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Page 6

  “Hey lover, need company?” She asks me.

  “If it’s you, always babe. Come’re, I know you still wanna keep us unknown, but I need you.” She smiles at me, it’s sad but she’s tryin’ for me.

  “Nowhere else I’d rather be Trav than right here at your side. Nobody is paying any attention to us and even if they are they can get over it or fuck off. We’ve always been touchy feely anyways, I doubt anyone would notice a damn thing. As soon as this shit quiets down some, I don’t want to keep us a secret anymore.” Thank fuck.

  “Me either babe, I don’t plan on goin’ anywhere so you’ll have to learn to love my faults and all. Your mine, and I don’t care how bad either of us fucks up, we’re solid.” She bends down to me and gives me a short, simple but loving kiss. I feel it, her love through my entire body and soul. This is something I never thought I deserved or was good enough for.

  “Being with you babe, it’s the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me.” I whisper in her ear, not sure if anyone’s listening to us. We still need to be discreet till we come out and until I can talk to Sniper. Brother to brother, man to man. I don’t want or need his okay to be with her, but I honor and respect both him and Ryder and they love my girl with everything in them. She’s my love but she’s their blood. I hope this thing with us doesn’t cause a rift with our relationship.

  We must trust each other, that’s important when you need someone at your six. You don’t want to ever wonder if your brother is gonna put a bullet in the back of your head when you’re leading them into an unknown situation. I look over and see Ryder on the couch holding Skylar as close to him as possible as her eyes are closed and he’s saying something to her in her ear. She’s nodding at whatever he’s sayin’ to her. I hope he can help her through this, she was and always will be a daddy’s girl.

  Kid is standin’ in the corner holding Riley in front of him. It looks like he’s scared if he lets her go, like she’ll disappear on him. She’s rubbing his arm affectionately being there for him the only way he seems to be allowing her to. If anyone can help hold him up and push him through it it’s her. I see Tic and his new little family, Kori and Lil bit huddled together on one of the recliners. As soon as we got back, Jed grabbed Sniper and pulled him into our meetin’ room. They’ve been in there a long time. Jed’s lost one of his childhood friends, he’s not gonna let the other one fall into a downward spiral.

  I spot Tumbler walking through the main room with Sadie tucked under his arm. He has a smile on his face, but I know my twin and that’s not an actual smile he’s wearing, its him hiding behind a mask. We look at each other passing through silent communication that we’re going to protect our women and our club at all cost.

  Chapter 14


  Later that night when we make it home Travler and I lay in bed holding onto each other. We didn’t have sex; we came straight to my room hit the bed and have held onto each other like our lives depend on it. No words have been spoken, we don’t need words we just need the knowledge that the other’s there. Occasionally, I feel Travler’s body shutter and I just hold onto him that much tighter. He hasn’t shed a tear yet; he’s holding it inside trying be strong for everyone else. The thing he doesn’t realize yet is that he can let it all go in front of me.

  “Baby, you don’t have to be strong right now, you can let it out. I will not see you any less of a man.” He squeezes me tighter in his embrace.

  “Babe, it’s not that I’m tryin to hold it all in, it’s that I haven’t cried since I was a boy. Don’t know if my body knows how to let go and release tears any longer.”

  I lift my head from his shoulder so I can see his face. He’s dead serious, he doesn’t know how to cry. I’m not going to push him on it, who am I to judge if he can let that emotion loose. “I understand baby, but know I’m here if you want to talk about it or let the anger fly. We can hit the gym or the shooting range and release some rage that way. Whatever you need just know I’m here.”

  “Thanks legs. I love you. Ya know that, right?” Leg’s he’s started calling me that since I wore a skirt and heels to a meeting with one of my clients. I love having a nickname that he’s given to me. I’ve never had a nickname before, sure I’ve been called sweetheart, sweetie, gorgeous and so on. Those, however, were by the few lovers I had. I knew it meant nothing past the bedroom so this is so very special to me.

