Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC Read online

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  Once I caught my breath and calmed myself down I asked about Riley, the nurse said.

  “Are you family of Riley? I can’t give any information out about the patient unless your family, sir.”

  Oh, this is not gonna end well for this stupid bitch! NO-ONE keeps me from my Ol’ lady and lives to breathe five minutes later.

  “Ma’am, he’s her fiancée’ and I’m her sister’s fiancée’, we weren’t home tonight and only heard one of them was in the hospital. Could you please give us some type of information?”

  She looked at Tumbler as if he was scum and then nasally said.

  “She was brought in from a gunshot wound. The family waiting room is through those double doors over there to the right. Her sisters are in there waiting for news from the doctor. You may go join them, once you hit the doors, wait for the buzzing sound of me unlocking the doors to allow you entrance.”

  Someone needs to teach that hussy some fuckin respect. Maybe I’ll have Skylar bring her claws out.

  I am being poked and prodded in the E.R. exam room by this overly anxious Doctor whose looking out number Uno…himself! I keep telling him to stop poking so hard but he doesn’t seem to give a fuck that he’s poking harder than needed and sending out waves of pain to his patient. My nurse is amazingly sweet and keeps holding my hand while scowling at the Doctor herself. She has been with me since I was brought in, she’s so sweet and beautiful.

  Her name is Kori and she has helped me make it through this terrifying experience with none of my friends or family allowed back here in the room with me. She has long black hair that I watched her pull out of a pony tail and swing over her head to wrap up in a tight bun over her head.

  Then she sanitized her hands telling me ‘can’t take any chances of lose hair flying around the room while were taking care of your open wound. Wouldn’t want any of my hair growing out of your shoulder now would we’. As she said with a smile and giggle which helped relax me immediately.

  This mid-evil Doctor pokes his finger in the hole in the back of my shoulder and I jolt forward screaming at him.

  “You sorry ass motherfucker! Did your mother not teach you about being kind and patient to those who are hurting? You do not shove your finger into an open wound on someone without at least warning them first so they can prepare you prick! I want another Doctor! NOW!”

  Kori looks at me with wide eyes and mirth hiding in their depths. I can tell she’s holding back a laugh trying to break free. The Doctor stomps out of the room throwing a temper tantrum that would make a two-year old proud. Kori turns and says to me.

  “Sweetie, let me go see what other Doctor’s we have working today that I can get down here to stitch you up. Would you like me to see who’s in the waiting room and get someone back here for support?”

  Like I said, amazing, why can’t Doctor’s be like the nurses on staff?

  “That would be wonderful Kori and greatly appreciated. If that Doctor comes back in here, he’ll be the next patient needing stitches.”

  Kori breaks out in a laugh that is full belly and has tears running down her face.

  “Oh, Riley, you have made my day here. That is Dr. Limean and he is an asshole to not only the patients but he treats the staff like we are the dirt he has to walk on. So seeing you give him your piece of mind was a treat I am very happy I was able to witness.”

  Kori laughed and waved at me as she walked out the door to go find me another Doctor and hopefully someone to come back here with me and help keep me grounded so I don’t attempt to commit murder and end up behind bars for the rest of my life. I would rather be in Kid’s arms for the rest of my life on earth that looking at my loved ones behind a glass wall while chained up and talking to them through a telephone. At least that’s how I’ve seen it done on T.V.

  Kori came back in in what seemed like thirty minutes but was probably more like five minutes.

  “Riley, good news, I’m really good friends with the plastic surgeon on call and he’s agreed to come and sew up your shoulder. That means you’re going to

  look fabulous when your wound heals. Only thing is he asked me not to get anyone from the waiting room. He says friends and family can sometimes get to emotional and it makes his ability to relax and have you relax during the procedure to hard. He explained with a bullet wound, to leave minimal scarring he needs you relaxed and stress free. Is that ok with you sweetie? If not, I can see if I can find someone else in the hospital?”

