Taken by Rage: Rage Ryders MC Read online

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  (Hey his words not mine.)

  Anyways she showed up at the clubhouse one night and ran into the bar room, she was bloody and had snot drippin all down her face, and clothes from cryin so hard and told us about what her dad said. She told about her mom, and how she stood up to him, statin she’d go to the cops and tell them what he just said to her, so if anythin happened to Clarice, her mom, that it would be noted and they’d come after him.

  Apparently, he got forceful with her and back handed her causing her lip to split, she is feisty and she spit the blood at him. Which caused him to go from open handed assault to a closed handed fist assault. Which caused a couple more injuries to her, split open on her left eye and it was already black by the time she made it to the clubhouse. And more bruising on her cheeks.

  The ding from the elevator brought me out of the memory and I stood straight and go to follow and Riley is looking over her shoulder giving me an odd look. If she only knew, I doubt Kori told her everything, probably just the dating Tic part. We walk through the lobby and as we get to the exit door Kori freezes.

  I look at her and Riley turns and looks as well. She

  has misty eyes and I follow her eye sight and it’s on Tic. Who is horse-playin around with the others. She has a smile on her face after a minute and wipes the tears away. She looks at me and says,

  “Shall we?”

  I walk out first giving Kori more time to get herself together. I can hear Riley and Kori talkin in hushed whispers. I think my baby doll is givin Kori some courage to come face to face with Tic. The guys all start rumblin wantin to know where she is.

  I look at Tic and get his attention and all I say to him is “prepare brother”. He looks at me like I’m

  ready for the loony bin. Funny thing is I think we’ll be keepin him from it in a few short seconds.

  Kori finally breaches the doorway with my life in her hands and wheels her to the passenger side of the truck. Helpin Riley up from the wheel chair and easily helpin get her situated in the truck. How she does it with such ease with Riley’s shoulder wound is beyond me.

  She did it like a pro with such ease and patients as Riley would moan she would adjust her and try a different way to not hurt Riley. The girls, who were around durin Kori’s time are all anxiously waitin for her to finish with Riley so they can get their hugs.

  When she’s finally got Riley settled the girls rush her with hugs and askin a thousand questions that’s impossible to hear one over the other. Kori just laughs and tells them if they stop she’ll talk. Of course wantin the gossip they stop right away. She gives them a basic run down of the last four years, after we helped her get into nursin school.

  Funny thing is, after we got things in order here, meanin our businesses and went to check on her, she’d transferred and the school wouldn’t tell us where. The ladies, of course, weren’t satisfied with those answers and started in on her. She whistled so loud I had to clear my ears, why the fuck do women do that shit? Is it to make us deaf so they can say ‘honey don’t you remember?’ huh…I hate it. She says,

  “I’m gonna say this once and I’m glad there is enough of you around to spread it and spread it the right way. I can’t tell you why, I wish I could. If any of you, and I mean any, I can promise you that you not only put yourself and me at risk, but also the entire club. My dad has spent the last four years doing nothing but harassing me and showing me things he’s either fabricated or found out somehow of how he can take you all down or how he can have you killed by some nasty people who are worse than any MC you guys know.”

  She takes a much needed breath, but then continues.

  “I was on the run from him the whole time I was gone school jumping until he found me the last time. His final demand was that I come back home

  and work here, so that he could torture me with knowing you were all so close but still so far away. He knows that I love you all and what better way to make my life miserable, and it’s a punishment beyond any.”

  She stops and you can hear her controlling a sob tryin to escape, damn her fuckin father.

  “You can’t come near me, call me, make contact in any way or were all asking for danger and possibly life locked up or lost. Please, I’m begging please just stay away, I love you all so much, that I would rather be able to see you, and know you’re alright, than have nothing at all. I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  She said, that last statement was for Tic, she turned and had looked him straight in the eye as she said it. Then she took the wheel chair back inside and never turned back, not even for a glance. Tic got off his bike and paced like a caged animal. Until finally he started punchin and thorowin anything not nailed down within reach.

  When Prez, Tumbler, Ryder and me made it to him he made a vow to us right there.

  “I will get my girl back, and if that means killin her dad and every fucker in my way to do so, I will.”

  We all agreed with him, shook his hand lettin him

  know we’d be there for him and went back to our rides. Well, life certainly has gotten a lot more interesting. He helped me with my girl, and I will help him with his, when the time comes.

  I don’t know how I feel about what I just witnessed. I just saw two people whose hearts just broke each other’s with one look. It’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever witnessed. Kid and I are going to have a conversation on this. If there is something I can do to help my new friend and my adopted brother you better bet your sweet ass I’m going to do it. Kid can be team get them back together or he’s team Riley’s kicking your ass side.

  His decision, but he best choose wisely or that

  couch is going to be his next bed until I decide otherwise. He’s pushing his luck with all these smirks and winks he’s throwing my way. He may be my man and have a way with his sexual prowlness to get his way with me. I have to stand firm on this, her dad can’t possibly have that much power to keep her from us and Tic. There has to be a way these two broken souls can find their way back to each other and repair their broken selves.