  “I know, and as soon as things calm down at the club I want everyone else to know it too.” He smiles down at me and kisses the tip of my nose, something else he’s started doing recently.

  “Of course, babe, I want the same thing. I don’t want to hide our relationship from my brothers and our families. I’m proud to have you on my arm and on the back of my bike. You’re the best thing I’ve ever allowed myself to have. I can never repay you for teaching me to love and accept love. It’s a gift I will treasure for the rest of my life.”

  Swoon, he’s never said the words ‘I love you’ out loud until just now and I don’t know if he realizes what those words mean to me. He doesn’t realize the only people in my life I’ve known to really love me completely are my sister Kassi and my brother Ryder. If it wasn’t for them, I don’t think I’d know the meaning or feelings behind the word love. “You are my everything Travler. Words can’t even explain to you how deep you are embedded inside of me, my soul and my heart. I would feel incomplete without you by my side and in my bed. If I were to lose you, I would feel that loss more than any I’ve ever had in my lifetime. You are the air I breathe baby. Thank you for taking a chance on us.”

  “You are my heart and my soul Kaci, never doubt that for even a millisecond. I may not always show it or say it, but I need you secure enough in us to know its fact. I never want you to have doubts where it comes to me and my loyalty and love for you.”

  “Never,” I reply.

  “Good, now give your man some lovin’” smiling at him I tell him what’s on the tip of my tongue, “Always”. He rolls over and places his body evenly with mine. He kisses his way up my stomach taking my shirt with him. I moan in the pleasure his lips are bringing to my skin. As my shirt inches, further up my body with him following I’m on fire. Finally, he rips my shirt from my body and I quickly remove my bra in a need to feel his lips on my skin. His mouth immediately latches onto my left breast. Using his tongue, he laps up my nipple as if he’s been starved from its absence.

  He uses his right hand to pluck at my right nipple as he deliciously tortures my left with his mouth and tongue. “More baby, I need more” what exactly I’m wanting is unknown to me in my frazzle state of mind. Travler on the other hand knows exactly what I need as his right hand abandons my breast and makes a slow decline toward where I need him most. He pulls the strap of my panties away and slips his hand down and pinches my clit.

  “Damn babe, your soaked. I need in there.” He says as he sits up on his legs and removes my panties from my body tossing them on the floor. I feel more than notice him as his head ends up between my legs. It’s an awkward position since he’s still on his legs just bent at the waist as he licks up my slit from bottom to top. Never, not once touching my clit. What I’ve done to deserve such torture is beyond me.

  “Baby, please stop torturing me and put that huge cock of yours to work.” He chuckles at me as he gets positioned between my legs.

  “As you wish” he says as he slams inside of me. The delicious burn and stretch has me purring and moaning.

  “Yes” is the only word that seems to be my ability to scream at the intrusion.

  “Hard and fast or soft and slow babe?”

  “Mmmm-give me all of your need baby, either or works for me. I just need to feel you move.” Slow and soft seems to be what he needs. We’ve never truly made love the way its explained in the books I read, but this time I feel every delicious glide of his cock as it makes its way inside of me and out. He’d hitting my g-spot just right with every descent and entrance. I’m so wrapped up in him, looking into
his eyes that are the mirror to his heart and soul right now. The orgasm that hits me like a ton of bricks takes my breath away.

  “Fuck yes!” I scream.

  “So, fuckin’ good” he moans with his head thrown back. I can feel how the release affects him as he plants himself inside of me and stills.

  “God babe, every damn time I finish I just want you again. I hope it’s always like this Kaci. Always.” I feel the tears as they release from my eyes. He is healing me one day at a time. I just hope and pray that I’m opening the door to his salvation. Lord knows he’s mine.