  “No, Kori please. A plastic surgeon sounds perfect. At least that way I know it was done by one of the best. And if you’re endorsing him I know he must be really good. For some reason I trust your opinion even though we just met. I say bring him on.”

  “Consider him brought! Also I sent one of the

  volunteers to let your friends and family in the

  waiting room know that your fine and getting stitched up and then they can come back and we will give you your scripts, release instructions and let you get home so you can rest.”

  Thank you Kori, you’ve been amazing! I hope I see you around town, and welcome home.”

  “It’s good to be home Riley, I’ve been gone way too long. You’re not getting rid of me yet though, we’ve got some stitches and discharge procedures to go through, and I get to wheel you outta here.”

  Sitting in the waiting room with my brothers and their Ol’ ladies is getting harder by the minute. What the fuck is taking so long for someone to come and tell me if my baby doll is doin alright? Shit! I know Riley, and I know my girl needs me there with her, holding her hand and bein her rock.

  I’m in no way sayin my girl isn’t strong, but when you’ve been shot it’s a whole different level from anything else that you’ve ever been through. The phone calls have been made to the clubhouse and pop says he’s gonna let Wasp and Ashton know what’s happened with Riley, but is gonna keep them there until we’ve got an update on her condition.

  Since I made the phone call Prez has sent me Tic and Ghost as back-up or security whichever way you wanna look at it. Ghost and Tic are two of the meanest sons of bitches I’ve ever met and I’m glad they are my brothers and not my enemy. They have no fear and will do whatever is necessary for their club and brothers and by extension the family of their brothers.

  That includes our Ol’ ladies who Tic has taken on the role of big brother with the girls. He is protective of them just as much as Tumbler, Ryder and I are, he’s even threatened us when he thinks were too heavily vocal with the girls. I can’t fault him for it even though it pisses me the fuck off when he does it while I’m tryin to make a point to Riley, but at the same time I’m proud he’s got her back.

  Tic has been standing at the door in his ‘enforcer pose’ waiting on word about Riley and warding off any threats to me and the other’s as we wait. I very well may start storming the halls and screaming for my baby doll if I don’t get word on her soon. As soon as that thought leaves my mind and I’m gettin ready to follow through with it, a petite little red head peeks her head in the door.

  “I’m looking for Riley’s family, are any of you related to her?”

  We all stand up and move toward the door, I move Tic out of my way and stand where the girl has her head hanging through the door jam and pull the door open and tell her

  “I’m her Ol’ man, wanna tell me what the fuck is taken so long? And if my girl is alright?”

  I give her my best: Don’t give me some bullshit story look or you’re not gonna like what I do stare. Poor thing cowers back into herself. Sorry to scare the little thing, but honestly, they’ve kept me

  waiting too long to give a damn.

  “Sir, Nurse Kori wanted me to come and let you know that Riley is doing very good, she is having a plastic surgeon come in and stitch her up as a favor to Kori since they’re friends, and Kori and Riley have taken to each other. The E.R. Doctor on staff, unfortunately upset Riley and Kori took it into her hands to find someone who would be kind and gentle with Miss Riley and help h
er feel calm. She has the best surgeon the hospital staff’s coming down to take care of her.”

  She stalls pissing me off while taking us all in, looking around the room like one of us is going to jump out of nowhere and say ‘boo’.

  “The only thing is, with his experience he finds it’s easier on the patient and less stressful on the family if they are not in the room. He says it will take less than thirty minutes to stitch her up once he gets her numb. He wanted me to inform the family, he plans on discharging her with antibiotics and pain medication as long as someone will be with her to help her out with the things she cannot do alone. I’m taking it by the size of her family here that I can inform him she has plenty of support?”

  “Abso-fuckin-lutely you can. I would rather be with her, I’m fuckin livid I can’t be there. So, let’s get one thing strait, you tell your ‘Doctor’ that if I don’t get back there in forty-five minutes with an escort, I will be making my way down there myself. AND! If anyone stands in my way, not only will they have me to contend with, but my brothers here as well.

  Are we on the same page here missy?”