  Kid startles me out of my daydreaming when he says to me.

  “Baby doll, I know what your thinkin, and I promise ya we’ll be helpin Tic and Kori in any way we can. We have to follow their lead though and not step in first. You don’t know about her dad and how

  horrible he can actually be. He has connections and people in his pocket that are dangerous. I want you to promise me your-gonna step outta this one and let us help. I swear, I can’t take anythin happenin to you again. I will kill everyone and everything that stands in my way if one hair on your head or one nail on your perfect fingers is damaged.”

  He gives me that ‘are you understanding me’ look he gives me. Knowing he and the club are going to do something about it makes me feel joy so I agree with him and promise to stay out of it. Of course, if he and the guys take their own time taking care of Tic, the girls and I will step up and get those two back together. It will be nice to see Tic happy instead of just making it day by day.

  “Good, ‘cause you were going on the couch if you didn’t agree to help.”

  “Oh, I was, was I?”


  “You need to learn baby doll; I will never sleep away from you. Your mine, you’re in my bed. Don’t care how pissed ya are.”


  “So, don’t think of me on a couch again, we’re in

  bed together, always.”

  We pull up to the clubhouse and I look over to him not understanding why we didn’t go to our house. He reads my mind and before I can ask him why he’s already explaining it to me.

  “Your dad called me this morning, and said, and I quote, ‘you may pick my girl up as long as you bring her bye to see her mom and me’. And those my baby doll, were his exact words to me. I love ya, you know I do, but I am still earnin your dad’s respect. And if I flat out disregard his request, not only will I lose his respect as your man, but possibly lose it as his brother. I lose that babe and I c
an’t work with him, if he doesn’t respect me he may not have enough respect to watch my back and

  miss somethin. It’s how men have gotten killed in clubs before, and I have somethin amazing to come home to now. I personally respect your dad and would prefer to stay on his good side if you don’t mind.”

  I roll my eyes but secretly am pleased that my dad and Kid are making an effort to turn us into a family and giving each other space to help make that a tight family unit. Not being on top of each other and controlling each other, makes it where when we all end up together we all get along better. I hear all of the motorcycles surrounding us rev their engines and it startled me to where I jumped. I pulled my shoulder in the process, luckily I was facing the passenger side window and

  Kid missed my wince of pain. He was getting out of the truck, if he’d seen my wince he’d be all over me and I hate being hovered over. The Doc did say he’d like me to rest and that it would help me to recover faster, but that I should be fine. Just to watch for possible infection and keep it clean around the stitches, but not to get them wet.

  I get excited as I see the club door open and my dad is there holding my mom up it looks like. They both have huge smiles on their faces as they slowly start approaching the truck. Kid is there waiting for me and helping me out of the truck. I give him a quick kiss and squeeze his hand and walk around him and walk and meet my parents. I walk into their arms, I’m being careful of my mom and their being careful of me. We don’t even need to speak as we all just hold onto each other, I feel my sister Sadie

  join our group and it felt close to complete.

  When my dad lifts his head and calls Kid and Tumbler over. When they reach us he says, our family isn’t complete until our boys join our circle. Once Kid’s arms come around me and my mom I felt him shaking, if he wasn’t right on me I would never have noticed. I look his way and see my mom whispering in his ear and him shaking his head.

  Then they turn to me and both give me a smile, of course my man has to step it up and give me a wink. I love him and couldn’t wait to say it again. So I do, I motion to him to lean over and I whisper it in his ear. He didn’t say it back but he sure did show me he loved me with that kiss he gave me. It’s a kiss all girls dream about. It’s this moment that I realize

  that I have the life I’ve always wanted. This right here is my dream, my fantasy and it’s mine now. Kid must see the glow in my eyes and he says to me.

  “Whatever it is that has put happiness in your eyes, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it there.”

  Sitting in the main room with all of the club members and my family is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. King, Sniper and Dad are telling stories about when they first met and the crazy things they saw and heard. Dad starts talking about the things he’s done with some of the boys at local bars, and some of the stories included mom. It was enjoyable to hear about another side of mom. I feel Kid vibrating in laughter under me and the feelings running through me are indescribable.

  For the first time in my life, I truly feel strong, as if my voice is here to be heard. I feel like I am indeed deserving of the love I have from my parents, sisters and also brothers from the club, but most of all I feel as if Kid and I were made for each other. He’s given me the strength to bring myself out of my shell and I have calmed the part of him that was unable to let others in. I am sitting sideways in his lap, I need his lips on mine, now.

  So, I grab his hair and navigate his eyes to mine so I can show him what I’m needing. He can always seem to tell by my eyes he says. When our eyes meet he puts his hand behind my head and pulls me toward him putting our lips together and giving me exactly what I want. He starts out slow where our lips are just a whisper of a kiss, then he gets harder invading my mouth with his tongue. I give in to him

  immediately, since I was the one who begged with my eyes for the kiss to begin with.

  He raises up and nips my ear with his teeth, then whispers to me, “Baby, can we still play with your shoulder stitched and hurtin like that?”

  Ummm…like I’m gonna say no to him. Is he crazy?