  Chapter 15


  After the orgasm, I was in a mind numb haze. I fell into a deep sleep waking the next morning. How the hell did a guy like me get so lucky to get someone like her. I feel like I’m living my dream and any moment I will wake up and find out I’m living a nightmare. One without her again, where I must step back and watch her move on with her life. Without me. I slowly open my eyes and thank my lucky stars that she’s right here in my arms. My club may never be the same again, but at least I have her to come home to and unleash my burdens on while I’m deep inside of her. She will be the welcome end to a disastrous day.

  She’s helping me become more open to the ideas of what my future can hold. I like what it looks like in my mind. Looking at her makes me feel the world spin. Not sure how that’s possible but I swear I feel everything when she’s around. Knowing I need to get out of bed and head back to the clubhouse and check on everyone, I ask her to come with me. She’s up and out of the bed before I end the question. Grabbing my hand and pulling me in the bathroom with her. Guess we’re going to clean ourselves up, it’s a necessity, but I seriously want her to smell like me and I want to feel her on my skin all day.

  It may seem unsanitary to most, but to my inner self it feels like I’m connected to her if I have a piece of her on me. Strange maybe, but I can’t help the way I feel. I need a connection to her-always. I lose myself in thoughts of the club and my brothers as she lathers up the soap and begins to clean me. As much as I want her always, I ignore the way my body ignites when she’s around me…naked.

  After cleaning ourselves for the day, we get dressed and somehow, I make it through breakfast and driving to the clubhouse with loss of time. I went through the motions, but my mind wasn’t all there. Only thing on my mind is a repeat of how we’re going to get through this and move on with our club intact. As we enter the clubhouse, its gloomy inside. Everyone is a walking shadow of their former selves. We have meetings all day on retaliation, getting information from our informants and making plans of attack.

  Other than my brothers and all their well-being I worry about something happening to me and what will that do to Kaci. I know from the way she acts, looks and takes care of me that she won’t survive my loss like I wouldn’t survive hers. I need to make sure she’s taken care of if anything was to happen to me. I excuse myself from everyone and everything to make a couple private phone call. One of those calls is to the clubs’ attorney, I’m leaving everything to Kaci.

  My body is going through the motions but I emotionally feel numb. Since King’s death, I’ve had more memories surface from my childhood that I’d rather not. My father was an abusive son of a bitch and my mother used drugs to numb herself to what had become her life. My first memory as a kid is that of my mom covered in blood and quivering in fear from the beat down my father had delivered upon her. Let’s just say that’s not the last memory of those events. They only get more graphic and horrible than that one. I shiver as I remember some of the worst memories of my life. My dreams of what happened when Tumbler went on vacation with King’s family when I was only ten-years old. That is the summer that changed me. Changed everything inside of me. That summer is the one that left scars, both physical and emotional.

  The next full memory and feeling I have is when we get a frantic phone call that Kid’s been attacked and Lil bit’s been kidnapped. And then a rage hits me, a rage unlike anything I’ve ever felt and known. The kids and women are always safe! They’re protected. They’re motherfuckin’ untouchable! I run to my bike with beside my brothers and we ride, I’m no longer in a daze—my rage has taken over. I’m now a killer, a killer on the hunt for those who hurt my brother and my niece. Maybe not that of my blood but my family all the same.

  I somewhat remember the women all jumping in a car or on the back of our bikes to get to Riley. She’s theirs as my brothers are mine. Not a separate group from us per say, but they’re not exactly like the brotherhood is either. They have their own sisterhood, which I’ve come to learn is much different. The women are their own club in all their rights. Their bond is as strong as mine is with my brothers. Not only are they going to circle around Riley, but they will be Kori’s backbone. They’ll get her through this until we return her baby girl safe and sound. And we will be returning with her regardless of how many dead motherfuckers I have to go through to make it happen.

