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Page 7

  “GPS tracking that’s been put on every lady’s car” is his response as he takes a seat next to me. He looks not only very annoyed with me but pissed off at the same time.

  “Lady trouble, it’s why I’m at the lady doctor. Didn’t think you wanted to hear about my menstrual issues there Levi.” I’m not exactly lying, I am having menstrual issues. Missing one to be exact. The grossed out look on his face tells me he has no comment to that last statement of mine.

  “You still can’t take off like that Kaci, there’s threats to everyone. I can’t keep you safe if I’m having to track you instead of just bringing you myself. You could not only get yourself killed but my brothers would have my head if anything happens to you, you know?” Before I can reply my name is called by the nurse standing in the doorway. I tell Levi to be good and stay there. I don’t need him looking at my vajayjay Trying not to be offended by the look on his face I follow her back like the good girl I am and do the dreaded scale check. The one thing every woman despises.

  “125 is your weight, do you know your height? She asks me. I tell her my height and follow her back to the room where I will await my future.

  “I hear congratulations may be in order. You already peed in the cup once you arrived. The tech will be in shortly for a blood sample as well. In the meantime, is there anything I need to note for the doctor to check on for you? What symptoms are you having other than a missed cycle?” I can’t help but wonder to myself isn’t that enough to question? But being the good girl I’m trying to be I keep my sarcastic comments to myself and give her my symptoms. She makes notes in my charts and informs me the doctor will be in shortly. Shortly my ass I swear I wait yet another Forty-five minutes for the doctor to grace me with her presence. In the meantime, as I awaited her I had my blood drawn and have read every prenatal magazine that was available to me in the room.

  Lost in the magazine where I am now petrified of delivery after one of the articles I jump as the doctor knocks and enters the room. “Kaci, how are you doing dear? I haven’t seen you in a while. Congratulations are in order. You are definitely pregnant. I see, according to your last menstrual cycle, your around 8 weeks along. I’d like to do an ultrasound just to check and make sure everything is as it should be. I hear your having some nausea issues which unfortunately is to be expected at this stage of the game. I’m going to prescribe you something to help with that, but first I would like to take the Doppler and see if we can’t hear this little one’s heartbeat yet.” She says as she helps me lie back and lifts this flimsy little gown the nurse had me chance into after my blood was drawn.

  “Will the father be joining us for this?” The nosey bitch asks.

  “I can have the nurse go get him from the waiting room for you.” Um, I don’t think so.

  “No, he isn’t the father, just a friend who brought me for my appointment.” I tell her.

  “Very well then, let’s just get this one’s heartbeat and I’ll send you to the ultrasound room. Sound good?” As if I’m going to say no to checking out my bean. Maybe I accidentally went to the psych doctor on accident because this bitch is a little on the whacky side if you ask me personally.

  “I’m good with that” I reply. We manage to catch the heartbeat after a few maneuverings of the Doppler. Seems my little one is very active and we have to chase him or her around a bit to get a good reading.

  “Very strong reading-your little one has a very strong heartbeat there for such a little one. 142 strong and active. You may have a fun pregnancy.” The she-devil says with a chuckle. You know what? I want to put a sock in her mouth. Is this seriously a chuckling thing to say to a first-time mother very early on in her pregnancy? This bitch is whack! Seriously, it makes me freaked out this pregnancy isn’t going to be sunshine and roses like you hear about on lifetime. As if I lead a lifetime special movie life anyways. Why should I expect an easy uncomplicated nine-month pregnancy?

  Nothings ever that easy, right? Not in my world anyways I should say. I finally finish with the devil and am escorted to the ultrasound room by my nurse. She’s bubbly and it’s fucking annoying. Why me? I’m not in the mood for these bitches. Another Forty-five minutes later I find myself finished with an ultrasound. Good news only one bean in the oven. I make my appointment for the following month and meet Levi in the waiting room.

  “Ready to go now, Probie, let’s get the fuck out of here please.” He doesn’t question me even though he’s eyeing me suspiciously.

