Seeking Our Destiny : Nelson Brothers' Read online

Page 16

“Y-yes, Silas. Will you put it on?” She turns her back to me and lifts her hair so I can get to her neck. I make short work of putting the collar on and see her sigh when she hears the snick of the lock.

  “I’ve got the key, Kitten, and I’ll wear it on a chain. The only time it’ll ever come off is when you’re getting your hair done because whatever your hairdresser uses might ruin it, but other than that, it stays on. Do you understand?”

  “It means I’m wholly yours, Silas, right?” she asks.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” I reply, pulling her back into my arms.



  As brothers, we’ve done everything together. Why not get married the same way? Granted, Atticus and Piper are already married, but when we decided to go, they wanted to ‘renew’ their vows. None of us wanted to have a traditional wedding where one bride outshone the other, so instead, we convinced them all that it was our dream to go to Vegas and get married. They jumped on board like the troupers they are and found a chapel that was suitable to their ‘likings’ and booked a private jet. Damien, Ansley, Callissa, and Sloane are accompanying us, but Athena is coming along to babysit them while we take our women out on the town after the wedding.

  Damien has stayed with us while the women all get ready in the same room. They did have one request, we don’t see them the night before, the day of, or leading up to the minutes before the ‘I dos’ are exchanged. We begrudgingly agreed, only after they threatened to withhold sex from us on our respective wedding nights. We protested, but in the end, the need to be deeply seated inside of our women to consummate our marriages won out.

  “This is the longest my dick has gone without being inside of Raven,” Jonas complains. “Well, other than after the c-section, that is,” he remarks.

  “That’s bullshit. I know for a fact that you don’t get any when Flo comes to visit every month,” Atticus proclaims.

  “And how exactly would you know that detail of my sex life?” Jonas questions Atticus. I can see Jonas boiling in anger as he spits out, “Have you been eavesdropping?”

  “No, that’s just sick. The women were talking about it the other night. I just happened to overhear the conversation,” Atticus admits.

  “Seriously? You listen in on our women’s ‘talks’, Atticus? What are you, twelve?” I ask him.

  “Nope, but I like a heads-up when I know one of the women are going to be in a foul mood. Why do you think we have so many twinkies, chocolate bars and ice cream stocked up in the pantry and freezer?” Atticus looks at us as if we’re the dumbest motherfuckers he’s ever encountered.

  “Dude. You’ve lost your fucking mind, you know that?” Jonas shakes his head at the lengths Atticus will go to in order to be the favorite.

  “I think it’s nuts that you know that Destiny needs twinkies during her time of the month,” I groan out.

  “And chocolate bars, did Raven tell you about her cravings?” Jonas asks. She had him making late night runs to grab whatever ‘the baby’ wanted when she was pregnant, which cracked me up. The image of Destiny round with our child comes to mind and I wonder if she’ll be like the other two with her off the wall concoctions.

  “Nope.” Atticus looks anywhere but at us when we ask these things of him.

  “Then how did you know?” I ask, needing to know if he reads minds or some shit.

  “I read Piper’s diary,” he proudly admits.

  “Do I even wanna know what all is in that reading material about me and my woman?” I’m almost afraid to hear this answer from him.

  “Nah, Brother, it’s all good. By the way, she really likes it when you tie her to the St. Andrews cross and eat her pussy.” Atticus runs as I begin chasing him. Jonas helps me pursue our brother, he jumps over the couch and tackles Atticus to the floor and I jump into the fray. I place him into a headlock as Jonas gives him a couple of kidney shots. “Not the face!” he hollers out. “Piper will be pissed if I have a black eye in the wedding photos.”

  “It’d serve you right, fucker. Then I can tell her why you have a shiner and tell her to put a lock on that diary of hers and hide the key,” I insist.

  “Don’t do that, if you do, I can’t share with you when the girls are planning something.” He whines like his infant daughters do. It’s pathetic really.

  “What kind of plans?” Jonas inquires.

  “The kind where they—” I slap my hand over his mouth.

  “I don’t wanna know,” I insist. “The punishment is so much more fun when I don’t know what’s heading my way. It gives me a chance to add on extra counts. I love it when her ass is a brilliant shade of red.”

  “I’m not all dominant kinky like you are, Brother, but even I have to admit, I enjoy the element of the surprise of Raven and her hairbrained schemes.” Jonas seems lost in a memory, a smile gracing his face. Seriously, I don't want to know.


  “Do the guys have any clue about what we have planned for tonight?” Raven asks Piper and me.

  “Nope, not a clue,” I admit.

  “This should be fun,” Piper squeals while clapping her hands together.

  “How bad do you think we’ll be punished?” Raven asks.

  “Well, when the male strippers jump out from the cake, you ladies better have your running shoes on,” Piper states with a serious face.

  I can’t wait to see the look on Silas’s face. We’re gonna lead them to believe that we are jumping out of their individual cakes in something sexy. We’ve set it up splendidly, but the real surprise will be on them.

  “The wedding planner has our little notes to be delivered after the ceremony. When we leave to ‘change’ out of our dresses, the men will be moved into the private rooms. Each of their cakes will have our names plus theirs on it,” I inform them.

  “And in the meantime, we’ll be hiding behind the curtain with our cameras rolling,” Raven states.


  The wedding went off without a hitch. It was beautiful, well, as beautiful as it can get in Vegas. I got a note a few minutes ago telling me to follow the red carpet to the purple room and sit in my designated chair because my wife has a surprise for me. Now I’m waiting and wondering just what the fuck is going on because Jonas and Atticus were also given notes but they went to two completely different rooms. I wonder what my wife has gotten herself into this time because this has Piper written all over it, that’s for damn sure.