  Chapter 16


  A couple days before…

  Getting time to myself lately has been a pain in the ass. If not Travler, its one of the girls or my damn brother up my ass. I know we can’t be alone right now and I get it, only I have something I need to take care of and it isn’t anything I’d particularly like anyone along with the trip for. I need to get to my OB doctor. I haven’t been feeling quite like myself lately. I’m nauseous all the time but thankfully whatever person up above is watching out for me I’m not losing the contents of my stomach every time I am. Both of my breast are sensitive and my nipples are sore to touch. I’m moody, achy and downright exhausted. Yep that’s right, I think my man has knocked me up. Not really anything we need right now with everything that’s happening at the club.

  King’s death isn’t the only thing that has the men uptight right now. Us women folk aren’t being told much but Kori she believes it’s her father’s doing. The damn bastard. Why can’t he just leave her and Tic alone and let them move on with their lives. Lila Rose deserves both of her parents without that piece of shit grandfather trying to manipulate and get in the way of her being raised with not only loving parents but a family that would lay their lives down for her. And every single one of those men and all of us women would too. We love that little girl as if she’s been with us since the day she entered the world.

  Kori may have been in hiding to protect not only all of us but herself and her daughter as well, but she was and is our family. My father being lost in his grief isn’t helping either. I have a feeling the club’s not going to stand behind him for long. His sabbatical with Uncle Jed will only be tolerated for so long before his brothers have ‘ta step in and remove him from his rank in the club. Honestly, I could care less what they do to Ryder, Kassi and my sperm donor. Kassi and I have been around the clubhouse more since he’s been gone than we have ever been before.

  It’s hard knowing that because you we’re born the wrong gender that your importance was less than. There were so many times we needed him but knew we could never pick up that phone and make a call and he’d be there. Ryder was that for us. He was our pseudo father and he was our big brother rolled into one. He’s who I called when I felt there was nowhere else to turn. Now, however, since it was my bright idea to keep our relationship secret to see if we could make it work, this is the first time in my life he isn’t the one I’m calling to help me in my current situation. No instead I must figure out a way to get past my prospect babysitter. Poor Levi, he’ll never know what hit him once I make my way past him. I hope Tic and Travler don’t beat the ever-loving shit out of him once I make my escape.

  For once though, I should do this alone. I can’t let a lonely prospect out me to my man and my brother. Those are questions I’m not quite ready to answer yet. Luckily, Levi takes a call from the club and heads to a back room allowing me to make my quick escape. Hi ho-hi ho it’s off to the baby doctor I go. Please let my little bean be okay. I have no idea how far along I am and if in this t
ime, I’ve done anything that could potentially harm him or her. My biggest fear is that it could be a multiple pregnancy. I mean the odds are in favor of such. I am a twin and my man is a twin. Could the twist of fates be so kind to me as to give me just one little bean in my stomach?

  What a cruel twist of fate it would be for me, the one who vowed to never have a child bring more than one in at a time. Of course, the only reason I never wanted one is because I couldn’t see myself giving any other man than Travler my baby. Since it is his baby however, I’m totally accepting this possible pregnancy and the future we can give him or her together.

  I pray that if I am, I am given a son. There are only a very few select women I get along with in this world. I would hate to have a daughter to make me gray due to her becoming me from my teenage years. You know what the saying is, your children are as bad as you were times two. Hell, to the fucking no. I’d be investigated for child abuse. I’d have to put the future hussy in her place twice fold. I was a wild child left to my own upbringing, I can’t imagine having to raise me. And my poor Trav would lose his hair way before it’s time. He can barely handle just one of me, can you imagine him trying to tame two of me at the same time? He’d not only lose his hair prematurely he’d lose his ever-loving mind as well. I just can’t bring myself to do that to him. So, today I’m praying that if my suspicions are true. That not only is there only one, but I give him the male seed he so desperately would need for his sanity and mine.

  Forty-five minutes later I found myself checked in and waiting to be called back. To my surprise, I find a very pissed of Levi slamming into the waiting room. “What the fuck is your malfunction Kaci? He asked me very belligerently I might add.

  “How the fuck did you find me?” is the only thing I can find myself able to say.