  “After you” he says as we leave and head to the parking lot. The entire way home I’m lost in thought and don’t even remember driving my car home, pulling into the driveway or getting myself into the house and into the shower. Lost in my thoughts of how the hell I’m gonna tell my man he’s going to be a daddy. I hope he’s ready for this because there’s no turning back now.

  Chapter 17



  Hearing that our precious ‘Lil bit had been kidnapped and Kid has been injured is just the damage to break the ice. How much more can happen to this family in such a short amount of time. As soon as we made it to Riley’s side, the guys were amped and ready for a brawl. Can’t say I blame them honestly, if I could’ve joined them I would’ve been right there by their side. Right now, however I’m needed here for Riley and Kori. I can’t even image my bean being taken away from me. What a nightmare. How are parents supposed to make it through this?

  Tic was murderous as Kori yelled out for him to make her father pay. I’ve seen these guys angry but this times different. Not only are they going after King’s murderer they’re also going after an innocent little girl who never asked to be part of this world little alone at the hands of that monster. I can’t believe he’s the reason Kori even exist. She’s so good and honest to have come from a corrupt criminal.

  Trying to get everyone’s mind from the matter at hand I bring up a topic my mind’s always been curious about when it comes to the men and their endowment in the club. The men are all alpha and from the books I read all alpha men are very well built. I know my man is anyways. So, I ask the questionable census. “Okay ladies, question and you can answer if you want but I’ve always been curious. How big is your man?”

  “Oh, my god Kaci! I’ve always wondered the same thing about the other guys. Does cock size match that of their cockiness?” Sadie laughs.

  “We need alcohol for this conversation” Skylar yells.

  “Shots please” Kori screams out. “I might as well numb my mind for not only this conversation but for my peace of mind with not knowing what’s going on with my girl.”

  Oh fuck, now I must come up with a reason to not drink without exposing my secret. “No drinks for me, ladies, I have to stay sober in case we need a designated driver.”

  “I can drive. Pregnant remember” Riley says.

  “We need more than one sober lady to help round up the others. You know how wild and crazy all of us together can get. So, back to the topic at hand…how big is your man? Curiosity killing me here ladies.”

  “My man’s so big he could be a science experiment for the male enhancement what you should look after afterward.” Skylar laughs.

  “I may have just thrown up in my mouth. Eww-gag me already! That’s my brother. Maybe brothers should be off topic. No Kid or Ryder talk” I say.

  “Hey! That’s not fair-I have to listen to you bitches talk about the guys and I can’t talk about my man.” Riley bitches at me.

  “Ignore her Riley, she brought it up she can hear the answers or plug her damn ears. Fucking finicky bitch” Skylar tells the room.

  “Fuck off, Skylar, you sure you want Riley telling you about how big your brother’s junk is” I ask.

  “Tequila for me” Skylar says, “I need to be nice and drunk if I’m gonna have to hear about Kids package.”

  “Tic’s dick is a woman’s wet dream. It’s not only long its girth is huge. I’ve never even dreamed of another man’s cock. I’m perfectly happy with what I have
.” Kori says.

  “We can tell, you have proof with your little girl. The first of us to give into the pregnancy thing.” Smart ass Skylar is fun.

  “Hey! I’m preggers here too. Should we continue with that line? Let me tell you Kid’s so freaking huge and hung sometimes I can’t walk the next day.” Riley informs us.

  “I’ve changed my damn mind. I don’t care about how big your men are. Travler keeps me plenty satisfied with his huge cock.” I tell them.

  “Oooh, Sadie you two are with twins. Is Tumbler as hung as Miss Kaci here claims Travler is?” Kori asks.

  Sadie laughs “Fuck yes! He’s fucking hung that sometimes I wonder what the fuck he’s taking to enhance himself. I mean its unnatural for a man to be that big.”

  “Right!” I scream in my excitement. “Guess they are twins in all ways.”

  We all start laughing like a bunch of teenage girls. Riley and I don’t participate in shots instead indulging ourselves with Dr. Pepper. Next thing I know Riley leans into me to whisper in my ear. “So, my dear, how far along are you exactly?” Without thinking I answer automatically. “Eight weeks.” Then I realize exactly what I’ve done. “Don’t say anything please, I haven’t told Travler yet. I just found out myself.”