  “Y-y-yes SS-ss-sir, I will let the Doctor know that forty-five minutes is what you’re willing to give of more time away from Miss Riley.”

  Then that little frail girl tucked tail and ran as fast as those little legs could carry her…with her red hair it looked like a flame was flyin behind her. Damn, it felt good to finally know that Riley’s bullet wound wasn’t near as bad as I was thinking it would be. Thankful that finally maybe things could start settlin down at the clubhouse.

  Of course during this time, I wasn’t thinkin about Cassidy missin and that we needed to go after, and I sure as hell wasn’t aware that we were headed for war.

  I watched as Kori left the room, it’s amazing how quickly a nurse can become your friend no longer needing the title to go along with her name. She’s so sweet and so beautiful, it’s a shame she’s only interested in her career ‘cause I guarantee one of the guys would love a chance at winning this one’s heart.

  Suddenly my door flies open and a young girl who

  looks no older than seventeen comes into the room white as a ghost and stands at the doorway shaking and staring at me. I go to ask her what’s wrong when Kori and her Doctor friend walk in behind her. Kori looks at her and ask her what’s going on.

  “Darla sweetheart what on earth happened to you? You look like you’ve been on the run for your life.”

  Darla looks at her and takes a swallow and starts to tell us about her waiting room experience and what Kid said and I can’t help but roll my eyes and apologize to the poor mousy girl.

  “Darla I’m so sorry, Kid is a little on the protective

  side, let’s just say we’ve had a rough couple of months and I’ve had some nasty things come my way. He’s not normally a bad or scary man. He just has had one to many things happen out of his control and him not being around when I’ve had bad things come my way.”

  I see her color come back a little and she shakes her head ok at me. Then my sweet nurse Kori says

  “Darla, why don’t you take a short break, come back after you’ve had a cold drink and have sat down and taken some long deep breaths.”

  The young girl shoots out of the room like a rocket

  is in her ass!

  “Kori, I have to apologize, my man can be abrasive when he wants to be. He doesn’t mean it, but some intense things have happened around us lately. Some long-history lies of others has recently come out and affected us all. Especially my sister, my dad and me. Unfortunately, he got the scare of his life when my dad’s past came back and literally took me away from him. We never expected it to come down like that, or we would have been more prepared. Oh gosh, I’m sorry Kori here I am spilling out all of this when I didn’t mean to lay it all out for you. You must think I’m crazy or that we’re dangerous, I promise I’m not. Damn, why can’t I ever control what comes out of my mouth?”

  I look down at my chest as I’m laid back in a sitting position in this damn hospital bed. I don’t know where else to look where I don’t have to see her face and let her see the shame that has to be radiating all over mine. I feel a tap on my hand so I look up.

  “Riley, you have nothing and I mean nothing to be ashamed of here. Life happens and sometimes it crosses paths with those of us who never ask for it, we’re either born into it and attract the wrong kind of people. So, you wanna get on with these stitches so we can get you out to that alpha man of yours?”

  I can’t help but chuckle at her for helping me not feel like a fool. And then I nod my head at her. I am introduced to the plastic surgeon. His name is Leon

  Daniels, he is a happy man, who whistles and smiles. He is older in his late forties early fifties at the latest. He’s not much of a speaker or than saying hello and not to worry he’s gonna make sure I’m alright.

  That’s fine by me, I don’t need him to talk to me, I just need him to not put his finger in my bullet wound and attempt to hurt me on purpose. I feel him numb my shoulder while Kori and I talk. I tell her about Kid and the Rage Ryders and am shocked when she says she knew then before she left for nursing school. She tells me there is a reason for not coming to the clubhouse and reconnecting. She only tells me it’s to keep everyone safe.

  She can’t see any of them, especially the one who

  holds her heart. I’m surprised at that and ask who it is and she says the one name I would have never, ever guessed…Sadistic known as Tic. I tell her that most likely he’s in the waiting room since he’s like a brother to me. She says she can’t hide forever, but she’ll have to let it be known he has to stay away not only for her safety, but for his and the clubs. Well fuck me, now I really wanna know what’s going on.

