamond-studded claws in it and an ‘S’ in the middle that has our birthstones alternating.

  She turns tear-filled eyes to me and I nod. “Yeah, Kitten. I want to collar you. Are you okay with that?” Like I’ll give her a choice; she’s mine and she fucking knows it.