  “Promise, but the girls will catch on soon. If they weren’t so wound up with everything they would’ve caught on too.” She tells me.

  “Gotcha” I say. Next thing I know we’re immersed in sex toys talk and the pros and cons of condoms. I have a good con growing inside of me. The more time I have the more I get used to the idea and get wrapped up in excitement over my little bean. Time flew by because the next thing I know we’re getting a phone call to meet the guys at the clubhouse. They have Lila and she’s safe and sound.

  I don’t know what came over me. As soon as I saw Travler I couldn’t help but scream at him in front of everyone that I was pregnant with his baby. Not only does he look surprised but Ryder loses his shit right there and then.

  “Why is my sister running up to you and declaring her pregnancy, brother?” Oh shit, this isn’t going to be good.

  “Ryder! Calm down.” I scream at my brother. “This has nothing to do with you.”

  “Nothing to do with me! You’re my baby sister. This has everything to do with me!” He screams at me.

  “Get out of her face, man. Brother or not, you get in my woman’s face one more fucking time and you’re not going to like the consequences.” Travler calmly states. Only I can see he’s not calm, not really. Actually, not at all.

  “Your woman! What the fuck is going on here Kaci?” Ryder looks right at me as he asks.

  “I asked him to not tell anyone just yet. After King’s death and all the shit, the club’s been going through I thought it best we make sure we’re going to be solid before we go announcing it to everyone. I’m sorry, we never meant to hurt anyone. Especially not you, bubby.” I tell him.

  “Well, ya’ll really fucked that one up, now didn’t you?” I gasp in horror as my brother’s words sink in. Next thing I know, Travler has my brother up against the wall with his hand around his throat.

  “Apologize to her right fucking now!” Trav screams.

  “Trav stop!” I scream frightened. “He’s my brother.”

  “I do not care. You’re my woman to protect, both mentally and emotionally. It doesn’t matter who it is from. You. Are. Mine!”

  “He gets it man, let him breathe.” Tumbler tells his brother.

  Travler lets him go but still keeping a close eye on him. “I won’t apologize for loving your sister, man. You best get over any issues you have with me and her together ‘cause nothin’s changin’. She’s mine and I’m hers. Period. Get over it and move past it or miss out on your future niece or nephew because I will not have her or my child disrespected by you or anyone else. Ever. Understand me brother?”

  “Yeah, I get you, brother. But this isn’t over you and I will be having words. Got it?” Ryder asks Travler.

  “Fine.” My man responds. But my sister just had to have a say in this shit.

  “No worries sister, he’s really gonna use his freak out on me when he finds out I’m fucking both Fern and Malibu.” Kassi says casually like she just announced the sky is blue. I swear Ryder turns so red I think his skull is fixing to pop out of his head.

  “What the fuck has happened to you girls? This is not you, maybe dad was right to keep you from the club. This life is corrupting you both. You’ve lost your god damned minds.” He slams his hand in the wall as he leaves for his dorm room with Sky following closely behind him. My brother doesn’t realize it yet, but he just broke some of the bond I’ve had with him since I was a kid. He’s now just like our dad in my eyes.

  “It’s okay Kassi, though you owe me details.” I say to her to distract her from the pain and heartache I see in her eyes. Malibu comes up to her and wraps her in his arms.

  “We should go pick up Fern, Kassi. A lot happened tonight, he’s coming down from the fighting and information he’s had to hear. Not to mention we had to have a vote concerning your father. I can’t tell you any more than that just know this has been a hard night for us all. Give him time and let Sky take care of him. Things will be different tomorrow you’ll see.” Malibu says as he wraps his arms around my sister’s waist and escorts our out of the club.

  “Details, Kassi” I scram at my sister as she’s exiting the door with whose apparently, her man. Does that make Fern her woman?

  “Let’s go home, babe” Travler says to me. “I have a lot to talk to you about and it seems you have a bunch of explaining to do as well.”