  Exactly forty-five minutes later Dr. Daniels has just wrapped up my stitches and just like clockwork my door slams open. In the door frame stands the man who makes all my dreams a reality. The man who stole my heart the minute I saw him in his parent’s drive way sitting on his Harley.

  Ever since he’s committed himself to me, he has

  been all about me, and him, and our future. He told me before he left to go rescue my mom that we needed to ‘ride the road to our future, because baby doll, there will be a future for us.’ He can be so cheesy sometimes, but that’s ok. I’ll take Kid any way he comes because that man has my heart, body and soul all in one swoop sitting in his care.

  He can either make us or break me. The choice is his, but if he breaks me he best run according to my dad Wasp. My dad has threatened him numerous times. I can’t help but smile at that and look my man in his eyes and smile even bigger and brighter. He comes over to me assessing the damage himself, asking the Doc questions about my after care and how many stitches I have and possible scaring.

  When he’s done and turns to me his eyes land on Kori and he gets a devious smile on his face.

  “Welcome home Kori, are you planning on telling your Ol’ man your back?” He gives her a stern look.

  “What I do and don’t isn’t your concern Kid.” And then Kori turns and walks out of the room.

  Kid then turns to me and his eye brows raise in question.

  “Oh, no you don’t mister. Yes, I know about her and Tic, but it’s between them as you’ve told me about my girls, so back off!”

  I turn my back on him to gather my jeans and shoes. My jeans have some blood on them but not too bad. I put them and slide my feet into my tennis shoes. I’m afraid to look at Kid little alone ask for help so I do this all with one hand which means the shoes aren’t tied and the pants aren’t buttoned or zipped. I just know if he helps and I look into his eyes he will get his way and I will give into him. It’s not fair the power he seems to hold over me.

  “Fine Riley, I won’t push you for now, but if you think your walking out of this room with no top, pants undone you better think again woman! Every inch of your body belongs to my eyes only and I will kill any mother fucker who sees you otherwise…g
ot it!”

  I shake my head yes, ‘cause I know there is no joking on this matter with him. He takes this serious. He comes and does up my pants and pulls the chair in front of my bed more so he can reach my feet, and tells me to sit back on the bed and he picks up one of my feet at a time and ties my shoes. We look into each other’s eyes the entire time.

  Our spell is broken when Kori walks into the room with the wheel chair and says.

  “Well, y’all started without me I see, I brought you a shirt, it’s not much just a scrub top, but at least you’re not leaving with your top half exposed.”

  Kid smirks at her and turns back to me laying a kiss on my nose as he navigates the top over my hurt shoulder first then making his way over my neck and finally sliding in my other arm. Kid smiles at Kori, and it’s his devilish smile.

  The ass knows something that no one else does, I have a feeling Kori is the intended target.

  I can’t help but to smirk at Kori as she wheels my baby doll toward the exit of the hospital, knowing all the guys are there waiting to escort her home. Tic is right in front of the truck on the right side which happens to face the door so he’ll get a bird’s eye view of whose wheelin’ Riley straight to the truck.

  When we enter the elevator to take us to the ground floor I see outta the corner of my eye that my baby doll has caught on to me. She knows I’m excited or up to somethin, she’s gonna be shocked when she sees how Tic’s gonna handle his Ol’ lady bein home and not even lettin him know about it.

  Whoeee…this is gonna be some entertainment right here, ‘cause Tic has been drownin in his emotions missing this girl. For years she’s been gone, we knew she was leavin for her nursin school, damn we helped her go. Her dad is a lunatic! I mean it, Justin is nothin compared to this crazy bastard.

  He has connections from what Kori told us, and he threatened her with her mother’s life if she didn’t leave, Tic and the club, and go to school. Who the fuck does that? I swear he hates her, told her all the

  time if she had been born a male like she was supposed to she would understand, and be able to take over the family business, whatever that is, which is why he allowed her mother to bestow him with a child.