  “Yes baby, I can still play. I can still do a lot of things involved in bed. I’m just one arm down. This would be a good opportunity to get creative.” I give him my best seductive smile I have.

  He pulls me in for another kiss and this time it’s our kiss before we leave and find a private location. Kid still has his bunk room here so it’s always a possibility. We’ve stayed here before so what’s the difference now. As we are lost in each other I forgot that there are others in the room with us. Up until we start hearing, hoots and hollering such as.

  “Get a room!”

  “Take it off”

  “Give us a show”

  “That’s my daughter you motherfuckers!”

  The last one is what caught our attention, we’re use to the guys ribbing us so we usually ignore them. Dad is a whole new ball-game.

  We pull apart and Kid tells my dad sorry and yells at the guys to back the fuck off. We start giving each other little touches on each other’s jeans near our sensual places. I start lightly touching everywhere I know that drives him crazy and wild. I make sure the caress is slow and sensual on these parts sometimes throwing my mouth and tongue to add for stimulation. Anything to help get us out of this room and somewhere private. Let’s face it, I’m a horny bitch and I need my man. So I whisper in his ear,

  “Babe, if you don’t get us out of here quickly I’m gonna get one of the girls to take me home and take care of my needs myself.”

  Kid helps lift me up off his lap and stands up after me. Then he whistles getting the rooms attention.

  “I’m takin my baby doll home and givin her pain medication to her. She’s needin it and its long overdue time for it. I wanna help keep her ahead of the pain and were behind. When you figure out time to meet so we can go over the Cassidy situation give me a call. I’ll be stayin with my girl until I’m needed.”

  He grabbed my hand, not even letting me say good-bye to anyone and pulls me out the clubhouse and leads me to the truck. I can’t help it, I laugh, I laugh so hard that it catches him by surprise. He looks at me like I’m someone he’s never met before. Then he joins me in laughter. I can’t believe he acted like that. They know exactly why we’re leaving now.

  “Kid, since when do you get caught off guard and not know what to say in a room full of your brothers?” He shakes his head, and has a smile of amusement on his face.

  “Honest Riles, I think it’s because your dad through me off guard. With the whole, “that’s my daughter” thing. We’ve never made out in front of your dad before and it just. Well, it kinda, it sorta… damn

  Riles, it fucked with my head alright.”

  “Alright babe, let’s go home so you can do wicked things to me and forget about my dad. I’d rather you ravish my body and let me return the favor and then send us both to heaven with those amazing orgasms we have.”

  He opens the passenger door, picks me up and sits me on the seat. Then he buckles me and tells me to watch myself as he slams the door. I guess my guys in a hurry to get home. I’m happy to have assisted him with coming to that conclusion. I watch as he rushes around the front of the truck and opens up his door jumping inside.

  He starts the truck, buckles in and were on the way to the house in a matter of minutes. Hell yes! Let’s get home and have many, many orgasms. Dreams can come true, because ever since I saw him leaning in the door frame at the hospital, I’ve been dreaming of him giving me my orgasms.

  I know my baby doll is injured but I can’t help myself from wanting her, especially with her teasin me and wantin me back. We’ll just have to be careful and not damage her shoulder and tear her stitches. I can’t promise to take it easy on her body, after today I have this animalistic need to claim her in every way and that includes claimin her body all over again.

  Why I need to re-show her and her body who it belongs to boggles my mind, she’s done nothin to cause this nee
d. Never the less it’s there and I know there is no holdin it back once I get my hands on her body. She’s like a siren who calls to me, my mind shuts down and my body takes over.

  My intent is one thing and one thing only, to give her as much joy and pleasure as I can possibly give. Needless to say when I’m not lost in her siren call and were not bein intimate I still have that need and desire to make sure her heart is gettin it’s every desire and a smile is upon her face as much as possible.

  My goals in life have changed drastically over the last several months of my life. It used to be club,

  pussy, and family, partying and more-pussy. Now my club and brothers isn’t my number one thought or first thought to protect that is Riley’s placement now.

  Club and brothers are second and my blood family is third. Riley’s pussy, well, that kinda goes along with Riley so it’s in first place along with her. I feel like if I don’t have that, I don’t have the connection my mind, body and soul require to make it not only through the day but through my life.

  Were nearly home and I’m brought out of my thoughts quickly when I feel my dick being pulled out of my jeans. How the fuck did she get them unbuttoned and unzipped without me noticin? Was I that lost in thought that she could sneak up on me

  like that? I’ve got to start stayin outta my head more or I’m gonna wind up not payin attention and someone’s gonna get hurt on my watch and that’s the last thing I need to add to my list of things done wrong.

  Oh fuck!

  She’s done it again, took me by surprise, she’s got her hot, wet mouth and tongue working my dick like it’s the last treat she’ll ever have. I keep my left hand on the steerin wheel and grab her hair with my right in one clump so I can semi-watch what she’s doin. I watch her mouth hollow in suction while I feel the back of her throat as she swallows my head and moans adding vibrations to the mix. Payin attention to drivin is becomin harder and harder the

  more pleasure she’s deliverin to my cock.