  Chapter 18


  I’m so fucked up in my head right now. Learning King had a sister who orchestrated not only his murder but the kidnapping of Lila. Yes, Kori’s dad was a huge part of it, playing off her grief and abandonment issues from her brother. This Whitney woman is a bitch. Why didn’t she just reach out to her brother instead of killing him and take our Prez from us. Kid has an aunt he must decide if lives or dies, a dead father, a mother in the psych house and a club falling apart.

  On top of all this bullshit, I am now bringing a kid into this world. This world of violence and brotherhood and love and honor. But most of all, I know I now will have no choice but to deal with my demons. Ones that can destroy my being the best father I can be. They kind of father my child deserves to have in his or her life. I now have to face the abuse I suffered at the tender age of ten years old. The abuse my parents laid upon me that summer. The summer my life changed and the summer I vowed to not only ever love anyone besides my brother, but the summer I vowed to never have a child of my own.

  Hearing Kaci announce she’s pregnant changed my plans of no children coming from my loins. I felt a roar inside of me screaming mine, they’re both mine. A voice telling me to protect, love and honor both of them until I take my dying breath, which will not be for a long time yet if I have any type of say in the matter. And Kaci has now officially sealed her fate. She’s stuck with me for now and forever. Looks like it’s time to put a ring on it and take that walk down the aisle. It’s time to make us official in more than one way. I wonder how she’ll take the fact that I will not be giving her a choice in the matter. Yes, is the only option she has. I won’t lose her or my kid for nothing in this world.

  Once we make it home and walk through the front door, I give her no choice but to take what my body is demanding I give her. I slam my mouth on hers and walk her over to the couch. Being careful of the fact that she’s having to walk backwards. Can’t have my baby’s momma tripping over something while she’s carrying my kid in her belly. My kid, something so new and foreign all of a sudden seems so natural and wanted.

  Once we make it to the couch I gently lay her down as I come down over her. Being as careful as I can in my want for her and her body. I have a gnawing need of needing to feel her sweet pussy clamp my dick. Feeling her tight wet heat as it surrounds me as I enter and exit her tight as
fuck channel. My thoughts have my dick so worked up it’s as hard as steel pushed up against the zipper of my jeans. If I don’t remove it from its confinement it will become one with the zipper itself.

  “I need to fuck you babe, please tell me it’s safe to take you hard with our baby growing inside of you.”

  “Yes Travler, it’s safe to take me however you please. Our bean is protected inside of me. It takes a lot to lose a baby if it’s not natures doing. Fuck me baby, fuck me like you want me, like you need me. Make me feel your love for us.” She says to me.

  “As you wish love” as you wish seems to be my favorite line to use with her these days, especially where it comes to me taking her body. I strip her clothing off one article at a time enjoying the view I’m given as I take in her newly developing body. Her tits are a tad bigger, how I’d not noticed tells me I’m not giving my girl the attention she needs and deserves. After I take her shirt and bra off I can’t help but explore her ripe swollen nipples. I make love to her dusty rose nipples with my tongue I devour first her right and once I feel it’s been properly loved I move on to her left. Giving them both equal amounts of attention.

  “God babe, your nipples are fucking perfect for my taking. So, damn responsive to my ministrations. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. It’s as if your body needs mine as bad as I do yours.” Sliding my tongue down her stomach I play with her bellybutton as I remove first the button from its place and slowly zip her jeans down. She reacts to my slow torture on her body.

  “Please Travler, I need you. I’m dripping wet while I wait for you to make it to where I need you most. Tease and torture me another time, I’m aching for you and need you. Please don’t make me wait to feel you deep inside of me.”

  “I will always take care of you and your needs babe.” I say as I remove her jeans and panties from her body in one swipe down her legs and off from her body. Looking at her perfect pussy makes my mouth water with the need to taste her on my tongue. Only thing stopping me from feasting on my pussy is the fact that she has a need for me to fill her up with my dick and cum. Instead of slamming my dick into his home I slowly work myself up using her lubrication to make my entrance smoother. I take the tip of my dick and slide it through her lips getting him nice and wet. Once I’m satisfied he’s well lubricated I have this urge to slide my entire length through her pussy lips. The friction is enough to make me moan in anticipated pleasure.