  A huge ass cake is wheeled in and I grin as I imagine my woman popping out and giving me a lap dance. Erotic music starts to play through the speakers and I ready myself for what’s to come. The lights dim and I feel myself harden in anticipation of having my woman, my wife, ride me. The setting is romantic, the cake has Mr. and Mrs. Silas Nelson written on it. I saw a receipt earlier today on the nightstand. I know that she purchased some sort of corset for tonight, my only thought is that I hope no one else will be able to see her in it other than me. Quickly, I search the room and survey that there aren’t any cameras or hiding spots that capture my immediate attention.

  When the cake was wheeled in earlier, it was done so by a woman in pure white. From head to toe, I couldn’t see a peek of her skin. Not even her eyes were visible through the veil protecting them from view. She bowed to me then left out the door she entered.

  I turn back around, removing my eyes from where the lady in white left, and keep my eyes glued to the large cake, big enough to hold a human body inside. When the music swells, I prepare myself to see Destiny pop out. Imagine my shock when a muscular male dancer appears and begins gyrating in front of me. “What the fuck!” I bellow, looking around. “Destiny! Get your fucking ass out here right now!” I hear giggling behind me and recognize it immediately. The woman in white, the one who wheeled in the man in front of me, is none other than Destiny… my bride.

  “Surprise!” She holds her hands up above her head and it’s then I notice her phone in hand.

  “Are you recording this atrocity?” I can’
t believe this little minx had the nerve to put this together. I’m sort of proud that she got me on this level. My shy woman is no more, instead, I have a carefree woman who holds no fear in her eyes anymore.

  “Yep,” she replies, grinning at me.

  “Your ass is mine,” I growl out, reaching for her. The dancer, who is chuckling, wisely leaves the room and I hear the snick as the door locks behind him. “Come here, woman,” I command. She rushes to me and jumps into my arms. Laughter permeates the air around us.

  “Love you, Silas,” she whispers before kissing me.

  “I love you too,” I reply, pulling back slightly, “but I wasn’t kidding. Your ass is mine when we get back to our room.”

  “I was counting on it,” she murmurs in my ear.


  The End.

  Stay tuned to see what happens with Tig. Up next is his and Danika’s story.

  Restoring Tig coming March 2020

  Liberty Parker

  Liberty has been an avid reader for most of her life. When she was younger she use to sit and fill spiral notebooks full of stories. She loves getting creative and working behind the scenes with her characters and bringing her imagination to life.

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  Darlene Tallman

  I'm a lifelong reader who had a dream to write her own books. A transplanted Yankee, I recently moved cross country from Georgia to Texas. While I have a strong personal belief system and faith, I won't be "preaching" in any of my books. They'll have perfectly imperfect people in it who meet, fall in love, fall into bed (at times; sometimes they might wait), have kids, get married. In short, I want to write books that make people think and feel.

  My debut novel, "Bountiful Harvest" was released on the 7th anniversary of my mom's death. Somehow, I think my biggest cheerleader and staunchest defender helped it publish so quickly.

  Also by Liberty Parker

  Rage Ryders MC

  1. Taken By Lies

  2. Taken By Rage

  2.5. Taken By Vegas

  3. Taken By Sadistic

  4. Taken By Chaos

  5. Taken By Temptation

  Rage Ryders Templeton

  Faithfully Devoted

  Diva's Ink

  1. Blank Canvas


  2. Clean Slate

  3. Beautiful Template

  Dreamcatchers MC

  1. Charlee's Choices

  2. Capturing Dreams


  1. What Should've Been

  Crossroad Soldiers MC

  1. Walking The Crossroad

  2. Our Cross To Bear

  Rogue Enforcers


  Twisted Iron MC (with Kayce Kyle)

  1. Mercenary And His Outlaw

  2. Fueling The Edge

  3. Sandman’s Awakening

  4. Fox’s Lair

  Old Ladies Club (with Kayce Kyle, Erin Osborne and Darlene Tallman)

  1. Old Ladies Club - Wild Kings MC

  2. The Old Ladies Club - Soul Shifterz MC

  3. Old Ladies Club - Rebel Guardians MC

  4. Old Ladies Club - Rage Ryders MC

  Also by Darlene Tallman

  Bountiful Harvest

  His Firefly

  His Christmas Pixie

  Her Kinsman-Redeemer

  Operation Valentine

  His Forever


  Christmas With Dixie

  Our Last First Kiss

  Draegon: The Falder Clan - Book One

  Scars of the Soul

  Hale’s Song

  Paxton: A Rogue Enforcers Novel

  Mountain Ink:Mountain Mermaids Sapphire Lake

  The Mischief Kitties (with Cherry Shephard)

  The Mischief Kitties in Bampires & Ghosts & New Friends, Oh My!

  The Mischief Kitties in the Great Glitter Caper

  The Mischief Kitties in You Can't Takes Our Chicken

  The Black Tuxedos MC

  1. The Black Tuxedos MC - Reese

  2. Nick - The Black Tuxedos MC

  Old Ladies Club (with Kayce Kyle, Erin Osborne and Liberty Parker)

  1. Old Ladies Club - Wild Kings MC

  2. The Old Ladies Club - Soul Shifterz MC

  3. Old Ladies Club - Rebel Guardians MC

  4. Old Ladies Club - Rage Ryders MC

  With Various Other Authors

  Poetry: Dreams You Catch

  Also by Liberty and Darlene

  Rebel Guardians MC




  Smokey & Bandit



  A Twisted Kind Of Love

  Rebel Guardians Next Generation

  1. Talon & Claree

  2. Jaxson & Ralynn

  3. Maxum & Lily